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Snapdragon's daily check in (again) *sigh*

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:20 pm
by snapdragon
Starting all over.
Today sun August 28 S day

B..two scrambled eggs sprinkled with parmesan
L..Baked potato with cheese, green onions,bacon bits, and some sour cream
Several cheese and crackers...ugh feel gross

Dinner is going to be taco salad and a brownie and maybe fruit too.

Want to focus on what I did instead of eating or thinking about eating!

bought a bird feeder because we have baby Cardinals in the front yard.

looked up information about birds like incubation, and the life of a baby bird with the kids.

kids entertained me and my mom by dressing up in various costumes from things around the house.

Played trains with little man.

A fun day over all might end the evening reading out loud to kiddos. see what free classics I can download on my ipad :wink:

goodnight all

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:36 pm
by determined
Hi Snapdragon...

I'm a Start-Overer too. No matter how far I stray though, I know this is the best eating plan for me. Here's congrats on starting again!


Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:12 pm
by snapdragon
thanks for the encouragement Janie!!


Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:14 pm
by tobiasmom
WE CAN DO THIS!!!! I mean........WE WILL DO THIS!!!!!

Have a wonderful week!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:13 am
by milliem
Welcome back Snapdragon :) Sounds like you had a good Sunday!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:00 pm
by Pangelsue2
Many of us return to try again. I love that you are listing what you are doing rather than focusing on what you ate. I might steal that idea from you. I am working on living more and obsessing less. Great idea. Best of luck. I think we all need to stay focused. No matter how successfully a drug addict or alcoholic kick their habits, they still attend meetings if they are wise because it is way too easy to backslide. For those of us with a lifetime of issues with eating, I don't think we can ever say, "there, now I am done. I will never make poor eating choices again." I think we have to stay on top of it somehow the rest of our lives or backsliding will happen to us as well. There are many ways to attend "meetings" but I think it works best to find a forum that keeps us honest. This is a lovely one. Welcome back.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:57 am
by snapdragon
Thank you Pangelsue! I agree. I am tired of the mental part of this obsessing about what I am eating or not going to eat or what I have eaten ect.

B...two scrambled eggs with parmesan two coffee with 2percent milk and a few slices of water melon

L...leftover taco salad

Banana-because it was going to be a late dinner due to soccer

D....Middle Eastern Kebabs with my own tahini pepper sauce I created, turmeric quinoa ( was out of rice and it worked awesomely) and some garlicky cauliflower and broccoli.

Panglesue go ahead and do an instead of list!!! I would love to see it!!

Instead of......Decluttered the kitchen counter and managed to fold some laundry. Did not get much else done because of a doctor appointment today.
Long story short have a hard lump in my leg had an MRI and x-ray now the doctor wants me to see a specialist downtown Chicago.

I am slightly freaked out He did make sure I understood not all tumors are cancer. I did something stupid and googeld cancer tumers in leg and read all sorts of horror stories about amputations.

I am proud to say I did not eat after dinner and I really wanted to!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:39 am
by Pangelsue2
Best of luck with your doctor's visit. My prayers are with you. Keep us updated.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:16 pm
by determined
Snapdragon....Seeing a specialist has to be stressful. I hope you don't have to wait long before you go...waiting is so difficult when you just want to find out what's wrong....

Hang in there....janie


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:21 pm
by tobiasmom
Thinking of you. Sorry you're going through this right now. Awesome job handling your emotions without food! That is HUGE.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:56 pm
by snapdragon
thank you everyone :D Got things put I to perspective this morning when I ran into an old friend of mine. We were chatting and I asked her about her son and she told me he committed suicide a little over a year ago.
Whwn I came home my DH told me a friend of ours was in a terrible car accident. Someone crossed over the yellow line and plowed into him and the they died, not sure how his friend is. Tried to contact him, he is in serious condition. Sooooo time to be grateful....
on that note my five year old woke me upnthis morning to come look at the sky, how cute is that!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:13 pm
by Pangelsue2
Way to go, Snapdragon. Everybody's got stuff to deal with sometimes. You are going through a rough time and putting it in perspective. That is all we can do when things get rough. There really is no choice but to move forward one day, one minute, sometimes one second at a time. Mark Twain was a great worrier. Here are a couple of his gems:

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.

I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.

I especially like that last one because it says we put ourselves through so much pain with our worrying.

So, try to stick with this day, this minute, this second. Sounds like that is what you are doing anyway.

God hears prayers.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:45 pm
by Who Me?
There's a fine line between being the best possible advocate for your own health, and freaking yourself out with too much online reading. I've got a brain cyst (aaaaaugh! a growth in my BRAIN!!!!) that I'm told I'm not supposed to sorry about. The doctors have known about it gir two years, and I try very hard not to think about it.

Hang in there.

We're all thinking good thoughts for you.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:11 pm
by snapdragon
thank you all for the encouragement.

yesterday was a success!

B...two scrambled eggs with parm, watermelon and some coffee with milk.

L...leftover turmeric quinoa with sautéed kale and white eggplant from my garden (loved this and am going to put into regular Lu ch rotation so many possibilities!)

D...barilla plus pasta with sautéed veggies and a small salad.
I did eat a few extra mouthfuls after but for the sake of my all or nothing mentality I decided if I did not eat the rest of the night it would be a success,and it was! While my DH stuffed himself with chocolate biscuits I drank herb tea.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:51 pm
by Who Me?
What lovely-sounding meals!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:38 pm
by snapdragon
Thank you who me :D

Another success!
B....scrambled eggs with veggies and some watermelon and the usual coffee.
L....The last of the quinoa and an apple with some almond butter
D....Chipoltles tacos The brown rice and black bean kind and a handful of chips.

I also ate a date about an hour afternlunch with some coffee. Felt hunger but not really if that makes sense.

instead of eating or thinking about food......
Organized a cabinet in my kitchen (everything used to fall out when I opened it)

Took a bike ride.

Took my son to the park.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:42 pm
by snapdragon
So far so good today.

B...scrambled egg whites with veggies and an apple with some cashew butter.
L...some spicy Asian tuna salad on crackers and some sugar snap pease.
Wish I ate more though. I ate earlier than I wanted too but DH was home and hungry and I wanted to eat with him. Will have some milk if I need it later.

Planning on having a hearty salad with steak for dinner.

had a good workout in the basement did a little circuit training. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:38 pm
by snapdragon
Okay today is a red challenge just eat dinner.
shuld have had a bigger lunch.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:58 pm
by milliem
You're doing really well snapdragon :) Takes a bit of time to get back into knowing the right meal portions. Hope you're having a good Friday!

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:35 pm
by determined
Snapdragon...You're doing so well....better than you think you are! Red days are a pain, aren't they? I hope you can remember how many more green you've had than red & just move on. Don't let it sidetrack you - you're going to win this battle!


Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:07 pm
by snapdragon
thanks for the support guys feeling a little sensitive and weepy lately which is very out of character for me.
Went out for breakfast so will have a late lunch and Light salad for dinner since it's so hot out.

I am planning on making oat-date scones for breakfast this weekend, and a peach pie for Sunday dinner(if the peaches cooperate) and I have some dark chocolate for sat night. Seems like I might of already overdone it!!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:35 am
by snapdragon
Another red day but not a complete disaster. A few bites of the chocolate and a doughnut my DH bought home. sometimes when I mess up my attitude is..."well I already messed up so might as well go nuts." so I did not do that.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:49 am
by NoSnacker
snapdragon wrote:Another red day but not a complete disaster. A few bites of the chocolate and a doughnut my DH bought home. sometimes when I mess up my attitude is..."well I already messed up so might as well go nuts." so I did not do that.
Are you referring to Saturday or Friday...?

I had a blow out yesterday at a birthday party...but that is okay it is Saturday, working on the wildness of course..slow progress there.

AND that is awesome you did not give in to those thoughts. I bet 90% of us on these boards have thought that thought a thousands times...Great job on getting past it.

Give yourself a hug...

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:43 pm
by snapdragon
Friday was a red day. Sat wasn't too out of control had some pop chips in the afternoon then. Big bowl of tortelinni and pesto for dinner and some dark chocolate later. It wasnt out of control. I lost two pounds over last week. Not a great deal as my weight fluctuates, if I lose a pound this week it will feel like a real loss.
I made a peach pie this morning and a huge bowl of salsa. Tonight gonna grill some steaks and corn and make some chimmichurri. Will be a feast foe sure!.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:13 pm
by snapdragon
Yesterday was an s day and a bit wild.
hope I can reign it in a little today. I am on edge and not going to be too hard on myself u til after my appt tomorrow.Was up all night unable to sleep. I was woken up this morning at five am to a train blowing it's whistle. Then sirens. Apparently a train hit an empty car this morning near my house!!!
I always cringe at that sound because a neighboring town (my hometown) had several teen suicides by train in over the past few years. awful because I know one of the parents.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:29 pm
by determined
Snapdragon...That's awful. The poor family! I hope this accident was just the car...


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:23 pm
by snapdragon
It was just an empty car. I wonder if it was kids taking a car to see what would happen.

yesterday was a green day, barely though. I have my appointment downtown today, glad it's finally here.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:59 pm
by snapdragon
If I make it through the day itnwill be another green day!
Doctor visit went well, am having the lump removed next Tuesday and he thinks it will be benign.
old habits die hard I wanted to celebrate my good health with junk food :oops:

B....two scrambled eggs wit pram, banana, 2cups of coffee with milk.
L... 2 string cheeses and a few handfuls of tortilla chips. My appointment went on forever so went with the flow.
D....Turmeric quiona with sauted spinach and tofu. Was a little salty though.
I finished with some watermelon and iced green tea.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:10 pm
by snapdragon day after all. Came home late starving and DH was eating marmite on crackers so I joined him and ate loads of chocolate too.
One of these days I'll get there.


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:32 pm
by tobiasmom
I totally get it! I've been there these past few months! But I know this will work for us! We WILL get there!

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:23 pm
by determined
Snapdragon...You WILL get there! You absolutely will.


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:07 pm
by snapdragon
Thank you guys. It's odd how comforting encouragement from anonymous strangers is. you would think I have PMS or something (which I don't) :D

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:18 am
by NoSnacker
Hi, just stopping by taking my 1/2 hour stroll thru the posts.

So you were on spark, what was your screen name..mine was debrabuf..I believe I belonged to that team but found No S Team thru Oolala and then made my way here.

I was on there since 8/08, had some ups and downs..did get up to 195 and stuff to it for 6 months faithfully and lost 35lbs..but I just couldn't count anymore and even with allowed snacks I was constantly wanting to eat..

I think with no s there is no snack, therefore no binging..once I get past the wanting to continue to eat I'm good.

I went to a wake tonight and someone I haven't seen in awhile asked if I lost weight I said not really..but if they haven't seen me since 195 then i guess at 168 i would look like i lost weight.

I'm finding I am just not binging during the weekends my old self appears..but it will get better I have not doubt..just going to let it happen naturally.

So how long were you on spark?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:14 pm
by snapdragon
I am coming up to a year on Spark my name there is Snapdragon too. I weigh more now than when I started!!!! I first came across no s years ago and only halfheartedly tried it but revisited it again watching OHLALA's encouraging posts. I still look at the 21 day streak now and then but I find my time gets sucked out and before I know it I lost half the day and got nothing productive done then scramble and get stressed.

yesterday was a success barely but I made it.
B...a few handfuls of trail mix.
L...frozen trader joes entree pasta with Brie and asparagus and a few fresh figs.
D...Pita with tatziki and grilled chicken and some fruit.

I am focusing mainly on no snacking and no sweets during the week and for now aiming for no seconds but I have a hard time with that more because I pick or grab just one more bite. Working on that!!!!

my husband ate three regular sized candy bars and half a box of chocolates while watching tv. I am glad to report I did not give in!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:28 pm
by determined
snapdragon wrote:
yesterday was a success barely but I made it.

my husband ate three regular sized candy bars and half a box of chocolates while watching tv. I am glad to report I did not give in!!!!
Snapdragon...certainly sounds like a successful day to me! I think those days when I feel as if I barely make it are the ones that are cementing my habits. If I don't give in on the hardest days, I'm another step closer to winning this battle once & for all....

Well done!!!


Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:33 am
by snapdragon
Yay another green day and it was a bit easier. I get a little worried on the weekends because I don't want to lose momentum.

B....1egg, 1 sausage, 1 lightly buttered toast. Two fresh figs and two coffees.

L....pumpkin soup with a pretzel to dip into, and a spinach salad with trail mix to bulk it up.

D....a big plateful of spaghetti in red sauce with lots of parm.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:05 pm
by Pangelsue2
You have had a stressful month and have a little more stress ahead to remove the bump. I think you are doing wonderfully well. Since my whole too-many-doctors-month, I have never really gotten back on track. I still managed to lose a pound during that time but I have not had a successful green day in over a month. I am letting my body come down off panic mode, get used to the status quo and move on. To do that, I had to relieve stress in other areas of my life. So I am eating healthy but not really worrying a lot about when. I'll get there and I think I will know when I am ready.

Your news from the doctor was wonderful but it doesn't change the fact that you had a scare and you have had to take a long look at mortality. That is a very unsettling and stressful feeling. Baby yourself for a while. Enjoy your green days, let your red days go and continue to do the very best you can.

You mentioned how comforting support from strangers is. I agree. I think it might be because many times strangers have a very objective viewpoint and can see us as our families and friends can't. Also, we can be more honest with strangers and they can be honest with us.

Hang in there, girl. You know you want this. You have been pursuing it for a long time. Slowly but surely, you are changing.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:36 pm
by snapdragon
A Scarlett weekend for me satuday was a three hour chocolathon! Sunday was a little better working on being on the right track.

panglesue- thank you for your kind supportive words. I guess it's now how many times you fall but how many times you get back up again and keep trying.
I bet you inspire more people than you know.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:28 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi thanks for stopping by my post...So what do you usually do on the weekends as far as No S?

I know I'm struggling with weekends, but I'm sure it will only get better...

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:55 pm
by snapdragon
Usually on the weekends I try and stick with three meals and try to have desert after dinner instead of waiting until late at night because it is old behavior. If I'm out shopping and there is a sample that looks good I will have it. But if I am at home I still avoid snacking because this almost always leads to a binge.It seems like if I am out and about it's not as much of a problem. I guess they are modifications but I feel safer this way because I keep going back and forth with habits, I have a hard time reigning it in on Monday's.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:51 pm
by snapdragon
Monday and tuesday were s days for me. I had surgery yesterday and had to fast so I had a late night meal which I probably did not need. My procedure was at noon so I could of probably dealt with it. I had some candy with DH last night as a celebration.

Back on track today. I realize I can't just declare an s day whenever things go awry so time to reign it in.

The surgery went well, the tumor was about the size of a walnut and the doctor said he would be shocked if it were cancerous. Felt great when I woke up and haven't taken any pain meds but staring to get sore. Gonna take a nap now and read your checkins later!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:45 pm
by determined

I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well & that the dr. is fully expecting the tumor to be benign. That's wonderful news....what a relief for you & your hubbie.

I hope the healing process is quick & easy for you...


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:47 pm
by kccc
determined wrote:Snapdragon...

I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well & that the dr. is fully expecting the tumor to be benign. That's wonderful news....what a relief for you & your hubbie.

I hope the healing process is quick & easy for you...

What Janie said, exactly.

Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:55 am
by snapdragon
thanks for all the well wishes....I am currently high on pain meds so forgive any incoherencies. I did not take any meds until later as the day went on started feeling worse.

today was a success!!!!
B.....Mastamacher (spelling?) rye bread toasted with butter and two coffee with half and half.
L....Went to Fridays with DH split some fried appetizers and had a wedge salad.
D....made some soup from leftover rotisserie turkey, was turkey rice and potatoes with some veggies in chicken broth and I put some half and half to make it creamy. It was good, I also had a spinach salad, with a homemade buttermilk herb dressing.

I need to go to bed can't keep my eyes open!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:00 am
by Pangelsue2
Congratulations on the successful surgery. It sounds like you are getting right back on track. Take it easy and relax. I am very happy for you and your family.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:14 am
by NoSnacker
snapdragon wrote:B.....Mastamacher (spelling?) rye bread toasted with butter and two coffee with half and half.
From reading these posts, I'm glad to hear all went well for you with the surgery and the results were in your favor!!!!

As for the bread above..I bought that as well..I tried the sunflower one and the whole grain one...I love the bread but don't eat it too often as I'm not a huge fan of rye and it seems all of the breads have too much rye for me.

p.s. thanks for stopping by my post to say hi!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:16 pm
by snapdragon
Trying to relax and stay off my leg...bored.......want to eat randomly from boredom......ho hum trying to push lunch off until 1130 or noon.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:10 pm
by Pangelsue2
Give yourself full and happy permission to take a sick day off and then see if you still want to. Sometimes, taking the forbidden away makes it less appealing. Watch some favorite movies, have popcorn for lunch. Think how good it feels to have it over with. In other words, take some "Me" time and do what makes you happy.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:19 am
by determined

Just checking in to find out how you're doing...I hope your leg is healing well!


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:58 am
by snapdragon
thank you Janie!!!!
My leg is finally feeling better today I bumped it over the weekend and ended up going to my oldests soccer game, and I wasn't planning on walking much but had to go to the bathroom really bad and it was a long walk to the got a bit rough....but today it's better.

had a moderately wild weekend involving apple pie and hershey bars.

today was a success...I think it's my first successful Monday !

B...Mastamacher rye bread toasted with sour cream on top.
L...Amys natural Mac and cheese (from the freezer) a small salad with homemade buttermilk herb dressing, and a pluot I think pluots are one of the most delicious fruits ever!!!!( they are a plum apricot hybrid)
D... Taco night with some sautéed was a big plate :oops:
A few grapes.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:47 am
by snapdragon
Another success! Wanted to eat several times today and didn't. luckily the urge wasn't too strong.

B..two eggs with veggies and parm two Italian plums (prune plums)
L..17bean and barley soup and a few veggies and dip and a peach
D..roast chicken and potatoes homemade gravey, with buttered garlicky broccoli. A small wedge of watermelon.

I find a little fruit after every meal helps me stop eating. For right now it might not technically fit on my plate but it's better than picking and eating those extra bites. baby steps here. Will start making sure it will fit on my plate when I get my sea legs here.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:59 am
by determined

You're doing great! You're so wise to figure out what works & not worrying if that piece of fruit fits perfectly on the plate.

We're going to win this!!!


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:12 pm
by snapdragon
It's a beautiful fall day at took an hour long walk which felt good to get some exercise after not being able to. I hope I don't regret it later. My youngest stRted preschool recently and this is the first time in thirteen years I have had this kind of freedom! It's only two mornings a week but it's great!

Already struggling today eat oatmeal just doesn't fill me up like everyone else.

B... Oatmeal made with milk and cashew butter and dried apricots.
L...probably bean soup and chips and salsa.
D...not sure something with the leftover chicken feeling uninspired.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:01 am
by SkyKitty
Finally someone else who doesn't get filled up by porridge (oatmeal).

I like it but I still get hungry quickly afterwards. I always think, wow, am I just a really greedy person because it should fill me up all the way through to lunch....?

I find toast, or bread in some other form, much more filling in the morning.

I hope you didn't regret the exercise :D The best way maybe to take advantage of a little more free time, to get out and walk in the open air.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:17 pm
by r.jean
Try adding protein of some sort..some nuts perhaps?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:03 pm
by snapdragon
Jean, I did put milk and cashews in, but I guess I'm just weird :?

Yesterday turned out a failure and today too yesterday I ate tons of garlic bread as I was making dinner and today I had two packages of Oreo cakesters. Need to rally and get back on track!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:47 am
by Who Me?
Hang in there!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:30 pm
by snapdragon
Thanks who me!

Grrrrr....... dinner at 430 it was leftover casserole from the other night it was awesome. I ate it early cuz I just wanted to EAT. I am done for the night. I think it's going to be a tough one.
B was an egg on toast and a pear and coffees
L was bean soup.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:25 pm
by snapdragon
Barely made it last night. I felt a little bad about eating such a big dinner because it was pretty high in calories. I feel better about it this morning because I could of made it much worse by eating junk late last night. I did what I had to, to get through that moment.
I had the thought in my Mind that I already messed up two days and it was a Friday after all so why not start the weekend early?

Have a delicious desert planned called chocolate revel bars. I am also making pot roast tonight so it should be a comfy dinner tonight.
We have a soccer tournament this weekend and my husband is coaching nine games back to back tomorrow!!!! I think I will make him some chili in a thermose to go.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:14 pm
by Lily x
Well done on getting through that evening - that must've been tough!

Thanks for stopping by my check in thread. Really appreciated that. Hope you've had a good weekend. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:29 am
by gk
snapdragon wrote:Barely made it last night. I felt a little bad about eating such a big dinner because it was pretty high in calories. I feel better about it this morning because I could of made it much worse by eating junk late last night. I did what I had to, to get through that moment.
I do what have to, to get through the moment. Some of my most successful weeks in the past are the weeks that consist of cereal for breakfast and a BIG meal at lunch and dinner. Sometimes I feel a little guilty at how much I'm eating at each meal, but I stay fuller that way and have less trouble with getting the munchies. Ironically, in the past, those are the weeks that I have lost weight, even though my plates have high-calorie foods. (Now, if I could just stick to those days I wouldn't be gaining it back!!) Goes to show how much snacking all day with sweets can add up! Good job resisting! :)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:38 pm
by NoSnacker
I read thru a few of the posts here..and oatmeal does not fill me up either and I put nuts and milk in as well. Now if I eat a bagel and piece of fruit I do get full...

Thanks for stopping by my post. I was only off for a week and went right back to my old I'm trying to turn this day into a green day!

Catch ya around!

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:41 pm
by snapdragon
Two failures in a row.....stupid stupid donuts!!!!!!!!

I always give myself the excuse that "it's the time of the month and it's inevitable" .
Okay time to move on. I have yet to make it a full week!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:41 am
by NoSnacker
Hi there, I don't know what it is with the hormone connection, but I read somewhere that your body requires extra calories..mine used to be a few days beforehand.

So you mentioned on my post that we need to be hard on ourselves before the binge and if we binge forgive ourselves and move on. Would you care to share some of the ways you do this? I totally have been turning off my mind to the consequences of binging, until it is over, or the next morning when I start the whole I'm going to do it today for sure...just to fail.

But I know this is an awesome way of life...and I see it can work as I maintained for 3 months, well lost a couple, maintained, struggling now and gained the few I did lose..but that is okay..

Oh ya, how do get the donuts, are they in your home?

Have a great day...hope all your donuts are gone :)

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:46 pm
by snapdragon
No Snacker a bit lengthy....

I often rationalize the binge in my mind. It's okay I'll start tomorrow well I messed up so I'll go down in a flame of glory! I had a period of time where I was able to resist the binge by thinking of what I will do instead.....get the boring housework done, enjoy the beautiful weather...a mix of boring tasks that need to be done and fun things to do. Other tactics that work are I won't today or I will go one hour without. it helps to get out of myself and think of ways to be useful to others. Do nice little things for my husband or kids, encourage others who struggle like I do.....and distraction, distraction distraction! Enjoy life instead of thinking about food and my weight.

Of course those of us with a spiritual life have an advantage in this (in my opinion anyway) We have the serenity prayer, the St. Francais prayer, one of my favorite prayers I'd "God, help me with the next right thought or action." I need to actually enlarge my spiritual life instead of just thinking about it or reading about how others do but put those tools into action in my daily life.

All of these are habits to be cultivated like anything else and I often need reminders to practice these things.
After I binge I just have to move on instead of wallowing in self pity and remorse

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:03 pm
by NoSnacker
snapdragon wrote:"God, help me with the next right thought or action."

All of these are habits to be cultivated like anything else and I often need reminders to practice these things.

After I binge I just have to move on instead of wallowing in self pity and remorse
I like the prayer...I will try that first. I know I have to move past that remorse and self-pity for sure..and a big key is I can do this...I think part of me knows I'm older and it seems the weight doesn't come off like when I was in my 20, 30, 40's....


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:28 am
by snapdragon

I feel like I limped across the finish line today. This morning I just wanted to eat I actually got this physical sensation like I got when I quit smoking. I have had this before after a few bad days in a row and wonder if it's sugar withdrawal!!! I was so disheartened this morning to look at the clock and it was only 10 am. I still feel it now, gonna have a hot bath and go to bed!!!

B....two eggs with veggies and cheese, some coffee with half and half
L....skipped what I was going to have and had a rather large plate of pasta with pesto and a salad.
D...curried chicken alla king in puff pastry cups (one) and some squash I roasted in the oven with a little oil salt and pepper.

the squash was called golden nugget a new one for me and It was sliced and tasted a little like French fries. They were really good.

Have a good night everyone!!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:42 am
by NoSRocks
Yummy! That squash does sound good, snapdragon! Anything that closely resembles fries is okay in my book!! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:40 pm
by snapdragon
Crazy wild weekend food wise. Two kids in soccer tournaments, I watched.Eight Games this weekend some as late as ten pm in a town an hour away. And another tournament next weekend. ,which will make it three weekends in a row. I am soccered out!!!!

My iPad is going crazy with the punctation and I'm too lazy to fix it.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:59 pm
by snapdragon
Last week was pretty good Monday was a failure due to one slice of cake after dinner. I did not always make the healthiest of choiced but in the end it was successful. Had a wild weekend.....almost made it but last night got a little crazy with the caramel crumb bars I made :cry:

today I ate big meals but only three hoping to make it as i am going to hunker down and watch a movie with the kids and not eat any popcorn.

I am a little upset because I have not lost any weight yet. I need to make consistent healthy choices and do better on the weekends. Why is it so hard???

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:21 am
by NoSnacker
I think the reason it is hard is because not like any other addiction we have to eat. I'm sure you heard that one before.

I quit smoking a few times over to finally succeed, but only because I did not have to buy a pack and could avoid at all costs...but food, if we don't eat we die.

For me, once food touches my mouth especially dinner onwards, I just don't stop..but that is my binge issues that I'm going to go back to counseling to see if I can get some help with it...

No S is the best plan around but I know most people say it takes a very long time to get where you would like to be..but it truly is worth it if the sanity with food stays in check.

Thanks for stopping by my page.


Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:34 pm
by snapdragon
a success!

B....egg on toast
L.....a mini turkey sandwich on a pretzel dinner roll with a salad with blue cheese and craisins with homemade dressing.
D.....creamy chicken spaghetti casserole with a salad.

Time to get stricter about one plate at meal times. I have been working on binge eating for a year and no s for a while. My weight is ten ponds heavier than it was when I started this process. I feel very depressed and about it. I avoid going places ect......

For right now I think what's the point of weighing myself since I am always trying to lose weight and nothing seems to change. I am planning on just getting rid of my scale for once and for all, and focusing on habits. I will or won't lose weight.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:08 pm
by NoSnacker
I know that darn scale...I try to stay off as much as possible it only fuels my desire to binge, not make me run the other way from food..

We will get other way right!

I hope we both find our green day today..sounds like you have so far...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:28 am
by snapdragon
Total failure:-(

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:46 pm
by snapdragon
Oooops it's been longer than I thought since last check in!!!! This past week I haven't been following this plan too well. I haven't overeaten or done anything crazy just rebelled a bit. Getting back on track. I am being easy on myself since it's THAT TIME. Today is DH's birthday so there will be desert. I have not figured out a strategy yet though. We are actually working at a fundraiser at Culvers (a fast food place known for it's butter burgers and frozen custard) I don't think I want a burger so will try to have something healthy before I go and just get a custard while I am there.

Ps does desert have two ss dessert desert eh which is witch.

B.....half a bagel with cream cheese, a scrambled egg and half an apple.
(I only ate the good half of the bagel with all the yummy seeds and garlic and left the other half for my other half)

Wow the sun just came out have a good day everyone!!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:34 pm
by milliem
Dessert is the sweet stuff, desert is the sandy place ;)

Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time last week, but hope you enjoy your hubbie's birthday! I'm not sure what a butter burger is but it sounds tasty ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:40 pm
by snapdragon
Lol thanks Millie.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:37 pm
by snapdragon
Okay so I am going to start a mod today.
Three plates of food a day with three cheats a week. I aim for them on the weekend but not necessarily.
My plates will always have produce on them, preferably half my plate but that could be hard on occasion.
I am allowed either milk or a milky beverage between meals if I am struggling.
Things like mochas or pumpkin lattes are sweets along with muffins and sweet breads(not animal testicle sweet breads) things like banana and cranberry bread. Sampling cheese at Costco on the weekends are cheats too. I am going to give myself a month on this and see what happens I might need to modify further.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:45 pm
by milliem
Hiya snapdragon, good luck with your new mod! I've often contemplated a more flexible way of tracking sweets and treats over the week, interested to see if it works for you :)

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:59 pm
by snapdragon
Yeeesh can't believe it's been so long since last check in. I really have to figure this out. I do best when I post my meals so here I go

B...two scrambled eggs with parm and two coffees with two percent milk.

L...sounds weird but a small scoop of pasta salad, a small scoop of broccoli salad a few left over spicy shrimp and a cocktail rye bread with pimento spread. it all fit on my plate with space in between.

D....will be tacos and a veg not sure what yet, probably a salad.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:22 am
by snapdragon
The 15th was a failure well sorta I guess If I'm going by my mod I used up m Y three s's.

Today a success and a hard one
B....Greek yoghurt with oats and two coffees beans and rice, small salad and some fruit.
D....a pasta dish with ham and garlic and onions super duper yummy.

I am gonna try to make it through to thanksgiving without taking an s day. Just to practice self control.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:50 am
by snapdragon
Talk about being inconsistent!!!!
I am considering today a success though I had a few extra bites of food, I feel a little back on track after the holiday.

B...two pieces of rye toast with hummus a Clementine and two coffee with two percent.

L...a cup of navy bean soup, and a turkey avocado wrap, and a couple of kumquats. I had a little of some Greek yogurt I bought. I picked up some whole milk vanilla Greek yogurt and really wanted to try it. It is Devine. I really am not a yogurt fan but for some reason I decided to try it and can't wait for breakfast tomorrow.

D....cottage pie, and a salad. I also ate a handful of pomegranate seeds and some raw veggies. I did put a little extra on my p,ate becuase I was so distracted when serving I only put a really small portion on my plate.

I also manages some cardio at the gym fifteen minutes on the treadmill, I ran a little there and fifteen on an elliptical which I had to force myself to finish becuase it was so boring.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:47 am
by snapdragon
B...Whole milk vanilla Greek yogurt and half a pomegranate and two coffees
L....half a turkey avocado cheese wrap, cup of bean soup, and half an apple with cinnamon.
D...two chicken fajitas, chips and salsa, and an extra handful of chips. Not a failure as I am getting my sea legs back.

No exercise today but was busy and did not think about food all day!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:45 pm
by snapdragon
B...more Greek yogurt with pomegranate and two coffees
L...half a turkey avocado, and cheese wrap with a cup of bean soup
D...leftovers shepherds pie, some rice and two dates

Today was a bit of a failure becuase I atena handful of peanuts this afternoon.

Hopefully I won't eat the rest of the day.

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:18 pm
by snapdragon's December first. I really want to commit to being healthy and actually losing weight. My birthday is in march and I really want to see some results by then. I am feeling discouraged becuase I have not lost any weight, but need to be honest about how closely and consistently follow this plan which really should not be this hard!!!!! I am going to write down what I eat even on s days so I can see what's really going in.
I am afraid to set a goal for weightloss but am going to do it anyway. I would like to lose twenty pounds by the end of March. That will be five pounds a mont. I don't think that's unreasonable, especially that would get me out of the obese range in my BMI.

Today's weigh in 182.0

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:50 pm
by snapdragon
dec 1 egg scrambled with leftover fajita veggies two corn tortillas and salsa with two coffees.
L...tomato soup with bread and croutons

Handful of croutons
D...pasta with ham and onions (full plate)

Few extra bites of pasta.
I was sad as dinner was coming to an end and wanted some extra bites.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:41 pm
by snapdragon
Big failur!
B....scrambled egg veggies salsa in two corn tortillas
L...tomato soup and leftover pasta

Made some brown sugar fudge and ate too much then more leftover pasta late at night.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:34 pm
by snapdragon
Wow all these declarations and December so far is one big failure!

Hopefully a return to sanity starts today!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:19 pm
by determined
I think the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is really difficult! There are just so many treats out's a conspiracy! Maybe all the gyms have gotten together to flood the market with yummies so they'll have more people buying memberships after New Years! lol...

Hang in can do this!


Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:38 pm
by snapdragon
Yesterday was finally a success!
B....scrambled egg in two corn tortillas with salsa and two coffees
L....spicy tuna salad and veggies (super yummy)
D....tomato soup bread and a few slices of leftover roast beef.

Today not so good
B....same as yesterday
L....tomato soup quesodilla(spelling?) and some popcorn(the kind that comes in a giant tin) too much of that!!! And two maybe three not sure vanilla wafers

Hopefully dinner will be spaghetti and salad.

Today is one week since I made my five pounds a month declaration.
I am two pounds down today but haven't eaten well so not sure it will stay


Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:21 pm
by snapdragon
Stayed the course last night, whew, it was harrrrd.

So far so good today
L....brothy veg soup with garbanzos and some oats in it
Carrot stitch with a wedge of LC.
Olive medley.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:34 pm
by snapdragon
Want to get on track!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:15 pm
by snapdragon
Wow I am still failing consistently can't get past this hump.
Going to do it today.

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:17 pm
by snapdragon
Been on a crazy train of food!!!!
Today is better but having pizza for dinner so we will see how that goes. I have no salad left.

B....homemade muesli-oats dried cherries, dates, toasted hazelnuts, and toasted walnuts. It was very satisfying.
L....spcy Asian tuna salad, triscuts cucumber slices and half a pomegranate.
D...will be veggie pizza, and whatever fruit I have left.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:20 pm
by snapdragon
Woke up again last night with a terrible stomach ache and a pain in my back and got sick. I think it's acid reflux, I had pizza for dinner. If this keeps up am seeing a doctor.not sure if it's consequences of Christmas indulgences or a more serious problem.

B....home made muesli.....ohh it is soooo good glad I found that idea.
L....Greek egg and lemon soup a few pretzels a cheese cube and a banana.
D...supposed to be going out with DH.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:05 pm
by snapdragon
Tummy is bad today so eating a bland diet. Had a snack and not eating until dinner mostly rice and bananas so far will try a scrambled egg with toast tonight.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:12 pm
by snapdragon
Happy New Year!!!!
Time to buckle down and reboot!

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:02 pm
by milliem
Happy New Year! :) Hope your tum is feeling better?!

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:21 pm
by oolala53
I gotta open my big mouth and say 5 lbs. a month might be asking a lot. Let's say you eat on S days only the amount to maintain your weight. It would mean on the other 21 days (we'll allow 9 days for weekends in a 30-day month), you would have to undereat by or burn off (or a combination of both) 833 calories a day. I know we're not supposed to be counting calories, but these are the facts. No S can't help us escape that. It is just supposed to help us monitor how much we're eating so that we eat less. And I only say it because I don't want you to get discouraged. Then again, knowing this may make it easier to make moderate, sane choices more often.

I'm on your side! It might turn out that you are quite content with very small meals or you get inspired and burn off a ton of calories often and meet your goal. I'm partial to establishing what the ground rules are for what I consider sane eating, and then respecting myself if I follow those. Then again, I haven't done that consistently for three months yet and found that I am still in the overweight range! If that happens, I may be climbing in the weightloss goal wagon and you can tell me what's what!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:45 pm
by snapdragon
Haha OHLALA five pounds a month is so 2011!
Back to just sticking with the plan, that is hard enough for me right now. I was on a Beck Diet Solution kick last month when I posted that. There is good stuff in there and I will use some of it, but not going to stress myself out.

Yesterday was yellow.
B...bacon and eggs toast and coffee
L...salad and a pickled egg
Snacked on some tiger butter
D...had a sub Sammie
Jello with whip cream for desert.

B...egg with onions and pancetta
Failed with two blueberry muffins
L...salad with toasted hazelnuts and two pickled eggs and half an orange.
Curried chicken alla king on the menu for dinner.