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S day thoughts

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:43 pm
by Sweetness
Today, an S day for me I ate something I had not eaten for months -a burger and french fries. I ate half of a large 10 oz burger with cheese and most of the fries. I knew I would feel miserable stomach still aches a little.My body is not used to so much unhealthy oil and fat. I did enjoy eating it, but I enjoy the feeling that healthy foods give me more. Hmmm I know how to eat healthy and know how good it makes me feel, but having no rules for the day made me want to break with my healthy eating patterns, already established. Do others have similar experiences?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:46 pm
by Sweetness
oops! I meant to post the previous on my daily check in, not start a new thread, I have no idea how to correct this.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:44 pm
by Pangelsue2
Hi Sweetness. Welcome to the daily check in. I think you will like it here. As to the answer to the question, yes, I for one eat healthy and when I splurge on an S day, I feel weighed down and yucky. I used to do it all the time on weekends and had Monday morning regret. But the good news is, I am doing it less. Feeling good feels so much better than breaking the rules just because I can.
Good luck.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:57 pm
by SkyKitty
I also used to do this a lot. I would make a point of eating something really sweet or fatty, in a way it was almost to give myself a reminder through the week of what that bad feeling is like, to make it easier to stick to the plan.

I think I've mostly conquered that, and that's mostly just time. The more you follow the plan the more you get used to the idea that you don't need to go totally overboard every weekend just because you can. The next weekend is only 5 days away!