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Well here I am...AGAIN

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:21 pm
by nbh76
So I've lost a ridiculous amount of weight on my own. I had fifty more to go but was stalled so I turned to weight watchers however I've been dabbling with the NoS mentality for awhile. I have made some habits stick (exercise) and now I am just plain tired of worrying about counting anymore of my foods in any fricking form. My true self starts to fight it and I end up eating things I wouldn't normally eat. I am going to give myself up to the NoS way for the rest of the year. I'm not afraid of gaining just a little concerned about the loosing but I am now only 35 away from where I want to be and I've been on this road for 2 years now so.... HERE WE GO NOSDIET!!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:08 pm
by SkyKitty
Welcome to the forum, I hope No S works well for you.

You may find that your weight loss slows down, but hopefully as you let go of previous diets you will start to find that you can relax more around food generally, enjoy it more and generally feel more sane in relation to food and eating.

No S hasn't given me a big loss in weight off the scales but it has helped me lose a great deal of weight off my shoulders.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:14 pm
by nbh76
THAT is exactly why I haven't been able to take the NoS plunge...the slowness everyone talks about. However When I look at how long it's taken me to get here ( just about two years ) I averaged it out THAT would have been considered slow too! I have been feeling lately like I'm letting these last pounds drag me down and make me feel like a failure esp. since going back to Weight Watchers this summer ( too much focus and competition). I don't need THAT mindset I need this one! (or a mind...LOL ......whatever comes first!)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:20 pm
by nbh76
Also Skykitty I love what you said..

"No S hasn't given me a big loss in weight off the scales but it has helped me lose a great deal of weight off my shoulders."

I'm going to remember that when I want to go back to being crazy!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:23 pm
by determined

Here's my 2-cents...someone wrote here that what NoS teaches is maintenance first. That's part of why the weight loss is slow. I've done WW (as well as all sorts of other diets), but I never learned maintenance - not that I ever got to that point BUT, this plan goes from weight loss to maintenance because there is no difference between the two! I'm losing slowly losing weight and at the same time I'm gaining the skills I need to eat this way the rest of my life.

Second...Have you read the NoS book yet? I think I've read it at least 5 times & I get something new out of it every time I do. If you haven't read it, it's definitely worth the very small investment.

Oh...third...welcome! This is a great forum for being supported & encouraged. I'm sure I'd be struggling more without this great group of people.

Hope you see you here often...Determined

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:43 pm
by herbsgirl
determined wrote:Welcome!

Here's my 2-cents...someone wrote here that what NoS teaches is maintenance first. That's part of why the weight loss is slow. I've done WW (as well as all sorts of other diets), but I never learned maintenance - not that I ever got to that point BUT, this plan goes from weight loss to maintenance because there is no difference between the two! I'm losing slowly losing weight and at the same time I'm gaining the skills I need to eat this way the rest of my life.

Welcome, nbh 76! I dont know If I would say No S is always slow weight loss, it depends on how you eat. I have lost quite a bit scince starting, and I have eaten some pretty big portions sometimes. But all in all, everyones different too.

Determined, that is a GREAT concept about Mantenience, but thats probably partly why it works so good for people!

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:01 am
by r.jean
Best of luck!
No s has been fantastic for me. It is something I can do the rest of my life ...not just temporarily.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:27 am
by NoSnacker
I agree with everyone..for me it has been slow, but that is okay...I have never gotten anywhere with any other diet..never reached goal on WW either.

I love the sanity of this way of life. I'm dealing with my S days as I am a binger trying to change her life..and N days are helping me tremendously with that.

I think when we all come to a place we realize we have had enough, we come back here to the sane place.

Hence why I have the turtle tracker....albeit slow, he always get's to his journey..

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:19 pm
by nbh76

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:59 pm
by nbh76
Feeling pretty pumped about no s right now...also doing a 21 day challenge just because I LIKE A 21 DAY CHALLENGE...LOL...going to do a workout now and getting off this computer....I SAID I AM GETTING OFF THIS COMPUTER.....oh help.... :shock:

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:33 pm
by nbh76

SLOWLY going strong...going for a walk with Frankie in this brisk fall air...yay I love fall.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:55 pm
by NoSnacker
Fall is my favorite season toooo....

Hope you enjoyed your walk and glad to see you are going strong!

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:22 pm
by nbh76
I did enjoy my walk..THANK YOU!

Everyone have a great day...enjoy!


Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:28 pm
by nbh76
I am fed up with being fed up. I am going to NoS everyday except special occasions because I don't like this weekend thing at all. Also I think I will stop reading on this board for a bit because I don't want to read anymore things like not loosing/gaining etc. I feel like this should work... period. I don't want to have the negatives in my head. I want to embrace the freedom this has been giving me M-F days...I am also having snacks but my list for snack options is very small...has to be a fruit or yogurt. "My" Nos will be no sweets or junk except on days that start with S...there is a "sometimes" in there and I am going to give that a bigger role in this design. So have a great week everyone...I'm out for a bit.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:50 pm
by Who Me?
"Sometimes" is important!