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Ok here I go

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:42 am
by Florencegirl
Well I have tried them all, low carb low fat, no carb, no sugar (sugar makes me want to eat a truck load), calorie restriction. I mean I am getting tired just listing all the different FAILED diets I have tried so this one is the last. Actually I am not calling this a diet this is just the way that I am going to eat. No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, and No sense in not living like this. I don't need luck but I do need to get a grip and realise that food is fuel not something that gives hugs and happiness, I don't binge on water which is just as neccessary as food, which just reminded me to take a swig from my water bottle. Okey dokey let this life freeing journey begin Day one 05.09.2011.

So far I have had the following
B= 2 slices of rye toast with hummus and tomato Yummy
L= Turkish roll with a slice of cheese, small tin of putenesca tuna, spanish onion and tomato
D= I am thinking roast veggies with pasta - delicious and will yeild left overs for lunch tomorrow.

I will get back tomorrow and let you all know how I went....21 days to form a habit - pity I seem to have so easily formed bad ones in the past!

Love love

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:13 am
by NoSnacker
I'm new here since June, but welcome back to you!

I can't think of another diet if my life depended on it...this is the only way it will work for me...

Hence my screen name..I can't snack or I end up binging..but I certainly make sure I eat enough at my 3 squares..

I'm still struggling with S days, but as I understand those will get better over time..I'm in no hurry anymore...not worth the hard effort to stick to diets.

Love this plan.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:35 pm
by Who Me?
Very nice to meet you. I think you'll find this a supportive community.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:19 pm
by snapdragon
rye toast with hummus sounds yummy.....will have to try that.

Day 2

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:11 am
by Florencegirl
Thank you so much for your support snapdragon, Who Me and NoSnacker. Well I have to admit that last night didn't go to plan...must stop putting plans in place and just go with the flow. So I got home - Tick Good, Went to Gym - another Tick. WIth hubby in the shower I started making dinner, anyway long story short I started snacking on a chia roll then some corn thins and hummus, then I made us dinner - nice healthy juicy steak burger for hubby and a tuna version for myself (sans potato wedges). I then proceded to eat a bowl of blueberries, pear with greek yoghurt and oats thennnnn I put vanilla protein powder in with the rest of the yoghurt and shovelled that into my mouth hoping my hubby couldn't see. Yes I am a big food sneeker, I used to have a rule that I could only eat when there was someone around but that like all the best plans failed. After all of the sneaking and shovelling I did the usual and went to the bathroom to get rid of a good portion of what I had just gorged on. Yep that is right I am bulimic and sometimes it still gets the better of me. So now I am really more than determined with this 'structured eating plan'. I have dusted my sorry self off and am having a do over today. Actually in the grand scheme of things yesterday was not a huge disaster because I have spent entire days locked into the b&p cycle with no end in sight.
So today I have had a lovely walk with the dog, rode my bike to work and sat down to write this and eat my breakfast, so again here is the plan for today - I am granting myself the strength to conquer my night binging.
B= Oats, blueberries and greek yoghurt with a cup of rooibos tea
L= Rye toast 2 slices and putenesca tuna, chopped tomatoe and sliced spanish onion and a pear.
D= slow cooked Morrocan Lamb (just put it on before I left for work this morning) on brown rice with a dollop of greek yoghurt FIN.

I will report back tomorrow, I do believe that this is the right path for me but am a bit terrified of the S days, I might have just an S treat on the upcoming S days as I don't want to get out of control.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:38 am
by NoSnacker
Hi I have a sister that does the same as you find yourself doing purging. Have you considered counseling? This is s tough thing to break.

My sister is also anorexic. I see her try to hide when she is a bag of bones and she is lucky so far no damage to her teeth and esphogus (spelling).

I binge and eat in private at times so my husband and others can't see me.

I just hope that you might consider getting some help..but again I'm sure you are, at least I hope you are.

My sister found deep seated issues have caused this situation in her life which I won't say here..but please please get some help I feel for you after seeing my sister go thru this..

p.s. she does see someone wonderful and is open with us now.