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Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:44 pm
by Florencegirl
Yesterday was a big fat happy green day
I happily ate enough food to keep me nice and satisfied so that I didn't feel the need to snack inbetween, this meant that I got to spend and entire evening with my gorgeous hubby and our little dog without any sly sneaking. It meant that I was totally - I think you could say - present! Binging makes you single minded even though there seems to be multiple voices in your head that are calling you to gobble down food. I did feel an urge to eat something before dinner but reminded myself to breath, I put the spoonful of yoghurt down and took a deep breath then I reminded myself that I love myself and that I would be having the yoghurt on my dinner in just over an hours time and that I would enjoy it a lot more then when I can savour it instead of inhaling it. Phew it worked, I just have to be present and draw my attention back to my actions and slow it all down and be kind to myself and after last night I know that the REWARDS so totally worth it. My wonderful dad used to say 'check it before you wreck it' and that is just what I have to do when a binge is looming, breath, focus, slow down and respect myself and the food. It takes many people and some very generous cows to produce my delicious yoghurt so slow down and enjoy it, you deserve the mindfulness that allows you to taste what has taken so many to produce.
OK so this is the play of the day:
B= Oats, blueberries and greek yoghurt (do you sense a pattern here)
L= Salad with tuna and some roast cauliflower and chickpeas (yummo!)
D= Morrocan Lamb and rice with yoghurt (yep made us a huge batch and now I am home alone to polish it off - there is still some in the freezer! But I am happy to eat something I love over and over and over!)
I will report back tomorrow and see how I managed, breath! F