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NLB - Another No S Attempt

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:27 am
by nlb
Hi everyone,
Started back on No S couple weeks ago, just trying to get habits down again. I recently retired, moved out of state, and remember holding the No S book in my hand and it went into the "give away" bag. :cry:

I do enjoy reading about your journeys, and decided I should document here as well as using HabitCal.

Weekend: Exempt - had 1 treat both days (couple choc chip cookies) and 1 snack both days (baked tortilla chips with French Onion Dip - not a lot.)
Exercise: Sat: Walked 3 miles; did 1/2 Tone It Up DVD
Sun: Golf - 18; 2nd 1/2 Tone It Up DVD
Glass Ceiling: Sat - 2 small gl of wine; Sun - AF (alcohol free)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:11 pm
by determined
nlb...I can identify!!! I started NoS a few years ago & did very well for a couple of months...then I just slid back into my old habits & gave up. Then I tried again...and failed...then I gained weight (again). This time around I'm hanging on for life. I could kick myself for quitting, but perhaps I needed to see that for me, there really is no alternative.

It's nice to have you here & I hope this will be an encouraging forum for you.


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:22 pm
by nlb
Thanks for encouragement, Janie! Appreciate it. Hope this time you reach success too. And success can be more than wt loss. Think No S is an excellent program in helping to establish just plain old fashioned good habits.


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:19 pm
by nlb
Monday = SUCCESS
Exercise: Walked 3 miles

Had a headache for an entire week, visited my newfound chiropractor, my neck was in pretty bad shape, got adjusted and happy to report headache is gone! Sure it's the tension from working so hard at my golf game. Today I concentrated on keeping loose, rolling my shoulders, telling myself just enjoy the game, you're going to have some good shots and some not so good shots.

Is this a cheat? This a.m. I had a piece of cantaloupe with cottage cheese & walnuts & a piece of whole grain toast. I nibbled at the toast and saved it. For lunch I had some chicken salad on lettuce. Felt hungry this afternoon, went into kitchen thinking I'll cut up some celery and if I have to eat I'll eat that. Saw the toast and finished it. Is that a cheat if left over from breakfast? I suppose it's really up to me.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:43 am
by determined
nlb....Cheating? Personally, I don't think I would consider eating toast from breakfast a problem, especially in the beginning, when re-establishing habits. This is about my 5th attempt at this plan & this time around I was not as hard on myself the first few weeks. I think it helped me to take the rules a bit at a time. You're eating healthier & that seems to be the best step in the right direction.....


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:09 pm
by nlb
Exercise: 18 holes golf; Firm It Up

Well, cheat or not the scale was kind to me today! Because dh had some major dental work done yest I heated up some soup for him; my dinner was popcorn. Highly recommend it, scale might have been unreasonably high on Tues after weekend - down almost 3# today. Will be sure to have some protein this a.m.

Thanks, Janie. Why is it we are so hard on ourselves? No S WOE, golf, Flylady. I make my lists and instead of feeling good about what all I got done; feel guilty about what I did not do. ((sigh)) Enough of that.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:12 pm
by Pangelsue2
We are all guilty of that. Don't give ourselves credit but give ourselves plenty of flack when we fail. Argghhh. We will rise above that with practice. Hang in there and welcome.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:10 pm
by nlb
Exercise: SUCCESS - ran/walked 4 miles; stretched

Caved after dinner last night, had 2 cookies. Later I thought why didn't I just have a Viactiv (calcium) and call it dessert. So far so good today. Am hungry now - have new chicken recipe in crockpot. Played golf this a.m., it's been cloudy and rainy all afternoon and I got so sleepy. Am going to go try do at least 1/2 of my workout DVDs.

Thanks for the welcome, Pangelsue!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:45 am
by Who Me?
Oh phooey! Two cookies. It could have been much worse.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:50 am
by nlb
Exercise: Golf

I weigh almost everyday but Friday is my weekly w/i. Am pleased. And you're right, No Me, could have been much worse. But it still was a snack and sweet.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:47 am
by nlb
Exercise: Walked 3 miles; 1/2 of Mix It Up

Enjoyed yesterday...little lazy in afternoon but felt kind of good, like why do I feel I have to schedule every hour being productive! Our retirement community club has Happy Hour & dinner specials every Fri night. I've discovered it's better if I start out with a non alcoholic drink, and then if I want my usual chardonnay, fine. Exactly what I did.
Glass Ceiling: SUCCESS

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:26 pm
by determined
SUCCESS is a fabulous feeling! Well done...


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:31 pm
by nlb
Exercise: Golf

Got off track a bit, quit posting here, more cookies crept in, gained a little. Back on track now. I am down 1# since I started back. And this a.m. when I saw the French Onion dip in the frig, I thought ok, can have some tomorrow while watching football. Friday night dinner special is lobster. Yum! Off to get a 3 mile walk in and do some wt work.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:28 pm
by nlb
Ex: 2 mile walk; 1 hr yoga

Ended up not having dinner out last night. That's ok. Got lots done at home. Looking forward to a couple treats today. Struggled a bit yesterday afternoon but did not give in. Hope everyone has a nice "S" Day!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:19 am
by nlb
Weekend: EXEMPTEx: Sat: Practiced Golf 1.5 hrs; biked 5 miles
Glass Ceiling: SUCCESS; AF
Sun: 18 holes, 10.5K steps
Glass Ceiling: FAILURE, had 1 lt beer playing golf, then won a bet so stopped in bar for 1 glass of wine. Guy came in who had a hole-in-one so bought everyone a round. 2 drinks became 3.

Feel heavy today and very ready for "N" days. Dh bought a pc of cheesecake, last night dessert, we shared, kind of sat on my stomach all night. No weighing today, obviously.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:47 pm
by nlb
Monday: NoS: Success
Exercise: Success - 2 mi walk, 25:00 tape, 80 situps, stretching
Glass Ceiling: Success - AF

Yes, wt is up but expected it to be. Not bummed at all as feel good today. Discovered too much dairy over weekend put digestive tract in misery so thankful I've gotten that turned around. At what age did I become so sensitive!!! LOL

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:35 pm
by nlb
Exer: 2 mi walk, 25 min of wt tape, 18 holes golf
Gl Ceiling: FAILURE, had 3 gl of wine

Good news is wt was down .8#. Feeling a little tired today, sure it's from the extra glass of wine. Will stay AF today.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:17 pm
by nlb
Got behind here. Digestive issues prevented me from eating much last few days. Still working on turning around the big "D". Pretty certain the culprit is dairy, but then lurking in back of mind is the cantaloupe I ate. Our state was one listed with the bad cantaloupe.

Last few days: No S - SUCCESS
Exercise: Quite light as have felt weak

Good news is wt is about 1.5# from goal now. I will go up/down/up/down so know I need to stick with this.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:29 pm
by nlb
EX: Success - 3 mi walk
Gl Ceiling: Success - 2 gl chardonnay

Feeling better which is overriding fact that it is a 'S' day. Will be careful in my choices and take lactose pills if I even suspect there might be dairy in what I'm eating. All is well.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:42 pm
by nlb
Past Couple Weeks:
No S: Success for most part
Exer: Same
Gl Ceiling: 1st week FAILURE: Past Week: SUCCESS as in No Drinks much less 2.

What the best thing about this WOE is how the habits get ingrained. I'll find myself reaching for a cookie and think, no, you can have one on Sat if you like. Love the little voice inside my head! Weighed today which I usually do not after the weekend and am still 1.4# from goal. I know that doesn't seem like much to most people but dropping these last couple pds means wearing a size smaller pant - they are in closet and I want to be able to get into them - sure I can now, but COMFORTABLY.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:21 pm
by nlb
Haven't been diligently practicing No S, however, I often revert to No S guidelines, yest being a prime example. Had one plate for dinner, later in evening thought I was a little hungry but No S concept kicked in.

Dh bought me one of those Bodybugs, and am loving getting all the data, calories burned, sleep time and effectiveness, and calories consumed if I input food which is not the No S way and was the part I resisted most. Anyone else out there have such? Mine is a BodyFitmedia.

Hope everyone is doing well through this wonderful holiday season!


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:14 pm
by nlb
Sat: No S - yes even tho exempt day
Ex: SUCCESS: walked 3 mi.
Gl Ceiling: Failure in No S; do allow more on weekends but had 4
Sun: No S - Exempt - 1 sm sq choc
Ex: SUCCESS golf 18 holes
Gl Ceiling: Failure - had 3

Wt is at 2# above goal, will take that on a Monday. Am feeling unusually hungry, need to eat more protein, well actually think I do need to eat more period. Today brkfst was cantaloupe with 1% cottage cheese and a hb egg. Have done a Firm It Up DVD, hopefully will have time to do a walk after getting some shopping/errands done.