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eva s daily check in

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:53 am
by eva
just started on no-s yesterday morning, success and even today success. the first 2 days were unexpectedly not to hard and i felt really inspired to finally sort out bad over-eating and snacking habits. This approach seems very sensible and i will try to stick with it for 3 weeks. Been reading up on the website and really good tips there, like the fact of bringing awareness back to real mealtimes and just after doing only these 2 days i feel so much better. Good thing also that no one notices that you are doing something different. Hope for the best!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:02 pm
by determined

Welcome! I hope you come here'll find wonderfully supportive people here.

I'd recommend buying the NoS book if you haven't already. I think I've read it at least 5 times & get something new out of it every time I pick it up. It's great for those days when you just need a word of encouragement.

Much success to you...janie

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:17 pm
by Pangelsue2
Welcome. Good luck.

thank you!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:12 am
by eva
thank you so much, and yes i will definitely get the no-s book. its always better to keep a book handy and i am sure there ll be many more helpful tips. thank you for the support, really really need it to not fall back into the old bad habits of mindlessly eating oversized portions and snacking..

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:28 am
by gk
Welcome! Good luck with your new No S habits! :)

summary first few days

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:12 am
by eva
after the first 4 successful days had a failure day on friday and decided to make saturday a green succesful day, s-day on sunday... promptly failures on Monday and Tue. But the failures are of course failures in the no-s system, but for me they were still a little success coz i managed to stick with the 3 meals (which i am very happy about) adding dessert after dinner unfortunately find it very very tough not to eat dessert after dinner.

the first 4 days strictly staying with the recommendation already showed me how nice it really is to wait in anticipation for mealtime. I also felt whats it like to be really hungry. I used to be literally scared of this feeling and was not even letting it arise, counteracting mostly with cappuccino+pastry, between meals. Also had the habit of purposely eating very little lunch so in the afternoon i had easy excuse to go for coffee and pastries. Same after dinner. For overeating my countermeasure always extra workouts.

Now i realize how chilled out one can really be about food if one sticks to this plan (which is really the most natural thing to do), also concerning digestion.

lets see how can complete the first 3 weeks,

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:09 pm
by Pangelsue2
Sounds like you are doing very well. When trying to break habits of a lifetime, it would be strange if it was an easy task. It will take time. That is why some people here attack one of the S's at a time until they have it down. It seems like you are doing (and enjoying) eating only 3 meals a day and no seconds. You are doing 2 of the 3 very well and working on the no sugar part. That is very nice progress for your first week. It appears that you really enjoyed the sweet treats in the afternoon and after supper and that makes it doubly hard to give them up. They are mixed up with feelings of reward, relaxation and pleasure so the brain is fighting the idea. I have been here several times over the last couple of years and I have yet to totally give up sugar. It has evolved from having lots of very sweet candy and treats all the time when I first came here-- to no sugar Monday through Friday and then tons on the weekend-- to where I am now which is a very small dessert every night after supper 7 days a week ( I have no big weekends anymore.) It may stay this way for a long time or forever but even if it does, it is a lot better place than I have ever been before. Sugar has done me in several times on No S but I always come back because I know it is better here than anywhere I have ever been in all my years of dieting. I didn't mean to talk about me while on your check in but the point I hope I am making is that this is a journey. There really is no hard core success or failure. Many here are looking for that and feel defeated when they can't be totally successful all the time. This is a journey. You will win some and lose some. As long as you are winning most of the time, that is progress and true success.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:19 pm
by determined
Ditto what Pangelsue2 said!

You're doing great....janie

so profound!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:26 am
by eva
Thank you Pangelsue2 and Janie.
What you Pangelsue2 are saying is most profound and i am most thankful to your advice. So right, not to expect wonders to break such longterm habits and also that mindset is putting to much pressure again on us. Weirdly it is never apparent that one is building up bad habits of snacking, binging and overeating..until one wants to get rid of them. And the linkage with emotions, reward and relaxation is so important not to ignore.
Me for most of the time couldnt even watch tv without mindlessly munching on some sweet items.. also i always felt like there cant be anyone out there who has these kind of problems as well.
Think you are doing well on controlling the sugar part and the idea with a well portioned dessert after dinner i like a lot. Its also a little reward for you to stick to the 3 meal scheme and no 2nds. Also the thing about deprivation, then you wont feel that urge for sugary treats on s-days,
good luck and take care

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:36 am
by eva
slowly the new habit is settling in, even though couldnt mark succesful days recently, because for dinner i always took a second helping or a dessert.. but i feel that i have the capacity to do away with it soon.
What i am most happy about is, that i really keep sticking to mealtimes and dont have treats with my coffee in the mid-morning or afternoon any longer.
Any tips on how to stay away from seconds in the evening (lunchtime i have no problem) and the dessert?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:32 pm
by r.jean
Success breeds success. Find a way to make your goals small and achievable. One suggestion for beginners is to have 3 separate calendars for snacks, sweets, and seconds. This will not only show you what your areas of strength are, but it could also help avoid the tendency to give up and binge across the board if you make one small mistake.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:41 am
by eva
thank you! Thats a very good tip and i will start 3 new calenders right away.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:09 am
by snapdragon
Just popped in to say hi.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:17 am
by gk
eva wrote:Any tips on how to stay away from seconds in the evening (lunchtime i have no problem) and the dessert?
Glad to hear the habits are settling in. Keep up the good work!

As for avoiding big dinners, I have found luck in the past with adjusting my mealtimes.....I'd have breakfast around 8:00 a.m., lunch at 1:00-1:30 and dinner around 6:30. That way, I was still kinda full from lunch, so I wouldn't overeat at dinner. Don't know your schedule, if that would be possible, but any way of pushing your meals to later in the day might help. True, I have never been very GREEN for very long, but when I did have a few stretches of solid green, that had certainly played a major factor in my short-term success. :wink:

I, also, think the three seperate calendars is a great idea - thanks, r.jean. I have heard that mentioned before, but never tried it - makes sense - will have to start that.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:23 am
by eva
thank you for all the good tips!

have been majorly successful in december, feeling very very happy!
And i just ordered a copy of the no-s diet book from amazon.

the amount of pleasure i have now from eating like this manifests in a wonderful feeling of well-being and health!

Also i am quite confident of going through the festive season with this approach.

its so nice you dont have to tell anyone about it, its just natural! But its amazing how many people all the time want to have snacks with you...

thank you and lots of love