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Ella Checking In

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:50 am
by it'sElla
Friday-Success......made a plate of nachos for dinner...those can be tricky to not stack so high and pile it on



Monday-success; hungry and wanting to snack this evening, but haven't and won't SUCCESS

I have to comment on S days. I went back to my old habits because they were blown to the wind. I notice everyone usually eats as a N day while adding a snack or sweet.

I really do treat S days as that. Right or wrong? We'll find out.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:04 am
by it'sElla

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:38 am
by it'sElla

Social outing, but ate dinner as I would have at home and cut myself off. It really was okay. Too, during my difficult times between dinner and bedtime when I'm really hungry, I find if I have an activity keeping my hands busy, it helps bunches. Knitting, mending, drawing, etc.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:37 pm
by determined
Welcome Ella! You're doing great!


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:54 pm
by gk
it'sElla wrote:Social outing, but ate dinner as I would have at home and cut myself off. It really was okay. Too, during my difficult times between dinner and bedtime when I'm really hungry, I find if I have an activity keeping my hands busy, it helps bunches. Knitting, mending, drawing, etc.
Great job! Social outings can be tough and you did wonderfully. And keeping busy're on the right track. Keep it up! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:26 pm
by Who Me?
Hurray for knitting, mending and drawing!

It's been a looooong week!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:24 pm
by it'sElla
Thank you! I've followed you three for a I read and reread older posts. When I was watching and investigating, I was trying to note if anybody has *been around* for many, many years. There are a few NoS blogs I clicked the link to, only to find them not working. :-( I really don't want to see anybody give up!

Thurs and Friday were successes.

I am so HAPPY it is an S day!!!! This has been one long week.....bit I did it! I'm here to talk about it, it didn't kill me, it was a challenge, but I did it!!

No S days right now are a free for all. Maybe some day I'll reign them in, but my idea behind this *diet* is it is *ok* to have carefree S's kind of my reward for all my NoS days.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Re: It's been a looooong week!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:23 pm
by determined
it'sElla wrote:
Thurs and Friday were successes.

I am so HAPPY it is an S day!!!! This has been one long week.....bit I did it! I'm here to talk about it, it didn't kill me, it was a challenge, but I did it!!
You're doing great!!!!! Those difficult weeks are so helpful AFTER they are over! I know if I can make it through a difficult week, I can do anything. Congrats on making a hard week into a success...


Ate myself sick

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:21 pm
by it'sElla
Saturday FAILURE


How can *S* days = FAILURE? Bigtime SOLITARY SNACKING.

This is how Saturday went: Get out the pumpkin roll (which I've avoided all week and been anxious to get to on the weekend) and eat a third of it while nobocdy else is around. Slice the remainder up and put in freezer in individual servings for a later time (so I don't overindulge as I just did). Sandwich and potato salad, seconds on potato salad at lunch time with a friend. Come home and eat a mini choc bar from halloween....while nobody is looking...then eat two more. Bacon cheeseburger for dinner, per child's request. Before bedtime eat two more mini choc bars with everyone else. Drank water throughout the day.

Sunday: Hot chocolate, Indian buffet with friend for brunch. Ate okay; didn't have a stuffed feeling when I was done. :-) Snuck about 3-4 mini choc bars, starting to feel guilty for sneaking/solitary snacking. Leftover bacon cheeseburger at dinner time...with friend. Snack later before bed was 2-3 scoops pumpkin ice cream that was offered to me. Before the ice cream, while prepping the burgers, I had eaten 1 1/2 slices of pumpkin roll-----while nobody was looking. I remembered I had gotten them out to thaw earlier and new I wouldn't be allowed to eat them on Monday, so I *needed* to eat them at that time. <sigh>

When I went to bed I felt awful. Physically. My stomach felt like I had a brick in there and I was starting to burp up the ice cream. It was really unpleasant. When I went to bed I was belly aching about how bad I felt.

During the week, I really do have success sticking to vanilla NoS. No questions asked. Not a thought of *cheating*. Rules are rules. Looks like I need to change my attitude about S days. It is very hard to do because my knowing I have my S days, helps me get through the week of NoS.

At this moment, Monday Morning, after being up for several hours, I'm glad to feel hungry. Last night I thought I wouldn't feel hungry all week.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:17 pm
by it'sElla


Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:55 pm
by determined
Ella....Take a deep You are in a difficult place. You know the benefits of this journey, but you've hit a bump in the road....and it's HARD to get started again. I'm not sure who said this recently, but this plan is so easy...but actually accomplishing it is really, really hard. I've given up on NoS several times over the past 3 years....and I really do understand how very difficult it can be to want this plan to work and yet feel as if the food is winning.

When I struggle, the best thing I can do is to go back to the basics. I pick up the NoS book again....I get busy and clean out a closet or pick up my knitting....I make sure I get some exercise...take the dog for a walk...I do my nails...then I pick up the NoS book again....anything to gain perspective on what I'm doing & why I'm doing it.

I know nothing about your background, so I won't try to figure out what you should do, but one the the major things that helped me in my latest attempt at this plan, was to visit my dr. Again, I don't know your health background, but for me, I had some fixable issues that made a HUGE difference. I found that my vitamin D level was almost non-existent, causing weariness, I had undiagnosed severe sleep apnea, again, causing sleep deprivation & elevated blood pressure..and just plain grumpiness...and I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (I live in a very cloudy area)...and that just contributed to my general emotional lows. Now that my chemical imbalances are fixed, I'm thinking straighter and emotionally eating less & less. Again, I'm not sharing this for any other reason other than to encourage you to think about what factors might very well be physically contributing to any struggles you're experiencing.

I wish I had the right words to encourage you in this journey. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know....I'm here several times a week...

Hugs to you...janie