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Bobcat's daily check in

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:27 am
by Bobcat
I started last Monday, so I will back track a bit.. But here goes:

14.11 SUCCESS hard to not snack but I was determined, had one glass of milk after gym.


16.11 SUCCESS Today was a lot easier, and I found myself feeling full and stopping eating!

17.11 SUCCESS struggled a lot, craving chocolate! Didn't have milk after gym but felt really shaky and queasy.

18.11 SUCCESS Really struggled but bought a yummy treat for tomorrow (s day!!) had my glass of milk after gym, I think I need it?

19.11 S DAY only had my 3 meals and my yummy treat. Sandwiches and bits after my match I put on a plate and counted as dinner (I did have a cookie but it was allowed :) no guilt!!)

20.11 S DAY Wasn't really hungry after having my face choc cereal for breakfast and only had a little snack in afternoon and dinner! Really...????? I could have eaten but I didn't?

So my first week of Vanilla No S was very successful and now I have discovered H2Orange I think next week will be easier! :D

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:03 pm
by Bobcat
21.11 Monday SUCCESS

So today was good, drank 2 litres of H2Orange which has curbed food cravings! I've realised the worst time of day for me is 11am! So tomorrow I'm going to make sure I a REALLY busy at 11 so I can hold out until 1pm for lunch!

I've also realised some people put what they have eaten, and I thought that might help in the *really* long run to see if I should cut down or if I'm eating enough etc.

Breakfast - English muffin with butter, clementine, tea
Lunch - Butternut squash, rice, veg and tuna with haloumi (even though it fitted on my plate easily there was a LOT! I didn't need to finish it or have so much (but I did) so I wasn't that hungry for dinner, so had less)
Dinner - Sausages, sweet potato chips and broccoli

Milk after gym (had a small glass and it was just enough)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:23 pm
by Bobcat
22.11 Tuesday SUCCESS

So today was good! I kept busy at 11am which stopped my major hunger from annoying me and didn't get to eat lunch until nearly 2pm! I also had a lot more protein in my breakfast..wondering if that helps? I couldn't finish my lunch, I am still putting a lot on the plates but not a massive amount! I made dinner for my parents (they came to visit this afternoon) and we had a really lovely meal, with no guilt! Only complaint from them was no dessert! I gave them my left over cake from the weekend (I'd saved it just for them, and I didn't feel the need to have any as I'd had some on my S Day!) I have been feeling pretty stuffed all day, so I think I can probably cut down my plates a bit (not too much, but I will finish what is on there, so I must make sure it is not too much!)

Breakfast - salmon and cream cheese sandwich and a mini Smoothie
Lunch - tuna and veg, haloumi and butternut squash
Dinner - pork belly with apples, roast potatoes, creamy cabbage and veggie mix

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:47 pm
by Pangelsue2
Hi and welcome. Sounds like you are doing really well. Congratulations. I had to look up a few things you talked about. H3Orange sounded interesting as did haloumi. I consider myself a bit of a foodie but I had never heard of this cheese. What type of cheese would you compare the taste to?
Anyway, in my opinion, if a glass of milk helps curb craving and the shakes after exercise, I think it is not really cheating. Reinhard says at one point in his introduction that he never stipulated the number of meals per day. So maybe you can consider the milk an allowable snack on workout days??

Keep up the great work.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:29 pm
by Bobcat
23.11 Wednesday SUCCESS
Relatively easy day today as Weds in my busy day, so no time to eat!! I resisted when offered sweets (candy) and managed to go to the pub for a drink minus pork scratchings and crisps etc. I didn't drink as much today...must drink more!

Breakfast - English muffin with cream cheese, banana
Lunch - oatcakes with cheese and jam, veggie sticks, mini Smoothie
Dinner - tiny piece of lamb and some veggies
After gym - protein shake (chocolate flavour but I wouldn't consider it a sweet, as I don't really like them! Just an alternative to milk!)

Pangelsue2 thanks for your support! H2Orange I got from this forum, it is supposed to help curb hunger. Essentially it is extremely diluted orange juice, although I have now tried it with pomegranate and grape juice! It means you get the flavour and taste, a tiny amount of fructose to keep you going and a lot of water! Whilst you only actually have one small glass of juice throughout the day! Haloumi (spelt in many different ways) is something I found when I went to the Mediterranean on many holidays, and they sell it in the UK in big supermarkets. It has a very mild flavour, more like a goats cheese (but super mild) and you cook it. It doesn't melt like most cheese. It's quite rubbery when raw, but you cook it and it crisps on the outside and goes softer on the inside but holds it's shape! It's totally delicious! There is an Indian cheese that is similar called Paneer. Let me know if you like it if you try some!
With regards to the milk, I don't think it does any harm! I have dinner around 6 and workout at 7.45 3 times a week, I can't eat when i get home at 9pm and I wouldn't be able to workout with no fuel! I've cut down the meal size on gym days (smaller plate) and so I can have milk or a protein shake afterwards. Beverages are technically permitted!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 8:33 am
by Bobcat

So no Thanksgiving for me on this side of the pond! But I gave myself an S event as we went to dinner for one of my friends that is leaving for France for 6 months today! Which was good as I had starter, main AND shared a dessert with a friend! I was also starving, because the meal wasn't until 8pm and I normally eat at 6.30pm, so I had a glass of milk before, as I didn't want to turn the day into an S Day!

Breakfast: mixed cereal/granola, apple
Lunch: mini steak pie, broccoli and greens
Dinner: dough balls, chicken and feta salad, shared ice cream
I was really really full! Didn't finish the salad, and couldn't have fitted in a whole dessert! Which is a breakthrough, as I would normally have had 3 full courses!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:22 am
by Bobcat
25.11 Friday FAILURE

Oh dear, my first fail! Good day, due to circumstances beyond my control I waited 8 hours until dinner!! But then couldn't resist the millionaire shortbread that had been left for me, with a hot chocolate! It was made with water and I know some of you allow that, but it's a slippery slope for me, becaus ei then added biscuits! I tried so hard to leave it, but my brain told me Friday is almost Saturday, so almost an S Day! Naughty brain, because I know I could have saved it! But it was my first fail...
I now have 2 S Days, and although I am going to enjoy them, and I am also going to be carful on Sunday as I will now of had 4 S Days this week!!!

Breakfast: Yoghurt and fruit
Lunch: broccoli soup and cheese and ham bagel, banana
Dinner: chicken, bacon , tomato sandwich, a few chips and a salad.
Millionaires shortbread and hot choc with biscuits!!!

In some ways I want Monday to come now!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:16 pm
by Okaybear
While I think it's good to establish the habit of fessing up on your failures, I also think that in the grand scheme of things, that failure was mighty small. And the rest of your day looked right on track.

Keep it up, Bobcat! :)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:24 pm
by Bobcat
Thanks Okaybear. It's good that I have to confess my failures, or I would have carried on eating! I was mighty disappointed that it was my first fail, but I'm feeling quite pleased now that I actually stopped! There was a whole selection of choccies that I didn't eat, and I think it was because I knew I was going to tell you all!
Nice to have the support as well :D

S DAY today, so I'm not including a food diary as I can indulge guiltlessly!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:35 am
by Bobcat
S DAY on Sunday too! I stuck to 3 meals and a little treat so not too bad!! I sometimes don't like the fact that I can eat what I want, as it makes me feel I deserve to eat treats! And I almost force myself to have treats when I don't need them! Back to normality....

28.11 Monday SUCCESS

So today I had a late breakfast, a late lunch and a late dinner!, it appeared to work in that I went to the gym and had dinner afterwards, so I dint need my extra glass of milk, but I ate at 9/9.30 which I felt was too late for a proper dinner! I used to eat 7.30 - 1 - 6.30, but yesterday tried 10 - 4 - 9. It might work for me if I have a bigger lunch and a smaller dinner! I think I need to cut down my plate piling a little bit! As I know I don't need it now, and I sometimes leave a bit.

Breakfast - fruit and yoghurt
Lunch - asparagus, broccoli and bacon quiche, banana
Dinner - chicken stuffed with black pudding wrapped in bacon, squash and sweet potato chips, sweetcorn

Looking at that I definitely should switch dinner and lunch, it just finding time to make/eat a big meal mid afternoon!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:43 pm
by Bobcat

Breakfast - Fruit and yoghurt
Lunch - Curry, rice, peas and beans
Dinner - quiche, squash and cheese muffin


Breakfast - Yoghurt and banana
Lunch - Quiche, squash and cheese muffin, mini Smoothie
Dinner - Curry, rice, peas and beans
Protein shake after gym.

So.. Tuesday was ok! I went with the later eating and I felt fine! Unfortunately I can't do that on Wednesdays, and I have a really busy active day, so I ate at the usual times again, but it meant I had to have a little protein shake after the gym! Not something that really bothers me. If I don't have something I pass out!
Other than that, this is definitely become almost second nature! I heard someone today say "I was in meetings all day and hadn't eaten anything for 4 hours!" I almost said "AND? I go 6 hours between meals EVERY day!" but I held back and nodded politely! She was a lot thinner than me, and I'm not in a position to tell her what works or not for her! But it amused me!!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:52 pm
by snapdragon
Sounds like your off to a great start!!!!
I like to do intense workouts myself and drink milk to recover if I feel like I need it. After working with a personal trainer for six months I felt like I was doing something wrong by not snacking, as if it were going to destroy my metabolism or something. So far so good.

I like when people post what they eat becuase it give me ideas and it's good RO look at to refer to when things aren't going as well as younwould like them to.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:27 am
by Bobcat
Thanks snapdragon! All the trainers my the gym encourage snacking too! But I figure what works for one doesn't work for another.. If I just need a little milk or protein shake rather than a mini meal then that what I will have!!


Breakfast - Oatmeal with some nuts. Orange juice. I dint finish it, I'm not a great oatmeal fan, but I was gearing up for a busy day!
Lunch - Tuna bagel and salad
Dinner - Sausage and mash, banana
(not as many fruit and veggies as I would normally have, but these were all meals on the go.. As I said, busy day!!!)

Breakfast - cheese and squash muffin, orange juice, yoghurt
Lunch - turkey and cranberry sandwich, crisps
Dinner - leek and potato soup, cheese and squash muffin

These were mostly meals on the go too, there was also not many fruits and veggies, so I'm feeling junky!

Failure was eating sweets, and chocolate. And then choc dipped fruits.

Friday is my day off, so I'm finding them hard. I failed last Friday too, but the rest of the week was easy!? I nearly waited until midnight for choc fruit, but figured there was no point! So I think I'm going to switch Sunday S Day to Friday evening S Day, until Sunday morning! We will see how it goes, and it may need reviewing when I go back to work full time in Feb time, but for now, I think it is the way forward!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:37 pm
by Bobcat
3.12 & 4.12 S DAYS!

Breakfast - yoghurt, banana, raspberries, juice
Lunch - stuffed pepper, crisps and mango chutney
Dinner - leftover Chinese

Pretty straightforward. Had the late eating schedule today, but don't really like eating late, I could just have a glass of milk. So I think that could be the way forward. Late breakfast, 4/5pm lunch, and a Smoothie, or milk at 9/10pm on gym days.