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Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:43 am
by losingforgood
Day 5 and I'm doing pretty well
Diet: 1 Red day
Cardio: 0 Red days
Strenthening: 0 Red days
Stretching: 1 Red day


Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:39 am
by losingforgood
Day 6 and still going strong! I still have to make it through the night without caving to the Midnight Munchies, so my green can still be changed to red. But I'm optimistic because I'm looking foward to finding someway to treat myself tomorrow. Thank you, Reinhard for getting us back to the basics!

Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:49 pm
by losingforgood
Ok, I finished day 9 lastnight, and still going strong. I can't believe how simple it's been to follow the no S rules! I was even offered some cookies lastnight from the other sitter who cares for the special needs adult that I do, and I accept 4 of them. I just didn't EAT them! I brought them home, and hid them from my mom and I'm saving them for the weekend. I'll share them with her if she wants them. I will also report about my midnight snacking in my Midnight Munchies thread. Oh, and I lost 2 lbs. in the first week! That's the rate that I lost when I lost alot the last time with another program. I haven't been able to follow any program so easily in 4 years. And my pains from the 2 traumatic events that happened during those 4 years, are slowly but surely beginning to melt away! :-)

Karen's Daily Check-in

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:02 pm
by losingforgood
I just finished day #13 and I'm still following the program. I still can't believe how easy it is for me. But I can't say it would have been this easy a year ago. The mind has to be ready to acept the concept of not snacking, and that it IS ok to get hungry between meals, especiallly when it's getting close to meal time. I had to take an S day from cardio yesterday because I feel on the edge of my tub while I was taking the shouwer curtain lining down to get washed. Thankfully, I only bruised the top of my foot. Nothing else was twisted, broken or bruised, even though I fell towards the tub wall. My angels need to get a huge promotion when I get to the pearly gates, for all the things I've been protected from! :lol: Anyway, I wasn't seriously hurt, but I had to ice my foot before work, and the I think the fall triggered the vertigo from the post concussion. So, I took my time getting things done through the day, which meant I didn't have time for cardio. I will probably get some extra cardio in today and take a walk in the park. l

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:42 pm
by r.jean
As time goes on and as new challenges come up, you may struggle a little here and there. Most people do. However, the more solid weeks of habit formation that you get under your belt, the better you will get through tough times. Great job so far!

Karen's Daily Check-in

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:21 am
by losingforgood
R. Jeans, thanks! It may help me to remember what I think I read somewhere on this web site, that this is not a diet of perfection, but way way of life that's "good enough". I'm happy with good enough, because I want to enjoy my food, not be a slave to it, or feel like eating is a chore.

Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:41 pm
by losingforgood
Yesterday marked day #16 for me. I had been maintaining my 2 lbs weight loss all week as of yesterday (Sunday). I did more eating out during the week than I normally do, so that was more junk. I still stuck to the basic rules of thumb for my No S days, but it just wasn't always the healthiest and most balanced meals that I had. So, I really wasn't expecting to lose anything. Well, I weighed myself this morning for my official weekly weigh-in, and I'd dropped 1 lbs.! I can't believe it! Now, that doesn't mean eating junk all the time for my meals is always the best choice. I really do usually try not to eat out so much on my no S days. But when I get behind on my tasks for the day and I need something quick, it's good to know that I can go for convenience once in a while and just watch my portions and my snacking and still either maintain or lose :-)

Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:29 pm
by losingforgood
Wow! I can't believe my first 21 days is almost up! I just finished day #18 yesterday. My mom has not joined this website, but I mentioned in one of my first posts, that she is following it with me, so we have eachother to be accountable to. We had a really awesome small victory earlier this week. I think it was Tuesday, we went to a local diner for dinner. It's a really good quality diner. Anyway, My meal was really good, but soooo filling, I ate 1/2 the main entree, 1/2 the brussle sprouts (there were only 5) and none of the baked potato. I saved the rest for the next day's lunch. when they asked if we wanted dessert, Mom said yes at first. I almost said yes, but then changed my mind and turned it down, remember that it wasn't an S day. My refusal of dessert reminded Mom that it wasn't an S day, and she told them to scratch dessert. I am soooo proud of us :lol:

Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:06 pm
by losingforgood
Sorry I haven't posted or updated my habitcals in about a week. I've been still on program, but I haven't been on-line as much because I've been getting some of my crochet items ready to rent a display case at the local art gallery. I got 11 cell phone purses finished and displayed for Valentine's day.

So, I've been on program, but last weekend was the first weekend that I splurged a little more than I should have. But, was Valentine's day, and my birthday was the day before, so I had a lot of celebrating going on over the weekend. And I'm not finished yet, either. My sister is taking me to the movies tomorrow night since she wasn't able to be there with me over the weekend. And, one of my best friends is making up for last weekend over THIS coming weekend. Well, as a result of last weekend's, splurging, I gained back 2 of the 6 lbs. I've lost so far. And that was even though I stuck with my exercise and I danced for a couple of hours on Saturday. SOOOOO...this weekend I'll make sure I plan my S's better. No, I'm not discouraged at all. It's all a learning process....learning what I can get away with on my S days, and what I can't. :D

Karen's Daily Check-in

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:28 pm
by losingforgood
I have not calculated how long it's been since I started No S, in a while. But still going strong. After the splurging the past 2 weekends, I still managed to take off the 2 lbs. I gained and I'm now back at my first 6lbs. of weight loss. I know it's been at least a month. This is definitely a sign that my metabolism is back where it was before I gained back the 55 lbs. I lost the first time I lost alot of weight. I did alot more watching every morsal of food that went into my mouth, and alot more exercise than I'm doing now. This whole consistancy thing really seems to be key for me, rather than being perfect in the numbers. Hmmm....had to come back and edit this, because I just remembered one other difference between now and when I've lost, or even tried to lose weight in the past...I've cut my coffee intake from 2 cups a day to 1 cup, although I do occasionally have that second cup...and I've been drinking herbal tea on a daily basis (at least one cup, sometimes 2 or 3). I've been drinking lots of water for years, so that not an added element. I wonder if the tea is helping, since herbal teas are famous for being loaded with antioxidants, besides it being a great stress reliever.

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:49 pm
by Frau Koch
Hi there,
I guess a nice cup of tea is good in any case because it is like a small treat.
I love your positive way of looking at everything - and No S seems to be just your ideal life style/eating style.

Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:32 pm
by losingforgood
Frau, if it's herbal (as apposed to nonherbal black teas, green teas and oolongs) and naturally decaffeinated, then it's all good. I like different kinds of herbal teas, and I don't add any sweetener or cream or milk to them, just because I want the flavors of the herbs to pop through. They are very good for stabilizing high blood pressure, calming stress and anxiety, getting rid of toxins. So there's no worrying about if it's cheating or making an allowance for a treat, if nothing is added. I'd say my 1 cup of coffee a day with either Stevia or Agave nectar plus a little milk is my "treat". I used to be a 2 cup a day person, but I cut down for health purposes. Still, I can't give it up entirely, because it's that coffee kick in the A.m. that gets my brain moving, even when my body's not ready yet :lol: .

Yes, this IS the eating lifestyle for me. My appetite has been out of whack for a few years now...sometimes hungry when I shouldn't be, and not hungry when I should. So, the idea of determining whether I should eat or not based on whether it's mealtime or not, has really taken alot of guess work out. My portions of my meals do vary a little bit, because sometimes I'm not all that hungry and sometimes I am ravenous. But they are still within reason. This way of eating has also really helped me fight the urge to eat out of boredom, depression or any other reasons that have nothing to do with hunger or meal time. I am very, very grateful that Reinhard has put together this plan, to help so many of us get back to the basics of good eating. And, best of all? This way of eating has helped me eat in a way that packs my body with the necessary fats, vitamins, proteins and other nutrients, to give me the energy I need to start back on my own exercise program. I'm so glad to be getting my life back! I DO take a multivitamin, but I need it for whatever deficiencies I have for other reasons. The combination of eating less, but still substantially, light to moderate exercise, plenty of water, herbal teas and complete daily multivitamins, is exactly the way I would be living if I was my ideal weight. It's the way I've always WANTED to be able to live, and never was able to fully acheive without counting every single calorie and without feeling quilty for splurging once in a while. The weight will take care of itself in it's own time as I continue down this road to SANE eating and exercise :-)

Karen's Daily Check in

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:12 pm
by losingforgood
Have a cold. Yay! I think I started feel symptoms coming on either Thursday or Friday, but it hadn't fully hit yet. So, I had a busy weekend; Saturday, had a cleaning job cleaning the bathroom of a local laundry mat, then grocery shopping, then went with my friend to the Philadelphia Wings Lacrosse game (her daughter was cheer dancing at half-time). But by Sunday afternoon, I just stopped completely with the left-over cleaning and laundry from last week, and crashed! I was freezing all day, but I didn't feel it in my head like I had a fever, but I woke up this morning with a low-grade temp. Soooooo....staying put today, popping Cold Eez, drinking lots of herbal tea and eaing soup. Needless to say, I added an S day today, for Sick.