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No S Modified Pregnancy Journal - NICHOLE!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:46 pm
by Nichole

I am 14 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I am doing okay with my healthy eating, but trying to improve. My main problem is SWEETS!! I am here to update my HabitCal every day and to have a place to hold myself accountable. No one holds me accountable.

December 2011: 126 lbs.
Today: 131.5 lbs.

I've gained almost 6 pounds already. Ugh! Letting Valentine's Day be my last S day for a little while. I also need to give away the delicious pumpkin bread in my freezer. It is my kryptonite.

Keeping a journal and Habit Cal last time I was pregnant helped me stay on track and gain only 27 lbs.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:49 pm
by Nichole

-- Oatmeal with PB and raisins
-- Pretzel (ugh)
-- 1/2 cup of pasta and 1 serving of sausage (2 oz) and half cup of unsweetened apple sauce
-- Chobani yogurt
-- Baby carrots and hummus
-- Greek Chicken Salad

EXERCISE: 1/2 hour of walking.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:53 pm
by Nichole

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:28 pm
by idontknow
Congratulations! I know you did really well with No S last time you were pregnant and I'm sure you will again. Looking forward to seeing you succeed :D

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:05 pm
by Nichole
Thank you! I really have to try to be strict with myself again. It is tough when you are so hungry. I have a bridal shower to go to this weekend and I really don't want to pig out on sweets. Not that I ever really pig out, but multiple trips to the dessert table here and there adds up!

But I was looking at my old habitcals from when I was pregnant, and seeing all those green days makes me feel I can do it again!


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:45 am
by Nichole
TODAY, 2/16

--Oatmeal with PB and Blueberries
--Salmon and peas
--Chobani Greek yogurt
--Turkey burger w/tomato/onion and 1/2 avocado and a 1/2 a baked potato

EXERCISE: 1/2 hour walk.

JOURNAL: My weight is confusing me, as usual. A week ago, I was 129ish. Then Monday, I was 132. Then today I went back down to 130. I am thinking I was bloated? That sudden spike never seemed right. It had to be bloat or water retention. I have to be better over the weekend at getting my water and not eating too many high-sodium foods. I think this will be solved because I am making our usual homemade pizza (homemade crust and sauce), while this past Friday, we got Dominoes.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:08 pm
by Nichole
Success yesterday. Didn't exercise b/c it was raining. Well, I did do free weights and dance to the Wiggles, so it wasn't completely sedentary. I will take my walk today, though.

-Oatmeal with raisins and 1 tbls PB
-Turkey burger and half baked potato
-Chobani yogurt
-Nutrigrain bar if needed
-Homemade pizza

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:17 pm
by Strawberry Roan
N I C O L E !!!!!

So happy to see you again. I have watched you progress through your marriage and first baby and now this. Congrats on the new baby.


Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:16 am
by mimi
Hey there, Nichole! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! What wonderful news! And so good to see you back again! I'm sure you'll sail through this pregnancy too...just stay with it.

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:14 pm
by Nichole
Thanks guys! Thanks for the welcome. I just updated my HabitCal.

Confession: Had 1.5 donuts today. :) Fat Tuesday! Then trying to give up sweets for Lent. I'm not *that* religious, but I always loved the idea of Lent. Also had a huge hunk of pumpkin bread yesterday and 3 munchkins; we were all hanging out at my sister's house.


Besides the donuts, here is today:
--Oatmeal with blueberries NO PB
--1 piece tuna quiche and 1/2 cup baked beans
--Homemade chicken parm, some spaghetti, and a nice salad

EXERCISE: Half hour walk.

Nichole :)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:52 am
by Nichole
TODAY: 132.5 LBS?

Alright - my weight really confuses me. It goes from 130 to 132 in a matter of a day. Then stays there. Then goes back down a little higher than before (130.8 for example). I guess that is water retention? Pregnant or not pregnant, weight fluctuation really gets on my nerves, but I find it strangely fascinating.

--Oatmeal, PB, blueberries
--Homemade 1/2 chicken parm and pasta with apple sauce on side
--Homemade turkey burger on whole wheat with avocado and roasted potatoes

EXERCISE: Walk and free weights (5 lbs).

Notes: When I write "oatmeal" I mean Quaker Oats Quick 1-Minute. I add cinnamon, a tablespoon or peanut butter and usually blueberries if I have them. I do not use instant. I stopped years ago. And now I find it so gross!

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:20 pm
by Nichole
Doing well. Got REALLY sick on Sunday night .... So I was down for the count on Monday and hardly ate. Tuesday was good. Today's even better. It is rainy today, so no walk. My Fitness Pal is keeping me on track ( And I love keeping my HabitCal (updated).

Current weight: About 132.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:27 am
by Nichole
Somebody stop me! I am eating too many sweets. Full disclosure: today I had 3 cookies and a Hershey's with almonds :(. Threw away what was left of a pint into the trash.

But I have been exercising as much as I can, and eating healthy overall. I just am so craving sweets!

Preweight: 126
Current weight: 132.4.

6+ pounds, not too bad! I'm 17 weeks.

No sweets, no seconds!

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:44 am
by Nichole
AH! I just can't stop eating a little sweet every day. Please, somebody stop me.

I had two cookies yesterday - homemade.

Today's Plan:

Oatmeal with a bit of PB

Soup and apple sauce

Half PB sandwich (easy on the PB)

Two tacos with tomato, sweet salsa and a little sour cream

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:12 pm
by mimi
Could you try a small piece of hard candy, like a Jolly Rancher or something? Sweet, but not as many calories as cookies, and it would last longer, perhaps diminishing your craving.

Mimi :D

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:45 pm
by ~reneew
Jolly ranchers used to be my panic treat. They take forever to eat (long enough for the BAD to pass) and you can't chew them or loose a filling.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:05 pm
by Nichole
I don't know, but I need to do something lol. The problem is, I love to bake.

I have some bananas that are almost ready to be made into banana bread. Trash or bake? I can't decide :( If there is banana bread in the house, I can't resist at least a piece per day.

OH, and I'm 18 weeks, and I have gained exactly 9 lbs. I was at the same point with Rachel at this time -- I looked at my old chart.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:05 pm
by Nichole
I failed yesterday, but I did exercise.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:58 pm
by mricem
Oh congratulations on your expecting :)) you r doing great! Don't give up trying! But don't beat yourself up either, mark it & move on. I wish I knew about NoS during my pregnancies. Maybe I wouldn't have been over weight all through my twenties LoL!!
I was thinking about your sweettooth I wanted just to throw my two cents in, incase it's worth anything (ya never know). How about only reaching for fruit during N days?!? It's is sugary sweet but full of nutritious goodies for the little one?
Well good luck!! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:25 pm
by Nichole
That's an idea. I USUALLY have apple sauce on hand too. Maybe I should eat some unsweetened apple sauce with cinnamon after dinner? That might work!! :-)


I have planned some events that I know have sweets. I'll try not to eat them on those yellow days.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:27 pm
by Nichole
I am also going to try cutting myself off from food after dinner/7 PM. I would say 7 PM, but when we eat dinner really varies.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:20 pm
by Nichole
Doing okay! Had a crazy day on Saturday with the eating b/c I had a St. Pat's brunch... Going cold turkey on the sweets for a little while.

Oatmeal with blueberries
Soup and apple sauce
Turkey burgers and fries (all homemade)

Cheese stick
Mini bagel - NO toppings

And hopefully 25 minute walk.