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Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:45 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Hi! It's been about a year and a half since I have posted or done any NO-S-ing. I'm not necessarily looking to lose weight (though a little would be fine). I'm healthy for the most part, but have disordered eating. Portion sizes, frequent binges, etc. etc. In the past year I have experimented with the "cave man diet", paleo, eat stop eat, intuitive eating, etc. all in the name of trying to find something that just BLENDS into my life. Basically, an effortless way to just LIVE and not think about food all the time.
When I think about it, my happiest times (with food) were the few months I was following NO-S. So, I think I'm back. I'm a simple basic gal, but think I have been un-necessarily complicating things by looking high and low for other answers.
So here I am. A 32 year old mom of three boys. Love to be active. But also love to down a huge hershey bar every single night. Or a bag of chips. SO, back to No-S.
I'm looking forward to this support system. I need it!
Thanks, Liz

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:54 pm
by ellgee
Hey Liz,

I'm back too after trying many of the things you just posted. You really hit a nerve when you said you were happiest with food during No S. ME TOO! I just wrote on my check in that I've missed shredded wheat and Scottish oats, things I had sworn off. So I get it.

Good luck!

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:02 pm
by BeingGreen
Welcome back Liz! I have missed you. I probably had a different "name" when you were here last (Maybe OlderandNotWiser? In fact I think I've changed my name here at 3 or 4 times--all in efforts to make "new" starts). But I remember your blog and that you live in Seattle (I live in Portland) and I remember thinking we had a few things in common. For me, things had been going pretty well from New Year's until Valentine's Day but in the last four days I kind of hit a snag (read: "out of control eating"). Maybe we can find some sanity together! Good luck in getting back to your NoS habits.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:05 pm
by good enough
Good luck Liz, and Laura. I'm in the same boat, giving No S another go because I really need the sanity over my eating (probably even more than I need to lose weight). Thought intuitive eating might be the answer but it actually led to weight gain and brought little peace.

Here's to simplicity - we can do this!

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:05 am
by lbb (Liz)
Yay for support!
It's sooo good to hear of others in the same boat. That will help this whole re-entry a little better.
I often try to fight against any rules/restrictions and think "just follow my body". I think some people can do that, but for the past year or so, I "follow my body" into over-doing it, then turning to another "thing". Always on a "thing".
But really, this is just enough rules. And enough freedom.
The thing is, the habits learned are things I would like to teach my children anyways, so that is also something I should pick up as well.

"Rubyslippers" thanks for the shout-out! I'm glad we're in this together!
Good luck re-starting as well and I'm sorry it's been a rough 2012 for ya eating-wise. Let's get this started in time for Spring!
I'm sick of it!

I did start on "S" days. And didn't go TOOOOO crazy, but this week will be great N days. I can just feel it. I'm actually craving healthy food b/c it's been a weekend of indulgences.
Bring it on!
Let's go, friends!!
(can you tell I used to cheer?)

checking in

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:47 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Okay so now for my check-in.
I did great yesterday by way of eating 3 substantial healthy meals.
The problem was, and I don't know if I'll even call it a "problem".
At about 9pm, my husband pulled out my homemade Sunday dessert.
I was watching Bachelor. My tummy actually was growling.
I had gone running and taken my boys to the zoo that day, so I think I hadn't had enough to sustain me.
I had a bowl of the dessert. Savored and enjoyed.
And actually only ate half of it. I haven't done that in ages.
I felt surprisingly full pretty quickly.
What's going on with this?
I think if I eat when I'm actually hungry (novel!), I feel my fullness quicker.
So, it WAS Pres. Day and I had a dessert.
I won't have another till the weekend. Or maybe I will.
But I'm moderate and sticking to my 3 healthy meals.

Today so far:
carb-master yogurt
toast with laughing cow cheese
one egg

Spinach salad, havarti cheese, turkey, veggies
Whole wheat chips and hummus

Huge plate of steaming veggies
Chicken meatballs

If I'm hungry late at night I may have a sweet.
That may be my mod. I'm not really looking to lose weight but to become moderate again. It's about time.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:10 pm
by dmarie710
Hey Liz, it is you. I posted on the discussion forum. How are you? Hopefully you remember me. Did you have another baby? I thought you had 2 boys, but my memory could be wrong.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:42 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Hi Denise! It soooo good to hear from you! How have you been? I'm so happy to see you're still no-s-ing?!
Please email me and we can keep in contact! Just typing from my phone for now but I'd love to write more later!
Yes I have three boys and I didn't have another baby. My "baby" is 2.5 yrs. now!
Doing well but ready for a lil' no s in my life!
Take care, liz

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:58 pm
by dmarie710
I'm so happy your back, Liz. Could you pm me your email. I don't think I have it anymore. Can't wait to catch up with you.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:53 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Hi, welcome back.

I liked what you said about the dessert, maybe you will have one the next night and maybe not.

I love No S for the accountability and the wonderful, supportive community of friends I have made here - but - I don't really adhere to the No S concept of five days of strictness and two days off. I try to eat "clean" and exercise every day therefore if a snack or dessert becomes a part of a day or night for some reason, so be it. I am just trying to stay sane and treat my body well. I do so much better overall if I post here often and honestly.

I wish you healthy eating,


Last-ditch attempt

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:07 pm
by teresa47
Hi - I'm just reading the NoS book and am feeling pretty inspired. I am finding it hard to believe that you can actually lose weight following this eating plan, it just seems so...... normal. I have quite a lot of weight to lose and have tried so many diets so many times with very temporary success that I have almost lost faith in my ability to succeed. I look forward to reading other people's stories - I am sure they will encourage and support my efforts.