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HabitMaker's Daily Check In

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:46 pm
by HabitMaker
Just starting a daily-check-in thread!

I'm new to NoS. I like the idea. We'll see how I do. :)


Habit Maker's Check in

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:03 pm
by losingforgood
Welcome :D

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:21 pm
by HabitMaker
Thank you!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:41 am
by HabitMaker
March 6, 2012

N Day


Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:44 am
by HabitMaker
March 7, 2012

N Day


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:57 am
by HabitMaker
March 8, 2012

N Day


Today was rough. I was pretty hungry. And I'd like another meal at this particular moment. I didn't spread out my meals enough, and the last meal would have been better bigger. But I'm posting here, and that means my eating day is over.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:42 pm
by KL
Yay! Your're successes are adding up one by one. Do you use the HabitCal? It's a great tool - very visual.

I'm new as well. I believe it takes awhile to figure out when and how much to eat at each meal.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:38 pm
by HabitMaker
I do use HabitCal - I really like it! Those green squares are lovely to see. I'd say it's definitely helped.

Yeah, I had sort of a small meal for my last one, and maybe after a while on-habit that would not mess with me that much, but being that hungry (at this early stage) felt unnatural. I assume it will start to feel more like not-an-emergency, more like just the normal ebb and flow of things, after a while.

And welcome! I don't know how much welcome I can give as a newbie, but I appreciate your cheering. I like the verse in your signature.


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:23 pm
by HabitMaker
The final part of the meals, where I'm stopping, after all the food is gone, is the hard part. I'm still hungry, usually, and the food is gone. I think it is something I will need to get used to. I think it is that "satisfaction not registering for twenty minutes after the meal" thing, and it will probably serve me to know that feeling as within the realm of an everyday experience and not an emergency. I do think I've probably had a sufficient amount of food. The intense hunger I still felt after I was done with my lunchtime meal did fade.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:05 am
by HabitMaker
March 9, 2012

N Day


The last part of the meal, and for a while after, is the hard part. I think some of the intensity might be related to thirst, though. I need to make sure I'm drinking enough water.

I'm SO looking forward to having a couple S Days and not having to be so stern in my self-management. New habits...are not yet habits, so the new behaviors are still feeling foreign. They feel foreign, and while they're not hard *all the time,* there have been many moments when it's been tough. I am so relieved there is a built-in pressure-releaser of the S Days. I do think this will eventually feel different, because everything new feels off-kilter at first, until you get into the swing of things. It hasn't been terribly hard all the time, but I just need a break. And now I get one. I look forward to when the behaviors start to become more like actual habits. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:12 pm
by KL
You're doing so awesome. :D

I totally get the "now what" feeling after all the food is gone - for me it was such a habit to reach for something else to fill the constant void.

Maybe trying instilling another habit here - drinking cold water after your meals to signify that meal time is over or brushing your teeth. I do both of these and they help me to realize that the meal is over and it is time to get back to living. :)

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:40 pm
by HabitMaker
Thanks, KL! :D Yeah, I should definitely try drinking a glass of water at the end of the meal. Brushing my teeth would help with the tendency for greens to get caught in my teeth and remain there for hours until I finally notice them, having been out in public the whole time. ;-)

March 10, 2012

S Day

You can't fail on an S Day, so I guess I won't post success or failure. But it was relaxing not to have to manage myself. I wouldn't say I "went wild," though I overate somewhat, and I noticed that it created a feeling of fatigue, so it made me not want to overeat again. Later in the day, I was still full, and although there was an opportunity to eat things that normally are very appealing to me, I just didn't *want* to eat.

It was nice, since in the previous iterations of myself, it would have been more like, "Well, I overate earlier, so today's ruined anyway, and I'm never going to do this again (or not for a very long time, in any case), so I should get the treats while I can." Instead, it was like, "I've felt crappy ever since I overate, and the last thing I want to do is eat more." So I think that's a nice change. I think it's the awareness that this is not the only day I can have treats, that every weekend, I will have a chance to indulge if I would like a treat. So the draw to eat like crazy because "from now on, I will never indulge again" is gone.

I'm not feeling even remotely drawn to treats today (well, I'm snacking on some unsweetened carob powder, which really hits the spot for some peculiar reason), although it's still nice to be more relaxed about just eating with the S Day exemption. It's nice to not have to worry whether I'm putting enough on the plate to hold me over til the next meal.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:33 am
by KL
Too funny about greens in teeth. :lol:

Glad you were able to relax today and not feel the need to micro manage.

Keep up the good work - back to N days tomorrow!

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:21 am
by HabitMaker
Thanks for your support and encouragement, KL! :D

March 11, 2012

S Day

It's interesting experiencing the days without restrictions. It is really relaxed. I don't know that I've ever spent days in my life prior to this without eating restrictions. Granted, sometimes I've disobeyed those restrictions, but I don't know that I've ever just permitted myself free rein - actual permission to eat as it pleases me. If I've eating freely in the past, it has always been a reaction to a restriction, not true permission. It is amazing how it feels to eat without restrictions. It doesn't feel out-of-control at all. It just feels peaceful, like there are no fights to have with myself.

March 12, 2012

N Day


N Days are nice. Food was such a small part of my day today. It's a relief to only have to think about it during three discrete events (and only one dish during each of those events) and not have to mess with food at any other time. It's so freeing!

I find it amusing that I posted about one S Day (no restrictions) and one N Day (which include restrictions), and my reaction to both of them was that I felt relaxed and free.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:27 am
by KL
Yay for boundaries with freedom - feels wonderful doesn't it?

I'm glad you're able to feel the peace on S days - I only feel it if I'm still adhering to some of the "rules" - no snacking - the biggie for me. Eating the sweets and a little bit more at meals seemed natural, but eating between meals felt foreign after the N days.

Awesome work. :D

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:32 pm
by HabitMaker
KL, I love freedom with boundaries! And the N Days are still a little unnatural for me - I'm used to more eating events, with smaller portions. So the S Days are a little more comfortable for me in that way.

March 13, 2012

N Day


I don't think I ate quite enough yesterday. I woke up in the middle of the night really, really hungry.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:32 pm
by HabitMaker
March 14, 2012

N Day


This week, this is starting to feel a bit more natural.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:43 pm
by KL
Love the word "natural" - it implys no effort - yay :D

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:44 am
by HabitMaker
Yes, that's true. It implies "no effort," and that is good. It is not completely without effort, but it is more like a normal, everyday kind of effort (like the one required to go to work if I'm not in the mood) rather than the white-knuckled forcefulness I was having to apply in order to not stray before. I think my hunger is starting to catch on that I will be eating three times a day, and then a solid meal, but not otherwise. Even though I always ate mostly meal foods, not what I'd think of as "snacking," I would definitely have more than three eating events in any given day, based on when I got hungry. The transition was strenuous, but it feels more normal now.

March 15, 2012

N Day


Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:25 pm
by KL
Yes, I agree that normal almost means without struggling - didn't mean to imply (did I really type implys?? - oh my, cobweb brain) that there is no effort at all. In yoga, we call it the edge - not forcing but not coasting either - maybe a little bit of discomfort, but not intense pain. For most of my adult life, I ate meals - up until the past 4 or so years. So for me, the 3 meal part as been the hardest but I'm also getting the most peace from it.

You're doing awesome - so many successes - yahoo :D

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:50 am
by HabitMaker
Okay, so today there was a bit of "funny stuff," because I was at a conference, and the food/timing was not something I had much say over. So my lunch was in several parts in different containers. It was a portion I would easily fit on a normal plate, so I considered it one virtual plate, and I think that's okay to still count as success.

March 16, 2012

N Day


Thanks for the support and encouragement, KL. Yes, that makes sense about the concept of the edge. Glad you're getting peace from the 3 meal part!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:32 pm
by KL
Yay for the virtual plate. :D It's tough isn't it when things don't go exactly as we want them to go. That's why it's so important to change/build the behavior which then becomes habit. Great job :!:

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:13 am
by HabitMaker
Thanks, KL. Yes! Habit-building is the key, so these things don't throw us off. I was actually really proud of that day, because lunch came early for me, and I waited a loooong time before eating again to space out dinner enough so I wouldn't get too uncomfortable with only one more meal that day.

I wasn't really happy that I had much less control over my food choices than normal because of the context, but it went much better than I thought it would.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

S Day

Sunday, March 18, 2012

S Day

The weekend was again relaxing. I do like eating freely, and it doesn't feel compulsive to eat freely as it has in past times in my life...I'm not doing that thing where I eat as much as possible because I know I will be limited "for all time" after I eat those things, because I would be determined to never stray again. Which was what it was when I ate freely of things I wanted before. It was always the "last supper" effect, where I ate as much as possible after I indulged at all, because this was going to be the "last time." With this, I want to make sure I get treats on the S Days so I don't miss out on them, but I know there will be other S Days on a regular basis. So it doesn't feel urgent to feel all the eating pleasure now to make up for all the pleasure I won't be allowed in the future. This way, I feel assured that pleasure will always be available on a regular basis. Just not available (in that particular form) every day. (Of course, foods I eat on N Days can be pleasurable, too!)

I love the way that makes me feel. I love feeling relaxed and free on S Days. :D

Monday, March 19, 2012

N Day


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:40 am
by KL
I love that word urgency. It amazes me how caught up I can get in my head on some days and feel like a freight train and on other days I'm on a sail boat in calm waters.

Your're doing awesome - yay for relaxation and freedom! :D

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:56 am
by HabitMaker
A sailboat in calm waters is a nice image. I'd like to be a sailboat in calm waters. It's would be much nicer than the sense of urgency that seems to characterize most of my conscious thought. ;)

March 20, 2012

N Day


I successfully navigated a work luncheon!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:37 pm
by KL
Here's a big YAY for being able to find your way in ALL situations. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:27 am
by HabitMaker
Yay! :D

March 21, 2012

N Day


Today, March 22, is a little tricky, because I felt sick earlier and didn't want to eat until the late afternoon. So my first meal was then, and I don't know if I need to eat three meals for today to count as a success. Because of the long time without food, I was also tempted to eat two meals in succession, but decided that would seem too much like having seconds.

Anyway, despite the earlier feeling, I am hungry enough this evening for three total meals today, so I am spacing them out as well as I can.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:44 am
by KL
Aww, so sorry you're not up to par, but it seems you did great navigating that one. Good job!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:35 pm
by HabitMaker
Thanks, KL! I did my best. I'm gratified that there wasn't as much rebound hunger from half a day of not eating as there would have been in the past. I think my body has adjusted to eating less frequently, even though the interval was much longer yesterday than it is most days.

March 22, 2012

N Day


Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:59 am
by HabitMaker
March 23, 2012

N Day


Today was hard. I was really hungry. Probably because of the lighter eating day yesterday. Anyway, tomorrow is an S Day! Whoooo! I already baked some treats, just to allow me to indulge as soon as possible tomorrow, since today was kind of hard to take. Though asking myself to resist freshly baked treats at the end of the challenging day was maybe a silly idea. ;-) I resisted, of course. I just have to wait til tomorrow morning. That's manageable.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:05 am
by ZippaDee
Have a great weekend HabitMaker!! Great job on resisting the treats yesterday! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:36 am
by KL
How did today go? Do you feel free?

Keep on keeping on. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:13 pm
by HabitMaker
Thanks ZippaDee for your support!!!

Thanks, KL, for keeping tabs on your little No S sibling. :D

I enjoyed my S Days, but I definitely overate. I just went unconscious about it. I had a lot going on emotionally and literally. So I didn't feel free as much as that I didn't show restraint. Luckily, that's okay. S Days are exempt. I am glad to be back into my N Days, though. It was helpful to see the effects of my lack of restraint - to see that I felt poorly physically when I overate unhealthy things. It made me glad for the N Days, and it made me want to be more deliberate even when I am not *required* to manage myself. It just didn't feel good physically. I'm not going to set any rules, though. I'm going to stick with vanilla No S and see if it balances out over time with just awareness. The lack of rules on the weekends is what is keeping me on track during the week.

March 24, 2012

S Day

March 25, 2012

S Day

March 26, 2012: Glad to be back into the N Days.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:28 am
by KL
Yes, S days are exempt - days to maybe reflect - and days to appreciate N days.

Before I began No S - I had totally overdone it for 2 days straight. I had a lot of family stuff going on and I went right to the food. The 3rd day came and I promised myself that I would just have a normal day - ha! Continued on where I had left off the night before. I stopped at noon and got online and found No S. Started the very next day which was Thursday, March 1. So I only had 2 N days before the weekend. It was exactly what I needed - God had that one figured out. :D

Stick with Vanilla No S. You're going great, sis. :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:32 pm
by NoSnacker
I wanted to say I love your user name HabitMaker....cute..

I used to be debrabuf, but decided the NoSnacker fit better now.

This is my second round here..I was stuggling so much with the S days and binging badly on them, that I quit, cause Monday's started to turn into S days and on and on.

This time around, I'm more free on my S days, but sticking with my 3 meals, one snack, one sweet...

But No S so far is the sanest thing I know of...

Keep up the good work..

See ya around on the threads :)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:27 pm
by HabitMaker
Thanks, NoSnacker! I never know quite what to pick, name-wise, but it seemed apt to pick a No S -themed name. I think I had just read the book and was feeling particularly enthusiastic about the power to creating habits. :)

I totally understand the setting limits on S Days thing. I am where I am because in the book, Reinhard talked about how, over time, things would balance out and the habits would start to take over. I'm still sticking with that, and over time, if my S Days aren't generally moderate, I will take another look. But I seem to be trending down in weight, so I am feeling pretty good about it at the moment.

I looked at your thread, and it looks like you're doing great! Restarting has got to be almost as hard (or harder) as starting off for the first time, and I admire your determination. :D

KL, I love the story about your start! I also love the idea of starting on the first of the month, even if it wasn't your conscious plan to do it that way. Two N Days before the weekend DOES sound like the perfect way to start. God did a great job on that one. :)

Speaking of starting out, I might have preferred to begin on the first of something, but as it was, I began on 3/6/12, and that's kind of fun because "3" doubles to "6" which doubles to "12." A fun little numeric thing...easy to remember.

March 26, 2012

N Day


It was nice to be back into the N Days. Feeling good. :D

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:12 am
by KL
So another name for you could be 3.6.12. :)

Keep doing what you're doing since it's working - that's what it's all about right? Gotta live the lifestyle as you're building the habit (maker). :)

Yes, by starting on the 1st of the month, it makes it easier to keep track of days - don't have to do a whole lot of math...

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:56 am
by HabitMaker
KL, I suppose it will be easy to track days for the first month...all bets are off after March is over. Or if you ever forget what day of the month it is. ;-)

Hmmmm...after 21 days, I wonder if it will make sense to keep on tracking number of days on habit in a row. I suppose I think the HabitCal will be a more useful mode of measurement, for the visual. I'll just get obsessive if I have a span of, say 212 days on habit and then I have a fail. Haha. :)

March 27, 2012

N Day


OH! I think that as of yesterday's success, I was at 21 days of successful habit! (S and N Days both count for that first 21 day span, right? I just checked: yes, both types of days count into that total.) I think there's a thread I post on to congratulate myself now...maybe I'll do that later. ;-)

Today would actually be 22 days. 22 is a cooler number. :D What would it be like to have 365 days on habit?!? It already feels like such a part of me.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:04 am
by NoSnacker
I love the visual of the habitcal, did you know you can modify to add other things you would like to track as well..I track my exercise the green.

I do stick to No S vanilla, just my weekends aren't full out binges :) as I won't have it this time.. :)

Have a great day..

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:03 pm
by snapdragon
Wow habtmaker I am always so amazed to see new people get it so well right off the bat.

This is my third time back.
I kept my name as snapdragon becuase I wanted people who struggle see that it wasn't always easy for me and I kept on it and it got better, instead of starting and stopping, it's all part of the process. My original check in thread is lost though, I just couldn't find it.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:21 pm
by KL
Yahoo HabitMaker - Whoot Whoot :!: :D :D

Yes, the 21 days are days on habit - N days and S days - so, you got it girl :mrgreen:

I love the idea of 365 days on habit - oh boy, new obsession. :)

I'm thinking that I'm going to record my days to 50, then keep marking the HabitCal and go month by month from then on - but still keep checking in for accountability.

I started up the 21 day challenge thread after my first 21 - so I would still be on task.

Keep on rocking it, sis. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:17 am
by HabitMaker
I will come back later to respond to things people said. I am tired and in a hurry, but I didn't want to leave things unposted.

March 28, 2012

N Day


March 29, 2012

N Day


Yep, my first fail today. I had a smaller dinner than I was hungry for, but I was out, and that's what was available, and I didn't feel like I could have an extra portion, because it wouldn't have been contained by the serving size container, which I was considering my "plate." So I went with it even though I was still very hungry at the end of the meal, and then later, I was so hungry I had a headache, and I couldn't sleep in that state. So I had another meal, of cereal. It was a conscious decision. I felt hungry and didn't want to push through it. So I made my peace with having a fail. I will make an effort not to make the mistake about the too-small-for-my-hunger dinner again.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:04 pm
by HabitMaker
Okay, today, March 30, is going to be a special S Day, because I'm sick. I don't think I can eat a full meal, but I may want to eat some small things at different moments.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:53 pm
by KL
Good for you for moving on - tough situation to be in on Thursday. Perhaps yesterday you were already coming down with something...

Hope you feel better soon. :) Thinking of you...

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:06 am
by HabitMaker
KL, I was already sick the day before and just pushing through...I'm sure that's why it was so easy to give up on being disciplined with the hunger. I feel like I've been in that situation before and it felt logical to just push through. So I think my discipline resources were tapped for the day.

Thank you for your support. I was sort of worried people would jump on me for having a fail. I am still okay with it...I don't think it's the start of a pattern. And the fact that I just had enough plain food to satisfy the actual hunger and didn't turn the fail into a binge on forbidden foods is a sign that this lifestyle is having an impact. With the existence of S Days, I'm not having rebound effects when I go outside of my chosen boundaries like I have in the past with other ways of managing my food intake. The choice to consciously include treats on S Days is a first for me, and it is very effective.

March 30, 2012

Special S Day (sick)

I am glad I took the S Day. It helped to be able to just eat when I felt up to it and not try to eat a big enough portion to keep me satisfied for a simple three meals. I am still sick now, but it is the weekend, so no need for special arrangements. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:48 am
by HabitMaker wasn't exactly right off the bat. I was trying and not really getting it for a couple weeks before I started over on the day I began the thread. Before that, I was messing with modifications and not really doing well. The first couple weeks actually on-habit were often very took some white-knuckled discipline to stick to it then.

Welcome back! I think that's great that you didn't just pretend to be a new person, that you're acknowledging the ongoing journey. It is a long journey, the road to a healthy relationship with food choices, and this feels like the piece of a greater puzzle for me.

NoSnacker - that makes sense about the weekends not being all-out binges! I do love the visual of HabitCal and the option of adding other habits. I have a tendency to take on too much and then give it all up, so while I was tempted to include an exercise goal, too, I haven't consciously chosen to make it a habit I'm tracking...yet. ;-) I could also use a regular bedtime I said, trying to limit myself to manageable goals at the outset.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:11 pm
by KL
You are doing so great - yes, it appears the discipline of the habit is setting in. I would imagine that your resolve was weakened with not feeling up to par. Good job in taking care of yourself yesterday. This is a lifestyle program and that's what you are doing - living your life. :)

It's also new for me to have any kind of sweet at all. While I was working the 12-step programs, I didn't have ANYsugar/flour/wheat for over 20 years. So this way of managing my food (I like how you phrased that) is so liberating for me. I don't feel deprived whatsoever. Yay for NoS. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:58 pm
by HabitMaker
Yes, it feels a lot more realistic to sometimes include sweets of some kind, with limits.

I am still very sick. I don't want to lose the habit, but I have not been up to eating the size of meals I need to eat for only three to suffice. So I am having another S day for being sick today. But I'm not really including sweets, just not having meals so much as eating something small when I get hungry...not a meal.

I hope I feel better enough tomorrow to eat real meals, because this is the fourth S day in a row, and I don't want to lose the progress I made with forming this new habit.

I feel crappy today. I hope I get better soon. It is a virus, so there aren't any magical antibiotics to help me recover more quickly. Just good ol' rest and fluids.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:56 am
by KL
Nothing like rest - take care of yourself. I'll be thinking of you. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:29 pm
by HabitMaker
Thanks for your support, big sister!

Alright, I am definitely still sick today, but I am on the home stretch. I'm going to attempt an N Day today. I want to get back into the routine.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:58 pm
by KL
Ohh, bummer - sorry you're not back to normal. Try for an N day knowing that it's okay to make it an S (for sick, not special!!) if you need to.

Don't know about you - but in the past when I didn't feel well - it was always a good opportunity to snarf a box of Capt'n Crunch - I'm talking behavior from many years back. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:22 am
by KL
Just checking in to see if you're feeling better. Thinking of you, sissy. :)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:39 am
by ZippaDee
Hope you are feeling better!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:32 pm
by HabitMaker
Awwww, thank you, KL, for checking on me, and thank you, ZippaDee, for your well-wishes (ZippaDee...whenever I see your name, that song starts repeating in my head unbidden. :) ).

Sugary cereal sounds yummy! My home didn't have those cereals as a child, so that used to be such a treat when I'd go over to sleepovers and they'd have these exotic Froot Loops. I'll have to remember that for my next sick day. :) When I was a child, we got sugary carbonated beverages only when we were sick (which wasn't that much of a treat, but still fun).

I did end up with an N Day Tuesday...even though it could have been S for SICK (rather than Special), it would have still gotten me off-habit, and I wanted to get back in the saddle.

I have been off the grid for a couple days because I've just been coping with life stresses when not totally better. However, I'm basically back to normal now...just a bit worn out.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

N Day


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

N Day


And I'm hoping to make it through the day, too, though I'm reallllly hungry at the moment, and there's only one meal left today. Plan is to wait at least an hour before I eat so I don't get too hungry again before bed time.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:19 am
by KL
Oh, yay, you're back. I was hoping you didn't fall into a pit. :)

Actually, growing up we had Shredded Wheat - the big biscuit kind without the sugar. :lol: Or sometimes granola - which I would promptly eat half of the box - who eats a 1/4 cup for a serving???

It was when I was in college and a young adult that Capt'n Crunch came into the picture. I vividly remember eating a whole box after a relationship breakup. Woe is me. :wink:

Good for you for getting back in the game - sorry you're going through stuff. Sometimes we want things to be easier than they are...

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:07 pm
by ZippaDee
YAY!! You're back! :D I love me a good bowl of Captain Crunch Berry! :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:08 am
by KL
Things okay?? Had myself a learning experience today. :)

Hope all's well...

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:14 pm
by HabitMaker
KL, I've just been not checking in as much because I have a lot going on and haven't been around the Internet as much. But wow, I haven't been around since logging Wednesday, no wonder you were wondering! Ah, yes, college was a great time for discovering foods not in one's household as a child...I for one started drinking diet Pepsi in college, which I *loved.* Not that it was good for me, but I loved it. :)

Hi ZippaDee! :D Yay for sugary cereal.

April 5, 2012

N Day


April 6, 2012

N Day


April 7, 2012

S Day

April 8, 2012

S Day

My S Days were good. Not exactly days that would promote weight loss, but pretty moderate. I remembered that I didn't feel good last weekend when I overate, so even though I was having treats, I tried to keep a balance and not go overboard. It worked pretty well.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:19 am
by HabitMaker
April 9, 2012

N Day


I thought today would be harder than it was - I had a headache all day and didn't feel in top shape as a general rule. But it seemed to go perfectly well, No-S-wise. Eating less frequently generally means feeling lighter, and that's a nice feeling.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:00 am
by NoSnacker
Hi there, I read your last post on Zippedees thread..I agree that it seems that hunger increases in a good way...about an hour before the next meal the feeling of being hungry starts and the food tastes all the more better.

Funny but for me it took a long time to even come close to accepting waking up feeling light and empty...very strange feeling to me...but as time goes on the feeling feels so much better.

I used to love going to bed stuffed like a baby after having a was a comforting feeling not to feel hollow...I know strange..

Have a great are doing fantastic!

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:09 am
by r.jean
"I didn't feel good last weekend when I overate....."

This may seem like a small and logical statement, but it is an important sign of progress. I used to overeat all the time regardless of how I felt afterwards. With No S, I am more aware of how I feel after eating too much or after eating certain foods, and I avoid that feeling.

Yet, I enjoy food more now than I ever did before. I take time to choose food I really like and to relish it rather than just inhale it.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:29 pm
by NoSnacker
r.jean wrote:Yet, I enjoy food more now than I ever did before. I take time to choose food I really like and to relish it rather than just inhale it.
I really like what r.jean said here....inhaling food makes it go away too fast :).

Nice thought..relish it!

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:11 pm
by HabitMaker
NoSnacker, yes, it does take some adjustment to get used to the light feeling!

r.jean, that makes a lot of sense! Thank you for pointing it out. Your comment stuck with me, and you're right that it's a sign of a kind of progress I've never made before. Now I'm thinking before I indulge about how I will feel afterwards, and that means I'm actually choosing from a place of caring about my needs. That's pretty awesome.

April 10, 2012

N Day


April 11, 2012

N Day


April 12, 2012

N Day


April 13, 2012

N Day


April 14, 2012

S Day

So, I haven't been posting as much because it's just not a natural behavior for me to do this kind of posting, and now that the behavior is less novel, I'm having a hard time coming here every day. So I plan to update less frequently while still logging all the days.

My Thursday fail was to be expected...I had woken up at about 3 a.m. Thursday morning ravenously hungry. I had a meal in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep without it. I had been experimenting with eating smaller meals all week (just trying out what it might be like to have smaller portions than I had been), and clearly, I went a little too far. I tried to just call that meal "breakfast" and have only two other meals so I could count Thursday a success, but that realllllly didn't work. So, you live and learn.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:07 pm
by KL
Good work - all these lessons just make us a little stronger, huh? It make take some tweaking to see what works - smaller meals or 3 larger meals. Maybe you have your answer... :)