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Michelle's Check in...

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:30 pm
by mricem
I am totally new to the plan. I have been on Atkins for one year, and only had one cheat day on Christmas... but I really miss real food. I realized tho while on Atkins, my snacking habits had not changed at all! I was the same person & was just gorging on LC snacks & junk food.. Now I did loose 40lbs but still have 20lbs to loose. But honestly I lost those 40lbs by last July and just gone up & down for the last 7 months!! But I can not live the "low carb" lifestyle, it is just unnatural!!
So anyways while in my desperation to find some other diet to switch to, I literally stumbled upon this website! I was intrigued from the start, that was Sat night, and I started Sun, had two N meals, but figured I would have an S meal for dinner so at the ball park I had a hamburger (with bun)!! bag of M&Ms and a 1/2 can coke. It was awesome!
Mon, March 5 SUCCESS
Tue, March 6 SUCCESS

Today is my dd birthday and I can't decide if i should take an S day or not... Also I'm still really scared of carbs, but they are really all I want to eat what do you think, should I stay away from them, or ;moderate them, or just enjoy them & follow the plan as is.... so for I've just been eating what I want
:D but no sweets, no snacks & no seconds!!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:05 pm
by milliem
Welcome to NoS!

The carb issue is a tricky one, I think (I'm not an expert by any means!) that when you start reintroducing carbs, you can gain a lot of 'water weight' due to the makeup of your diet changing. However fundamentally, if you continue to eat less than your body expends day to day it will settle down and you will continue to lose weight. It might be worth experimenting and adding a lower amount of carbs for a while before going all out, seeing how it works for you?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:45 am
by mricem
Wed March 7 SUCCESS !!

I only had breakfast & lunch because I waited to long to have my lunch so I wasn't hungry for dinner. Hope that's okay... I did no-s, but my book hasn't arrived yet so I'm just winging.
I decided not to take an S day for my daughters bday, I'm just saving that treat for this weekend instead. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:38 pm
by mricem
Just popped in to say I just took a 30 min walk!!! With all 6 of my kids!! it was not easy, and we were going really slow, but hey we did it!! I counted it as PE for the older kids! I really really really want to keep this up. I want to walk every weekday for at least 30, sometimes by myself too :D if hubby is up for letting me get away!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:59 am
by mricem
Thurs Mar 8th SUCCESS!!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:42 pm
by mricem
so I decided to get on the scale this morning, but I didn't exactly get on the scale before I started i just kinda guestimated my weight but maybe it wasn't correct, i don't know... it was after several binges cause I couldn't do low carb one more day... all that restricting... but my husband kept asking me how are you going to know if your new diet is working, if you don't weigh yourself? which makes sense, but I figured there are better ways of telling like how my clothes are fitting..
Well anyways I got on the scale and I am 142... a little higher that i had anticipated. I was sure that I had dropped a pound at least. of course now I am struggling with whether i should do this diet, should I go low carb instead. But honestly I can't do it!! I love this diet, & I really need this diet to work :)

Please excuse my ranting :oops: I just needed to let off some steam.

I am committed to the NoS I believe in my heart/gut it is right for me... its just that age old "diet" mentality (at least for me) of wanting to see results right away.

So my first weekend is coming up... I'm nervous!! Im afraid of going crazy, cuz I know I only have 2 days till NoS again... but at the same time I'm really looking forward to it :D

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:32 pm
by HabitMaker
I'm not experienced with low carb diets, but it makes sense since they say the rapid part of the initial low-carb weight loss has to do with dropping a lot of water weight, that you would go up in pounds somewhat after stopping because the conditions that created the loss of water would be reversed. But I don't actually know. In any case, hopefully you can just count the one weight as your baseline, and move forward from there.

Also, after any very restrictive diet, it is somewhat normal to gain some weight when you go off the diet, even if it is very scary to see it happening.

I think reading the book will help with your worries. It seems like a sensible, sustainable way to live, something that will work (and be possible) in the long term.

Good luck! I hope you stick around to give this a real go! I'm just starting out myself, and plan to give it some time for the habits to become a part of me before I decide whether it's a success.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:39 am
by mricem
Thank you habitmaker, it does make sense :) I am definitely giving this a real go lol! If I can do atkins for a year this should be a literal walk in the park! I am still waiting for my book, but could u tell me if the book says anything about eating 3 meals? I keep eating only 2 a day as I eat lunch too late and am not hungry for dinner. I'm not sure if this is good or bad??

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:09 am
by mricem
I feel so guilty eating food today. I don't like this feeling. What gives!?! I love the structure of the No S days.. Do we have to take exept days?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:39 pm
by mricem
Monday March 12 SUCCESS!

My family couldn't be happier that I eat like a normal person now (just smaller amounts) My husband said to me that he was thinking about how the kids (I have 6) never want to eat dinner, well they snack endlessly on "healthy" stuff, but are just not really hungry. So yesterday while I was running errands then came home to make dinner he did NOT let them snack and boy were they hungry for my Lasangna soup!! I think were on to something here :D

Also I think I am rediscovering a love for cooking that I had lost, and I am happy about that too!

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:46 pm
by milliem
mricem wrote:I feel so guilty eating food today. I don't like this feeling. What gives!?! I love the structure of the No S days.. Do we have to take exept days?
I wouldn't give up S days altogether, otherwise there is no structure for when you do feel like something sweet or a snack or a second helping. However, remember that it is 'except SOMETIMES on days that begin with S' - nothing says you have to snack and eat sweets all weekend! If you naturally don't have any S's on a weekend, good for you! Just be mindful of it :)

Also, about the 2 meals a day thing - maybe it's something you need to look at in terms of your routine? Is there a reason you eat lunch so late? Could you prioritising sitting down and having a small lunchtime meal so you can eat dinner with your family?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:56 am
by mricem
Hi melliem :) thank you for your reply. I think I just have beginners jitters & am nervous to get it right! I am so used to "diet" plans telling me everything I am suppose to do I just don't trust myself yet. I do want to take my s days I just haven't unlearned my old mindsets yet. I feel like I am cheating still, not rewarding myself. I did get my book this week so that is helping me but I am beginning to realize that this is a journey not just a "diet". I like the idea but I am a little scared of it too. Kinda feeling like a grown up finally (but still so dependent on the inside) I guess tha sounds weird. I haven't got it all worked out lol!! I'm in process :)

I am trying to eat my 3 meals a day & am spending that time with my family - to eat with them & enjoy their company that is so important.

Tues Mar 13 SUCCESS yay!

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:05 am
by mricem
Wed, March 14 SUCCESS

today was actually hard. but i did it. yay me!! I am not giving up on this fight! I want this so much. i want to eat like a normal person and live like a normal person, and this is the best program I have seen to do that.

I got in my 30 min walk with the kids, also jumped on the elliptical for 4 songs (ab 12 - 14 minutes) and I pulled out our sledge hammer and tried out a few moves w/ it. my hubby laughed at me for that he says to me "honey that is not a sledge hammer, that is a mallet!" hahaha!! well it weighed 4 lbs plus the weight of the handle, but he said he would by me a proper sledgehammer (I'm thinking he might get himself one too :))

"Here's to the ones who don't give up!" -Superchick

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:32 am
by ZippaDee
:lol: too funny about the mallet! Thanks for the giggle this morning. Sounds like you are doing great! Keep on keepin' on. Have a great day! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:59 am
by mricem
Thur March 15 SUCCESS!!

Can I get a woop-woop!!

Why is that green so satisfying? I did my zumba today and a little shugging still getting the feel if it, but hubby brought me home a proper sledge hammer :)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:01 am
by r.jean

What a good hubby!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:45 am
by mricem
Thanks r.jean :D

Fri March 16 SUCCESS
Friday weigh in ... 138

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:26 pm
by mricem
Monday March 19 SUCCESS

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:52 pm
by mricem
Tues, March 20 SUCCESS

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:06 am
by mricem
Wed, March 21 SUCCESS

Wasn't feeling so well today, but I stuck to the plan. I had a couple "airborne's" throughout the day but I don't consider that a fail, I don't want an exepmt day either. But I didn't exersize AT ALL. Oh well mark it and move on :D

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:23 am
by mricem
Thurs March 22 SUCCES
Fri March 23 SUCCESs
Friday weigh in... 140

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:32 am
by mricem
Monday March26 SUCCESS


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:57 am
by mricem
Tues March 27 SUCCESS!!

Boy I can't wait for the weekend!! î•î„†î•

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:36 am
by NoSnacker
thanks for the comment on the urge..funny you should speak of temptation, sin, etc. i do believe the same things.

i was just telling my friend yesterday it is the devil and even typed that on my post but didn't want to give him any glory, so i called the thing the urge :)

anyhow...i enjoyed your response.

God Bless...

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:12 pm
by KL
You're doing great :!: All those greens :mrgreen: Yay you. :D

Yes, gluttony, tempation, sin - all wrapped up into one big ugly. I'm with you NoSnacker - not giving any glory to that one!!

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:14 am
by mricem
Kl & no snacker this is great news for us because in our weakness His strength is made perfect!!

Wed March28 SUCCESS
- I did not take enough food for dinner tonight & was hungry tonight!! But the rules r the rules so no seconds for me î• and you know what i survived. I picked up some treats for me for this weekend to look forward to. Yum, but I can wait î…

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:36 pm
by snapdragon
I loved when I realized being hungry isn't the end of the world and will go away if I hold off a bit.

Sounds like your doing well, I laughed when you talked about walking with all the kids....I only have four, and it's always a disaster lol. No reason playing and running around at the park can't be good exercise. I make a point of it in nice weather, though my 13 y.o DD grumbles she gets over it.

I often wonder what my DH would think if he saw me swinging around a sledge hammer. I chuckle at the thought. I don't have one but saw one in my elderly moms garage and was tempted to take it home with me.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:05 pm
by KL
Good job in moving through the hunger. It's amazing that we don't actually expire when we just eat meals without the snacks between. :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:10 am
by mricem
Snapdragon, I have 6 and it is always really a disaster!! Yes the park is great too, but that always turns into at least a 2 hr event :lol: since im homrschooling i tell them its PE

Thanks KL for your encouragement, ya hunger isn't so scary (anymore)

Thursday March 29 SUCCESS

Man, am I PMSing!! I cannot wait to eat chocolate this weekend!! Wait no yes I can AND I will... And it will be enjoyable without guilt!! Man I love noSing!! 

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:54 pm
by mricem
Doing well with no S on weeekdays, but weekends are way to wild. Will have to address that soon. I was terribly sick with the flu so I took 2 sick days.

4/1 Sun sday
4/2 Mon success
4/3 Tues success

4/4 Wed sick
4/5 thurs sick

4/6 Friday success

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:55 am
by mricem
4/7 Saturday
4/8 Easter Sunday
4/9 Monday
4/10 Tuesday

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:33 pm
by mricem
I am still sticking to the plan. I have just been to busy to check in here. I have been keeping track on Habitcal tho :)

I just noticed tho, on Saturday I just can't eat as much, which is nice. I had my usual 1c corn flakes banana & milk and went on to have a little "treat" some mini cadbury eggs & a snack bag of bunny fruit & i am stuffed to the gills!! So a week long of practicing 3 meals only has definitely shrunk my stomach!!

Unfortunately I haven't lost much weight, only 2 lbs since I began, but I am learning a lot. Like how to wait to eat even if I feel like eating more.

