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ryan1972's check in

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:26 pm
by ryan1972
Hello to the entire No S board. I've been lurking here for about two years with a couple rare posts. I've decided to start a check in thread to create some momentum and accountability.

I'm going to turn the big 4-0 this summer, and I'm reluctant to hit that milestone in such a "bad" place with eating and exercise. I've struggled with weight most of my life. About ten years ago, I went vegetarian and lost 120 pounds, but the pounds gradually came back.

I've always been interested in reading about nutrition, exercise, and diets, but, unfortunately, reading about these subjects has rarely translated into action. I've gone through phases of flirting with veganism....low carb....Paleo...Carbohydrate Addict's name it, I've planned to try it...and in some cases, DID try it for a day or two.

No S makes more sense to me than any other plan out there. I love that it allows for normalcy and addresses HABIT rather than the minutiae of food lists and numbers, etc. That being said, I've had a hard time sticking to it in the past because my inner voice is my own worst enemy.

I'm back for more. I want to check in almost every day, more for myself, but if other people can offer insight or support, then I welcome that wholeheartedly.

Thanks for "listening".

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:41 pm
by ~reneew
Welcome!!! My best advice is to be very strict with the rules, especially at first. I was wishy-washy for so long that I couldn't do 2 days in a row. When I became strict, I accomplished 21 days straight so far. Also, read the book if you haven't. It really helps. Good luck! :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:50 pm
by ryan1972
Thanks for the advice. The structure and strictness of No S really appeals to me - no shades of gray to contend with! I have the book, and I've read it....several times, in fact! LOL.

As you can tell, my problem tends to be with consistency. I find it very easy to tell myself, "well, I'm just start again tomorrow...or next week..or next month".

I'm hoping that the check in will help hold my feet to the fire a little bit.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:27 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I totally understand the want to try again later. But this is the time for you! You can do it. From the book, I love this part:
"Nothing builds power like practice. When you resist these pangs (hunger), it isn't just a one-time act of virtue, it builds the muscle of resistance."
Each time you resist, the easier you'll make it for next time. Each time you give in, you're making it harder for next time.
and from the book
"Self deception is a powerful force, and you can't afford to be naive about it. No snacks blocks this kind of self-deception. It simply doesn't matter when you're hungry; you're not allowed to eat."
Be strict about this and it will come back to bless you.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:30 pm
by ~reneew
great reminder!

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:34 pm
by ryan1972
It's almost the end of my second day, and it's going pretty well. Yesterday was a success. I'm not thrilled with all of my food choices, but I did succeed with the Vanilla No S rules.

Today I've been suffering from a low grade headache and slight nausea. It feels a lot like the low carb flu. I'm not eating low carb by definition, but I'm sure that I'm eating significantly less sugar just by following the rules.

Today is also my son's 16th birthday, so we are taking the family out for pizza. While technically this could be a "special" day, I think I'm going to eat a reasonable amount of pizza and call it a green.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:28 pm
by ryan1972
I had a good time at my son's birthday pizza dinner, but I think I overdid it. I ate my own pizza, plus some breadsticks and a nibble of my daughter's chicken finger. I also had diet soda, which I want to considered an "S" because it's such a gateway for me.

I changed my Habitcal to red for today. Now I must resist the dreaded "What the Hell" effect for the rest of the evening.

Tomorrow is another day. Of course, I have a work related dinner tomorrow night, and another birthday party Friday night, and Sunday is Easter. I need to remind myself that perfection is not required.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:56 pm
by ryan1972
I felt much better this morning. I actually like the feeling of getting truly hungry at meal times. It makes the food much more enjoyable.

Today has been green so far. I'm going to a workshop tonight with a meal included. That's always a wild card! Keeping my fingers crossed that it's something reasonably healthy and delicious.

Next week I want to work harder at incorporating some exercise. I'd like to get in 14 minutes of anything in the morning and walking wherever I can. I know the dogs would enjoy that!

I'm thinking that I will use red, yellow and green in the traditional way for No S, and maybe only mark green on days when I exercise. Too much red might be psychologically damaging at this point. I just want to move in the right direction.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:41 pm
by ryan1972
Stressful day. Big fat fail.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:33 am
by determined

Take a deep breath....and another one. You "failed" probably will do so again someday....but it's what you decide to do that will determine whether or not you will be healthy on a long-term basis. What we are learning here is not just how to eat to lose weight, but how to eat to maintain our weight. Maintenance - what a concept!!! This is hard work. But if you hang in there and keep going, you'll be amazed at your progress. So...pick yourself up, dust off the crumbs and have another green day on Monday.

And...don't forget that even naturally thin people eat too much sometimes! But what they do that I don't is that they don't beat themselves up over it. They just go back to eating well & whatever they gained will fall back off. Again, you failed. We all fail with our eating habits. Picking yourself up after a fail is really difficult, but you can do this. You really can.


Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:03 am
by lbb (Liz)
You failed. Mark it and move on.
Don't dwell on it.
I think it's easier to fail again the next time when we are hard on ourselves!
You can do this!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:05 am
by ryan1972
Thank you for the kind words. You sound like my wife, who often reminds me that tearing myself down is not productive.

I'm actually not that torn up about the fact that I only achieved two greens in one week. It's better than the week before. :lol:

I'm going to mark my yellows and have a good Easter weekend.

Again, thanks for weighing in (pun intended). There's a lot of good people on this board. I'm sure it's helping a lot of people out there.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:02 am
by ryan1972
Whoa. Yesterday was an extremely "bad" eating day. Technically a yellow, but hard to feel great about it. I've read a lot of accounts that suggest that S days moderate naturally with time. I hope so. I'm looking forward to the day when S days don't turn into "eat everything that isn't nailed down" days.

However, I can say that I was more aware of the fact that what I was doing and eating didn't feel as good. Part of me definitely likes the structure of the N day. It lets me get out of my own head a little bit. After so many years of fighting with this, my head is a noisy and confusing place to be.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:19 pm
by NoSnacker
I had one of those days yesterday, kind of ending my 21 days challenge..which I'll start another challenge tomorrow.

The most important thing is get back on track tomorrow...

Seems I read a lot of posts that had a bad day yesterday..maybe there was a full moon :)

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:09 pm
by determined
I hope you don't mind a bit of advice from someone who's struggled a lot! I don't know about you, but I've found the Monday after a bad couple of days and a bit of a wild weekend can be quite difficult. So here's my advice....make a plan. I'm not talking about counting calories or anything like that, but it's helpful for me to plan meals that will be substantial. I think our dieting past tells us to eat something very low-cal to counter-act the days we've eating more than we wanted, BUT I believe that actually is a really bad idea. Why? When I try to eat a minimal amount of food on a Monday, I start thinking that I can't succeed. I can't do it. I can't do this food-deprived stuff anymore and before I know it I've foraged in the pantry and walked out with something crunchy...and not on a plate!

On a Monday after a bad few days I eat scrambled eggs for breakfast...with toast or part of a bagel. And for lunch I have a sandwich or leftovers from the night before....and a nice piece of fruit...or something I know I'll really enjoy. I try to remind myself that I CAN do this. I can eat this way the rest of my life. Mondays are not the day to try and balance out the "bad" days. This plan is to teach us to eat normally...and Mondays are DEFINITELY the day to start the week encouraged. I literally have to forget the failures and just work the plan.

So there's my two-cents. Make tomorrow a day to look forward to, not a day deprived of normal meals. You can do really can!

Hang in there....janie

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:46 pm
by ryan1972
I don't mind advice. I welcome it! I completely understand what you're saying. One of the things that I like about No S is that I can actually look forward to meals because everything can be yummy! LOL.

My wife and I have been spending the morning cooking ahead for the week and making menu plans. It does help to have a plan.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:55 pm
by oolala53
Hi, Ryan. Hope this isn't too much advice.

Try to let go of S days or what you want them to be like too soon. How long would you give yourself to learn to deliver a killer serve in the middle of a hot tennis contest? You'd practice a lot of serves under no pressure.

And remember, you didn't have a green week. To you, that may mean you should have been able to have a tamer S day to make up for it. But there's that serve issue again. If you didn't get the ball in the court in practice-- and it will likely take time to do that, why should you expect yourself to be even better in a game? Just play and try to have some fun!

Concentrate on green weeks. Slowly get to the point where you are hungry for your meals, if you aren't now. When the stresses tell you to eat, try just reminding yourself you ate a good meal just not that long ago and you're going to have another great one in a few hours. I used to stress eat EVERY day after my high school students (for ten YEARS) were gone for the day. That almost never happens now. I used that thinking HUNDREDS of times to help me through.

I know this may sound discouraging but take it from someone 27 months in who had a less-than-tame S day yesterday: don't worry about S days until you've had a hundred green N days. Seriously. Twenty-one days of No S is a lovely, fantastic START. It is not the end of establishing the habit. And even with 20-22 days of sane eating a month for six months, you are going to be better off than you were.

Think of this more like learning tennis or perhaps getting a college degree. You're majoring in smarter eating. Just keep checking off the prereq's and you'll get to the upper division courses, but you'll have to attend the lectures, do the coursework, and take the tests. This is easier. N days is practically the whole course! But it's a long course.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:37 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Thank you, Ryan for having a wild S day. No just kidding. I'm sorry you did....
I only say "thank you" because you have received a lot of GREAT advice that I will take from!
Because I had a wild one too yesterday. Yes oh so wild and will gather these nuggets of wisdom to take me forth as well.
You...WE all can do it.
Focus on the N days this week.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:23 pm
by ryan1972
Today has been and will continue to be a green day for me. I ate so much over the Easter weekend that I've felt blah all day. Have to try to remember this feeling on the next yellow day.

I had yogurt with bananas, strawberries and almonds for breakfast. Lunch was chili, Kashi crackers and string cheese, and an apple. I think I'll have some kind of chicken and veggie pasta for dinner.

Still thinking about all the great advice posted in my check-in

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:17 pm
by ryan1972
Second successful green N day in a row.....I go rogue in the next few hours! I don't think that will happen, however. I'm feeling pretty good on the food front.

Breakfast was toast with peanut butter and banana. Lunch was pasta with ground beef, onions, peppers and sauce. I'm on my own for supper tonight, so I'm thinking something simple, maybe chicken salad sandwich....maybe some veggies and dip?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:42 pm
by lbb (Liz)
YAY for a green N day!
Keep it up. The more you do it, the easier it will get.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:45 pm
by oolala53
Have both. Put it all on a plate. You don't have to finish the sandwich, but you can.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:40 pm
by ryan1972

Breakfast - cereal with berries and almonds, yogurt
Lunch - Lemon chicken pasta, kashi crackers, string cheese, apple
Dinner - pulled pork fajiitas

I narrowly resisted eating some donuts just now. I wanted them but figured there will be donuts on Saturday.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:03 am
by Amy3010
Just wanted to say that your bad days last week and all the great advice you got in response have been really helpful to hear - thanks for sharing it. I have just started and the S days make me feel really apprehensive. And hang in there - looks like you got off to a strong start this week!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:55 pm
by lbb (Liz)
Great work resisting the donuts.
That is tough business!
Enjoy one tomorrow!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:33 am
by ryan1972
OK. I had a five green days in the row this past week. Now it's a yellow/S day. I know that I can have whatever I want, and I want to embrace that. BUT.....I don't want to eat food just to because "I can". So here's to an S day that feels binges...just common sense meals with some treats along the way....the way "normal" people eat.

Strangely, I don't really feel like eating anything yet this morning. Since I don't have to leave for work, I don't have to default to anything particularly quick and easy. Guess I'll take the dogs for a walk instead!

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:44 am
by NoSnacker
I'm with you on this one!!! Here's to the normal life of eating..

I hope to keep my S days a little sane..feel of this past October because I was not happy with the S days gone wild.

New beginnings!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:36 am
by ryan1972
Well, my S days were a little wild. I feel ok about "getting back on the wagon" today, but I suspect it could be tough. I'm a teacher on April break. I don't do well with wide open expanses of unstructured time. Lapsing into "old" habits of eating all day is so easy and, frankly, so comfortable. I'm feeling determined though to make some real and lasting changes in habits.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:39 am
by ryan1972
This is really hard. I've had two red days in a row coming off the weekend. School vacations are always rough, but I was hoping to cruise off the momentum of a green week. Grrrr. I have to come up with some strategies to stick to Vanilla No S when I don't have work to provide structure.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:49 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I'm sorry I also relate to having 2 reds off the weekend. On Spring break too with my kids and it's tough when you're in "vacation mode".
At first I was instilling the mods of 3 meals/day and a treat at night.
But that has now lead to more treats than desired...and binges.
So I am instilling "Vanilla" again, even though I have a few days of vacation and lots of temptations.
But everything can wait for the weekend and I'll focus more on my meals being absolutely yummy.
We can do this. Though there isn't structure in our day-to-day, NoS is that structure we need.
Take care, Liz

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:38 pm
by ryan1972
Thanks, Liz. I appreciate the support. I really want to get it together before summer vacation. If I think April vacation is tough, then the two + months of summer will be even more challenging!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:59 am
by carpediem
I also worked in the public school system as an elementary guidance counselor. The structure of a set schedule (35 minutes for lunch and no time to snack in between) was a big help, and yet it was during those 20 years of work that I gained over 100 pounds! I would do great at school and then come home and 'graze' from 3:30 until lights out. I retired this past June and although it is definitely a challenge, with the help of NoS and the no snacking restriction, I find it almost easier than when I worked. No snacking...period! Doesn't matter what time of day it is, although I have to admit the urge to indulge is much more persistent after the 3:00 'bell' Pavolov's dog and I have something in common on that one!! :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:04 pm
by carpediem
Pavlov...not did I hit the o key in there? Seriously, a counselor who can't spell Pavlov?? That's ridikulous! :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:50 pm
by ryan1972
Well, I'm back to work and hoping for a more successful week. I was red every day last week while on vacation. Some days were "better" than others, but to be honest, the "what the hell" effect was in FULL effect most of the time.

I've read some stuff online - some on this board, some other sites - about a Zombie Apocalypse metaphor for Shovelglove. I love The Walking Dead, so I would like to give that a try. I'm convinced that Shovelglove is a great workout. I just have to conquer my resistance to working out first thing in the morning.

Green days - here I come!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:14 pm
by carpediem
Good to hear you're back, Ryan :D Vacations can be really rough. It's like a whole different mindset when we're places, new foods, new sights and sounds. And after all, isn't the food a large part of the experience?? My husband and I are planning a trip out west this summer and will be gone over a month. I'm already trying to plan foods I can eat and giving myself pep talks about staying on track while I'm away. I know it will be more challenging but I also know I can't be too hard on myself if I don't have all green and yellow days, and more importantly I will get back on track as soon as I get home. I've not gotten into the shovelglove routine as yet. I have a fair amount of physical restrictions so for now my personal rule is to exercise 10 minutes a day. I know that's not much, but it's a start and hate to admit it but it's 10 more minutes than I used to exercise!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:43 pm
by ryan1972
Today is my second day back on track after my vacation red-fest. Again, I have felt terrible most of the day - headache, queasy, BLAH. This seems to happen every time I hop back on the wagon after a few days of over the top eating. I can equate it to the low carb flu I briefly experienced when I attempted Atkins a few years ago. I need to lighten up on the hog-wild S days because I do not want to feel like this every Tuesday!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:44 pm
by carpediem
I get that feeling sometimes too, Ryan. If I over-indulge, but also if I have gone several days dieting strictly, I can also get messed up for awhile. I'm not much for veggies and if I eat more than a couple salads a week I usually regret it. Too much fiber maybe....

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:17 pm
by ~reneew
I just spent a year and a half totally unable to do 2 green days in a row, and now I've gone a month and a half all green except for one red day when I ate one darn cookie. What I'm doing different now is that I got very strict and serious :evil: (on a Wed.) and told myself that I was going to finish the week green for practice... and actually planned a really rewarding weekend of food (it was my birthday), and then starting Monday I was going to do 21 days straight if it killed me! I've succeeded, and honestly, it gets so so much easier as the time goes on that I get over confident and want to modify it (aka find ways to cheat). Then I read the "phases of NoS" and realise that I'm not ready for that yet! I remember thinking that it had gotten so much easier to follow already on the second week. Just think about gettting the habit first. Period.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:17 pm
by lbb (Liz)
That's the perfect emoticon for the "strict and serious" :evil:
Love it. This is a good testament to not getting too confident and to REALLY nail down N days as habit before messing with mods, or giving up entirely.

Thanks for the reminder, reneew.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:52 pm
by ryan1972
I'm recommitting myself to vanilla No S today. It's the first day of the month, Spring is finally here, and it's my daughter's 13th birthday. All good reasons to focus on positive change.

Breakfast - shredded wheat with strawberries and bananas
Lunch - a big spinach salad with carrots, tomatoes, cheese, grilled chicken
Dinner - not sure but thinking about chicken sausage and potatoes

I'm having a hard time getting up early enough in the morning to exercise, but I'll have some time tonight before the family gets home. Maybe an inaugural session of shovelglove?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 2:46 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I'm with ya! LET'S DO THIS! :D