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Carpediem's Weekly Reality Check...

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:36 am
by carpediem
Okay, I started back with NoS on April 7 and decided I will post my progress every Monday morning. The goal here is to keep things as simple a possible, so for now only have a couple hard and fast rules:

1. Drink water before every meal. I dont drink enough water and this will be a way of seeing that I at least get 3 glasses a day
2. Exercise 10 minutes a day. I know that isn't much but I am in need of a knee replacement so have to limit. Also figure if I start out slow there's a better chance I'll actually stick to the plan. Gotta admit, I'm not a great lover of exercise...

Last week went well. I had no trouble sticking to the diet and lost 2.9 pounds. Saturday was my first S Day and I am happy to report I wasn't even really craving sweets (major weakness of mine!) so didn't go overboard. I don't know what happened yesterday, but felt like all I did as 'graze' all day long :( Left over Easter candy, girl scout cookies, pizza for supper. I know it was 'allowed' but also feel it was uncalled for. Hoping this all slows down after I get in the groove a bit. I'm making it an educational experience, tho. Taking note of the bloating and blah feeling this morning, and also the disappointment in myself. I dont like it....

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:23 am
by carpediem
Just finished my second full week of NoS...lost 3.5 pounds! yay! That being said, I am aware that my numbers will not always be this high and I'm losing a bit faster because I have more to lose than the average bear. However, I'm still going to enjoy the moment!! :P
What I learned this week is that I can't drink a bottle of water before breakfast without feeling a little queazy, no idea why. So even though I'm drinking more than usual, I'm not meeting that 3 bottles a day goal. This week I'll try drinking a cup of tea instead. Also I feel like I maybe should make certain allowances as far as the no snacking rule, as diabetics are as a rule supposed to eat a bit more frequently. But I've been watching my glucose readings and so far everything is fine.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:28 pm
by carpediem
Gain of .4 lbs...bummer. I stuck to the diet faithfully this week, and although I realize I can't expect to keep up with my previous significant losses, staying the same is much better than gaing....definitely a downer!


1. I am not following through on my glass of water before every meal. Just can't seem to get into drinking water. Have been drinking iced sun tea with meals instead, and there is a little sugar in the tea. Not drinking enough and not drinking just plain water.
2.Also, I have been very good about staying away from sweets. But I think I might be eating more carbs than I maybe should be. Muffins or toast for breakfast at times, sandwiches for lunch, occasional dinner roll with the evening meal. Not always but once in a while.

I don't want to be too strict with this and I don't want to get discouraged. So taking a deep breath and continuing on.....

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:01 am
by r.jean
I only weighed once a month when I first started. Now I step on the scale more often but still only write down my monthly weight. There are too many things that can affect you on weekly weigh ins.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:11 am
by NoSRocks
hi carpediem and r jean! :D

Just adding my 2 cent's worth: I, too, find that if I eat bread based meals I tend to gain/hold onto weight. When I was younger, I never used to have any 'problem' eating bread weight wise.... then again, didn't we all when we were younger? So many things I have taken for granted....sigh...!

So I might change it up now and again, instead of say, toast at breakfast and a sandwich for lunch on the same day, I'll have granola that day instead. I usually find if I can stay off the bread long enough, my weight may start to reduce by a lb or two but I can't seem to lay off the bread long enough to make the weight loss stick!

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:29 pm
by carpediem
I dont know if I could restrict myself to once a month for weigh-ins, Jean. Not that I enjoy the scales, but a month is a long time to wait. Although your way is probably better, I need the incentive each week...problem is when I haven't lost anything or when I've actually gained, it can kind of kill the motivation. Doesn't seem to be too much of a problem this time around, though. I am aware that there will be the occasional bump in the road.
I know what you're saying about carbs, Rocks! Bread, dinner rolls, etc are definitely a weakness of mine. I do try to limit but this week it just seemed like I had a bit more bread than usual. Also had mashed potatoes one night, scalloped potatoes another night...I'm thinking potatoes probably aren't so good either..... :(

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:20 am
by r.jean
As long as you have the right perspective on the weigh ins, I see no problem with weighing as often as you want. At the beginning, I was sabotaging myself with the scale. After I did the monthly weighing for a while I was able to gain perspective. The scale no longer controls me. It is simply one tool to measure progress.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:34 pm
by carpediem
Another Sunday of grazing, not quite as bad as last week but the same 'This-Is-My-Last-Chance-Until-Next-Weekend' cloud was looming overhead all day. I am aware that it's normal to over indulge at first but I still don't like it. This will be rough week, too, as I am meeting friends for lunch on Monday and Wednesday, plus I will be out of town all day Tuesday. Camping next weekend (S'mores and mountain pies!). Ugh! But the good news is, I really think I'm up for the challenge. It is possible to eat out without over-indulging and at least camping will be during the S Day period. I'm going to concentrate on the warm fuzzy feeling I'm going to wrap myself in one week from tonight when I realize I've successfully navigated the last 7 days without blowing NoS out of the water!!!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 11:45 am
by carpediem
Well... lost 1.1 lbs this week. I know that's good and all, but I was hoping for more. Especially since I didn't lose, but actually gained a bit, last week. No red days and I cut way back on carbs. Honestly, I think I may not be eating quite enough. I'm not a great veggies and fruit person, and despite appearances I've never been a big eater. A bowl of cereal for breakfast will suffice. A sandwich or bowl of soup (not usually both) is enough for lunch, and then a fairly light supper. I don't count calories so not sure what my intake is.
I've upped my exercise to 12 minutes a day, which I realize is still not much, but is not bad considering my limitations. And I am making a concentrated effort to drink more water.
Was able to make it through two lunch dates without blowing the diet and am headed to a weekend of camping; expecting to be quite a challenge. I do tend to over indulge a bit on S days but hoping my frustration doesn't work into Reinhard's 'what the hell effect'....

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:09 pm
by carpediem
I am so irritated at myself! I started out the weekend doing okay, but by today (Sunday) I was eating anything I darn well pleased, and lots of it! Cookies, pop, s'mores, I was totally oblivious to the fact that I am on a mission to eat healthier and lose this excess weight. I'm so frustrated! If I don't lose anything this week, or if I gain, I'm sure going to know why..... :(

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:50 am
by carpediem
Well after gaining 3.3 lbs after last weekend's camping trip, I have lost 2.6 lbs for my weekly weigh-in. So even though I technically gained a wee bit this week Im not going to complain. Mark it and move on! Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to exercise a bit more self control!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 2:52 pm
by NoSnacker
Hi there, totally understand your struggle. What I have found that has been helping me is incorporating some of the Beck Solutions...3x5 cards with little notes to myself that I read a couple times a day..

Examples might be:

"A binge is just not worth it anymore, does nothing for me in reality, it really doesn't"

"When you focus on behavior, you get results thrown into the bargain because behavior causes results. When you focus on results, you get neither because results cannot exist without behavior. And behavior, besides being a better thing to measure, is also easier thing to measure" from No S book

"Overeating is not the result of a rational thought process. We don't do some kind of (faulty) cost-benefit analysis and decided that the pleasure of this bag of ??? is worth what it will do to our gut" A habit to be replaced with the good habit of not giving in. No S book.

"It's about the sanity with food..feeling in control"...

"Deal with the emotions and food will find it's proper place in our lives" say NO to food as a fix..

"Food tastes better if I'm hungry for my meals"

If you feel up to it, jot down some things that mean something to you that you can read to reinforce the changes you want to make.

Sorry, I just feel this cognotive thinking really helps a lot, after all the whole overeating process starts in our head.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 12:40 pm
by carpediem
Those are great noSnacker! You had mentioned before about the 3x5 cards and that is certainly a good idea. I get such great tips from fellow NoS-ers on here...all very encouraging! Instead of cards, I think I might get a small notebook to keep in my purse. That way I can pull it out at any given time and do a little 'light reading' if I'm feeling overpowered by chocolate! :wink:

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:42 am
by carpediem
Lost .4 lbs this week. I'm very glad I didn't gain, but still fight the battle with my impatience. I know I steps! One thing that I find very impressive....In all my history of yo yo-ing, I have never managed to stick to a diet this long before. It's been a month and a half now and I have not even considered throwing in the towel. That realization brings with it a huge sense of accomplishment! Just don't like inching along. In the race of the tortoise and the hare I am the snail!!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 12:07 pm
by r.jean
Good job! Keep hanging in there!

As the months go on, the losses will add up, and you will feel better about the gradual loss. You will realize that it really is better to go slow. This is a sustainable plan that you can maintain the rest of your life.

I was inpatient when I started too, but I learned to relax and accept the plan as is. It works for me!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 2:36 am
by carpediem
I'm feeling a little better about this weekend. Friday ended up being a Red Day but not by a whole lot. Spent the entire day with my daughter checking out wedding dresses, sampling cake, renting the reception hall and talking to photographers. Suppose it could have been yellow, but truth is I didn't have to eat the cake....
Rest of the weekend was not as out-of-control as the past few weekends have been. I feel fairly good about it and ready to begin another week tomorrow :)

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:18 am
by carpediem
All I wanted to do today, it seems, was EAT! Was really craving sweets and carbs. I wasn't really hungry, just wanted something good to eat. Wednesdays seem to be extra hard for me. Seemed to take forever between meals. Good news is I stayed green, but sure was close to being a big ole red!!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:37 am
by Amy3010
Good job! I think we should get extra credit somehow for those kinds of days :wink: !

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:13 am
by carpediem
I totally agree, Amy! Some days are much more work than others for sure!!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 2:10 pm
by mimi
carpediem wrote:All I wanted to do today, it seems, was EAT! Was really craving sweets and carbs. I wasn't really hungry, just wanted something good to eat. Wednesdays seem to be extra hard for me. Seemed to take forever between meals. Good news is I stayed green, but sure was close to being a big ole red!!
I have those days as well, carpediem, and when I do, I make an effort to fix a comfort food meal that I really enjoy - for me that would be lasagna or some kind of pasta dish with hot garlic bread and salad, or meatloaf and mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese. If I don't have the time to cook (midweek I usually don't) I order an extra cheese pizza or stop by a local spot that sells scrumptious pulled barbecue pork. I think the carb factor in these rescue meals helps to take care of the sweet cravings for me.

You are dong so well! Keep it up!

Mimi :D

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:55 pm
by AnnaBanana
Hey Carpe, just checking on you! I'm sooo proud of you! You are sticking with it! I saw where you said you had a daughter getting married? I have a son getting married in March 2013. I've been kicking up exercise. That always seems to be the key for me doing better with food. I'm guessing it's the endorphins. I second the motion on those carby/sweet days that you fix comfort food for one meal. Sure helps a lot!

Laura Ann

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:22 am
by carpediem
Those meals all sounded scrumptious, Mimi! I sometimes think I don't eat enough, dieting too strictly maybe. Bowl of cereal for breakfast, sandwich and a yogurt for lunch, chicken breast, veggie and maybe a salad for supper. Usually water to drink, sometimes milk. Maybe if I ate a bit more I wouldn't have such a hard time mid-week. But...I don't get hungry very often, just crave junk food. Story of my life..... :roll:
Congrats on the upcoming wedding, LauraAnn! I've been enjoying all the pre-wedding preparations, but wish I could wave a magic wand or wiggle my nose bewitched-style and lose 100 pounds in the next 7 months! I realize that's not going to happen so instead am just going to keep on pluggin away with NoS. Figure whatever I lose is an improvement. You, on the other hand, will look GREAT since you've lost so much weight! What fun! :D

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:50 am
by carpediem
I'm so frustrated! Today was my weekly weigh-in and again I gained. Only .4 pounds but still...
I really worked at the diet this week. Wednesday was particularly hard but I stuck with it and I didn't go off the plan. As I previously mentioned, if anything I don't eat quite enough. This is the first time I've been tempted to just chuck the whole thing....but I won't.
On top of being robbed of the joy of seeing the numbers go down on my scales, I also am frustrated because my glucose readings have gone UP
(???). Just the morning readings, but seems to be hovering around 185. That's about 40 or 50 points higher than usual for me. Now I'm not eating nearly the sugar or carbs that I had been before NoS and yet the diabetes is worse....go figure!
I wonder sometimes if the medication I'm on for hypertension and thyroid have anything to do with it. I know thyroid problems can cause weight gain (or loss) but I had a thyroidectomy last year and according to the experts my levels are about where they should be. So I'm not blaming this on thyroid issues. Guess I'm not really blaming it on anything....just frustrated :(

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:45 pm
by mimi
I feel your frustration Carpediem. I have heard that if you don't eat enough calories for your body, your metaboic rate will drop due to these caloric deficits making it more difficult to lose. I also have found that drinking more water helps to rev up weight loss. I don't drink enough on most days, simply because then I need to visit the restroom more, and I don't have the opportunity being in the classroom all day to do that...but when I do make an effort to include more water, I do see a better loss.

I can't speak at all about the glucose levels, but I would think that they are adjusting because you are changing your eating habits - when you eat and what you eat. Maybe you should make a visit to your physician and discuss these very same concerns with him/her. Perhaps only eating three meals each day is what is causing your numbers to change. Maybe you might need a fourth meal to keep sugar levels more even. And maybe you're right about your medications affecting things. As I said, I really can't speak to that issue.
I don't think these are reasons to chuck what you're doing. I think you can discover reasons for the problems and then work on solutions...but you may need medical expertise to accomplish that.

(((Hugs to you)))

Mimi :D

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 11:26 am
by carpediem
Well yesterday I slide down the slippery slope into 'what the hell' territory and did nothing but eat junk food from 4:00 on! I made it til nearly dinnertime but was aware that I was feeling sorry for myself and fighting the depression that goes along with an undeserved weekly weight gain. I finally gave into temptation (cause my brain kept saying "what the hell, You're never gonna lose this weight anyway!"). Beginning with M&Ms and ending with a chocolate sundae (cake, a second piece of ice cream and a Dr Pepper thrown in for good measure!) my day was just one big FAILURE!
Somewhere around 9:00 I decided to sit back and really analyze what was going on. I've often been accused of being overly analytical, but sometimes it comes in handy....Here are a few of my observations:

1. Self pity is NOT a good thing! If a person is so inclined, there is always someone out there thinner, prettier, richer, more popular, younger, funnier....the 'iers' can go on and on. That best friend of yours who can eat you under the table and is still the same size she was in high school is not something you want to dwell on. A person's worth goes so far beyond all this superficial nonsense....
2. Once you start gnawing on that first M&M, it's all over. At that point, it aint over til the fat lady pukes! I know there are those who can do bite of a chocolate chip cookie, one whiff of a brownie. Yeah, well, that ain't me. Lesson learned (again!).
3. Speaking of lessons, that saying about being destined to repeat lessons when we don't learn from them is absolutely true! So why in heaven's name haven't I learned it yet???!
4. Overindulging makes me feel like crap! I know that's true for everyone, but seems I am more that way than most. Even when I was a skinny kid, I couldn't handle unlimited buffets or all-you-can-eat night at Pizza Hut. I know this, and yet......after 59 years I still keep pushing that button.....

One last observation, and one that baffles me. I mentioned in yesterday's post that my glucose readings were considerably higher in the mornings, even thought I was doing the Vanilla NoS thing. Well after yesterday's "lets se how quickly we can undo everything we've accomplished" fiasco, my glucose reading was back down to where it belongs. Go figure??! I'm taking your advice, Mimi. After Memorial Day I'm making an appointment with a nutritionist and getting to the bottom of this. Maybe those of you who have been diabetic longer than I know what's going on, but it has me baffled.

Also, Mimi, I do think I've been sabatoging myself to a point in that I have not been eating enough. Gonna really try pushing the veggies this week and see how that works for me.

Thank you, and everyone!, for providing a safe haven to come to and vent. I would not and could not be able to stick to this thing and be successful without the help and support and words of wisdom from all who have responded to my posts. NoS is a blessing for sure!! :D

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 11:28 am
by carpediem
Hmmmm.....messed up on the font colors there.....don't know how that happened, but guess it doesn't really matter. Just pretend I did it right!! :wink:

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 2:10 pm
by mimi
Well, Carpediem, there must be something in the air...I had a .6 weight gain today - and I don't deserve it either. I had a really good week too! So, I'm not going to sweat it - I'll keep on truckin'. After all, it's just a number and one way to measure. My clothes are fitting much better these days, and I am able to wear things that were previously too tight, so I'm feeling really good about that. The numbers on the scale will straighten themselves out eventually. I'll just keep going with my NoS lifestyle - and you do the same!

Have a great weekend!

Mimi :D

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:48 pm
by carpediem
I've been doing really well since Sunday. Last night my husband impulsively asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. I almost declined but immediately thought about how long it's been since we've been out and how long it will probably be before we go out again.
I'm happy to say I did go out, I did eat well and I did enjoy myself. I didn't come home and eat more because I already blew the diet and I didn't mentally abuse myself for 'falling off the wagon'. It was fun, it is over and I'm back on track this morning.
Now why can't I use this same logic on weekends???

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:20 pm
by carpediem
Time for another weekly post and happy to report a loss of 1.3 pounds! :lol: Considering my dinner date on Wednesday, that's not bad at all. Now the hard part starts: getting through another weekend without going overboard. Tomorrow my soon-to-be son in law and I are going to practice baking and decorating a cake (He is studying to be a chef and I like all things crafty, so we have it in our heads that we can make the wedding cake, even though neither of us has ever attempted one before!). Anyway, point is the cake we bake this weekend will no doubt be dessert for dinner tomorrow night. Hopefully I can lean on the 'all things in moderation' principal and not 'all things ooey and gooey'!!

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:43 pm
by mimi
Congratulations! And enjoy baking the cake - you're creating memories! A wedding is such a fun, happy time!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:47 am
by carpediem
Thanks mimi! Cake decorating was fun, but I'm not ready to go professional with it yet! :lol:
Weekend was not a total free-for-all as far as diet is concerned, but still ready to get back on track and return to a level of sanity tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:44 pm
by oolala53
HI! I haven't read a lot so I may have missed something. How was going out to dinner on Wednesday going off the program?

boy, you are braver than I am, baking a cake and decorating. Maybe doing it with someone would keep me sane, but I think I might go sneak food later. congrats that you didn't.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:56 am
by carpediem
Unfortunately, congratulations was a bit premature, oolala. I have two iced cakes sitting here (practice cakes from over the weekend). Barely gave them a thought all day, but tonight my husband and daughter wanted some cake and ice cream, and I guess the temptation was just too much :( So gotta make today a red....I know, mark it and move on....
Going out to dinner last Wednesday was not planned, not really a 'special occasion', so I figure it was a red also.
Sounds like I've been messing up a bit lately, but other than a couple transgressions I've been doing well. I'm not going to let this mess with my head.....

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:11 am
by oolala53
Going out to dinner is not an S, whether it's planned or not. Unless you have sweets. But anything else you eat there on one plate is...dinner. No red needed.

Or do you always have more than one plate when you eat out?

So the only red is the cake and ice cream... if you ate it.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:51 pm
by carpediem
Well, oolala, when my husband decided he wanted to go to Golden Corral I knew it was all over. Don't know if you have any around where you live, but it's a buffet with LOTS of food, including delicious rolls and a whole section of desserts. I had plenty of salad and didn't overdo on the main course. Even limited the bread to half a roll...but I ended up with way too much dessert (course any at all is too much).
The cake and ice cream was good last night, but I am not craving any more of it. Both cakes are still sitting on the counter (I can see them as I type this) but they are not tempting me. My daughter in law and grandkids were here earlier and I served them all a piece. Didn't even lick my fingers! That is what NoS has done for me so far. I know I have a long way to go, but there was a time merely a couple months ago, when I would have had the cake and ice cream last night and probably would have had more for breakfast and been nibbling each time I walked through the kitchen.
A growing concern for me right now is an upcoming vacation we have planned. We will be driving across the US in our motorhome and will be gone for a little over a month. I am notoriously bad at staying on diets when vacationing. It's like my common sense goes on vacation too. I'm thinking I need to have some hard and fast rules for when we go...not sure I can stay VanillaS for that long. I dont want to just toss everything aside and have to start over again when I get home. I've worked too hard at losing the weight I've lost so far. Any suggestions??

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:37 am
by oolala53
I'm not sure I'll be much help. I tend to stay on No S on vacations. The excuses not to be on it just don't seem good enough to compensate for not feeling that good and not actually enjoying my meals because I'm not hungry. And there are always S days. I'm not a traditionalist about vacation. I don't think of it as a time to let go of everything. In fact, I rather appreciate vacations that allow me to get away from the onslaught of excess of food. I'm more likely to go on a yoga vacation than on, say, a cruise where the point seems to be to eat and drink too much. (That sounds like torture to me. I did it for a lot of my life and it felt crappy!) I keep the idea of the French a lot in my mind, or at least my version of them. They eat such good food so often that to them vacation doesn't mean it's time to eat way too much good food. It's just time to be away from work, not from moderation. Moderation is not a burden to them. It's the foundation of pleasure and joy in eating.

I might take my 2 S days per month on a vacation, but the S's would have to be really good!

I'm not likely to eat desserts on S days no matter how many of them there are at a buffet because I don't care about leaving room for them anymore. I like the savory selections better. I went to a Chinese buffet today. They had a lot of desserts, but I didn't even go look at them closely. I had some slices of roast potato and a few big seasoned French fries, which I rarely do- usually have grains or bread--, along with three kinds of veggies, shrimp, salmon, dim sum, stuffed mushrooms, a couple of bites of some other things. I really liked everything I ate and would have been too full to have anything else... from experience.

I had a cup of mocha mid-afternoon.

I don't know why S days continue to be a problem for me because the rewards of moderate N days are usually great enough that there isn't much competition anymore from other possibilities. Being vacation doesn't change how being too full feels.

I don't know how much time you spend ever checking in in between meals on compliant days to register how good it feels, so it's not just how good the food tastes at the meals that is the reward. I think consciously thinking about that and consciously diverting myself from thoughts of how good S's might taste or feel in my mouth helped solidify the habits.

I'd try to spend these next few weeks fiercely moderate and really attentive to the benefits. That might help pave the way for a smoother vacation experience.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:45 pm
by carpediem
So bright and early this morning, my 2-year-old granddaughter (who lives next door) showed up on my doorstep in her Hello Kitty nightgown and pink boots, carefully carrying her cereal bowl with a warm freshly-baked sweet roll in it. She had just helped her mom bake them and felt it was important to share with Grandma. Now, I'm pretty sure any explanation of NoS precepts would have fallen on deaf ears, and just the sight of those big blue eyes and blonde curls......well, you know the rest of the story...
My logic is....small sweetroll, nothing else for breakfast. I'm calling it okay. Already have one red for the week, not going to do it again. Maybe this is what others refer to as an 'S event'??

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:33 pm
by r.jean
If that is all you had for breakfast, I would call it green.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:39 pm
by oolala53
Hmm, I don't want to say the wrong thing here, but technically, it can't be an S event unless it was planned. It just seems that eating the muffin was not your only viable option, even with angel granddaughter standing there. Explaining No S rules was obviously not one of them, but others? You can't afford to think that the situations determine what you do. Imagine that you are a naturally thin person. I can guarantee you skinny people get themselves out of eating food they don't want all the time with very little guilt or regret. And those around them get used to it. Even their toddlers.

Not advocating guilt here, just reasonable options in the future.

Now it does complicate things if you actually want the food... If you're N days aren't solid, that is one of the obstacles to overcome. In essence, we have to tell ourselves that despite wanting the food, we aren't going to have it.

I gently suggest you make a list of all the opportunities and pressures to eat that could come up in the next few weeks before your trip and think of how you could handle the situations in a diplomatic way but keep to strict Vanilla. That includes eating at out tempting restaurants, where you can be strict Vanilla and still have a meal. (See skinny women eat at restaurants that serve too much all the time.) Some people can take the truth and others maybe something more bent than the whole truth. Yesterday I had a friend visiting and she knew me back 35 lbs. ago. She also knows I've had binge disorder, so I did say when I pushed eating lunch by a certain time that I need to keep on a relative schedule or it really messes with my body and mind. She seemed fine with that. If I didn't know her well, I'd probably say something like, "I hate to seem high maintenance, but I really need to eat soon or I'll be out of whack for dinner, and I love dinner!' Not sure what I'd say to a child. Sometimes they can be diverted easily and sometimes not. I have been known to lie and change the subject. Because this isn't going to be the last time. Your granddaughter will really be okay if you become the grandma that eats delightedly at meals and no other times on weekdays. I don't know if sweet rolls are offered all the time. If they are, that is something to put on the list.

One woman on Spark NO S said after reading the book, she remembered visiting her grandmother for a week at a time and their eating three meals a day, two of them rather light. I think they made cookies and ate a couple after dinner one day each time she went. She said she knew her grandmother also met friends for lunch once a month and ate apple pie only for lunch. Her grandmother was slim and this woman said she always enjoyed visiting her!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:59 am
by carpediem
Thanks for responding, Jean and Oolala! I tend to agree with both of you. It WAS the only thing I had for lunch and therefore didn't blow the diet calorie-wise (not that I count calories because I don't).
Interestingly enough, I don't even like the kind of sweetroll she brought (one of those Pillsbury pop open deals). If I had been at their house and my daughter in law had offered it, I would have declined with no problem. But the fact that my granddaughter made a point of bringing it over and was so very excited about having baked it, I think it would have hurt her feelings if I had turned it down. I did set it on the counter and said I would 'save it 'til later' but she wanted me to eat it while it was warm. Also, seems she had intended to share it with me and was anxious to do actually I only ate about half to 2/3 of it. I hear everything you're saying, oolala, and I agree with your reasoning, but this time seemed like an exception to me. And no, she's never done that before.
I think I need to add here that no one in my family, including my husband, knows I'm doing the NoS thing. If my daughter in law knew I'm sure she would't have brought anything over. I decided not to tell anyone until I reach a certain goal (which I have not as yet)....partly because I want to prove I can do it and partly because I don't want to hear negative comments!
I also appreciated your previous post regarding vacation advice, oolala. One thing you said that really hit home with me was the fact that over-eating causes the same discomfort whether you're home or on vacation (I paraphrased a bit). I have strugged with IBS for years and years. Eating sometimes causes more than the usual amount of strife for me, so over eating can be more of a problem in that respect than with most people. Especially when traveling, it's not a good thing! For that reason I usually, if anything, eat more conscientiously when I'm away from home. I'm hoping the same holds true for this time around. I definitely am making a list of hard and fast rules for while we're away. It is not the quantity of food for me, it's the quality. Like so many others on here, my weakness is sweets.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:02 am
by carpediem
Oh my goodness! This has been a TERRIBLE month so far! Today was my FOURTH red for the month, less than 2 weeks! Seems I got started off on the wrong track and can't seem to get my footing again. I do okay until something unexpected comes up and then all my good intentions just go out the window. Problem is, life is full of unexpected events....I really need to get a handle on this!! :?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:32 am
by Amy3010
I can so relate to how you feel - I got four reds in a row last week and was really annoyed with myself but I did manage to turn it around. You can too - hang in there!

I haven't really told anyone what I'm doing with No-S either - except husband, kids and one good friend. I think there is a part of us that wants to protect ourselves against negativity and having to explain too much to other people.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:13 am
by carpediem
Thanks, Amy. Always good to know we're not alone in this fight! Yesterday was just a total disaster. I'm really hoping today will be better. As I mentioned, seems like one small discretion and I willingly and without any obvious signs of self control, just fall off the wagon with a major thud! I have a fear that during one of these failures I'm just going to wallow in the mud instead of climbing back up on that wagon....

It's so good to read all the NoS posts and see how others are doing in their individual struggles. The successes are encouraging and even the disclosures of failures are helpful as they assure me that I am not alone.

I agree with your reasons for not going public with our NoS plan. There's a part of me that thinks if I fail I don't want to make it public knowledge. However, there's also a part of me that thinks it should be public so there's a certain level of accountability. I've been struggling with that a bit lately. But I decided in the beginning that I wouldn't tell until I reached my first goal, which is to lose 30 pounds. However, it's going more slowly than I had hoped, so I may need to adjust my thinking a bit.

Life is a series of successes and failure. We are not defeated when we fall, we are defeated when we don't get back up!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:47 am
by Amy3010
Sorry to hear you're struggling - hang in there and don't throw in the towel just yet! Hope today goes better!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:22 pm
by lbb (Liz)
I relate big-time. I had an AWFUL red week last week+weekend. Had all greens this week, except a binge on Tues. But I have less reds this week. And am feeling a bit better.
It's helped to focus on ONE meal at a time. I can't do the 21 day challenges/month challenges, etc. It contributes to my "what the hecK". If I mess up a tad, I'm like, there goes my green streak, may as well make it worth it! So focus on just today.
You can dust yourself off. Focus on feeling good and how yummy food is when you are hungry.
I don't tell anyone what I'm doing either, mainly because I don't think they need to know :) and they don't understand my weird eating behaviors. Though this is the "sanest" I've eaten, I've run the gamut with crazy diets/weird eating, so I just want to keep this all under wraps for a bit.
Take care today.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:48 pm
by oolala53
How's it going? Don't give up on June. There is always time for a reprieve. And it can start with one good meal and one good fast between meals.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:31 am
by carpediem
I am in such a funk right now, just not in a good place at all. Was kind of struggling anyway, but then something happened that just really sent me in a tailspin...

Part of our health insurance package is a service that provides personal phone calls from someone (registered nurse I think) who calls on a regular basis and checks up on people who have chronic illnesses or have just undergone surgeries, etc. Guess last week was my turn. After introducing herself, this woman began to review my health history. She had a rather take-charge, no-holds-barred, bulldozer approach to the subject and was soon lecturing me about the dangers of obesity and the fate that lies ahead if I don't get my act together. Really? Really?I'm not stupid, and I'm not just sitting around eating oreos and daring God to smite me!

Asking if I had a family history of hypertension and/or diabetes (answer is 'yes' to both), she then launched into a whole spiel about how my future is predetermined and there's not too much I can do about it. All in the DNA and "You don't see any 84 year old diabetics". Maybe she felt that was the way to light a fire under me but all her gloom-and-doom sermon did was send me into a sea of depression that I've been bobbing around in ever since. I haven't gone under yet, still managing to tread water, but oh my goodness!!

I know NoS is the answer for me. I repeat, I KNOW NoS is the answer for me! I just need to get a firm grip on something secure and hold on!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:06 am
by r.jean
Ooooohhh. It is too bad you had that experience. Some people are just pushy know it alls. Then there are those who mean well but still manage to say all the wrong things. I even see it occasionally on this forum where people assume the way they do things is the only right way.

So...continue to believe in yourself and take baby steps toward your goals. Small successes add up, and you will do better and feel better as time goes on.

Good luck!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:19 am
by Amy3010
I am so sorry to hear this - talk about the wrong way to encourage someone! I hope you don't let it get you down too much longer - hang in there and like Jean said, baby steps are the way to go!

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:15 pm
by carpediem
Thanks Jean and Amy. I know you are both right, I know the approach this nurse took with me was the wrong one (although I believe her intentions were sincere). Bullying works with some people, but not with fact not with most. I just get really irritated with the condescending tone that professionals sometimes use.

On my last visit to the endocrinologist I mentioned to her that it is very difficult at this age and stage of life to lose weight. I wanted to ask her about several possible variables: hormone levels, natural supplements, etc. She very flippantly said "If you want to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more" and with a toss of her hand she rushed the door. Seriously???! Was that revelation really worth an hour's drive and another hour of sitting in her waiting room? Not to mention the cost of the office call! Do doctors really think we are that stupid?? Of course, this woman was all of 120 pounds and probably eats more in one day than I eat in a week. Easy to be judgemental and flip when viewing the situation from that perspective. Besides, she was probably late for lunch!! :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:33 pm
by r.jean
If I were you I would contact that office and ask who you can write to about the care you received without saying if the care was good or bad. Then write that letter!

I recently had the experience of being hooked up and ready to go for a colonoscopy and then being left waiting for an hour. I had tubes and leads and monitoring equipment and basically could not move around. For those of you who have had this done you also know what the prep is like, and I was feeling like I was going to need to get unhooked just to visit the bathroom. When a nurse or tech (?) passed through I asked about the delay. She said, "Well you ARE in a doctor's office!". I then asked if she had any idea how long it was going to be, and all I got was an abrupt no. I told her I was not complaining, just inquiring and felt that her responses were rude. She launched into a lecture about all the times she has had to wait in medical situations. I told her that waiting all hooked up is not liking sitting in a waiting room. I also asked her to leave and to assign someone else to my care. She did. And you can bet I wrote that letter! I just sent it so no answer yet.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:27 pm
by carpediem
Today is the first day of the rest of my life! Not exactly an original revelation but a good one!

I have walloed in the muck and the mire of self pity long enough! If anyone is actually reading my posts, they know I fell off the wagon in part because I was told by a 'professional' (I use the term loosely) that my health issues are heriditary in nature and therefore I'm basically doomed. Dieting will postpone (maybe) but certainly not help me to escape the inevitable fate that lies ahead for me.

Since then I've really been struggling with NoS. Well, it's bigger than NoS. I've been struggling with despair and fear and insecurity and alot of other emotions that tend to freak a person out if they stop long enough to indulge in over-thinking.

I'm done... I'm exhausted from it and I'm done! So starting today I'm back on the NoS track! No weigh ins for a week or two (would just depress me) and no more excuses. Bottom line is, none of us know what the future has in store. All I know for sure is today I want to feel better and today I want to enjoy life and today I want to be good to myself.

It feels good to be home!! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:52 pm
by carpediem
Jean, sorry I didn't respond to your post. Seems it was the first entry on my second 'sheet of paper' here and I didn't realize it was there until now...

I totally understand colonoscopies! I was diagnosed with colon cancer a few years back and have lost track of how many prep cocktails I've consumed and demoral induced highs I've been on!... :wink:

It does seem that alot of people in the medical profession have an air of superiority about them and they tend to forget they're dealing with human beings. Just because a nurse may do nothing but get patients prepped for surgery every day, day in and day out, for the individual patient it can be (and usually is) a traumatic and tension-provoking event. That being said, we have all had nurses and doctors who have been wonderful, caring and empathetic.

In your case, I think writing a letter was a very good idea. I may well do the same. Not so much to get this woman in trouble, but to let people know that she needs to polish her people skills a bit!

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:59 pm
by r.jean
I agree that developing some empathy and polishing one's approach is a good idea for everyone, and it is especially essential in the medical field. I mentioned a lot of positives about some of the other staff in the letter I wrote, and I just hope it will be a wake up call to the person who was so abrasive in her approach.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:45 am
by Amy3010
Wow. I can't believe how people in a caring profession can be so callous... the thing I find the hardest about visiting doctors and health professionals is that they go so fast - they want to rush you in and out and it is so overwhelming. I almost always forget to mention some important thing or not get a question answered...

I'm sorry you've been struggling. But if it has pushed you to be even more determined to do No S, then it has been worth it. I am going for a solid green week this week, too. We can do this!

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:19 am
by carpediem
Solid green...sounds good, Amy! Let's do this thing!! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:53 pm
by carpediem
I just posted somewhere on here that I was not going to weigh myself for awhile because I've been so far off track the last couple weeks. Figured I would be back to where I was when I started NoS, if not a bit higher. Well, I changed my mind. Decided that maybe seeing how badly I messed up might motivate me to try harder this time around. Surprisingly I only gained 1.5 pounds! I was thrilled! Not nearly as much ground to catch up on as I thought....
How you doing so far, Amy? Still managing to stay green??

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:15 pm
by sarahkay
I'm going for green this week also! We can do it!

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:28 pm
by carpediem
Today marks a whole week of GREEN!! Woo-hoo!! It wasn't easy...seemed to be thinking about food way more than usual. Came close to blowing it several times, but managed to avoid temptation.

Overall this month has been horrible, but this week...THIS week... I've been good, so am patting myself on the back. As a wise frog once said, "It isn't easy being green!" :wink:

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:41 am
by Amy3010
Congratulations! That is an awesome way to finish out the month! Good luck for July!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:48 pm
by sarahkay
That is fantastic!! Way to go!

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:12 pm
by carpediem
Why am I having so much trouble with this thing??! With very few green days, June was just a mess for me, and July is proving to be more of the same.

Making this experience a teachable moment, here are a few observations:

1. I allow life's circumstances to mess with my head too much! (Just an excuse to eat maybe??) Every year my granddaughter from CT comes to stay with us for the summer. Of course that means catering to her child like dietary whims (mac and cheese, hot dogs, blizzards, McFlurries, baking chocolate chip cookies together....). The big question here is, why do I have to get a treat every time she does????

2. Camping trips and vacations seem to be a time for total abandonment of sensible eating habits. We camp fairly often in the summer and although it is almost always during S days so technically not cheating, I still eat too many s'mores and consume too much pop. (2 things I never really have at home). My husband and I are leaving on Saturday for a month of travel. We bought a motor home and are going on what we are calling our 'bucket list trip' to travel throughout the US and see the sites. Not only am I assuming I'm going to blow NoS on a daily basis while traveling, I can't seem to get my act together even now just knowing that it's coming up. How stupid is that??? One of my favorite quotes that I've kept from this forum is "Being on vacation doesn't change how being too full feels" (thanks for that one, Oolala). I should print that out and tape it to the fridge in our camper!

3. I am aware that NoS involves a lifestyle change, it is not just a diet. I am also aware that if I want to conquer this demon and improve my health and be around for my grandchildren, I cannot CANNOT just throw NoS on a back burner every time something comes up that involves eating. I am an intelligent and fairly intuitive person. I know enough about nutrition and weight loss to realize that there is alot of 'stinkin thinkin' going on in my head right now. I also know that my decisions today are sealing my fate for tomorrow. There will be no going back for do-overs.....!!

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:01 am
by AnnaBanana

It's Laura (changed my user name). I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing? I know you're on vacation for a month and don't know if you're going to check in.

You know how we love how this is so simple and it takes away the need to endlessly count things? What if you added some mods for yourself for right now until you can wrap your head around things? What if, when you find yourself fixing things for your granddaughter or on your camping trip, you only allowed yourself a certain amount? What if, at least while you were gone on your trip and she was there, you told yourself I can have 3 bites of something (or 1 or 2)? At least it would still be a loose fence around things. Maybe not completely NoS, but a way to reign in things while your off the rails, so to speak.

Maybe just find a way to float vs allowing yourself to just sink???

I myself still struggle, even with WLS. One of the things vets always tell us when you find yourself off the deep end, is not to try to swim for shore if you feel you can't. To find a way to float, until you're in a better spot. At the very least it will stop or prevent further gain. And if you come up with your own rules/mods like above, it might at least give you the feeling of a semblance of control back.

Gotta stop the "all or nothing" thinking!

Anyway, just thinking about you and wishing you well..peace and happiness.

Laura Ann

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:18 pm
by carpediem
Good to see you Laura!

So glad to hear from you! I figured out the name change a short time ago; had me confused for awhile tho... ;)

I came close to sending you a pm the other day. Really been going through a bad spell lately and I knew you would understand and be supportive. You're kind of my 'soul mate' on here...have known you the longest and you always seem to have the right thing to say. This post was no exception. I love the concept of floating until I'm able to swim back to shore...ceates a really vivid mental image!

Actually I have been thinking alot about this trip and have sort of formulated a few mods in my mind. Simple things but hopefully helpful. Hard candy instead of chocolate or sugary snacks while riding. Celery with peanut butter, broccoli with low cal dip, apple slices with lemon and cinnamon, etc ready to grab when the munchies hit.

I'm not really a big eater so will be no problem sticking to the one plate rule. The problem will be ordering desserts or grabbing pop when thirsty. I am limiting the pop I'm taking to ginger ale (good for a change but not something I really crave. Also good for an occasional upset stomach if that should occur). But mostly filling the fridge up with bottled water.

I'm hoping to not dim the enjoyment of our vacation by dwelling and obsessing over what I eat. I am going to keep a journal though, which is something I don't do here at home. Even if I manage to limit carbs (mostly bread) and stay away from rich foods when eating out that will help alot. The fact that we're taking an RV and I'm making most meals myself will also be helpful.

One of the most self-destructive mindsets I fall into is seeing NoS as 'just the latest diet'. One of the most restorative and enlightening mindsets I try to maintain is that NoS is not a diet but a lifestyle and a sensible solution to a lifetime of faulty thinking. It IS the much as I waiver in my will power and self control, my belief in the validity of the NoS concepts and principals has never been a stumbling block. And this forum is alive with amazingly empathetic and supportive people who are in the same boat and also swimming/floating their way through life.

Thanks again, Laura, for your support. I hope you are doing well and continue to move closer to your life goals! :)


Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:56 pm
by mimi
I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip and allow yourself to enjoy the time you have with your motor home while you work on your "bucket list!" What an opportunity to see our beautiful country! It sounds like you have some good tools in place to help you out and keep you from going overboard. While vacationing I try to stick to the basic three meals a day structure, but if an "S-worthy" treat presents itself, I will indulge with no qualms - it is vacation after all! Having a dessert or a little something yummy each day doesn't constitute "blowing it." We usually include lots of walking/hiking and that helps too. Even if you maintain for the month while you're away, it is certainly better than gaining, right?
Above all, just enjoy yourself and have a good time!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:26 am
by carpediem
Well we've made it through PA, Ohio, Michigan and now Wisconsin since leaving on Saturday! Lots of driving but we'll be slowing down the pace a bit tomorrow.

I'm happy to report that so far I feel I've done really well as far as meals are concerned. You're right, Mimi, it is a vacation so I shouldn't be too hard on myself. I've had a couple pieces of hard candy along the way and a rice krispie treat or two, but other than that I have stuck to NoS pretty faithfully. Cereal for breakfast, one plate of decent food for lunch, mostly snack food for supper. (healthy snack foods). Hopefully I can keep it up but so far it hasn't been nearly as difficult as I had expected :)

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:38 am
by carpediem
Still doing pretty well NoS-ing my way across the country! The trip has been absolutely wonderful so far (currently in Wyoming and planning on taking in Yellowstone tomorrow). I am discovering that NoS fits in pretty easily when vacationing. The 3 main meals a day, at least for us, is no problem at all. It's not like at home where I'm passing through the kitchen 100 times a day and being tempted. We eat breakfast before we leave the campground, we check out the attractions or drive or whatever until lunch, stop and eat, and move on. Same for supper. There have been a couple nights where we didn't eat supper until later but that's only happened one or two times.

It has been so hot out there that I've been drinking bottled water like crazy! Was 105 degrees the other night at 8:30 PM. That's just uncalled for! I'm not really eating too much hard candy or whatever, but an occasional peppermint or life saver seems to do the trick when I need something sweet. I'm probably drinking about 2 cans of pop a day, mainly because I'm getting water logged from so much water but still thirsty all the time due to the heat (did I mention its HOT out here???!) Overall, I'm pretty pleased.

And I've definitely been exercising more. Everywhere we stop seems to require alot of walking and step climbing. I may not be doing the 14 minutes a day I do at home, but I'm sure I'm getting more exercise this way, at least walking.

All in all, I'm happy to say I'm not obsessing (really thought I would) and I'm not worried about facing the scales when I get back (thought I would do that too). I'm so glad I got at least the basics of NoS ingrained in my thick skull a little before vacation. It's helping alot! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:02 pm
by mimi
Awesome, carpediem! I have made the same discoveries while vacationing - we camped our way across the country a few years ago. I found the dry heat out west much more tolerable than the heat and humidity on the east coast!
Enjoy your travels!

Mimi :D

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:40 am
by carpediem
Still seems awfully humid here, Mimi, but the locals are all saying it is an unusually hot summer. Droughts everywhere, too, it seems. Weather has started to cool off a little the last couple days, tho. For all you NoS'ers across the northern part of the US, y'all live in a beautiful part of the country! Appreciate those mountains...just spectacular!!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:32 pm
by carpediem
Got back home late Monday night. Were supposed to be vacationing another couple weeks but received bad news from my sister. Her daughter (my neice) and family were in a serious car accident. Neice and her husband both seriously injured, along with their 6 year old son. All will eventually be okay. However, their little 2 year old daughter didn't survive. Vacations, diets and ordinary life were immedately forgotten. After a grueling trip driving back from California so we could make it in time for the funeral, and a few days of helping with family affairs, I think I'm just now ready to start thinking about NoS again.
I started NoS for the second time around in April of this year and had not told anyone I was doing it. While on vacation, I did share with my husband the basic principles of NoS and he agreed to go on it with me when we got home. I'm thinking his participation will help with motivation. Hope so!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:52 pm
by mimi
Oh, my. I am so sorry to hear of your tragic news. My extended condolences to you and yours.
(((Big hugs to you)))


Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:01 am
by r.jean
My condolences as well. What a terrible tragedy for you and your family.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:31 pm
by Amy3010
I am so sorry to hear sincere condolences to you and your family.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:33 pm
by carpediem
Thank you all. It's been a pretty horrible couple weeks, but we are all standing strong in our faith and the belief that God had everything under control. Just seems like the universe has shifted a bit. I'm sure anyone who has lost someone close to them can relate. I've never lost someone so young before, though....certainly is heartbreaking.
But life goes on. Hopefully in the next week or so I'll have the motivation to get back on the NoS track. Thank you again. Interesting that we can have so many friends we've never met!! :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:42 pm
by oolala53
Eating moderately can be a great support through difficult times.

I affirm healing for your niece's family soon.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:49 pm
by carpediem
Well today is the first day in quite a while that I was able to get out the green crayon to color HabitCal. It felt pretty good. My husband told me at supper that he fully expects to get hungry again before the day is over. Evenings will be the most difficult for him I suspect. Although I have to admit it seems harder for me this time around for some reason. One day at a time I guess...

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:52 pm
by carpediem
Thank you, Oolala. Healing is definitely what our family needs right now...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:09 am
by carpediem
Happy to report that my husband did NOT eat anything after supper last night, nor did I. Counting yesterday as a success!

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:18 pm
by Amy3010
Good for you both! :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:38 pm
by oolala53
Wouldn't it be great if you could create your own little No S culture at home?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:12 am
by carpediem
lol..I don't know about a 'noS culture' here oolala, but it is good to have someone else working on it besides me. My daughter has also started eating with NoS in mind. When I told her her father and I were both doing it she decided to jump on the bandwagon....she refers to it as he 'wedding diet' though ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:42 am
by carpediem
Three green days in a row! Yay! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:41 am
by eschano
Well done!

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:35 am
by carpediem
Thanks eschano :) Has been especially challenging this week but so far so good!

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:13 am
by carpediem
Emotional eating all weekend. Haven't broken any NoS rules but only because on weekends there are no rules. I wil consider it a relief to be back to normal again tomorrow....

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:31 am
by eschano
carpediem wrote:Emotional eating all weekend. Haven't broken any NoS rules but only because on weekends there are no rules. I wil consider it a relief to be back to normal again tomorrow....
Same thing for me at the weekend, although it was more procrastination and the resulting boredom than an actual emotion. Anyway, happy N days and happy return of sanity. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:25 am
by mimi
Be kind and gentle with yourself've recently gone through an extremely difficult and emotional time. Your weekends will straighten out eventually.
So glad to hear that you have some family members joining you! You can support each other and cheer each other on. Just don't get discouraged when your husband's weight loss is more and faster than yours! That's been my experience, anyway, when my hubby decides to drop a few pounds - always seems effortless for him!
Have a great week!

Mimi :D

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:38 pm
by carpediem
Thanks eschano and mimi~
"Return to sanity" is a good way to put it. It often feels that way to me. As many others on here have lamented, I just seem to go a bit nuts on the weekends most of the time. I know now it's emotional...everything is just 'off' right now.
It's also frustrating because I have been piddlin around with NoS since the beginning of April. At one point I lost over 9 pounds, very close to 10. I've gained back nearly 5. So all of these efforts have only resulted in 5 pounds of weight gone. At this rate I'll never reach my goal. It seems so far out there....having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel these days.
But...I'm claiming today as a success!
And you're right Mimi...I fully expect my husband (who is not even really taking this diet seriously) to lose much faster than me...bummer!!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:40 am
by carpediem
Green day today. I'm glad of that but don't feel all that successful as my meals were not balanced. Toast for breakfast, left over french fries and a couple chicken strips for lunch, and tuna alfredo for supper. Too many carbs...not enough veggies (in fact none!) Not good....