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Gobble's Check-In 2012

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:48 am
by Gobble
Day 1 - Success - It was quite easy today, but I did put a lot on my plates. I am just concentrating on building habit right now....I know I will have to eventually eat less at each meal...but for now it is important for me to develop the habit.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:32 am
by Gobble
Day 2 - Planned S Event (a birthday party) - I am counting this as a successful day.

I had 3 plates of food today and one slice of pie. And I actually could not finish my plate of food at supper and I had trouble finishing the piece of birthday pie.

eta: I take that back....I guess it turned into a S-day instead of S-event....I did have another slice of pie before bed.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:38 pm
by Gobble
Day 3 - Success - 3 plates of food and that was all. Finding that it is not that hard yet...but I am pretty much putting on my plate what I want:

B-2 eggs, 1 toast, butter, jam, tea
L-tuna sandwich, chips, coffee, cream
D-tostada, tea

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:51 pm
by Gobble
Day 4 - Success

L-Bacon cheeseburger, fries, coffee, cream
D-2 buffalo chicken taquitos, broccoli

I start my S days on Fri after 5 so:

S- popcorn

Okay, the processed lunch (the taquito was homemade) and the popcorn did me in....I feel swollen this next morning.

I love the feel of just 3 plates and I am beginning to feel it when I load my plate too much. I love that my body is starting to tell me instead of my brain telling me I shouldn't do that because then I just might do it.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:52 am
by Gobble
Day 5 An S-Day - Success

B-2 eggs, hash browns, 2 thin slices toast, jam, butter, tea
L-tuna sandwich, chips, broccoli, coffee, cream
D-same as breakfast

No sweets even though I could have one if I want.
I could probably not eat as much as I do and be fine...I should try it someday.
I am loving this way of eating...don't think I am losing but at least I'm not gaining.
Hope the less will come soon for me.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:35 am
by NoSnacker
Hi Gobble, thanks for stopping by my thread..I toooo am finding 3 squares is the only way to feeling good physically and mostly mentally... I still tend to beat myself up for the weekends need to work on all has to do with emotions all kinds of them :)

So have you been a No Sr since 2008? I did start in June 2011, but gave up in October...came back in March..just like quitting smoking, can't quit until you quit :)

Have a great week!!!!

Today is Sunday...hopefully not a repeat of Saturday...but Monday is just around the corner..


Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 3:54 pm
by Gobble
I tried No S some years ago but, of course, I didn't give it enough time. Then I tried every diet including HCG. I lost about 25 pounds last year but gained 12 pounds back when I went on a couple of vacations this year.

This time it's really clicking....with the help of this forum. I am easing into it as far as eating a satisfying plate. But I eventually will reduce how much I put on it.

I love all the encouragement on this forum.