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Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 9:57 pm
by Mo&Maggie
Just started the eating plan (HATE "diet") last Thursday, so a week today. Really doing well on the non-S days but boy did I hang one on the entire weekend. Why do I binge if I know I can eat what I want on the weekend? Maybe because I don't really beleive it?? I'm in a terrible panic that this will be my pattern (as it has been for the past several months). I'm sure hundreds of you have gone through this. HELP. Many thanks.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 1:18 am
by sarahkay
I think that is normal starting out. Having fails is normal starting out too. It's the fact that you kept going, and your successes will eventually start to outweigh your binges.

Try not to worry about weekends too much, and focus on what you really want, rather than feeling obligated to eat lots of goodies (something I struggle with!)

best of luck :)

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:27 am
by Amy3010
It's definitely normal for a lot of people starting out here (me included!). I understand your panic - it is scary to feel so out of control on the weekends at the beginning but it does serve a purpose - to make you feel secure enough to be able to build the habit during the week. And then ever so gradually things start to level out.

What you will gain is a feeling of freedom and peace around food that is unbelievable. Hang in there!