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McQueen's daily review

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:55 pm
by good enough
Things I did well today:
Ate 3 meals, no snacks, sweets or seconds
Did not starve myself after bingeing last night
Did not stress-snack at work despite a VERY stressful day

Things I could have done better:
Ate beyond full at dinner (but still one plate)
Had a small mocha from the coffee machine at work in the afternoon, in hindsight not sure if that was a 'sweet' or not (didn't think of it like this at the time)
Could have drunk more water

Things I have learned:
I CAN deal with work stress without snacking if I really put my mind to it
It feels good to be hungry for lunch

I'm so glad to be back on No S. I'm hoping checking in like this (instead of red/green days) will help me be a little less 'all-or-nothing' in my thinking. I need to be in this for the long term, and learn from my past mistakes.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:34 pm
by sarahkay
I love the way you set up your check in!! that is such a great idea! Especially for all-or-nothingers! I may steal this one ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:12 am
by good enough
Thank you Sarahkay, yes I'm hoping this will be better for me than 'success' or 'failure'. Feel free to steal away!

Things I did well today:
Ate 3 meals
Did not have a 'wild' S day, or binge
Did cardio Pilates for 35 minutes

Things I could have done better: 
Ate beyond full during dinner out with friends
Could have drunk more water 

Things I have learned: 
I can have an S day without bingeing

My Ss today were a chai tea latte from Starbucks, a mini bag of Haribo and a starter during a meal out. Nothing too crazy but I was far too full after dinner so probably didn't need the starter (ordered because others in the group did). I need to work on NOT finishing everything on my plate just because it's there.

Also today I gave myself a mani-pedi at home and bought a lipstick. I am going to try to do small nice things for myself now, rather than put them off as a reward for  when I am thin. Life is too short!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:37 pm
by good enough
Things I did well today:
Ate 3 meals
Did not binge
No exercise but lots of housework!

Things I could have done better:
Far too much snacking while waiting for a late dinner
A few too many beers across the course of the weekend

Things I have learned:
Should have let myself get properly hungry for dinner, even though it was very late. It would have tasted better!

Tomorrow will be the first day of my first full week on No S for a long time. Nervous but excited for the challenge...