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I refuse to be a roller coaster!

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:33 pm
by totljenn
I have never been a yoyo dieter/ roller coaster weight loser. Those might be the same thing but you catch my drift. On vacation I was pretty good by comparison, better than I usually am. I take my success where I can find it. However I have been slowly gaining back the few pounds that I have lost. Today is a new day and I am back on track. I went grocery shopping and stocked up on my favorite healthy items and feel good about starting again. I am going on vacation next week but I want to set an example for my little sister (9 years old!) that you can have fun and enjoy your food without it being fatty crap. I refuse to lose weight and then gain it back and then lose and then gain. In the past I have gained and then lost and kept it off until I changed my lifestyle and gained it back slowly over a couple of years. I am trying for the first time to address my diet and my attitude towards food. I am self sabotoger when it comes to weight loss. It's like I was doing good for weeks and then boom, vacation, wheels came off, and now weight gain. Damnit! I am trying to put the wheels back on and be more regimented with my eating. No scratch that, I have put the wheels back on and I'm cruising in style :) Here's to the next 15 being as easy as the last five!