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Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:21 am
by bigshoe
Day 1. Success. Did pretty well with some Funny business. Had a lemonade but it was during a 30 mile bike ride so it gets a pass. I didn't have any cookie (my demon) that was offered. And for dinner we met friends for the impossible one plate meal : sushi. I probably ate more than one plate... more than the tiny plate in front of me, but certainly less than I used to eat. My advanced plate technique not developed; but did skip soup and appetizer.

I also abstained from sake (I don't drink). I had a Japanese drink that was sweet but not a sweet. I Decided to have a Ginger ale but remembered that soda is an S day drink and switched to soda water. And turned down ice cream (double demon).

Pretty good start back on smartest diet ever. Not perfect but a great day won (one). Was worried about not eating enough and being hungry but no big problem.

Sunday night was funny thinking I have to eat extra to see me through. Glad I wasn't stocked with haagen daz.

sure I will tighten up as my habit develops.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:11 pm
by bigshoe
Goal.. 30 lbs. of fat gone from the body in 52 weeks.

Want 15 of the 30 by christmas (look good for family). 23 weeks.

the first half should come off quicker than the second.

just over half pound a week. should be good. no drinking and a camping trip all aim to success. yesterday weighed 202.

method noS vanilla. heavy hands walking. mountain biking.

I'm very active and have a very active job where I walk and ride a bike but also very skilled in eating and drinking. snack master binge bastard. Little structure will go a long weigh. :wink:

EDIT: I should concentrate on habit more than pounds! I remembered this when I weighed myself and was a pound up and hungry. Scale is evil. Of course I can move the scale a foot over and drop or gain 5#.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:34 pm
by bigshoe
Day 2 Success. Was normal work schedule. Amazed at how much money I can save with no snacks. Skipped snacks all day and kept the money in my wallet.

Had some milk at work, mostly out of fear that I would be too hungry. Oh No! and everything worked out ok. Dinner was a minor bust of potatoes and cottage cheese cause I hadn't been shopping but was still tasty. Followed it up with some milk later. Went to bed hungry.

Today will be a bit more of a challenge. It's my one shift at work that screws me up. The late shift. I won't get off work till I'm usually in bed. Don't think I'll have a problem snacking or seconding. It's just figuring out when to get the meals in. Plus we're broke till pay day so it's brown bag which actually may make everything easier.

Seems a trick for me with NoS will be to freaking relax. Take the mind off food. Get the mind busy and arrive at meal time hungry and ready. My job is pretty mindless though and gives 10 hours to idleness. I have used meditation in the past and think I'll bring it back.

thanks for reading and stay strong. I want to discuss AVRT soon.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:55 am
by TUK
Mmmmmhhh.. Cottage cheese... I've got to make some one of these days. (Got to buy rennet first) Was it whole milk cottage cheese?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:15 pm
by bigshoe
Hi Tuk!. Yeah Cottage Cheese was whole milk. And not homemade. My local grocery had some organic valley cottage cheese marked down to 99cents as it was to expire soon so I bought about 6 of them. They retail for $4 each, so big bargain. Even after the date they taste fine. Probably because they culture them like yogurt. I understand that traditionally it's a lowfat item. But the bargain basement dwellers can't be choosey.

Day 3. Success. My late shift at work wasn't too bad. Ate breakfast a little later than usual. Had a big one too and had the next meals every 6 hours or so.

Taking time to eat is paying off. Usually scarf my meals while watching, reading, typing... Now I'm chewing. Seems to work.

Brought $3 worth of quarters to work and returned with over a dollar having purchased one coffee. The coffee helped me through the six hours. Had milk and a sugar in there. Still better than the cookies and bagels for no reason. I like the no snacks and no sweets but looking forward to a milkshake this weekend. Maybe. I like the idea of keeping S days normal with a little extra. No need to go off the deep end. There will be more.

Feeling a bit sore today. Yesterday too was not full of energy. Was pushing myself on the bike a bit too much and with less food (sugar) maybe not recovering as well. Think I will do a 14 minute routine today and get some rest before getting back to work tomorrow.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:33 am
by TUK
Well, even if you're not choosey, you got the right product. Wholemilk cottage cheese is uncomparable.

Congrats for the green !

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:56 pm
by bigshoe
Thanks Tuk. Managed to stay green for the entire week. Had a near miss on friday when I visited my wife at work. She works at a restaurant and the kitchen sent me out a bowl of soup because I had been working outside in the cold and rain all day. (yes it's 100 degrees everywhere but seattle).

Well, I had eaten 2 meals and was looking forward to eating later at home but my wife demanded I at least taste the soup. I did and it was good and relaxed and finished the soup. It carried my through the night and just had a milk nightcap. Again. Just relax.

My S days were pretty good. I was making an effort not to snack all day. I work saturday so I want to keep the habit of not getting all snacky. I did have a soda though at break and a milkshake at lunch. I was excited all week about the milkshake. I gave away half my brown bag lunch cause the shake was so filling.

Sunday was nice with a video and popcorn and a rootbeer. Pretty much how I used to be all the time. Didn't get disgusting. Feel good to be back to Ns.
Lets see if I can keep it green!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:02 pm
by bigshoe
Made my second week all green! Pants are starting to feel a bit loose on me too which is really nice. I think it's been helping that I've been cooking a lot of my own food since my wife is busy and I'm saving money by not eating out. When I cook it doesn't taste that great so I'm eating less. The crappy cook diet. :lol:

Been eating a lot of sandwiches and it's always surprising how little food the body really needs to keep it going. I like the n days and being in control. Get a little hungry between meals but just noticing it and moving on. Trying not to be grumpy.

Had a lot of food on the s days. Saturday was hungry at break and had a pastry for no reason. soda and ice cream later. Sunday had some big meals but also a 5 hour bike/hike session up a mountain. can you say tired?

back at it again this week. Staying strong this week to get into the 21 club!
I have to remember that this is a life long deal here. Not 21 days or 80/100 it's just a new way to live. or the old way that I never embraced.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:54 pm
by bigshoe
21 club!. Excited to have had 3 good weeks of compliance. I got on the scale and had lost about 6lbs! I weigh less than 200 and dream of breaking that 190 mark. Weigh-in was friday before double s day and was too nervous to get on the scale monday. figure i'll go another 3 weeks, and get on the scale. hope to get another 21 days of green. habit trumps vanity (almost)

had a good test yesterday of no snacks. went for a 9 mile hike at mt.rainier national forest. we didn't bring any food with us at all. mostly bad hiking instead of diet strictness. we were dreaming of food for 5 hours. but we made it and the crappy burgers we finally got were just a tad tastier for being hungry.

My SO and I are planning one day get-aways for mondays and I had been thinking how I'll need to snack or have a mini meal. nope. proved that wrong after hiking uphill with hiking poles for hours. probably should have had some grub on us for emergency but no doubt would have eaten it.

love no s. can eat whatever is on offer without special instructions and can save my snacks and sweets for rewards. I know that I'll need to make some adjustments when the time come (I drink a lot of coffee with cream bit of sugar). when i plateau. I'll need to modify. but till then It's all good. for now.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:46 pm
by eschano
Congratulations on the 21 Club! :)
Really brilliant. I'm dreaming of the day I'm in too so am in awe. Good luck on the next 21 days.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:01 pm
by Amy3010
You're doing really well - I love the idea of the crappy cook diet - :D

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:13 pm
by bigshoe
Thanks eschano and Amy for the encouragement.

I have tried the NoS diet once before but have never done this well. I'm pretty sure that I never made it to the 21 club. Now I'm not having as much of a problem. I think it has to do with the strictness. Plus a few things really clicked for me this time that I didn't understand before.

3 meals isn't magic. I had been following so many magic diets that I thought as long as I ate only at the three meals I'd be fine. Magic. Like the warrior diet where as long as you only eat one meal at night, you're fine. Or the vegan diet I was on, or the all meat diet, or the paleo diet, or my most recent mess: the Ray Peat diet. 3 plates is a structure and I love having the freedom to put meat and bread and carbs and sauce and fats of all kinds upon em. For an omnivore it's the best diet there is.

But it's still not magic. Calories do count. But I concentrate on the habit. I've been all green for four weeks. I've gotten a little scale obsessed which I'm not excited about. But the scale says today around 192 which is 10lbs in 4 weeks. It's funny cause I had been worried that my progress wasn't matching reinhard's. But it has ( and I know it doesn't matter so I will drop it). But I can also lean forward and get the numbers real close to 200.

But something strange starts to happen to me when I lose a few pounds. I start to feel good and get a little misconception of how I really look. I feel like one of the water polo guys getting out of the pool. Ripped and athletic. Then in the mirror I see how far I really have to go to get there. I's still not even to the point where I want to take my shirt off in public (a life long goal- with walking on my hands). So, slow and steady. Focus on habit. Realize that this is going to be a life-long change. Enjoy the ride.

I used to watch the biggest loser and would see these transformations season after season. While the methods are crazy and obviously not sustainable, every time they started a new series, I found myself at the same point I was the last time they started and I would think If I had only lost half pound a week, I'd be 25 lbs lighter right now. So gotta keep that thinking in mind. My blubber ain't going away quick. Hell, I'm doing well. And If I stick to it, little by little, I will be shirtless next summer.
Best wishes to all.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:51 pm
by bigshoe
Had some news from the doctor Tuesday; he thinks I have a type of psoriasis. The crappy disease (is it a disease?-- in my case it's a literal pain in the ass) is in my mom's side of the family. I have always tried to get my mom to go gluten free because all of the research that I have done (being a dieting expert) points to gluten free diets giving relief from auto-immune disorders.

So shucks, after shouting the virtues of NoS and being able to eat whatever I wants... this happens. It's not the end of the world but the beginning of something new. There's a half hearted attempt at a positive outlook. 8)

I have been gluten free in the past during my paleo days and know how to do it and how it can be done. But every so often we'd still go out for pizza. But many places now even have GF pizza. so things will be ok. Just have to get out of my sandwiches for lunch program that I've gotten used to.

When I got the news I was a little down. Decided to drink a bunch of beer to say goodbye. Broke through my glass ceiling and kept going! I was glad the that the fence around the diet was strong enough that I didn't blow it with snacks and pastries. So even though the drinks had too many calories and made my day after a nightmare.. at least my NoS was green. and now I have a new habit to track.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:03 pm
by bigshoe
Things have been pretty good.

Went out to eat with some friends and ordered a bunch of plates of food. Had a plate full and stopped. Meanwhile they kept pushing me to eat more and try new dishes. I said I was done and I was done. I was the only one to walk out of there feeling good and not uncomfortably full.

Shorts that I have had for years I had to use the drawstrings to keep them up.

Gluten tracking is going well. May have had some here and there in sauces or cross contamination but I have steered clear of obvious gluten items.

Still green on my no s days but yesterday was surprisingly difficult. Realized it was a boredom hunger. Found myself at the old familiar spot of staring at the open fridge. And I had just eaten! Made some tea and waited it out. Felt fine.

It's dark in the mornings and getting dark earlier in the night here in Pacific NW. Think I need my happy light or tanning booth soon. We are lucky to hit 70 degrees as well.

Happy friday. Make it through today and take some pressure off for S days.
I don't have any extravaganzas planned for the weekend. Maybe a macaroon on saturday and probably ice cream on sunday.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:42 pm
by eschano
You're doing so well. Congratulations. Good post to read, thanks.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:37 pm
by bigshoe
Thanks eschano. Congrats to you for hitting the 21 club!

Yesterday was a rough one. I had a new saddle on my bicycle at work which was akin to a medieval torture device. This put me in a horrible mood. I was so grumpy I could "kick puppies." I got the seat switched and that helped out but I was pretty far gone by then..

I was also really tired. I think I've been exercising a bit more than I've been eating. I was lethargic and still grumpy. I had an orange juice before lunch and took a ten minute nap after eating lunch and was feeling better. But it wasn't till I had a fruit smoothie that I was feeling myself again. I was riding around determined to cheat on my NoS and get some gluten goodness when I decided to have a blended fruit drink. Brought me some natural sugars, calories, and happiness. Since it was a drink, I'm calling it green. Plus it's gluten free (I hope).

I think I avoided a bad moment when I was getting myself all worked up for a special treat to say "what the hell". I went to the smoothie place and got one of the lowest calorie items (man they can pack some cals in those cups!) and felt better. Not something I want to make a habit but ok in emergency. I think by getting gluten out of my system I have been a bit lower carb than I need. I've been trying to eat more rice and potato but don't think I've been fueled for my life. So I bought some fruit and potatoes at the store on the way home from work. Plus a chicken.

For dinner had half the chicken and potatoes. Was thinking I would eat a ton of food and go crazy off NoS but put the food on one plate and that's all I had. Was a lot of food on a big plate, but was what I needed.

also joined the glass ceiling club and track that as well. I leave it blank for no drinks, green for 2 or less, yellow for 3 and red for 4 or more. Obviously feel great with no drinks but feel good up to 3 and at four- I pay the price the next day. Last night I had 3 and wanted more but refused to have a red day. Love the silly reward system. I also get to see what days are "problem days" and when I could use a few blank days in a row.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:30 pm
by bigshoe
Went "off the rails" on monday making it 3 S days in a row. Went red for NoS and for glass ceiling. Was a doozie. Figured I gained all my weight back in my anxiety driven mind. I think the fall-out was contained to some water weight and a few lbs. Oh well. Long haul truckin... got back to basics and habits on tuesday and takin this load to town.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:28 pm
by bigshoe
got back on track. 2 green days in a row. Going on vacation next week. should be interesting. doing some backpacking so will have all our food with us. Will try not to snack but will be doing lots of walking.

guess I should not worry about it till it happens. nice weather in seattle right now. been biking a bit and even started a low mileage run program. My SO has mentioned that I'm looking skinny. I've never been associated with that word and only through the eyes of a loved one could it be justified. I lose weight so strangely. From what I understand it's last weight on, first weight off. My belly has been a part of me forever so I'm getting a thin face, thin ankles, nice shoulders, good calves, slimmer chest, thighs and my big GUT. Not much to do but plug along and endure..

I talk to my SO about NOS but she's not too interested. She's never had the food issues that I've had. She works in the wine industry and loses weight quickly when she quits drinking. But she has to drink a bunch for work and people take her to dinners...

all I know is NoS works and it works for me.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:09 pm
by bigshoe
I don't know why I've been having a difficult time lately. Guess the honeymoon is over and it's work from here on out...?

Yesterday, almost threw in the towel. Maybe it's because NoS works? I've been losing weight, meeting goals that my inner self decides it's time to tinker? Not a good plan. Was trying to tinker in a dumb way with ways of eating. But got tired and hungry and would have done anything for some of the homemade guac and chips. Well I waited and had it for dinner on a plate with a bunch of mini shrimps. So didn't break my NoS. thank goodness for habit tracker and having something to be accountable to. Amazing how that silly program keeps me in line.

I came to this site and read about people's hard times and successes and that was what really kept me going. No, it's not a big deal to have a snack. Today, then tomorrow and then constant eating and next thing you know it's "hey everyone back for another try at NoS, it works but I tinkered my way out of success." Put my fence up. Geez, tomorrow is an S day anyway.
Happy friday.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:15 pm
by eschano
I like this insight about self-sabotage. So true.

What derails me is that I'm way too impatient. A child of the instant-generation, clearly.

I think you did really well by sticking to it and I believe it's like everything worth doing: our mood towards it is irrelevant. Sometimes it's honeymoon, sometimes it's work and it will go in and out. But you have to decide it's worth as the general not the footsoldier to put it in Reinhard's terms.

Anyways, well done!

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:20 pm
by bigshoe
OK. back on track. went a little wild there for a while. well, while I was in the wild. Went back country camping in yellowstone and grand teton parks. Snacked had seconds and pretty much had sweets too whenever I could. We hiked over 55 miles in just over a week so calories were important and lots of fun.
Now back in seattle, and moving at the end of the month. So lots to do, lots to do. Wanted to be back to noS on monday but had mexican tapas at a restaurant and even pushed through the feeling of beeing full to finish dinner. Came back on tuesday and kept it sane. But had a fruit juice smoothie in the afternoon when my salad bar lunch wasn't doing the trick.
With all the eating and backpacking I still think lost a little weight. Or at least maintained. Seems I'm sticking at 190 or so. I feel good but look a little heavy in the pics so will keep my strict noS going. I still love it.
The diet helped while camping as our host was constantly starving from the efforts while I was used to being a little hungry and felt little discomfort. Sure didn't stop me from chowing Nutella on cheese at rest stops. Calories!
Good to be back, I missed the forums and everyone here.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:15 pm
by bigshoe
was a little tough to get back on the wagon after returning from camping. reading some discussion helped. Give yourself big meals if needed. just get back to habit. also we moved at the end of september kind of abruptly. had to pack and move pretty quick so things were a bit chaotic. when are they not?

been pretty good back on track. went a little bean crazy cause I was reading about the slow carb diet. kept to noS with it though and got me to eat breakfast right out of the gate which helps. i think.

was trying to keep my glass ceiling in check and was having a hard time. think I need to drop the whole gig for a while and dry out. I know it will help me out in the long run with everything from losing a few lbs to thinking clearer.

weatherman says 4 more days of nice till the 7 months of suck arrives.

had a red day last week after mountainbiking. thought I would give myself a recovery meal after red lining up a mountain for a couple of hours and it got a bit out of control. I bought a throwback mt.dew and threw it away after one sip. that was a positive. too sweet. disgusting. I only gave it one sip cause I'm sure I could have eventually liked it. but I did get back on track after.

my s days were ok last week too. a bit crazy but what can you do. the zero booze budget will calm things down for sure.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:46 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Just wanted to stop by and say hi! I read your entire journal and admire the fact that you get back in the saddle (but hopefully one that is comfortable) when you fall off the horse. It truly does get easier. I joined in 2009 (my date shows 2010 as for some reason I had to re-register then due to a glitch). I started then close to 160 (my all time high at 5'4 or so - I am a 63 year old female). I got SO into the program that I lost down to 132 quickly and looked AWFUL. People asked me if I was battling cancer or something :roll: So, I took that as a sign from above that I needed to eat more - so I did. Right up to 158!!!!

Then I decided to be a sensible (and vain) person and just ask myself if what I was eating was good for me or not? If I say yes most of the time, I do fine. I do not treat any day of the week, regardless the letter at the beginning of it, different from another. I rarely eat snacks unless I need the salt as I have life-long hypotension, never eat seconds and if I were to have a sweet - it would be a piece of birthday cake or something. I keep my weight between 145-150 which is perfect for my frame as I do have some muscle structure due to a lifetime of loving to exercise. (My saving grace, I am sure).

My very best wishes to you as you travel this journey to a longer, healthier life.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:53 pm
by bigshoe
Been meaning to check in. It's always something...

Had to return home to Chicago in October because my dad fell ill. I was visiting him in the hospital and spending time with family. Everyone remarked how good I was looking and I shared the simple idea of no S. I was also thinking of you here on the boards and wanted to let you know to stick with this. My dad was obese and dealt with complications for years. He eventually got used to a life of doctors and injections to keep him going.

After a few weeks in the hospital, they finally discovered his cancer that started in small intestine (rare) and spread through his stomach and organ lining. He was scheduled for chemo on Halloween and I returned to Seattle for work and marriage.

While I was in Chicago I was strict no s and it was a tremendous help. It was a structure that I could keep amidst the chaos. I also was able to celebrate birthdays of my niece and sister plus Halloween so there was plenty of s to go around. Unfortunately in Seattle, I fell into a funk of depression and wasn't too good for anything. My food was handled but my glass ceiling was shattered. I was a bit lost but was eventually called and asked to return to Chicago to be with my father and family.

Here I sit in his house, tomorrow is the viewing, and my birthday. Wednesday is the funeral and then back to Seattle on Thursday. My wife joined me on this trip and we got some spectacular moments with my dad and were with him, holding him, when he died. Everything is different for all time. I know this time I let the diet and drink reigns loosen with the stress and its ok. It's time to return to sanity and face these feelings head on. I'm going to work on getting to habit but also be good to myself. I'll have a burial and a birthday (39). Then in Seattle a new life.

My wife has signed us up for a spiritual retreat the weekend we return with a high ranking Tibetan Buddhist. I've never done anything like this so it will hopefully help my brain. And live for what my father wished for the day before he died, "I shoulda had more fun."

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:15 pm
by eschano
Hi Bigshoe,

I'm very sorry for your loss! Your post holds such wisdom and thanks for sharing it. We should all have more fun.

The retreat sounds very interesting. It sounds like your new life is not waiting for you - it has already begun.