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Jenna's Daily Check In

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:46 am
by jld141
July 27th: Success :D

July 28th: S-day, but kinda went overboard. Had lots of crackers and popcorn as a snack after a big lunch which included a big chocolate chip cookie and then I ate a ton of dove chocolates....I hope my overboard S days do not inhibit my weight loss!

July 29th: S-day, again went overboard. Had some snacks before meeting my friend for a HUGE waffle with tons of syrup for lunch and then snacked all afternoon until a big dinner. And then after dinner I had a frappuccino and more snacking on cereal and stuff... Tomorrow is back to NoS though and I'm looking forward to it

July 30th: Success

July 31st: Success...resisted the peanut butter cake at work!! woo hoo! but had a little bit of tasting when I made my lunch for tomorrow. However I'm not counting it as a failure because in the past I would have eaten soooo much more! I think I need to drink more water so I'm not as hungry

August 1st: Success! I was super tempted to snack after dinner---normally my problem is over-eating when I'm by myself and there is good food in the house, which happened today, but I drank a glass of water instead and ran up to get a shower to get my mind off of it. This resisting snacking thing is easier said than done, but hopefully after 21 days it will get better!!!

August 2nd: Failure :( I was doing so well and then I just went crazy and ate a bunch of pretzels and chocolate and caramels...I guess the only thing to do is get back on the wagon tomorrow!

August 3rd: Success....although it was really really hard! I was very hungry and it was Friday--so close to an S day!

August 4th: S-day---a little bit over the top in the morning snack wise but otherwise had a small lunch and dinner and went to bed actually kinda hungry! Decent S-day although I wish I would've planned a better dessert

August 5th: S-day Lots of snacking, wasn't even hungry for dinner which was a really good dinner and I'm kinda mad at myself for snacking so much! Still didn't have an awesome dessert. :(

August 6th: FAILURE :( My willpower is not very strong, and I was still hungry after dinner and proceeded to have peanut butter by the spoonful and popcorn and cheerios. Pretty mad at myself, if No-S is going to work I'm actually going to have to follow the rules for a long period of time!!!