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Countdown to !#@!!# Day

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:16 am
by gk
That naughty word would be swimsuit. Yes, I found out recently that I'll be going somewhere at the end of December that will require me to wear a swimsuit. (Shudder.) (Nowhere tropical, mind you, so I can't use that as a distraction.) you think I would look out of place in my jeans and long-sleeved t-shirt among the other travelers in their one-pieces and bikinis? Thought so.

Many of you know that I can't stick to a diet longer than it takes to watch an exercise video while munching through a bag of Cheetos on the couch, so starting vanilla No S right now would be quite ridiculous. Trying a modified No S diet right now would even be ridiculous, due to my careless eating pattern for the past few months. Soooo, I'm starting slow with just trying to keep with somewhat sane eating and avoid binges at the times when I have that whisper of a willpower still present.

I figured if I started this check-in it would remind me why I need to exert SOME effort towards this, and hopefully get me started on the right track again.

Gone are the mopey days, feeling down about my extra weight. Might as well have a sense of humor about all this right? It can only help. :wink:

Okay.....let's see where this takes me...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:45 pm
by milliem
Welcome back gk, nice to virtually-see you again :) Give yourself some credit though, I bet you are stronger and more able to exert control than you make out... part of the reason I never dieted before (and still hate to use that word) is that I've always been afraid that I'll fail. If I make a commitment to lose a certain amount of weight, or follow a certain diet, if I fail I'll have to admit it to myself and others. In my head this is a TERRIBLE thing! :roll: I know I'm being ridiculous when I think it but it doesn't make it go away! :)

Anyway getting back on track, I am totally with you on the self-depreciation thing, just be kind to yourself and remember that you have support.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:25 am
by gk
Thanks Millie! You have always been someone with a positive outlook on this forum, and I really like how you never seem to get down about all of this (at least you don't show it anyway!). Every time I read your posts it reminds me to lighten up and put a smile on my face. Glad you are here! :)

Yesterday went pretty good. Been keeping extra busy and have scheduled my days in a way that I think is more efficient, which in turn gives me an extra boost. Also, with logging more hours of sleep the past week I've noticed a big help with that as well (well, DUH. :)). However, when I was cleaning out my pantry I found a package of Oreos in the back, which was like finding a pot of gold in this chocolate-free house this past week. Kinda ripped into that and had some fun, BUT I stopped and didn't turn it into a free-for-all all evening. Yay!

My daughter woke up with the stomach flu last night (groan), so I'm sure that will spread to the other 3 kids this week. Funny, how this always reminds me of my favorite saying in the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada"........."I'm only one stomach flu away from my perfect weight." Ha! :lol: In my case, I'm about 10 or 11 stomach flu's away, but hey...... :wink:

Have a great day everyone - I plan to. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:39 pm
by milliem
Heh I have my days (usually the ones marked 'red'!!). Maybe I'm lucky that I'm able to separate my weight from my value/self esteem etc. so I don't let it get me down that I'm a bit wibbly around the edges ;) If NoS has taught me anything, it's that you can just move right on to the next meal or day and you don't have to make a big deal out of going off-plan sometimes. Glad you had a good day yesterday :)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:30 pm
by gk
Thursday was pretty good. However, I think if I wouldn't have had a massive headache last night, I probably would have eaten alot more. I guess that'll be my silver lining to having a headache, eh?

Well, the weekend is approaching. You know what that means....everything kicks into high gear when it comes to grazing and craving sweets. Funny - even though I'm not on a No S "schedule" yet, I still get that rush of feeling that "it's the weekend, time to have fun with food!". Weird.

SURRRRE....the habits you WANT to stick won't stay around and the habits you DON'T WANT to stick won't leave you alone!! :)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:09 pm
by gk
Well, today I made a decision to do something I've never done before, but always wanted to...........

I'm going to start attending exercise classes. I've always been the one enjoying fitness videos at home, but I can't seem to stick to that any more (haven't consistently exercised for YEARS). I need something new and interesting to keep me involved in exercise. All through my childhood I took dance classes and loved it, and I've always been drawn to fitness videos because of the "routine" layout of it, so this has always interested me. However, this is a big step for me, as I'm somewhat shy in groups of new people, not to mention I'll be stepping out of my comfort zone by not exercising in the privacy of my home (you know the whole self-conscious of appearance bit). Will have to start very slow as I have problems with my hip/back/feet (and I'm only 41!), but as my husband says the reason I do have those problems is because I DON'T exercise.

AND, I decided to do this BEFORE January 1st. Felt like getting a jumpstart before the holidays pack on another 5 lbs.

The first class of session 2 starts on Monday. Can't believe I'm doing this........ :)

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:52 am
by milliem
Nice one, have fun on Monday! I bet everyone else will be so wrapped up in their own stuff and getting the class done no-one will pay any mind to your appearance :) I reckon everyone who goes to a class or out to exercise is just kinda happy to see other people doing the same thing no matter what their level!

At least that's what I tell myself as I huff and puff around my local park while other runners sprint past me haha :)

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:02 pm
by Sweetness
Gk- Nice to see you back posting, good for you on the class.

I'm back here as well after a few months, and the last two I gained 7 pounds! I guess I do need accountability.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:20 pm
by gk
Thanks millie and sweetness. :)

I didn't end up going to my exercise class today. I was all psyched and ready to go, and then my youngest ended up staying home sick from school. I was actually bummed that I wasn't getting to go today, which is actually a GOOD sign, because I am NEVER bummed about missing out on an exercise opportunity! :lol:

Also, I opened my new yoga mat and was not happy with the "new rubber smell" - it reeks! I've washed it with soap and water with no results. It's currently hanging outside, but according to others on-line who have reported the same problems, I doubt that will give me any luck. Anyone out there know of any tricks to help with that? I don't think my deep breathing in yoga class with be very beneficial if I pass out from the fumes! :lol:

I've done alot of snacking today on very unhealthy food. I didn't get alot of sleep last night and went right back to the old habits. 7-9 hours of sleep is a MUST to keep up with good eating habits. (must remember that, must remember that).

Oh well! Onward and upward. Have a good one everyone. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:31 pm
by gk
Oh, and I just have to add that I've eaten three oreos, 2 reese's peanut butter cups and a peanut butter bagel since I've logged on to No S today (Not to mention, I have so much housework I should be doing right now.). Lack of sleep, no exercise and crappy food brings these kinds of results - how attractive!!! :)

For some reason I tend to read health magazines, watch shows regarding health, or log on to No S while I'm putting away thousands of calories............interesting...........well, at least I'm THINKING about getting healthier. :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:22 pm
by Sweetness
GK, I was thinking about your eating junk, and I thought of this video with Bob Newhart, "Stop it!" If you've never seen it look it up on YOUTube. It may not be helpful but its Hilarious! :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:10 am
by gk
Patty - Ha! Thanks for the laugh. I had not seen that video before- too funny! :lol: I've always liked Bob Newhart - hilarious.

And, it is so true, isn't it? Just STOP IT. Simple enough - why do we make it so hard????

As I sit here in my sugar coma, I've decided to increase the pace of my return to the No S rules a bit here. This is ridiculous. I mean, really - how many times do I need to put myself in this sluggish trance (I can practically feel the sugar slugging through my body right now), before I realize that the taste of the treats is no longer surpassing the gross aftermath????

In the back of my mind for a while now, I've been throwing around the idea of using November 1st as my "go time" for my countdown to "you know what" day. Basically, aim for vanilla plus one snack at 4 p.m. However, DO NOT term each day a fail or success. That's where my mind games start, and I don't want to go through that whole process again. I've given myself a gentle beginning, but it's time to bring out the big guns. After all, December 27th will be here before no time, and I do NOT want to feel like this when I'm putting on that #*&!@&# swimsuit!! :shock: But more importantly, I don't want to feel like this anymore. I'm ready to feel fit.... and ready to go through a little bit of discomfort to get there. The thought of being hungry and not eating my favorite foods as often is no longer too much to take on. I think I'm ready.

K. Have to go now. Time to finish off the last of the brownies.................KIDDING. :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:54 pm
by Sweetness
You've made a big start by bringing things out into the light. Sometimes its the hiding of bad habits that gives them power. Glad you liked the video. :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:08 am
by gk
Whew! Been a busy week.....

Well.....I did it!! I went to my first group exercise class. And I absolutely LOVED IT!!! I wish I would have had the nerve to join years ago. I was definately stepping out of my comfort zone, but sometimes that's what it takes to get out of a rut.....and that is exactly what I was in. Obviously, the last many, MANY attempts I've made at diet and exercise weren't working. I needed something new to freshen things up and get me going. I am SO glad I went!

I recently read about the "dominoe effect" in healthy lifestyles......pick one new healthy thing to do that has interested you in the past but you've never tried, and other healthy habits will naturally follow. Believe it or not, I've noticed the effect of that even after only one day! After my class this morning, it was like something had been lifted off of my shoulders. I felt lighter - proud of myself for trying something new and totally different for me. And when I returned home, I had no cravings for junk food. I was actually craving a salad! (minor miracle there!). Every time I thought about junk food later this afternoon, I just remembered how I felt earlier and I didn't want to ruin that. But, I confess, I did finally surrender to the munchies after supper, and ended up eating some Halloween candy (drat that holiday). BUT, I had a little and then STOPPED (another minor miracle) instead of making a night of it and "starting fresh tomorrow".

Yes, it was a good day!! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:36 am
by eschano
It sounds like you're taking 7-mile-steps at a time. It's so inspiring that I'll go to a fitness class tomorrow. Thanks a lot for that!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:27 pm
by milliem
It's so good to hear you sounding confident and proud of your successes :) I totally agree that one healthy habit can help you with others - I'm sure that a lot of my recent success with NoS has come from combining it with running. The both of them together are keeping me a bit more motivated than one or the other I think. Still a way to go yet though :)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:21 am
by gk
My class today was gentle yoga, so basically lots of stretching and breathing, which is exactly what I needed after BodyFlow (tai chi/pilates/yoga) yesterday. I'm so out of shape and have problems with hip/shoulder/feet, so I'm gonna have to take this slow or else I'll get into trouble again.

I. SO. LOVE. THIS. I don't know what it is, but just BEING there makes me feel better. I feel like I've just come out of a deep sleep or something. The main reason I went there on Thursday was to exercise. Over a matter of two days it's become something entirely different to's a place for me to have fun instead of "time to exercise". I'm hooked. :D

Food was VERY good today - best it's been in a long time.

I've always found I do better if I start my S weekends early, Friday nights. However, since I'm not 100% green during my N Days yet, I won't allow the "go for it" mentality on my weekends. I can have stuff, but still need to keep things under control. Having only 2 N Days since starting in November has made this week very easy. I wonder what a full week will feel like next week.....

Have a great weekend everyone. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:38 am
by Sweetness
Wow, glad you found something you love to do. Yes!!

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:00 am
by gk
Overall, this has been a very good week. Monday was an honest-to-goodness successful No S Vanilla Day - been so long since I've had one of those it was surreal. :)

The rest of the week I pretty much fell off the wagon, HOWEVER, I continued to eat my healthy protein shakes and salads, etc. Somehow the chocolate candy continued to keep on finding its way to my mouth. Well, at least I'm still attempting to stick to it instead of throwing in the towel completely. It felt good to eat a salad for lunch every day. That's a start.

My exercise classes continue to bring me to a new level this week. I haven't felt this good in a LONG time. I look forward to going every day and am impatient to get to the next class. I love the variety that is available to me......I've tried BodyFlow (yoga, tai chi, pilates), Yoga-Strength and Flexibility, Yoga-Gentle Stretching and Restoration, and Zumba (OMG, was that fun....1 full hour of high intensity dance routines - loved it!!!) Tomorrow, if my body will allow it, I'll try their step class. I'm also looking forward to checking out the BodyPump (more strengthening exercises with dumbells, stability ball, etc.), too. I'm attending classes five days a week. The last time I exercised that often??? Ummmm......I'd say about 15-20 years ago!!! What amazes me is that if someone were to tell me that I would not lose weight or get fit by doing any of these classes, I would STILL go anyway. I have never had so much fun getting fit before. Too bad I didn't push myself to do this YEARS ago, eh? Can you tell I'm a little psyched about this?? :lol:

Next week I'm going to really try to stick to better food choices again. It felt really good on Monday. I think what derailed me was the rainy Tuesday (rainy days for some reason give me the munchies), and then with being super busy all week (another time I tend to munch), I never got a handle on the vanilla No S again.

It's looking up. 8)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:30 am
by Sweetness
Good for you!

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:56 am
by eschano
Hi GK, so great that you didn't give into the WTH effect and stick to good food choices outside the candy. I assume that's a lot better than it was before No-S?
Also, you're doing so well on the exercise. Well done!

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:22 pm
by milliem
Congratulations on the green Monday! :) I love that you're sticking with it and being realistic about working your way up to green days rather than abandoning the whole idea because it's difficult. Well done!

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 10:14 pm
by Sweetness
Gk- Have a great weekend!! 8)

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:49 pm
by moderatemeals
Thanks gk for your kind words on my thread! It's always nice to have the support of people on the boards here. Everyone is so encouraging!

I'm really trying hard to get my habits down before the holiday season approaches. I still struggle so much with this but I always come back to No S as the most sane version of keeping my eating under control.

Good luck to you as well and great job on incorporating the group exercise classes. I added exercise a few years ago to my weekly list of to-dos and it seriously has helped me manage stress and overall well-being. Even if I just run for 20 minutes, I always find my day goes better~

have a great weekend!

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:48 am
by gk
ljk, sweetness, millie, eschano - Thanks everyone! I just love the support on this forum. It really does mean alot to me and helps keep me on track. Feels better to know you're tackling this task with others and not alone, ya know? :)

Well.....I tried their step class and LOVED it. Just when I think this place can't get any better, it does! I enjoyed it just as much as the Zumba. As you can see, my favorite exercises tend to lean toward the dance-routine oriented. I can't believe my feet are holding up (plantar fasciitis woes) and my hip and shoulder as well. It's so funny......usually if I have soreness or a flare-up, I'll say half-heartedly, "Oh too bad....guess I can't exercise" and be glad for the day off. Now, I am going out of my way to stretch and carefully pick and choose how I go about my exercising so as to avoid a day off. My husband is looking at me like I've grown two heads. This is definately not the person he married! :lol: I went as far to tell him that I am enjoying this more than reading and eating chocolate (insert jaw dropping here :shock: :shock: :shock: ). :lol:

This weekend I'm finding myself eating alot more often and more bad foods, just cuz it's the weekend. I think it's because I know I really want to do well next week and my mind is telling me, "stock up now, since you can't have it later" - you know how it is. Need to remember that thinking that will only lead to trouble. Need to focus on other things and just relax.

Enjoy your S days ladies. Let's have a good one shall we? :)

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:44 am
by Sweetness
gk wrote:ljk, sweetness, millie, eschano - Thanks everyone! I just love the support on this forum. It really does mean alot to me and helps keep me on track. Feels better to know you're tackling this task with others and not alone, ya know? :)

Well.....I tried their step class and LOVED it. Just when I think this place can't get any better, it does! I enjoyed it just as much as the Zumba. As you can see, my favorite exercises tend to lean toward the dance-routine oriented. I can't believe my feet are holding up (plantar fasciitis woes) and my hip and shoulder as well. It's so funny......usually if I have soreness or a flare-up, I'll say half-heartedly, "Oh too bad....guess I can't exercise" and be glad for the day off. Now, I am going out of my way to stretch and carefully pick and choose how I go about my exercising so as to avoid a day off. My husband is looking at me like I've grown two heads. This is definately not the person he married! :lol: I went as far to tell him that I am enjoying this more than reading and eating chocolate (insert jaw dropping here :shock: :shock: :shock: ). :lol:

This weekend I'm finding myself eating alot more often and more bad foods, just cuz it's the weekend. I think it's because I know I really want to do well next week and my mind is telling me, "stock up now, since you can't have it later" - you know how it is. Need to remember that thinking that will only lead to trouble. Need to focus on other things and just relax.

Enjoy your S days ladies. Let's have a good one shall we? :)
I think the exercise classes will help you keep your mind off the food! Be sure to also have some good healthy food tomorrow, I think it helps to keep you from wanting the bad. Have a great weekend.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:13 am
by milliem
gk wrote:
This weekend I'm finding myself eating alot more often and more bad foods, just cuz it's the weekend. I think it's because I know I really want to do well next week and my mind is telling me, "stock up now, since you can't have it later" - you know how it is. Need to remember that thinking that will only lead to trouble. Need to focus on other things and just relax.

Enjoy your S days ladies. Let's have a good one shall we? :)
I think that's pretty normal thinking when you're just getting back into NoS! Don't work too hard against it, wait til your weekdays are settled and you have those habits down, then you can tackle the thinking if you need to :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:40 am
by gk
Good advice sweetness and milliem, thanks!

Okay, I'm hoping for more than one green day this week. After much thought, I think I will lay out my week like this.....three meals, one snack at 4 p.m., and one small square of dark chocolate after supper. Might be a little more feasible at this time to have that one small taste of sweet at night (not to mention dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you in that amount, right??). Compared to my normal eating as of late, that will be huge progress if I can do that for an entire week. Once this seems easy to me, my next challenge will be losing the chocolate every day. Oh, also, I REALLY do need to increase my water intake. When my husband refers to me as a camel, you know I need to grab for a water a little more often. :)

Must remember to focus on my fun new hobby of exercise, keeping the house up and errands done, and on kids' after school activities. Need to focus on the enjoyment of my downtime of reading or watching a show and relaxing at the end of the day. Focusing on any hunger, lack of excessive sweets, etc. is a waste of time and takes me further away from goals!

Here I go! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:25 pm
by gk
Old habits sure do die hard......the minute I really want to buckle down and do well, I do worse than if I just halfway attempt it! Did well Monday until about 4:00, then lost it. Tuesday morning? Had candy with my breakfast!! UGH! Need to get a grip here. Obviously I'm not listening to my self-given advice above. :roll:

On a good note, I didn't much feel like going to exercise today, but I went anyway and was glad I did. Too bad I returned home and revisted the candy drawer. Drat - need to get rid of my supply. However, in my current state I'd probably just overeat on anything available. That is, unless it was fruits or veggies. Those I can always resist. :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:27 am
by Sweetness
Brush off the crumbs and move on, Gk. You can still go for green this week!!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:34 am
by eschano
Hi GK, I thought about it. Maybe you'll need more fiber on your plates now that you're doing all this exercise? It seems to me that that could easily trigger the candy-attacks.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:24 pm
by moderatemeals
gk -
I am following a mod that Sinnie is using and I'm having amazing success with it. 3 meals a day but anything can be on your plate..including dessert. That's it...super simple! I'm loving it and finding that it just feels less restrictive to me. I've only done it for a few days so I can't say my success will last but after so many failed No S attempts, I was willing to try anything. I'm surprised that I don't feel like bingeing either if I am allowed anything throughout the day.

Just wanted to pass it along since I think we have had similar struggles and this seems to be working this week for me!

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:02 pm
by gk
Thanks guys for your suggestions and support. I've actually tried those suggestions before to no avail. I guess I should be used to this frustrating cycle I always seem to find myself in.

Got to thinking.....I have NO problems going to exercise five days a week because I LOVE exercise classes.

My husband has NO problems staying at a healthy weight because he LOVES fruits, veggies and all the healthy foods out there.

Well, I DON'T LOVE the healthy foods, so that must be why I can never stick to a diet. It's like me trying to stay in the habit of going to the gym every day to lift weights and walk on the treadmill - YUCK. That lasted for about a nanosecond.....about the same as each of my diet attempts. Makes sense, right? My love for snacking all day just adds to it.

Well, I guess even though I understand it, it doesn't change matters. I need to figure out a way to get into the at least "like" category of healthy foods and no snacking.

Meanwhile, I must be really putting away the calories because though I'm faithfully attending exercise class each day I feel as though my pants are getting a bit snug.

Hmmm......I need some way to make eating healthy as fun as jumping into a step class. Talk about a challenge. :roll:

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:19 am
by Sweetness
Excuse me, but No S is not exactly about eating healthy, it's about moderation and HABIT. So why don't you eat the junk food you love, just 3 plates a day, till you get the habit down? Then you can work on the healthy part. Just a thought... 8)

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:42 am
by Sweetness
Sweetness wrote:GK,
Excuse me, but No S is not exactly about eating healthy, it's about moderation and HABIT. So why don't you eat the junk food you love, just 3 plates a day, till you get the habit down? Then you can work on the healthy part. Just a thought... 8)
hope you didn't think I was being sarcastic or critical. I was thinking about it last night... and remembered you did try all those suggestions. I just want you to feel free to eat what you love to eat! Have a great weekend!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:09 pm
by milliem
Sweetness wrote:GK,
Excuse me, but No S is not exactly about eating healthy, it's about moderation and HABIT. So why don't you eat the junk food you love, just 3 plates a day, till you get the habit down? Then you can work on the healthy part. Just a thought... 8)
This is pretty much what I do - I haven't lost loads of weight on NoS (and for a while wasn't losing any) but I know I can slowly increase the amount of meals that include vegetables and other healthy things over time. Plus I feel better just sticking to the habits let alone anything else.

You never have to love healthy foods, and it might be unrealistic to say that you ever will. However over time you can learn to eat smaller portions of the junk food you do like, less frequently and balance it out with fruit and vegetables that you do like (there must be some healthful foods that you do like?? No-one says you have to go ga-ga over cabbage or plain chicken breasts...) And the great thing is that whatever you decide to eat, you can still be successful on NoS :)

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:27 am
by gk
Sweetness wrote:
Sweetness wrote:GK,
Excuse me, but No S is not exactly about eating healthy, it's about moderation and HABIT. So why don't you eat the junk food you love, just 3 plates a day, till you get the habit down? Then you can work on the healthy part. Just a thought... 8)
hope you didn't think I was being sarcastic or critical. I was thinking about it last night... and remembered you did try all those suggestions. I just want you to feel free to eat what you love to eat! Have a great weekend!
No, I didn't take that the wrong way at all. I'm pretty laid back - don't get offended very easily. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:31 am
by gk
Thanks sweetness and milliem for your suggestions. You DO have a point.....I was focusing too much on the "Diet" part of "No S Diet". Need to remember that it IS habit I should be learning. Heck, I'm bound to have some success even if I only cut back on quantity. Every time I outline strict rules my body and mind seem to rebel. I need to learn to relax and just go with it instead of making this more difficult than it needs to be. Time to regroup again and push onward. 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:04 pm
by milliem
Sounds like a plan! Go easy on yourself, focus on platefuls of whatever food you enjoy for now and you might just trick your mind into eating less ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:37 pm
by Sweetness
milliem wrote:Sounds like a plan! Go easy on yourself, focus on platefuls of whatever food you enjoy for now and you might just trick your mind into eating less ;)
I agree! You can do this! :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:50 am
by gk
Been super busy lately. Meal structure hasn't been the greatest- breakfast and supper are normal I guess, but just grabbing bites of food throughout the afternoon - NOT No S-like! :-) However, I'm keeping up with my five days of consistent exercise. Settled into a routine of Step on Monday/Wed/Fri and Body Flow on Tues/Thurs.

I did another No S no-no and signed up for the Calorie King Nutrition and Exercise Program. No, I'm not going crazy counting calories. I was just trying to think of a fun way to follow structured, somewhat healthier eating. It was actually fun for a couple of days and then I got busy enough I didn't take the time to mess with it. Once my schedule calms down, I'll do it again. It's funny.....I've done food diaries before, but somehow having it in a program that shows your fat/calorie, etc. intake and seeing your allotted "bar" at the bottom fill up during the day makes me more aware. I don't mindlessly grab a cookie or whatever cuz I know I'll have to punch it into the program. Whatever works, right? :)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:40 am
by milliem
I've combined NoS with calorie counting before - more out of curiosity about what I was actually taking in on my three plates and to get a better idea about how nutritious my food actually was. I tend to do it every now and then for a few weeks and then get bored hehe :) Mind you I always track at the end of the day once I've eaten everything I'm going to, if I fall under or over what I think I 'should' be eating then tough luck!! :)

Does the program you are following allow for NoS structure?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:44 pm
by gk
Milliem: Yes, the program allows for No S structure. Basically you can eat whatever you want as often as you want (it outlines for three meals and three snacks, if need be), but it just serves as a way to track how much fat, protein, calories, etc. you are consuming. It also tracks water and exercise as well.

I knew I should've waited a week before I paid my $45 for the program. I haven't used it since I signed up!! However, I have been pretty crazy busy lately. Actually, I haven't had time for lunch lately, so all I've had is a handful of sunflower seeds and maybe some animal crackers during the day. I think I might be losing a little weight, but that could just be from the exercise classes, too.

I did find out that I thought I was signing up for the program that would give me access to their mealplans on-line too, but I guess that's ANOTHER $49 if you want to be able to access that. NOT.

I have a feeling I'll be able to settle into more of a routine once the holidays are over. Until then I'm just trying to do damage control.

Interesting though..............since I've started exercising, I've noticed my hunger has naturally decreased. I'm not trying to skip snacks or my lunch - just not as hungry. And I'd say at least 75% of the time I'm resisting the urge to eat when I'm not hungry later in the day. (VERY rare in my case). Will be interesting to see how I do once the holidays are over - if exercise will still help me with that.

A fellow No Ser is having WONDERFUL luck with giving up sugar. Makes me want to try that, but.......maybe not quite yet. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:58 pm
by milliem
gk wrote: Interesting though..............since I've started exercising, I've noticed my hunger has naturally decreased. I'm not trying to skip snacks or my lunch - just not as hungry. And I'd say at least 75% of the time I'm resisting the urge to eat when I'm not hungry later in the day. (VERY rare in my case).
This is fab!!

Not sure I could go so far as to give up sugar completely... yeesh even the thought of it makes me want to snarf down a doughnut or two :)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:03 am
by r.jean
How is the exercise habit going gk? It is a powerful habit once you get it! I also think appetite does change when you exercise. For me, i seem to make better food choices. I eat as much or more, but I eat better. Maybe exercise gives us the endorphins we need so we do not seek out comfort foods so much?!

I also have a swimsuit vacation coming up at the end of January. How is the swimsuit quest going for you? I ordered a new one in what I hope is a more flattering style.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:34 am
by gk
milliem wrote:Not sure I could go so far as to give up sugar completely... yeesh even the thought of it makes me want to snarf down a doughnut or two :)

Ha! Me too! :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:04 am
by gk
Thanks for stopping by r.jean. :-)

The last time I was this consistent with exercise was 20 years ago. And even then, I did it because I HAD to. Now I go because I WANT to. I am still going Monday through Friday for one hour. I finally settled on a schedule of Step class on M/F, Body Flow on T/Th, and Yoga (strength & core) on Wednesday. It doesn't feel like exercise - it feels like a fun new hobby. This is just so unreal for me, as I was SUCH a couch potato before. The thought of me exercising used to be considered a joke. Now, I arrange my schedule around it and get restless if I think I might have to cancel! Weird! :)

As I'm doing the moves in yoga and Body Flow, I am seeing progress already.....can hold positions easier, stronger with my push-ups, feel stronger in general - so cool. 8)

Oh! And I had to smile the other day as I realized I passed what I consider to be the "exercise commitment test". I was SO TIRED on Monday. I was behind in everything around the house, had so many errands to do - just in general not up to par for exerting myself. I said the words, "I don't feel like exercising today", but I didn't even consider not going. I wasn't exactly at top speed in class that day, but I went when it would have been so easy to use so many excuses not to. I am officially committed to this new habit!! Now, if I could only do that with my FOOD habit!!! :-)

Unfortunately, my bad eating habits are returning. I'm not really eating too much - just back into alot of the junk food again. Apparently, my body is over-riding the message coming from my brain that junk food is bad for keeping the body in shape. :roll: My schedule has been SO out of wack lately. I'm behind in everything (I probably should be doing about 10 other things than this right now, but OH WELL! :)), that I think I'm eating worse because of it. I'm also not getting enough sleep again, which always makes me reach for the bad stuff, too. I'm looking forward to January - routine, routine, routine. I function SO much better when my days are more routine.

As for the swimsuit - I think I've only lost 2 lbs., but I might be in a little better shape for my swimsuit (muscle weighs more, right? :wink:). Will still be glad when that is over. I just cannot STAND to wear a swimsuit anymore. I tell ya, 40 just was not kind to me. I like to be covered up more now, ya know?

I am giving myself the goal of buying an actual "fitness shirt" if/when I lose my tummy. However, that is definately what you would call a LONG term goal. Exercise alone can't get rid of the weight - I've got to get a handle on my eating. Now that I've tackled the exercise habit, I'm feeling almost ready to tackle the food......ALMOST. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:53 am
by eschano
Hi GK, amazing to hear about your dedication to fitness!
As for the swimsuit: I'm a big fan of beautiful pareos (Sarongs, I believe in English). They can make you feel good and confident and can add colour to the outfit.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:27 am
by gk
Eschano: That's a good idea, but unfortunately in a waterpark that wouldn't fly. I do have a very short skirt as a swimsuit, so that does help.

Well the countdown is over. I didn't even come close to staying on any kind of structured diet (I know you are all so surprised about that :lol:). I didn't eat a whole lot during the busy weeks leading up to Christmas, but at the same time, what I did eat was nothing but alot of junk food. The result? Well, I haven't stepped on the scale, but I'm guessing I'm the same. My clothes fit the same anyway. Which means my swimsuit will fit the same (UGH). Well, I guess you play, you pay, right? At least it's only two days. And maybe that'll kick my butt into gear, thinking about the months of shorts weather lurking in my future - it'll be here before we know it!

My schedule got so crazy the past couple weeks that I haven't been able to go to my exercise classes!! Usually if I get out of a good habit for a week or more, I don't return to it, but I actually really miss it and am anxious to get back into the swing of things once the kids go back to school and my routine resumes some sense of normalcy. That's a good sign!

All in all though, everyone is healthy, happy and content and that is the big picture I am choosing to focus on. Time flies by too fast to become down about trivial things such as weight and diets, right? The new year will give me my usual renewed sense of "gonna really try to stick to this", but I am choosing to no longer give it the power to rule/ruin my day.

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. :)