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Ljk trying again!

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:40 am
by moderatemeals
Hi -
I'm back here again...hoping to stop some snacking ands sweet consumption that has gotten out of control! I think I need a little more 'vanilla' in my life these days and I find posting to be therapeutic and also holds me accountable. Here it goes!

Monday, Nov 5: SUCCESS!
breakfast: cereal, coffee with creamer
lunch: leek & potato soup, roll & pita chips
dinner: small cup of soup (I actually put the bowl on my plate!), 2 tacos and some chips

Good luck to everyone out there reading!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:31 pm
by moderatemeals
Tuesday, Nov 6: FAIL

Breakfast: oatmeal with sprinkle of granola on top
Lunch: soup, sandwich and chips
Dinner: chicken, veggie straws and an apple

Fail foods were some pretzels and nuts.

While today was a fail, it really wasn't bad at all. We were watching the election results with some friends and after a glass of wine, I seemed to lose my willpower and ate some of the munchies that were out. Good news is that normally I would come home and eat on top of that but this time I stopped myself before I dove into any Halloween candy.

There is a part of me that would like to alter No S and have a few floating S events allowed per week but I'm going to stick to vanilla as planned until I get 21 day of that down.

I will also say that I have not had sugar in a few days and boy do I feel better just from that!!

Good luck to all those reading. I've done this before and while it's a struggle in the beginning, it really feels amazing once the habit is in place!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:23 pm
by moderatemeals
Wed, Nov 7: FAIL

wt: 119.2
Breakfast: oatmeal with granola
Lunch: chicken salad & pop chips
Dinner: steak, roasted red potatoes & green beans, roll & chips

Today was technically a fail but barely. I had a few veggies straws right before going to bed. The rest of the day was perfect. I have no idea why I even had them. Maybe out of habit and also I get so tired by the end of the day, I think 'who cares?!' I also know I can't have a perfect week since I messed up Tuesday night so I know that goes into my thinking too. But all in all, this is a much better week than the previous week so I'm continuing to log and move on. I'm trying for vanilla but there is a part of me that likes Sinnie's concept of eating anything everyday but only 3 meals. I really like that structure! Still though trying for vanilla for 21 days before I add a mod.

I'm going to start a habitcal today too.

Good luck to all those reading!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:10 pm
by Sinnie
I see you are the same weight as me! Curious, how tall are you and what are your goals? I love similiar stats because we typically will need the same food intake/exercise to maintain or lose. I'm short (about 5'2 or so, and I'd love to be 110-115).

Today I'm feeling very hopeful about my plan. Yesterday went very smoothly. I admire your dedication to try Vanilla first - I wish you all the luck! I'll be checking in to see how you are doing.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:39 am
by moderatemeals
Thanks Sinnie! Yes, it sounds like we do have similarities. I'm 5'5 and range between 115-120.

I did not have a successful No S day because I did have some extra pretzels after my dinner but my biggest success is not having sweets or any binges this week. That's actually my biggest problem...sweets. I'm going to keep at it though and hopefully I can do better next week and not snack at all.

I'm also going to try and have my weekends look similar to my weekdays. 3 meals for me is really key and I don't want to look at the weekends as a time to give myself permission to binge or overeat.

Good luck to you!!! I will check in on you too

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:44 am
by gk
Hello! Good to see you back! Sounds like you are on the right track again. You may have had a couple of reds this week, but they were SO minimal, I'd call 'em green.

Keep up the great work! :)

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:48 pm
by moderatemeals
Saturday, Nov 11
wt: 118.2

I decided to try Sinnie's mod for today since it was an S day anyway. I had 3 meals and allowed myself some dessert with my 3rd meal. However, I did not have any snacks after dinner or between meals. I loved the mod! It was still hard for me not to snack after dinner but I really liked the fact that it wasn't as fully restrictive as a No S day. I'm going to try it again today and see how it goes!


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:06 am
by gk
Just popping in to say hello. :) Still liking the new mod?