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SaraCatherine's semi-daily check-in

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:01 am
by saracatherine
First post of my check-ins, for my own records.

Saturday & Sunday
(success, of course!)

Not too crazy all around. Moderate Saturday most of the day, then holiday party Saturday night. Ate dessert (which wasn't that great), pretty high blood sugar later and totally not worth it.

Sunday much more moderate. Main treats: 2 bite-size cookies after lunch, then popcorn and a gin and tonic for 49ers/Patriots kickoff. Otherwise normal 1-plate meals and good blood sugar/insulin management.

(One modification as a diabetic is being careful not to go totally off the rails on S-days - ideally my treats will mostly be snacks and drinks and small servings or bites of sweets if I really want them.)

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:26 am
by saracatherine
Monday: food success
Also: exercise and 1-drink limit success

Enjoyed my food. Liked not having to think "should I have some more?"

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:59 am
by saracatherine
Tuesday: success.

Felt kind of low today - winter blues, and not enough sleep last night, and probably some coming off sugar after a fair amount of it in last couple of weeks. Around 4 pm until dinner, I was very conscious of just wanting a snack, for comfort for the boredom and blues, and growing appetite. Also conscious of wanting more than the one drink limit I'm setting for myself. Lately I've been refilling my wineglass all evening between dinner and bed (see: winter blues).

Didn't do what would qualify as exercise for my habitcal purposes, but did some of a yoga dvd just to relax a bit.

I know I'll feel better in a couple of days! Meanwhile, it's nice and simple to just know what my boundaries are with food and not have one more thing to add to my seasonal anxieties!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:27 am
by saracatherine
Wednesday: food success, exercise success (3.8 mile walk, huzzah), mood success (the sun! the sun! it was out!). Good blood sugar numbers all day.

I notice a feeling of sadness when I finish a meal, especially dinner, and also when I finish my one drink. I'm looking forward to my weekend!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:33 am
by saracatherine
Thursday: food & exercise success, glass ceiling fail
Friday was an s day for me - I hosted a party
Today is my second s day, back to N tomorrow. Exercised today as well.

Lots of sugar last 24 hours. I really can't handle it; it affects my mood so much.

A positive note: on n days this last week, my blood sugar control was just excellent and I was able to cut way back on insulin. The combination of an hour of moderate exercise plus moderate eating is gold for diabetes management. It just felt good all around.

On next s day (prob Christmas) I will be thinking more in terms of being generally relaxed rather than feeling like holidays necessarily=gluttony.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:40 am
by saracatherine
Taking semi-daily to extremes...
But realized (again) I just don't like interacting with the computer that much since I have to do it all the time for my job.

ANYway, the last month has been totally up and down as far as No S - I really dislike the disruption that the holiday causes and feeling like I'm just getting back into the swing of routine.

Earlier this week I had a bunch of medical tests, and was pleased and somewhat surprised to find that -

My lipid panel is seriously rock-star (low LDL, high HDL - a positive factor for avoiding heart disease - low triglycerides). Last year's panel was a disaster.
My blood pressure is awesome - 116/73 - after being pre-hypertensive for 2+ years
My A1C, for a diabetic, is just fine - a bit higher than in October, but that's to be expected at post-holiday test (this test is an indicator of average blood sugar over the last 8-12 weeks)
Vitamin D levels great
No sign of kidney disease

So I kind of wonder why I'm so intent on losing 10 pounds. Just so I can have a BMI number that makes chart-watchers happy? So I can wear certain clothes? I think it's mostly because my body isn't currently at a size or composition that "feels right" for me. I felt more "me" when I was stronger and a little lighter, and I want to continue to not binge or get the Sugar Crazies or monster PMS, and have well-managed blood sugar. So I guess my 2013 goals aren't majorly about those 10 pounds. More an all-around sense of well-being to go along with the good test data.

But I do share these numbers as a reminder that you can be out of "healthy BMI" range and still be in good health, at least as far as these major indicators are concerned.

I'll check back in a month!

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:54 am
by HealthyMommy
That's awesome about your medical tests! Keep up the good work! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:33 pm
by No BS
Wow saracatherine! Your test results are indicative that you sure are doing a lot of things well!! Kudos to you!

I suspect No "S" will be your path back to feeling strong and good about yourself, with the pounds or BMI goals/results secondary.

Cheers to your good health!!