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Surfersuz 2013 daily check in...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:47 pm
by surfersuz
Since I am so easily swayed by each shiny new diet promising easy weight loss I decided I too needed a daily check in because I know deep down that No S is the way I want to live the rest of my life! I know that none of those diets will work - we all go wayyyy back - I need to develop these habits and a good relationship with food again. I am hoping I can make it all the way through 2013 continually trying to build these habits, even if I fail - mark it and move on.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:55 pm
by surfersuz
Yesterday - Monday, Jan 7 - ended up to be difficult. Mondays have been in the past, since I want to keep the S days going so badly. Bingeing and just all-around putting food in my mouth all the time is such a horrible habit I've developed over the years.

So anyway, yesterday morning I decided that I needed to count calories in order to get to my weight goal. This is always how it is with me, I cannot ever stick to some sort of diet without changing my mind within 3 or so days.

The calorie-counting idea making me nervous, I don't even make it through breakfast without 'blowing it' according to my count. I did, however, have a normal No S breakfast so it wasn't a ruin for the whole day. But throughout the day I was plagued by thoughts of calorie-counting instead of habits and last night fell into the WTH attitude a little bit. It wasn't as bad as some of my binges have been - but seconds at dinner turned into 3 sweet things eaten at the fridge (I so want to get away from that) and a big glass of heavy cream mixed with almond milk (I was reaching here, I know, but I didn't have much in the way of sweets at my house thank goodness).

So Monday was a FAIL, but today is Tuesday and hopefully today and the rest of the week I can concentrate on forming good habits and nothing else. I have to take this one step at a time if I'm going to be in it for the long haul.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:33 pm
by mulliganagain
That pesky calorie counting likes to poke its' head into your thoughts at the most inconvenient times, doesn't it? :(

It's hard to get over, but keep trying! You can do it! :D

Good job on focusing on today fresh, and not letting yesterday distract you. Yesterday's yesterday and today's today, and I'm proud of you for remembering and respecting the difference! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:28 pm
by surfersuz
Thank you!! It's so hard to not let those thoughts invade the psyche and the day isn't it? But I really really want this to work this year so I'm determined to keep plugging along no matter what happens. I can see that you're working hard as well, I hope we can support each other. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you!


Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:51 am
by surfersuz
SUCCESS!!! Even tho it was hard because yesterday was a mess up. I found myself thinking about food constantly today.

I have been having milk after dinner to curb the binge monster…Not the best way to deal with it but at least it's not eating. And that'll have to do for now.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:04 pm
by mulliganagain
Hey I'm game - the more support we can give each other, the better chances that we all have of succeeding! :D

YAY!! Congrats on your success! If milk helps to curb the binge monster, there's worse things you could be doing. :wink:

How's today going so far??

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:39 am
by surfersuz
So today was a success and a fail. I did have a scone/danish thing with my lunch that someone offered me at work. It was a sweet, there's no denying it. I talked myself into it. But the day was a success in that I didn't continue to snack for the rest of the afternoon, and just stuck to my dinner instead of developing a what-the-hell attitude. A habit is going to be a little hard in the beginning and I need to put it into practice at every meal.

But it'll still be a red day...

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:11 pm
by surfersuz
I've now had more red days then I can have green ones this week. Horrible! I got stressed yesterday, which is absolutely no excuse. In fact, in the No S book, he points out that when you're stressed that's when its even more important to keep to your habits. So lunch was less than ideal with me virtual plating and eating white flour stuff that I normally don't do. But overall it was ok. Then on to the BBQ that I planned and I made it almost the whole time sticking to my one plate at dinner. Which, for me, would've been super impressive given there was much snacking going on. Didn't partake. Nope, it wasn't till the end when I gave in to the cake my sister made…one little piece led to three, then trying to get all the crumbs from the pan on the drive home. And then proceeding to eat leftovers when I got home. All the while I was thinking - I could stop right now. I could be training my habits now - but that old mindset took over - 'I'll start tomorrow'
The behavior never ends for me!! Writing it down seems to help, I've had sporadic attempts at journalling before but never able to keep it up. But I really really want No S to work for me this time around. I see where I slipped up and am determined to be aware of my thinking and behavior when it starts to persuade me to 'start tomorrow'. The habit needs to constantly be reinforced.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:42 pm
by mulliganagain
Silly stress... getting in the way and causing trouble! :?

Don't worry - stressful days get to everybody sometimes! Each day is a brand new day - forgive yourself and give yourself a fresh start. As long as we learn from each "red" experience they're not wasted, and we'll improve every day! :D You can do it!

I've never been able to keep up journaling either, but it's a good tool if you stay true to it. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:17 pm
by surfersuz
Thanks inswsn for the encouragement! This weekend I was swayed away by another attempt at calorie counting…yeah that lasted exactly one and a half days. Oh how I know that will never work for me. But I came back…

The weekend was fairly tame for me, but that's probably because I had 3 red days this week. More red than green. I love tracking on Habitcal because I can see where I went wrong. But more importantly I can see that I did two good N days last week, and the week before I did 4. So it is possible, and it reminds me that the whole week wasn't a wash - it's just certain events. This week I really want to be strict with the N days to build my habit solid. 3 meals, nothing in between. So here I go - aiming for 5 days of green!

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:38 pm
by mulliganagain
5 days of green! YOU CAN DO IT!!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:22 am
by surfersuz

Today food was really a non-issue. That felt great. There's that hope for more of those days to come :)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:30 am
by surfersuz
Success! Did a little bit of virtual plating at dinner but hey, I'll take it. Resisted the WTH attitude to go for seconds and sabotage my whole evening. So I'll take it.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:57 am
by surfersuz
So it started with a taste at the farmers market. I really didn't even think about it…then I continued on to my mom's bakery and since I knew the day was red (because I want to be really strict about this) continue to snack on some freshly cooked bacon. Sigh. I tried to stop it at just the taste at the market but wasn't able to. Am going to continue on to dinner and have an N meal. Get right back on track. Just because the day is already red does not mean that I cannot continue to build good habits right now with this next meal. Whew, I feel better and stronger already.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:11 pm
by mulliganagain
I'm so proud of you! Everyone always thinks the infamous phrase "I'll start again tomorrow...", but not you - you say "I'm starting again right now!" Good job getting right back on track instead of making excuses. :D I know if I have a taste then it WILL turn into a binge... I just can't help myself... so speaking from my point of view, going red and then going back green instead of allowing the red habits to continue is even more amazing than if you'd just been green all day!

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:12 am
by HoeHanna
What inswsn said: "I'm so proud of you! Everyone always thinks the infamous phrase "I'll start again tomorrow...", but not you - you say "I'm starting again right now!" Good job getting right back on track instead of making excuses."
It's been one hell of a 1st week for me as well, I have had 5 green days in a row and am hardly able to wait for icecream tomorrow, now that I've said that, I'll probalby be able to scale it back a little because it does help to say it out loud. I find myself actually watching the clock for my next "fix". Are we really addicts? Yes, I think so, my head plays crazy games with me.
Hang loose. S-day in 4-3-2-1 CST.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:58 pm
by mulliganagain
I know what you mean about being able to scale it back - I seem to enjoy my treats so much more now so I actually savor them instead of simply binging. :D

What flavor ice cream are you going to have?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:25 pm
by surfersuz
Thanks for the encouragement peeps! My January has been far less than perfect so far but I'm still committed to No S. I have constant urges to turn to calorie counting and WW but they never last for more than a few hours. I know deep down that those things simply will not work for me. It's ridiculous, they have NEVER worked. I have got to get my eating habits under control.

My S days were mostly tame, but on Sunday night I broke down…was trying to sleep, got out of bed and had a yogurt and finished off whatever was left in the peanut butter bottle (it wasn't a lot, but still…) That is exactly the behavior that I hate!!!! Standing in the kitchen stuffing my face - it's demeaning and embarrassing - when I'm caught I feel like I'm doing something bad, childish…which I am. This is exactly why I want to do No S, I want to change this behavior.

I'm still aiming for 5 days of green this week. Last week I had 2 red days, which is an improvement over the previous week of 3 red days. That's all I can do - just hope to get better and better. And also going to try stop drinking calories - I do have a bit of cream in my coffee - at every meal…it adds up for sure.

Good luck to us this week!!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:30 am
by Amy3010
I have the same goal as you do - just to do better than last week. Wishing you well! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:10 pm
by surfersuz
Monday was a little hard but with success as well. I've now got my boyfriend on board with No S and he is being extremely supportive. This is a new relationship for me and normally I'm not too keen on telling guys what I'm up to on the dieting front. But I was able to explain to him that I needed up set up good eating habits, just decided to be up front about the whole thing and it's worked! Yesterday we spent the day together and there were certainly times I wanted to fling myself off the wagon (Mondays are hard for me after the weekends) but I held it together.
I'm again aiming for 5 straight greens this week…another goal is to not drink calories in between meals either. I was having a lot of cream in my coffee to carry me through…not a habit I want to build right now so I'm going to stop it before it becomes too ingrained.
And NO deferring to calorie counting this week!!! It's not going to happen ever again!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:52 am
by HoeHanna
helps so much to have a partner on board. Good going.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 2:57 pm
by surfersuz
Can't believe I've made it 4 days in a row this week. I'm traveling today (Friday) so I'm going to be extra careful to not cave because I want this last day to make it 5 N days in a row. It's been forever since I've done that! Hopefully I'll remember throughout the day how important this is to do this...

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:50 pm
by mulliganagain
That's so awesome that you were able to get your boyfriend on board! It's a good idea that you mentioned it as setting up good eating habits, because I think that's such a much better way of describing No S... it's not a diet, it's making good habits! :D

I'm sending good vibes to you that you stay strong today. :D Remember: having 5 green days in a row is going to be soooo much more tasty than anything you could eat to ruin your streak. :wink: