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Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:20 am
by HoeHanna
Day 2 and doing well.... Found it almost impossible yesterday. Today wasn't half bad though, just have to make it to bedtime without snacking. Cannot wait until the "habit" sticks. Pretty sure I can do this.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:14 am
by mulliganagain
Of course you can do it! :) Stay strong!! :D

day 3

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:55 am
by HoeHanna
Somehow got through another day. Felt better today, must be the lack of sugar. Pinterest almost did me in, all those damn cake recipes with pictures. But now it's time for bed so unless I'm a sleep walker/eater, I'm good.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:54 pm
by mulliganagain
I get lost in yummy looking recipes on pinterest too! Luckily I'm lazy... so I think "well, if I had that here right now, I'd eat it. But I don't, so I'm not going to settle for the poor excuse for a snack that I'd actually make myself!"

Now, if I wasn't lazy and would actually consider making some of those recipes on pinterest, then this wouldn't work as well because it'd be only a matter of time before I'd have it sitting infront of me. LOL! :lol:

You can do it!!! Be careful and stay on the safe side of pinterest! :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:20 am
by oolala53
I hope you'll find this helpful. I don't want to take the wind out of your sails but I fear for you a little reading that you can hardly wait for the habit to take ahold. It really takes several months and often longer for the habit to become firmly established. I committed to one year when I first started, but I'd say it took until well into the second year before some annoying problems with S days began to abate. I had a perfect first three MONTHS and then careened for months. But I never lost sight of the vision of being able to eat joyfully and comfortably. I'm starting my third year and can't tell you how many people give up because they get discouraged and then come back weighing more. This is a process of getting more accepting of your body's true needs and there is no set time that takes, but it is so worth it. Sure, we likely have people leave and find the perfect motivation to diet seriously and succeed, but the research shows over and over they are in the extremely small minority. And I've rarely read an account of one of those people who talked about it getting joyful and easy.

I'm writing because I too am 5' 6''. My highest weight was 200 for just a short time. You can see my weight history in my signature.

Don't be scared by the time involved. That's just reality. And the time will pass anyway. You're getting a college degree in eating moderately and it includes a lengthy internship! but it's only fair...


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:12 pm
by HoeHanna
Thanks you guys. I hear you loud & clear Oolala. Like you said "the time will pass anyway". I guess that's what finally hit me this year harder than before, the fact that the year will pass and I didn't want to be sitting here in January of 2014 thinking to myself (like I have for the past 8 or more years) that if I'd tried something ANYTHING with a little more effort then I would be feeling and looking better. ANd honestly, this plan may seem hard for most people but compared to all the other plans I've tried it's the easiest for me, I like the way it frees my mind from all those diet foods, ehalthy snacks, etc.... I did a week of mental prep and decided that if I was going to make this work for me there would need to be a few other changes so I am taking knitting lessons, made a list of neglected house chores to be done, stocked up on good books, joined NetFlix, cleaned out the spare room so I can get to my weights that were burried in there, picked up some new and exciting workout videos, found the nearest nighttime bingo game, cleaned out the craft room and got all my scrapbooking stuff where I can access it, and might even make some items for the craft shows next fall. :) I did all this because my problem is with snacking mindlessly is on weekday evenings when I'm alone and nothing to do :cry: . In just one week it's amazing how much a person can get done. I may even be forced to join the Zumba class down the road. HA! So thanks again and Yes, inswsn, I am menatlly doing my best to block the food pic on pinterest, not easy but I've cleared out most of the stuff I had on hand that would allow me to whip up some of those goodies. Day 5 and I'm good so far. Not one snack! I will weigh in tomorrow morning and hope that anything I've lost will inspire me NOT to go crazy during my S-Days. Thanks again.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:45 am
by oolala53
This is awesome! I am so envious of all the organizing and planning you did. Bodes well.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:28 pm
by HoeHanna
Went a little overboard on my first s-day, probably treat today more like an n-s day, birthday cake and ice-cream, enchiladas, etc.... Still though, I lost 2 pounds last week (my 1-st week here). Can't believe how much I am not eating compared to what I was eating. Those snacks and grazing really add up. Going to throw in some beginners exercises this week and see if I can get more limber. Will be interesting to see just how much of this hip & joint pain I can get rid of with healthier eating habits and a little exercise.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 5:25 pm
by oolala53
Sounds normal. Habit is king. Weight loss is secondary.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:22 pm
by No BS
Hi HoeHanna!

Congrats on the weight loss! Good job! It is super when you see & feel the effects of your efforts in such a short period of time.

I totally agree with you that moving is also key. Good luck this week!!

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:53 am
by Amy3010
Good job on your first week!

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:08 pm
by desertmom
Congratulations! What a great first week!

When I feel snacky, I've been making some herb tea with or without stevia. Maybe something like that would help?

Oh, and you should definitely try Zumba. I go 3x a week and I love it! I'm probably the least graceful in the class (and no amount of weight loss will help that, I'm afraid :D ), but it's so much fun and the time spent flies by.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:04 pm
by mulliganagain
I want to add my voice to the chorus : congrats on your first week! :D Stay strong and keep it goin'! :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:49 am
by HoeHanna
All my hope for starting my exercises this week flew out the door when my back went out at work yesterday, had to come home and lay low (literally). Hoping to get back on the horse next week. Being home and sitting/lying all day does horrible things with your mind regarding food. Luckily the pain kept me from getting up & down much. Was able to keep it mostly green today. Worked on scrap booking, time really flies once you get into that. I'm mixing a few other diet ideas with no-s. I like FormulaZone and have lost weight fast with it. Can't stay on it religiously though but it helps to know that if I can throw a week of that into this plan now and then that I will have even more success. I guess the bottom line is being mindful, ALWAYS. Can't have me off and indulging in those mindless eating sprees. Thanks for the support everyone, it's much needed.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:19 am
by Amy3010
Sorry to hear about your back - that is frustrating! Glad you were able to distract yourself successfully!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:00 pm
by mulliganagain
O no! I hope your back starts feeling better, soon! Back pain is hooooorrible because it seems to affect everything. :(

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:23 pm
by JustAnotherJane
Just wanted to give you a cheer for this week! Back pain is a terrible thing and I hope you feel better soon. I've always wanted to try a zumba class, they look like so much fun. If you take one, let me know how it goes :)

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:28 am
by No BS
Just had to stop by & give you a big THANKS!!

I finally got hit with a snack craving one night this week & I remembered your cheerful post about how you kept yourself busy cleaning out your craft area and doing a bunch of busy work with positive energy rather than "snacking mindlessly in the evenings".

So I got busy myself around my house for about an hour that evening. I was amazed by how much I accomplished and how it totally diverted me from any thoughts of "snacking". I cannot thank you enough!! I was quite content when I was done cleaning/organizing to sit down with a great big glass of ice water and plan a good breakfast, instead.

I hope your back is doing a lot better. No joke, mine went out last weekend (no reason, just to torture me.....) and I hobbled around for two days, taking ibuprofen and nuking my "warm buddy" to drape insanely delicious heat over the tied up muscles. It was a real pain in the ......

I sure hope you are on the mend!!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:48 pm
by HoeHanna
Today=FAILURE in a big way. Would like to blame Pinterest again but we all know how lame that excuse is. Although it's officially an S-Day, I had no intentions of going this crazy. All I can do is try again tomorrow and try to salvage the rest of the evening.

Thanks to y'All for the well wishes. It is a pain in the butt when the old back glitches out on me but it hasn't happened in over a year so that's good and hopefully losing some excess baggage will help with that.

I did so well most of last week and was really puffed up with my success. It's not easy starting new "good" habits to replace the old "bad" ones. Seems like I've spent my entire life doing that (kinda have to wonder where/why all those bad habits came into play... hmmmm... soul searching) and it's still tough. But now that my back is good again, I'm going to do all I can to remedy that starting Monday. NO SNACKS-NO SUGAR-NO SECONDS!!!! doesn't get any easier than that so what's my problem?!?!?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:35 am
by No BS
Failure is such a harsh word - it carries so much psychological baggage and negates all the positive that comes from at least having the balls to try & the courage to set goals.

Rather than "FAILURE", might I suggest the word "EXTRAVAGANT"??

Such as "My S-Day was a tad too EXTRAVAGANT for my liking, I'll have to tone it down somewhat tomorrow."

Same message, totally different connotation, and a fabulous nod to you and all your super efforts! :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:04 am
by oolala53
It is impossible to fail on an S day.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:58 am
by No BS
Come out come out, wherever you are! We MISS YOU!!! :)

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:47 pm
by mulliganagain
No BS wrote: Rather than "FAILURE", might I suggest the word "EXTRAVAGANT"??

Such as "My S-Day was a tad too EXTRAVAGANT for my liking, I'll have to tone it down somewhat tomorrow."
This is such a wonderful way of looking at things. :) You have such a beautiful outlook!
oolala53 wrote:It is impossible to fail on an S day.
I totally agree, and this is such a good point! No S has some simple rules, but they're hard to follow sometimes when we're so used to habits that we've had for so long... don't be so firm with yourself that you forget to be nice to yourself too, HoeHanna. :) We're all learning as we go!


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:13 pm
by HoeHanna
Okay, so back went out again because I'm a dumbass sometimes and forget that I have limits. Another habit I may have to apply the no-s spirit to. Let's try this thing again. I've spent these last few days caught up planning my edible garden for this year after watching a few videos on NetFlix. I watched these films:

"Forks Over Knives"
"Fat Sick & Nearly Dead"
"Hungry For Change"
"Food Inc."

Vegucated is not one for the weak at heart. I'm pissed and dis-heartened by what I've seen and heard but very determined that I will certainly be putting more effort into my gardening this year and into drying and preserving those foods I produce. Also wondering if I shouldn't do a 3-day juice fast just to see how it feels. Very curious.

Input welcome.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:54 am
by Amy3010
Glad to see you back!

I've only seen Hungry for Change; I know what you mean, though, it is sobering. I guess the best thing to do is to take a positive outlook and add good things to our diet without stressing too much about other things that creep in. I admire that you garden!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:26 pm
by No BS
Happy to see your post!

I read your viewing list and have watched a few. It is very scary and does a good job compelling you to make wise food choices - and helping you understand what is at stake if you fail to do so & fail to educate yourself.

A garden is a beautiful thing. For your body & soul!! I miss gardening since I moved up north. Up here I grow (indoors) sprouts, herbs & cherry tomatoes. One of the biggest joys I remember in the winters down south was getting my gardening catalogues & planning what to plant!!

Have fun with that! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:44 pm
by mulliganagain
I've always wanted to plant my own vegetables, but I can't seem to get into gardening. :? Let us know what you plant and how the gardening's going!

I LOVE fasting (juice or water) - it makes me feel so good! But I will forewarn you that the first time I fasted I felt horrible because I wasn't used to it, so definitely listen to your body. :-)

I hope your back's feeling better! I'm sending healing thoughts your way! :D

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:11 am
by HoeHanna
Thanks everyone for all the good feedback. Gardening is not for wimps, I CAN tell you that. :P What I have going on out there is pretty good so far. I have pear, peach and cherry trees (cherries aren't old enough to give anything yet). I have 6 blueberry bushes and 3 raspberry bushes, 4 concord grape vines & about 50 strawberry plants. All but the strawberries pretty much take care of themselves, just a little pruning now and then. I also have a 12' x 4' asparagus bed, more work but well worth it, no way one could eat all that it produces. I have a complete list of herbs in the herb garden, seriously one of my great joys. :D The rest is what ever I decide to put in each year. Today I spent $300.00 on groceries (mostly from the produce department) because I'm going to attempt to move towards that eating style. A large bag of frozen blueberries was $12.00 and that's why I MUST NOT wimp out when it's 105 degrees and 95% humidity out there, I have to go out and pick my berries before those damn mockingbirds get all the goods. Thanks for the heads-up regarding shocking my system with fasting, I'd heard that it can be painful if you jump right in. So I'm a little scared but I'm also excited to start the week out with about 10 healthy dishes already cut up and waiting for me to put fire to it and lots of stuff to juice. Tomorrow will be my big test. Going for juicing my breakfast in the a.m. before work. Then home and grilling chicken and huge salad, then juicing for dinner. Should be fun. I'll let you know. Today was pretty much a mess on all accounts. Damn SuperBowl.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:17 am
by Amy3010
Your garden sounds gorgeous! Especially the asparagus...
I hope the fast goes well - keep us posted! :D

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:28 pm
by mulliganagain
I'm so impressed with all the gardening that you do! I can only imagine the money you save and how much your body thanks you for growing your own, healthy foods. :D Golly - of all the things I inherited from my mom, why couldn't gardening have been one of them?? But noooooo I had to pick up her love for baking sugary sweets instead. :roll: :lol:

You may inspire me to go on a juice fast too! Actually with hubby ordering the yonana maker, maybe I could go on an all fruit "ice cream" fast? How's that for a childhood fantasy? :lol:

Definately let us know how it goes! :D

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:19 pm
by HoeHanna
Just got off HSN to check out the yonana maker, I'm sold! I need that thing so bad. OMGOSHIES! Healthy dessert, who knew?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:07 am
by oolala53
Just eat more freggies. Be careful about movies. I'm sure they were great, but they, like diet books, have an agenda and do tend to push the extremes.

I find chewing to be central to satiety. Freggies provide lots of opportunity to chew. Let your jaws do the juicing!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:25 pm
by No BS
Oh my goodness, HoeHanna!

I am suffering an extreme case of garden-envy!! :D Your garden sounds absolutely fabulous!!

Terrific soft fruits, gorgeous strawberry patch and an awesome asparagus bed! What incredible diversity you have. The fresh herbs are marvelous, aren't they?!

Please, keep posting us bulletins about your garden. I am shamelessly living vicariously through your garden! :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:05 am
by oolala53
Yea, especially the asparagus bed. That is a real feat, in my book.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:53 pm
by mulliganagain
HoeHanna wrote:Just got off HSN to check out the yonana maker, I'm sold! I need that thing so bad. OMGOSHIES! Healthy dessert, who knew?
Can you believe we got ours, we got frozen fruit for it, and the darned thing has sat unused on our counter ever since? :roll: I think it'll be a really good thing once we get in the habit of using it, but it's getting in the habit thta will take some doing. :wink: LOL!

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:10 am
by oolala53
I find my regular blender does a decent job for now, especially since the weather isn't very conducive to me to be eating frozen things. I've got frozen fruit from the warmer months in the freezer, but No S makes me want to eat with the weather more, too. Maybe after it heats up some, I'll burn my motor out and have to opt for a greater specialty device.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:49 pm
by HoeHanna
Soul searching.... Monday I started back to using the recipes from FormulaZone and although they call for 2 snacks, I'm just eating as much from those recipes as will fit on my down-sized plate and skipping the 2 snacks. The recipes are normal foods, except they cut out sugar and crank up the protein a little. I feel full and not bogged down.

Note: while I was juicing I found that nothing else tasted good and I was like a maniac wanting more and more juice, it tasted SO GOOD but it isn't good for me personally long term due to no fiber and it's EXPENSIVE & a little messy. Plus I lost zero poounds or ounces, actually gained a pound.

So I'm following no-s with zone recipes. I'll let you know my progress next Tuesday.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:27 am
by No BS
Keep on trucking, HoeHanna! :)

Three plates a day keeps hunger away!

KISS (Keep it Simple & Satisfying) !! :wink:

Where there is hope you are not hope-LESS you are hope-FULL.

Three plates full. :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:22 pm
by mulliganagain
Juicing isn't for everybody, and what's important is that you find out what works for you. Every body's different! :D

I'm going to go google "FormulaZone" now. :D hehe!

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:51 am
by No BS
HoeHanna you are driving me nuts. Why do we have to WAIT for next Tuesday???????

(I am working on my delayed gratification skills!!) :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:01 am
by HoeHanna
no bs
keep working on them. :lol: