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Leenie's Daily Check In

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:04 am
by leenie
Early AM walk dog 15 minutes
Run 3 miles easy pace with friend outside, i mention outside because I used to be such a gym rat and want to indulge in my love of outdoors more.

Bkfst- big bowl Kashi cereal with soymilk, coffee with creamer, small handful of blackberries

walk daughter to school

Lunch - carribean jerk chicken YUM, snow peas, yogurt. normally wouldnt have had the yogurt but would have been hungry earlier so opted for a bit more food rather than struggle later
walk dog again 15 min.

Dinner - carrots, sugar snap peas, salmon fillet (small)
walk dog -15 min.
DID have a diet soda but only one. Normally three! eeks!

and my german shepherd/norwegian elkhound Kona will need ANOTHER walk before bed .. she needs about 3-4 miles/day or she goes bonkers.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:44 pm
by reinhard
Sounds good, leenie. If this level of tracking feels too obsessive to you, you can also just enter a simple "YES" or "NO" every day. But maybe given what you're used to this is pretty free and relaxed?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:40 pm
by leenie
Yeah thanks I think I will just put yes or no and any qualifications I can add.

So today - Wed, Yes! Was a little bit harder due to being on class trip with 8yr old daughter's school. Everyone was snacking! Hung in there tho'.