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Eeyore's Check In.....

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:06 am
by Eeyore
I've tried NoS off an on for the past several years and it just didn't stick. What also didn't stick was weight watchers, calorie counting, low carbing, and many other diets so I figured I should stick to the most sane and simplistic of the bunch.

My challenge for the month of April is to KISS (keep it simple stupid). I can't tell you how many times I've been on track for a successful NoS day and like a dummy I go to one of my calorie counting sites and track everything. If I'm under calories I feel the need to eat more, if I'm over my calories I get depressed and most likely eat more. It's just a no win situation.

I've dieted so long that it's become a friend, a friend who constantly sabotages me but a friend nonetheless. Not to mention one of the main topics of conversation with my mom, friends, and coworkers is what diets we're currently doing.....

I forget who mentioned it on this site but Android has an app called SmartDiary that will allow you to color in your days which is so AWESOME!!!!!! This will be my only form of tracking.

Wish my luck!!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 11:44 pm
by Eeyore
I'm taking this journey one meal at a time.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:29 pm
by Eeyore

Today has been a stressful day with trying to close on a house and work deadlines harassing me. What got me through it was knowing I could eat what I want. I went to Chick-fil-a to pick up dinner and couldn't even finish it all, which was astronomical. I'm less focussed on stuffing my face because I know I can have the same meal tomorrow if I want it.

My lunch to dinner stretch is a bit long so I had a cup of hot chocolate to hold me over.

Cheers to sanity!!!!!

P.S. my co-worker made iced sugar cookies for Easter and I'm saving mine for Saturday...woohoo!!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:06 am
by No BS
Welcome & congratulations on your successful Day 1, Eeyore.

I too find No "S" a path to sanity with food.

Good luck with your first week! :D

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:12 am
by MJ7910
I hope you love this. It does take time to get into it but I feel so much better now. 2nd month doing it and already feel half cured from old diethead

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:05 am
by Eeyore

I can't even believe it myself.... Today was one of the most stressful days of my life. My fiance and I are now the proud owners of a home!!!! YEAH!!!! I'm so excited and exhausted but it was all worth it. My lunch to dinner stretch was 8 hours (of which I will not do again) but I made it!

No BS> Thanks!

MJ> I can't wait to get rid of the diet mentality. My fingers have been itching to calculate my calories for the day....not gonna happen though. I will happily stick to color coding my calendar and checking in daily.

On to tomorrow....

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:27 am
by KL
Eeyore wrote:I can't wait to get rid of the diet mentality. My fingers have been itching to calculate my calories for the day....not gonna happen though. I will happily stick to color coding my calendar and checking in daily.
Yay :!: Good job in moving in the right direction. Keep clocking in those :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:32 am
by No BS
Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! What a fantastic accomplishment! :D

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:49 pm
by Eeyore

SABOTAGE is the word of the day my friends.

My co-worker brought me a huge casserole dish of a sugar cookie, yes you read correctly a casserole dish consisting of one gargantuan sugar cookie with icing. The worst part is she knows I'm cutting out sweets, she knows I can eat cakes, cookies, pies, etc 24/7 and not even 3 days into it do I receive not just a couple cookies but a huge cookie that fills a casserole dish. I should have taken a picture....LOL!!! But I perservered!!

TOM is here which makes this day that much more triumphant. Looks like I'll have a lot of goodies to choose from this weekend.

No BS> Thanks!!! I'm so happy I have a place to call home.

KL> Another green day bites the dust!! WOOHOO!!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:16 pm
by Horker Stew
Wow! You turned down a homemade food gift. I am not sure I could have done that. Kudos.

Congratulations on home ownership and keeping it together during one of those anxious then wanting to celebrate roller-coaster rides.

Come on Day 4!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:20 pm
by KL
Yahoo :!: :!: Awesome :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Keep building on the habit, and it will get easier :D

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:32 am
by Eeyore

I've got to get out of my head. I just wasn't happy with my appearance today. My pants that used to be loose fitted were snug and I felt like I had a muffin top. These are the days I want to do a fad diet to lose a quick 5 lbs. I know it won't work b/c I've been trying to stick with fad diets for years and I've done nothing but gain weight. Patience is key. I'm also hoping to start my workout regimen on Saturday.

Horker Stew> Thanks! I know, even my co-workers were in awe that I didn't touch the cookie at work.

KL> Thanks!!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:53 pm
by KL
Eeyore wrote: I've got to get out of my head. ... Patience is key.
Yes, exactly :!:

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:37 am
by Eeyore
Day 5 - SUCCESS / S Day

Ok ok...I know I said I would keep it simple but I've decided my S days will start on Fri at 5pm and end 48 hours later. It just makes more sense for me. Most social events occurring with my job or friends are on fridays.

So what have I learned this week? That the sweets I so desperately craved all week weren't all that fulfilling. That an extra glass of water can go a long way. That a fruit with my lunch feels like dessert. That I'm finding it difficult to decide on what I want to eat now that my options are close to limitless.

It's so liberating!!!!! TGIF!!!! Enjoy your weekend!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:09 am
by No BS
Hey Eeyore, congrats on a super week! :mrgreen:

Your Fri modification makes a lot of sense! So does what you've learned.
You keep this up & you will only have yourself to blame for having to buy smaller pants!! :lol:

Enjoy your weekend. :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:41 pm
by Horker Stew
So what have I learned this week? That the sweets I so desperately craved all week weren't all that fulfilling. That an extra glass of water can go a long way. That a fruit with my lunch feels like dessert. That I'm finding it difficult to decide on what I want to eat now that my options are close to limitless.
This could be my what have we learned this week as well.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:06 am
by Eeyore
Day 6 & 7 - S DAYS

Saturday was an all out sweets fest. Sunday was much more controled and I got some exercise in. YEAH!!!! What's funny (not really) is as I was about to eat something sweet I looked up at the clock and it was 5:01pm.....1 minute after my 48 hour S period so I'll have to wait for a sweet.

I look forward to seeing more green next week.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:25 pm
by KL
Eeyore wrote:
What's funny (not really) is as I was about to eat something sweet I looked up at the clock and it was 5:01pm.....1 minute after my 48 hour S period so I'll have to wait for a sweet.
Good job on sticking with your boundary. :D Yay :!: for fence around the law :)

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 1:27 pm
by SpiritSong
Eeyore, congrats on your successes and lessons learned! :D

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:23 pm
by Eeyore

Today was a good day!!! Another goal of mine is to exercise atleast 3 days a week. I walked 3 miles at the park today and yesterday and it felt great!

Thanks KL & Spirit!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:07 am
by No BS
Super job, Eeyore! Congratulations on your food successes, consistency & your exercise routine!! :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:33 am
by Eeyore

Today was an ok day. I was stressed and wanted something sweet so I had a yogurt with some honey roasted peanuts on my dinner plate. I don't consider this a fail since I woudn't consider it a sweet per se.....hhmmm.... What I really wanted was a nice huge slice of cake. I also got my park walk in today.

My office is throwing a birthday party for my boss this Thurs so I may make it an S day, may even trade in one of my S days....does anyone ever trade in their S days?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:03 pm
by Eeyore
Day 10 - SUCCESS
Day 11 - EXEMPT

Ok, so it definitely felt strange making Thursday an S day, it was my boss' birthday and I had some cake. It was all downhill from there.

Friday went as planned with starting my S period at 5:00pm but it was also a chaotic evening as far as my eating went. I can't wait to get the whole beastly eating out of my system.

A couple goals I have:

1)When eating sweets they must be accompanied with a meal, so the habit of eating at the same times daily is enforced.

2)Trail mix, honey roasted nuts, etc are trigger foods for me. It's easy to incorporate them with a meal but my portions are ridiculous so it's time to hang back from them.

3)I must cut down on fast if I want a burger and fries I will prepare it at home.

Other than that I'm still trucking along in the NoS world... Today we will be working alot in the backyard of the house. It should give me something to focus on other than the sweet I want with lunch or dinner and I will get some exercise in.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:33 pm
by Eeyore
Day 13 - EXEMPT

I've been really down on myself lately. What with moving, a stressful job, and weight issues I've just been making myself crazy. When will I come to the conclusion that I can not control everything? I really need to take some yoga or tai chi classes....

It's funny how we look forward to the tamer more regimented days. Another chaotic weekend of eating but I'm cutting myself some slack.

I gotta keep telling myself that taking the quick weight loss/weight watchers/calorie counting route will just lead me back sanity.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:26 pm
by No BS
Hang in there, Eeyore. Sometimes it all seems ajumble and really really hard to take.

You are right in letting go of the illusion of control - and just trusting that you will make the right decision at the right moment in time. :? I find exercise really really helps take the edge off and gives me the confidence & serenity to trust myself more and more.

If all you do is focus on JUST ONE PLATE that is all you need to do! The rest of it is irrelevant. My biggest accomplishment was *NOT* looking any further than the plate of the moment. Otherwise I drove myself buggy worrying about EVERYTHING.

I promise it will get easier. During the week AND on weekends!!

It is hard work but the rewards are worth it! :) Keep the faith, Eeyore! Reread your blog, you are doing really well!

Make sure you glory in your successes (every one of them!!) more than you wallow in your occasional disappointments. :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:20 am
by Eeyore
Day 15 - SUCCESS

So today was a good day. I cleaned a good amount of the house, purchased some blinds and paint, swept my deck, and raked leaves and debris in the yard. I'm exhausted to say the least....

I love N days because I feel lighter, less bloated, and more content.

Here's to taking it one plate at a time.

No BS> Thank you so much for your kind words. I know it will get better because it has to. I can't accept counting points or calories or obsessing over good and bad foods for the rest of my life. It seems reverse psychology works best for me, when I tell myself I can have anything I want, my body is in such awe it doesn' t know what it wants. When I even think about limiting my calories or food options my body goes bonkers and wants everything all at once...hehe!

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:09 am
by Eeyore
Day 16 - SUCCESS

Another green day bites the dust!! WOOHOO!!

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:23 am
by MJ7910
i agree with you on enjoying Ndays . I actually like them a lot now. I know what i have to do and i just do it. but it was hard at first. i didn't like sdays for a while the last month or so, because i'd go overboard but now i'm starting to see them as days where i just do whatever i want. the last bunch have been somewhat moderate where i think about "why am i eating this?" it's really nice to finally get some moderation in these days!

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:44 am
by Amy3010
Way to go, Eeyore! And good advice from NoBS!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:21 pm
by Eeyore
Day 17 & 18 - SUCCESS

I think I'm catching on to this NoS thing!!!! Previously I've tried combining other diet programs with NoS and backfired.

My current dilemma is how my clothes are fitting. Should I purchase new clothes that fit or wear my extremely fitted/bulging over clothing for the time being? I really don't want to purchase any clothing unless it's due to weight loss or pregnancy... so I guess if I do purchase larger clothing and become pregnant it's a win win situation right? LOL!!!!

On to tomorrow....

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:20 pm
by SpiritSong
Congrats on your successes!

Do you have any thrift stores in your area? Sometimes this can be a good option for the in-between time when we don't want to buy new clothes at a certain size. I need to head over there myself sometime and try to find jeans in my current size (because my two pairs wore out and I refuse to buy new jeans in this size).

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:11 am
by Eeyore

Whats funny is now that I have more options I seem to eat pretty much the same foods daily.


Spirit> That's a great idea! I'll check to see if there are any in this area.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:09 pm
by No BS
Eeyore, it is absolutely wonderful to see you doing so well! Good job! :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:00 am
by Eeyore
Day 20 & 21 - EXEMPT / SUCCESS

Wow!!! I can't believe it's been 21 days!!!

Until I'm fully moved into the house it's going to be crazy so I'm not being too hard on myself. I'm still feeling chunky and maybe even a bit chunkier than when I began but it's ok....for now....

Some realizations:

*I've got to incorporate more fresh fruits and veggies in my diet.

* Eating three meals of what I want in the quantity I want is not going to aid in me losing weight, my goal for the next 21 days is to, for atleast one meal, do half the plate with veggies/fruit.

* Not mentioning my NoSing has been amazing for me. No diet police to bother with.

* Diethead is not something that will go away over night. I've been dieting since I was 10, I'm now 34, so in time the guilt of eating a burger and fries will subside.

* My attitude at work and with family has been much better since I'm not denying myself any food groups.

* The weight will come off in due time. I will be the MOH in my best friends wedding in May 2014, I'm praying that I will be my goal weight of 130 lbs by then, I'm currently 145 lbs give or take a few.

* Life is too short to be focused on food all the time.

On to Day 22.....

No BS> Thanks!

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:25 am
by Amy3010
Congratulations on 21 days! :D

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:16 pm
by Eeyore
Day 22 & 23 - SUCCESS

So today was a hard one. All I kept thinking about was a huge slice of publix cake. I didn't want to mess up my green streak so I got an iced coffee from McDonalds. This does have creamer and sugar in it but it's not cake! LOL!!! I'm counting it as a success day since I didn't give in to my evil urges.

Hope everyone is having a great week!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:45 pm
by Eeyore
Day 24 - FAILURE

Might as well go ahead and get this day out the way...LOL! I thought I was having allergy issues but I really have a cold. And when I'm sick I eat whatever and whenever I want. I bought some soup and crackers thinking I would have them for lunch but it didn't happen. I feasted on chips and cookies all day. Then when I got home my fiance had ordered pizza.

I've been thinking about trying the elimination diet to see if I'm gluten intolerant. Only because I've been feeling so bloated lately. It's one thing when your clothing fits tight but a different story when you're naked and you still feel tight...does that make sense? I don't know how else to describe it.

I'm going to take some medicine and drink plenty of fluids this evening because I'm not trying to eat like a beast tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:22 am
by ZippaDee
Rest up and feel better! And, don't beat yourself up too much. Mark it and move on. You are doing great!!

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:12 pm
by Eeyore
Day 25 - SUCCESS

I called in sick today which helped make today a success. I slept til noon, walked the dog, had a light breakfast/lunch, went back to bed, walked the dog, went to the grocery store, got a salad, and I'm now calling it a night...phew! If I would have gone to work I would have eaten everything in sight. I'm one who feeds a cold and flu....

I'm not 100% but I'm getting there. My stomach has been feeling bloated and gaseous all day, which could be because of the meds but I've been feeling off lately.

So I'm giving the gluten-free lifestyle a go. It can't hurt right? I also perused wheat belly, an interesting read but he ultimately wants everyone do go primal, which could possibly happen in the not-so future. But for now I'm just trying to see how my body feels without wheat/gluten. For this reason I will be journaling my food for a month or so.

2 scrambled eggs w/ onion & green pepper
2 sausage links

salad w/ lettuce, onions, tomatoes, olives, green peppers & roast beef.

Zipp> Thanks for the encouragement! I'm happy today was a success day. On to tomorrow!!!!

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:30 pm
by oolala53
Actually, it CAN hurt to try eliminating foods from your diet, unless you are willing to be compassionately curious about it. I'll assume you will be.

Thanks for admiring my thread!

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:07 am
by Eeyore

Today was ok, still under the weather.

Eating gluten free is definitely going to be interesting. I really don't want to focus to much on sweets because they're pricey and unhealthy but it's my S day and who doessn't want to have sweets on S days??!!

I've got to do more research. Maybe bake my own stuff and hopefully it will be cheaper. If I could have a good muffin or ginger cookie now and then I should be fine. I'm a sugar addict and would love to nix the addiction.

Enjoy your weekend!!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:56 pm
by Eeyore
Day 27 & Day 28 - EXEMPT & EXEMPT /SUCCESS

Day 29 - SUCCESS

Brkfst: Larabar & Black Coffee
Lunch: Chicken Salad w/ Spring Salad Mix & Crackers
Dinner: Spring Salad Mix, Pimiento Spread, Crackers & Pretzels

For what it's worth my choice in ruffage has increased. Since I'm so new to eating gluten free my go-to meal is always a salad. If I go to Publix or Kroger or Subway I just get the sub fixins over a salad.

NoS days are much easier than S days since finding a gluten free sweet can cost an arm and a leg but I said I would give it a try for 30 days. Usually by this time of day I would be slouched in my bed w/ either an upset stomach or extreme bloating. I have neither at the moment, which is awesome!!!! It may be the placebo affect but I'll take it.

Once we are completely moved into the house I will be able to experiment more with recipes and I can't wait.

On to tomorrow...

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:11 pm
by sophiasapientia
Way to go on the increased ruffage! 8) ... I hope that you find some satisfying gluten free alternatives as time goes on. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:47 pm
by Eeyore
Day 30 - SUCCESS

Today was hard...I was hungry all day. My only saving grace was there were no gluten free snacks in my dept and I didn't have change for the vending machine. I know it's sad but I made it through.

I need to focus on adding more umph to my meals.

Brkfst: Kind Bar, Black Coffee
Lunch: Spring Mix Salad, Chicken Salad, Crackers, Banana
Dinner: Mojo Pork, Rice & Beans, Peppers & Onions

I can't believe I'm 30 days in!!! This has never happened before and I'm so proud of myself!!! WOOHOO!!

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:48 am
by No BS
Whoohoo Eeyore!! I'm bloody proud of you too!! Well done!

It does get easier as the weeks go by. :wink:

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:50 pm
by sophiasapientia
Way to go on your 30+ days! That is excellent!!!! :D 8)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:02 pm
by Eeyore
Day 31 - SUCCESS

Another green day bites the dust. Due to my TOM being right around the corner I can't seem to stay full for long so I've been downing lots of water, black coffee, tea and occassional orange juice and hot cocoa.

Brkfst: Oatmeal, Black Coffee
Lunch: Spring Salad Mix, Turkey Sandwich, Tortilla Chips
Dinner: Spring Salad Mix, Rotisserie Chicken, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Pretzels

I'm not concerned with how big my plates may be as long as no snacking occurs. I've been dreaming about candy corn, blueberry muffins, butterfingers, blondies, taco salads, strawberry cake.....and the list goes on and on.

Thanks No BS & Sophia!!

Here's to making tomorrow a great day!!!!

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:56 pm
by Eeyore
Day 32 - SUCCESS

My hunger levels were much better today. I had a small breakfast a very filling lunch and I had breakfast foods for dinner. All in all a good day.

On to tomorrow...

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 11:20 pm
by Eeyore

So I have a crazy weekend ahead of me. We are officially moving everything from the apartment to the house. The reason it's taken so long is because our lease isn't up til June 30th and we thought we would take our time. Yeah right!!! Not when we can have peace and quiet and a backyard for our dog to use in the morning before work and not having a loud neighbor above us who marches from room to room... I'm sure you guys get the picture.

I tried Udi's GF blueberry muffin & a GF pizza from a local pizzaria today. The muffin was amazing!!! The pizza was ok....

As for how I've been feeling, great! I'm not bloated and gassy during the day regardless of how much I fill my plate. I ate alot of food today and not once did I feel lethargic. This GF thing is doing me some good. 3 more weeks to go...

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 9:52 pm
by Eeyore
It feels like I've been gone for a long while but it's only been several days. My best friend, whose wedding is May 2014, called me and requested I be ready for my dress fitting in August so I went back to calorie counting which was horrible.

I'm still on a gluten free diet and I know it's messing with my diethead too. I'm overcompensating on the weekends for the foods I can't have.

But with all that being said, no matter how many sweets or large quantities of food I've eaten I've yet to feel bloated.

So I'm starting over tomorrow.

Have a wonderful week!

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:37 pm
by Eeyore
I'm a huge mess right now.....I need a do-over.