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DeweyOxberger's Check In

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:34 pm
by DeweyOxberger
Hi. Just getting started. And already slightly modifying. :)

My S days are going to be SFriday and Saturday. So yesterday was DAY ONE and a No-S day. It was a success.

I have a volunteer gig two Sundays a month that keeps me so super busy that I don't usually get to lunch until 1:30 or 2. At which point I hoover down a big lunch and then don't feel much like dinner later. Which, in the past, hasn't stopped me from having a sweet after the big lunch and maybe having a regular dinner, too. But I digress.

I have breakfast around 6am and I do get hungry, but I just don't have time to stop to eat and there's no food around anyway. I don't die. I enjoy my giant lunch. There's probably a lesson in there about keeping busy.

I had my late lunch. No sweets or snacks. Didn't really feel like having a meal at 6 or 7 or 8, so I didn't. Shocking. Had a half bowl of cereal (not the sugar-bomb variety) with skim milk around 8:30.

This morning, DAY TWO, I attended a meeting at which there was cheesecake (IN THE MORNING!) and some coffeecake muffins for refreshments. I am not making this up: when I declined the muffins someone actually (jokingly and not really unkindly, but STILL) waved the plate of muffins under my nose. Literally. And they smelled good. Like my late mother's coffeecake yummy-cinnamon-nostalgia good. But I had had a big oatmeal breakfast and I declined. Yay, me.

Anyway, the posts here inspire and encourage me. I've been poking through them for the last couple of days. Looking forward to learning more from you all. Thanks.

Week of 5/5

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:54 pm
by DeweyOxberger
This week's checklist:

Sunday 5-5/NoS: Success
Monday 5-6/NoS: Success
Tuesday 5-7/NoS: Success
Wednesday 5-8/NoS: Success

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:32 pm
by Eileen7316
Good job on resisting the "breakfast"!!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 8:13 pm
by DeweyOxberger
Eileen7316 wrote:Good job on resisting the "breakfast"!!
Thanks, Eileen!

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:18 pm
by DeweyOxberger
Hey. Still doing it. Week 2 starts today.

But I'll be using the Lift app on my phone for checking in/habit building, so I won't be using this thread for checking in.
