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Beccas daily check in

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 5:10 pm
by cuppycakemomma
I started the journey about a month ago. But some background first:
I am a 27 year old mom. 2 kiddos one of whom is currently breast-fed. I had him in January. Over the past 8 years or so my weight has crept steadily upward. I knew things were bad when my midwife told me I needed to really watch my weight during my last pregnancy. I was cleared medically to ease back into a normal life back in March.
Now some numbers.

Starting weight 188.5(mid-april 2013)
Current weight 177.5(4weeks on no S)

I'm am allowing myself a couple mods. The first is I can have up to three lactation cookies a day to help keep a good milk supply. The second is allowing myself to have slightly larger portions because I really do need the extra calories to keep producing milk my baby needs.

I have also started the couch to 5k program and am 3 weeks in.

And finally I neurotically weigh myself because seeing that number ultimately go down feels so good.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 7:32 pm
by r.jean
It sounds like you are doing well! Good luck!

You will find that the weight loss slows, but the good habits survive.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:09 pm
by cuppycakemomma
Thank you. I'm trying. This is the first time in years that I've been below 180 and it feels really good.
I know that these first 10 pounds were the easiest. I don't care if it takes years to be where I'm supposed to be but I like how easy this diet is. Its so simple. I don't have to count anything but plates.

I was going to do weight watchers but spending money to lose weight was really why I decided to try no s first. I really had nothing to lose except weight.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:48 pm
by cuppycakemomma
I'm horrible at checking in. But I've been doing ok. Not great but ok. Husband was sick on Monday and gingerale is in my kitchen. And I've had a couple. I didn't go to the gym on Monday and I just feel off. But you can't be better if you don't try so I'm going to continue to try.