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Hippy Dippy's not-so-daily check in

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:49 pm
by Hippy Dippy
Hello, Folks!

Glad to read up on the forum's continued forward momentum!

I'm on my second 21-day phase. I've added Urban Ranger to the mix. I was walking on a regular basis with my trusty dog, Tanner. But Tanner died unexpectantly on Memorial Day weekend, and it honestly broke my heart going on "our" walks without him. Now I figure I honor him and "our" walks by getting back out there and enjoying the weather and scenary. I even "talk" to him a little. :)

So, one of my issues has been drinking wine/champagne. It is my preferred sugar-delivery system. Let's say that when I started NoS*, I was averaging 3.5 glasses a day (including the weekends). Yes, I get buzzed, but not sloppy and I drink at home. Yes, I know, it's A LOT--but I don't drink sodas or more than 2 cups of coffee a day--so other than desserts, this is my BIG problem child. Anyway, now that I've started NO S*, I'm averaging less than 2 glasses a day, including the S days. And I'm finding that if I am in a pissy mood, I don't drink....versus previous behavior of INCREASING my drinks at such a time. My goal is to be an "occasional drinker". Anyhoo, it's embarassing to admit my quantity of drinking, but I figure, there's probably someone else out there who can relate. And, confession is good!

Well, another Green day and I'm pleased!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:34 pm
by Minkymoo
I can relate! Actually it was a bit of a problem for me and in all honesty my drinking (similar amounts to you) took a rather large toll on a good ten years of my life. It sounds dramatic, but my life has changed immeasurably since I gained control over my alcohol intake.
For me (and of course this is just my story and I have no idea if it's useful for you or not) I tried to cut down on my own and failed so took myself off to an AA meeting, really benefitted from it and cut out alcohol completely for a year. In that time I realised that the experiences from the ex drinkers that I was meeting was what lay down the road for me if I didn't get control of my drinking. I decided to try having the odd drink again, and have been able to keep it at that ever since (that was 5 years ago) and now I use a modified versionor Reinhard's glass ceiling rule... for me it's only one glass on a normal day and two on a special occasion. Plus I never drink at all the night before work as it stops me sleeping properly. In practice this means I may have 2-3 glasses a week, and never alone.
I am happy in the knowledge that if I ever struggle with moderate drinking again, a life of abstenaince and the company of non drinking alcoholics is far preferable to the dark places that (even mild) alcohol dependence can take you!

Hello, Minkymoo!

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:13 pm
by Hippy Dippy

Love your name! :)

Thanks for your response. My man is a recovering alcoholic. He's been sober for going on 3 years. I'm very proud of him! He didn't want me to quit drinking just because of his issues, and he said he was to some extent vicariously drinking through me. But, he is pleased with my progress and glad to see I'm not getting as soused as I've done in years past. Not to mention cutting down is great for the wallet!! Yes, I've seen alcohol at its worst, and don't want to go there, ever. Besides, I like to enjoy my drinks--make it a special occasion. So, I tend to have my drinks at night, after dinner, while we are watching movies. I agree with the not drinking alone bit, too. On weekends, I used to sip on drinks while doing house work. A kind of "thank me". And my man always asked me to not go driving if I even have a drink. And I like to go out shopping and whatnot on a drink would essentially make me house-bound and I don't like that. So, no drinks during the weekend day.

I am happy to say that this past Saturday I had no drinks and Sunday just the 2. Another up side to this--I probably will lose more weight!! Yay!!

Hope to read from you again!
Hippy Dippy

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:42 pm
by Minkymoo
Good for you! No S and the other systems are excellent ways of keeping all kinds ofhabits under control, I wish you every success with your journey! x

August 5, 2013 check in

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:14 pm
by Hippy Dippy

Doing pretty good. Going on day 36 of NoS. Have added daily walking and at the very least do 14 minutes every day. Some how, I manage to average 20-30 minutes daily. Keeps me sane.

Also, the glass ceiling has helped me immensely. I've managed to take my daily average (per 7 days) down to under 2 per day. I love my glasses of wine/champagne (yes, I like to be decadent!!), but am finding I am not craving or needing them so much. I actually have days with no glasses! Yippee!! Hopefully that will translate into more weight loss. The scale is up and down and at one point it showed a 3.6 pound loss, but this morning it's more like 1.4 pound loss.

I might try less carbs during the week. Going to visit the parents in September and really need to lose some pounds before then. They freak out over my weight. Why? I don't know. I think they fear over-weight as an indication I'm going to the dark side, like I'll start holding up banks or cheating family members out of money (there was an Aunt in the family who was morbidly obese, but I don't think that had anything to do with her mental problems and proclivities for theft).

So, would like to lose!

Hippy Dippy!

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:16 pm
by May
Looks like you are doing well with several habits. Keep it up :D

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:41 pm
by lpearlmom
Doing great!! Your post cracked me up your parents fears. Family is the worst when it comes to weight issues I think. I would drop a friend in a heartbeat who criticizes my weight but what do I say to my 90 yr old grandma who put me through college when she criticizes my weight?

You're during so well though try not to do anything too drastic that may backfire. Remember to keep the long view. Easier said then done, I know!

Keep up the good work!


Another Monday

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:29 pm
by Hippy Dippy

Let's see. I'm very pleased with my Glass Ceiling progress. In fact, VERY PLEASED. My average daily consumption is under 2 glasses and the frequency of drinking 3 or more is becoming fewer and farther between. Friday I did end up with 3 drinks total--I had the day off and went to lunch with my man and a neighbor. Had a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich, fries with faux cheese sauce and a Blue Moon Beer. Rarely have beer and Blue Moon is my fav. Then had two glasses of Pinot Grigio in the evening (1 with dinner and 1 after). What's great is I'm not obsessing about it. And I have days when I'm not drinking at all. And big break through: this weekend I was frantic--too many things I wanted to do and not enough time to do wanted to just read and meditate and be quiet--yes, I was at "cross purposes". Normally, I'd drink a glass of wine to calm down...or go munch on something sweet (hunger not being the driving force). Not so. I even thought about how I used to do such behavior, but it wasn't an issue. So, very "yay!!!!".

This morning I was determined not to weigh myself. Wednesday's are to be the new weigh-in day. And I refuse to depress myself by weighing every day. The scale does go up and down with a mind of its own. I have to admit...I "felt" thinner this weekend. Clothes seemed to fit less tight. Tried doing the measuring tape...but that's tricky, too. My numbers were...OMG...more?! Blech! So, I re-measured...twice! Got different numbers all 3 times...I must be some kind of OCD freak! Just kiddin'!!

I want to thank you all for your comments--they are so helpful. And reading about other's feelings, frustrations...I feel like I belong to a group who understands where I'm at...what my issues are. :D

And, I agree with you, Miss Linda, I need to keep my eye on the long-term prize. Not let my parents's hang ups affect me. I've trained for marathon's before and it is adding one step to the other and doing it consistently over a period of time. I certainly did not just decide to do 26.2 miles in one go (insane, I know!) and then went out one weekend and did it. It took months of training. And weight loss is slower than putting it on. By the way, I did not lose major pounds training for a marathon. I'm not the lithe, slight women out there running. I'm the chunky one. Never was svelt of form. Strong, though.

Do you all just sometimes feel inordinately FAT? I'll just be going along my day and see myself in the mirror or reflected in glass and think: Is that Me?! Geezus! I'm F-A-T!! Why must we be so dang hard on ourselves? Epic Battle, indeed. I should remember to be grateful I am able to walk on my own two feet and go out and walk in the sunshine. That I am capable of great things. That I am a work in progress and a work of art, unique.

Ok, way too dark and deep for a Monday morning. Ok, I must remember my chant: moon beams and lollipops, sunshine and lemon drops. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:07 pm
by Tessytwinkle
Hi Hippy Dippy
Yes!! I do sometimes feel inordinately FAT!! And I hate looking at myself in the mirror or in photographs. But, I know that I am lovable and loved and hat keeps me going. Brilliant glass celing progress, way to go :) you are clearly capable of great things - keep at it

Starting week 8...or day 51

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:36 pm
by Hippy Dippy
Ok. Doing alright. Added walking to my daily thing. Keeps me sane. Gets me outside. Love it! Also added what I call "body weights". Basically, I do weight training with nothing but my body weight. And I just do 7 minutes in the morning. My "work out" is 14 pushups (yes, the real-man push ups), 12 chair triceps dips, and then 140 abs reps (I do sides, fronts, lower, and upper abs). And I try to do this everyday. And I can feel it. I am finally seeing some results in my shoulders. I'm getting married a year from September, and it's a strapless gown, so want my arms and shoulders to look awesome! As my brother says: constant persistence! So, slow and methodically I go.

Anyhoo, I will weigh in tomorrow. I'm a little non-plussed that I haven't managed to lose 20 pounds in 2 months like Reinhard. I've got 50 to lose, and I've seen 2.5 ish loss. And that's been since the first 21 days. I know I'm impatient. But, I'd like to see at least a 1 pound weekly loss. Well, re-reading the book, so maybe I forgot something. : )

Like Vanilla S. Tried to incorporate low carb--but it wasn't sustainable and mentally was just too wrong feeling. So, Vanilla S it is. I become very hungry between lunch and dinner, so am trying to control dinner portions. I tend to eat a lot and feel rather full...and figure dinner is something I can reduce a bit on --especially since I'd be sleeping before my next meal. : )

Thanks all who have posted to my posts--and I love reading your posts--it does help. : )

Hippy Dippy

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:11 pm
by lpearlmom
Sounds like you're doing great Hippy Dippy! I do a similar thing for my exercises. So much better than trying to drag my rear to the gym.

Reducing portions a bit definitely seems like worth a try. If it leaves you too hungry you can always have a big breakfast and you're still sticking to he plan. That's what I love about NoS, it's so much more doable than most diets.

Hope you have a great rest of the week!

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:21 pm
by Tessytwinkle
Hi Hippy dippy. You are doing brilliantly. Walking and weight training!! Way to go :) I know how difficult it is when you really have weight to lose ( I do as well). But I think we need to be patient and play a long game. This is a change for life and as your brother would wisely say 'constant persistence' is what is required. Your weight will drop I am sure. I have a smaller plate now. Sometimes I fill it high but I feel it will gradually teach me to have smaller portions. Well thats the theory :D

Hey Ladies!

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:29 pm
by Hippy Dippy
Hello Miss Tessy and Miss LPearl!

So, did the scale thing. Was 203.8 pounds. Dang--it's up 0.8 since last Wednesday. So, did the only other insane thing to do, I got out the tape measure. Not really a good idea. About the same in measurements. Had to move the tape around...apparently I don't measure exactly the same space as the time previously. Maybe I should tattoo a line? Just kidding! :D

Eh, well. Did bring a smaller plate in to work to use for my lunches. I was using a charger plate, and that's way too large. And, no, I haven't been filling that up! :D I think I will use the same size plate for dinner.

Today I also tried pushing lunch out to 12:30 or 1 pm. I figure the less time between lunch and dinner might be helpful in keeping the major hungries from happening. Then, I might be able to be more reasonable when I do eat dinner. Well, it's a try. And Miss Tessy--you'll have to let me know how the smaller plate works for you, yoo.

I'll go check on your daily posts and see what you've got going.

Later, Ladies!
Hippy Dippy

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:42 am
by lpearlmom
Ugh.. Hang in there! I think this plan is going to require a lot of patience. It may be a few months before you really start to notice anything. I've been trying to push lunch a lil later but it's really hard!

Good luck w the rest of your week! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:56 am
by Tessytwinkle
Oh no. That's what I am afraid of scales wise. Sad for you :( I know it is hard when trying to do this as a life change but need to lose weight too. I hate scales that's why stopped using them. Although makes me anxious not to. So I think I shall try monthly. That will capture any real change rather than water! How about trying that?
Smaller plate is going to really help. Not least it kinda signals that you are serious and you are changing and I will keep you posted on how mine goes
Hang in there :)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 6:25 pm
by oolala53
Hi, HD. If you feel ready for it, consider limiting the dense foods at dinner to no more volume than your two fists. Then fill the rest of the plate with 2/3 raw and cooked veggies and 1/3 fruit. Mix bites of the dense food, which is probably flavored, with veggies so you don't need much more dressing or such on them. Just an idea. Or work up to this. and if you're already doing that, shut my mouth!

Or start having a dessert-bowl size of brothy soup (maybe with your cooked veggie) right on your plate as part of your dinner. Eat the soup first and rest a minute or two before eating the rest of the food. Try to make the meal last thirty minutes with chewing, savoring, and pausing.

Just ideas. Don't despair.

Another Monday!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:01 am
by Hippy Dippy
Hello, Ladies! (Miss Tessy, Miss Oolala, and Miss Linda!

Ok. Loved Miss Oolala's suggestion for dinner! I will try that--it makes sense and I have just this past weekend added chicken broth as a filler. Great minds think alike!

So, just came off a 4-day weekend. My Man's Birthday was Friday, so I took Thurs and Fri off of work and took him to the mountains to spend Thurs night in a cabin. It was "rustic" as in no tv, cable, dvd. BUT, it did have an in-room hot tub, fire place and exceptional mountain views. Very quiet and restful. I guess this is a long way of saying I had a mini-break. Thursday through Saturday were "S" days and Sunday was more a normal "S" day. Today, Monday was a wonderful "N" day and I am grateful for it.

I pushed lunch out to 1 pm and tried eating less: an apple, peanut butter (with the apple), and fresh grape and cherry tomatoes from the garden. Yum! Then I had a cup of chicken broth and drank water til dinner. Dinner was scrambled eggs, bacon, and tater tots with a mix of mayo and ketchup. It might sound awful, but really is yummy. Let's see, breakfast was leftover 3 oz of steak, 2 eggs, and two slices of fresh, beef-steak tomato. My Man planted tomatoes, and they're starting to give up some flavorful fruit!

Well, we'll see. I think I'll go with Tessy's idea and not weight but once a month. And the smaller plate thing. :)

Otherwise, it's all good and thanks to you ladies! I love our support group!

Hippy Dippy

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:28 am
by Tessytwinkle
Hey there Hippy Dippy. Your cabin break sounds divine. I'm a sucker for a hot tub!! Mini breaks are fine and should be S days in my book. A good part of everyday life. We're aiming for balanced everyday life right :)
Good luck with smaller plate. Sometimes mine is filled quite high, but overall it feels like a good thing and I am getting used to smaller portions overall. One of my problems in the past. Funnily enough i thought seconds had not been an issue with me but now I realise its because my firsts were so huge :lol:
Have a good week

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:42 am
by lpearlmom
Sounds like a fun mini vacation!

Weighing every month seems reasonable. Someone recommended weighing oneself 3 days in a row (1/mos) and taking an average. This will help you to be more accurate in case the one and only you weigh yourself is a particularly puffy one or something.

Glad you seemed to feeling positive & are continuing to try new things.

Linda :)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:33 am
by Kittykat150
Hi Hippy,
I had a long weekend vacation too. Now back to business, right? I look forward to catching up on these boards at the beginning of the week. It helps to realize we all have the same struggles and nagging thoughts throughout our progress. I am at the fear-of-scale not-losing-any-weight-yet phase as well. All I can say is that I have pared down my eating habits to the most liveable version for myself and am waiting to see if it will result in a smaller body. Hovering and hopeful....

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:43 pm
by oolala53
A hippy dippy mini-vacation indeed! I'm whimpering like a puppy here.

Eventually, most S days will be "normal" S days. And many will look like N days.

A teensy Failure Day

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:52 pm
by Hippy Dippy
Hello, Ladies!

Well, today is not over, but I've already FAILED. I had a muffin from Einstein's. The infamous THEY were bringing them around the office. Free. Normally it is donut fare that is brought in. I love muffins. And even my grocery store muffins suck, so I went for it. It was a cinnamon-zucchini muffin. Who knew? I thought it was blueberry, dammit. Oh, well. It was good, not too sweet as some tend to be. And, zucchini has fiber, so not a total bad. :P There wasn't even a struggle to say "no" to this snack. Eh, well, I'm not going to obsess over it. I think my muffin-crave will be satisfied for a while at least.

Ok. I weighed this morning and good news: 202.2 pounds. Yay!!! So, a total loss of 3.2 pounds. I am happy. and I've lost half an inch on my hips and around my upper arm. Hopefully I've done those right. Ok, so no more weighing until end of September. That's going to be dicey since I'll be spending the third week in September visiting my parents. Hopefully the resulting anxiety will lead to weight loss as opposed to weight gain from tipping the bottle as a coping mechanism. Yes, I am kidding about using booze to self-medicate whist dealing with the parental units. Unresolved angst? Perhaps. :D

I'll check everyone's posts and see how you are doing. Remember, if I can see some results, believe me, you will see some, too. Long haul, indeed!

Hippy Dippy

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:42 pm
by Tessytwinkle
Hey Hippy dippy you are losing some weight!!! How brilliant :)
Forget about the muffin, think about the big picture. This is working for you, gives me hope too. Well done, now relax about weighing again till end of September. Freedom from scales is a good Thing. Parental visits on the other hand can be soooo challenging so good luck with that.
Muffin wise you should be over here in England. What we call muffins ( well we did before your muffins arrived over here) are made of bread, very nice toasted with jam on, but nothing like as yummy as cinnamon and zucchini much easier to resist :lol:
Have good day tomorrow

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:11 pm
by lpearlmom
Yay Hippy Dippy!!

I dread family reunions because of the weight thing but really it's their problem not yours. Your weight is nobody's business but your own so stay strong.


Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:59 pm
by oolala53
Do you fear eating with family because you are stressed or because they push food on you?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:23 am
by Hippy Dippy

Miss Oolala:

I don't necessarily fear eating around the parents, but it is a messed up dynamic: they center everything around food, but then later on they will say something about your body, specifically the stomach area. And, Dad's got a bowling ball for a stomach. And, Mom's managed to stay the same weight for the last decade or so.

A typical family thing, for instance, they want to get together, for dinner, then dessert, followed by a game of Yahtzee. The Yahtzee is fun, we each put a dollar in the kitty. I think they use food as a way to get us interested in coming over. They now live across the country, so now it is a fly to there thing. Staying with them thing. 24/7 for a week. Now I do not have the control.

They even said something to me last year about my brother's eating, how he eats his food--specifically about how fast he ate as if he didn't really chew his food, just chomped it down. I know why he does that. He follows the Body for Life thing and Saturday is his "Free" day and he's gotten into the habit of trying to get it all in before Saturday is over. That was last year. I know he's changed to limited his "Free" day to a "Free" meal. And, for all I know, he was eating fast because he was eating with my parents and wanted to get it over with fast.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:44 pm
by Hippy Dippy
Thought I'd post what I did on Tessywinkle's post. It will serve as a reminder to me when I go back over my history in here. :)

Hey, Sisters! I'm glad KittyKat liked my "Sisterhood of the Sane" name. We are all here and as the Eurythmics song of the 80's: Sisters are doing it for themselves".

And in response to that unholy of all things: The Scale. Hate it. I broke down and weighed myself this morning and was up 1.4 pounds. Yeesh.

However, I have some observations to share will you all.
1. my arms and legs are perceptably less wobly. A GOOD thing.
2. went to a Bridal expo where there were tons of free treats like cake samples. Had 3 mini-muffin samples and that was it. Too sweet. Too much. Didn't even feel compelled to snack up as much as I could get my hands on. And this is from a self-admitted Sugar junkie--especially with CAKE. This was an unheard of behavior for me two months ago. A VERY GOOD thing.
3. brought home samples--did not eat them--told My Man that it's Monday, i cannot eat them, so he must eat them and tell me what he thinks. (after all, he will be the groom next year and should put some experimenting into it). He agreed. This, too, is a GOOD thing.
4. At dinner last night, My Man made smaller nachos for each of us. And, when I was about 2/3 through, he told me if I was full, or getting there, to go ahead and throw it out. He said it wasn't worth getting stuffed over. I told him I was so happy with him saying that. And I did throw the 1/3 out. This was an EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD thing.
5. The hunger beast is starting to relax. It's not as intense as it once was.

These are not losing pounds things, but these are improvements. We, my Sisters, must be aware of and toot our horns on our improvements.

Oh, and another horrifying thing from the the Bridal Expo: the weight loss-mongers. Oh my! Talk about the horrific: "drink one pink a day" to lose weight and the "perfect protein" diet thing to lose weight for that Special Day. When I read the pamplets I was saddened by the messages these things were putting out to women. Think gawd I saw it for what it was. So, Ladies, be strong!

Hippy Dippy

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:54 pm
by Tessytwinkle
Hippy Dippy. I love your posts. You always make me laugh and in amongst your funny words are so many wise ones :) sooooo glad your hunger beast is starting to relax. You are taming that beastie!! Go girl :) :)

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:22 pm
by Hippy Dippy
Miss Tessy:

Thank you! I find I am grateful for the posts of all of us in here. Your posts, your replies, along with others in this community give a support I really did not know could be out there.

To know I am not alone in my struggles, that others are out there, that you are out there, dealing with your issues, but getting back up and moving ahead...this is sooooo helpful!!!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I find it is easier to give advice (hopefully good) and encouragement to others than to myself. This website is teaching me to try to be that supportive to me as well.

Thank you, Sisters!
Hippy Dippy

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:21 pm
by Kittykat150
Yes, HD,
Me too. In posting encouragement to others I feel kinder towards myself. I feel like this is a very important part of success: support and seeing yourself in others. We have so much in common and stages of learning have been mapped out beautifully by those who came before us. This is a powerful site.
I thank you all as well.
Kat :wink:

Pant Sizes

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:27 pm
by Hippy Dippy

I was just reading Oolala's blog and the subject of pant sizes came up.

Right now I am a size 16W to 18. I've been as large as 20-22. Anyhoo, on the subject of sizes of pants and how we feel about the sizes. In my 30's, I did the Body for Life thing. Too much constant attention to meals and exercising and did not like the bad habit the "Free Day" started (i.e. cram as much bingeing in as possible in 24 hours).

So, in my 30's, I am around 150 pounds. What size was I? I think a 12 or 14. There was no way I was going to buy a pair of white jeans or pants of any kind. Afterall, I was way too fat to be wearing white! Well, it is amazing to me that I had to GAIN 30 to 40 pounds in order to feel COMFORTABLE to wear white pants!! Talk about weird!!! I actually bought my first pair of whites when I was on my way to maximum weight. And, I looked good in them!! I guess the weight gain freed me to just be open to any color or print that I could fit into and had the right fit/cut.

Perhaps, as others had said (typed), it's that mental trap or mental torture we put ourselves through because we aren't at that magical number on the scale. I can remember being 17, in highschool, and according to the insurance charts at the time, for my age and height, I was supposed to be 110. Well, I was more like 120 and dieting on slim fast to get to 117 pounds. My height did increase slightly since then, perhaps a half inch, but I can tell you, there is no way I could be 120-something pounds. Just no way. After all, I've got bones that need to be dense for middle age!!! My goal is somewhere in the 150's again. The lowest I've managed is 145 and I couldn't sustain that weight.

My point, if any? Well, we support each other in here, and if we can be supportive to others, we need to be that open and charitable with ourselves. We cannot be cookie-cutter. I think of some of the Startrek the Next Generation (yes, I am a nerd from time to time) episodes where they encounter civilizations where everyone looks the same, and it's strange--very odd.

Hippy Dippy

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:39 pm
by Tessytwinkle
Hi hippy dippy. I love your white pants story. I feel like this about jeans. FOr years never wore them then one day found brilliant pair in a shop for larger girlies. They felt so great, i felt confident and sassy and I love them. Yet I waited years before I allowed myself that feeling. So sad how we have been so tortured and twisted by weight and size!
Sometimes when I am reading these threads I can feel a part of me deep inside start to come alive and breathe. I really am not alone. Thank you hippy dippy you are an important part of that realisation :) :)

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:05 pm
by oolala53
Age helps. I felt much better about how I looked at 185 lbs. at age 56 than I did at 145 lbs at age 32. Thank you, wisdom or resignation!

Hippy Dippy is Back!

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:21 pm
by Hippy Dippy
Hello, Sisters!

I'm back and been reading everyone's posts. The 9 days on vacation (2 of them travel days--hate traveling by plane!) spend with the folks turned out alright. Thank gawed for My Man! He was the perfect buffer and I did not feel the need to over indulge via food or drink. Yay!! The parents did make one comment the first night there about me "taking after your Aunt Margaret's side of the family"--which is to say I've gained weight and am "fat". It's an odd thing to say since Aunt M is Mom's sister (they have the exact same parents). Aunt M gained weight during premenopause and hasn't lost it since. I'm in premeno and have kept the extra (what 40-50 pounds--OMG!!!) since I gained it back when I turned 40. Apparently I did not take after Aunt Hazel's side of the family (another one of mom's sisters), who, bless her heart, has become anorexic at 79 years of age. Oddly enough, The Parents think Aunt H needs to eat more. I guess we are then doomed--either we're too fat or too thin. There's to in between. Sad.

Anyhoo, loved the east coast: Charleston, South Carolina was beautiful and end of September is the best time to go!!! Weather was perfect and did much walking around. Want to go back again.

So, extended my "vacation" into last week. Gained maybe half a pound. Yay!! Yesterday I went back on the No S routine. Actually looked forward to getting back into the routine. Missed it. Really didn't deviate much from it during the vacation, however, it's nice to check the days off in the HABITCAL.

I'm wanting to work on hunger, or what I interpret as hunger. It isn't as bad or as prevalent as it had been in the past (I guess you could say that is a result of the 6-meals a day diets or the 3 meals and 2 snacks diets). Those old diets had me fearing any feelings of hunger, because, if I was hungry, even a little bit, I should eat so that I wouldn't binge. It didn't matter that I wasn't really hungry or really needed to eat nor did it matter that I wasn't really going to binge. Talk about messing a person up!

So, No S really is about sanity and enjoying your food. It's about anticipating something delicious and getting in tuned with your body and knowing what hunger is (or isn't). Being able to eat anything has been freeing and I still have some issues with that from time to time. Remember, Reinhard even says that if you eat a typical sweet or snack with your plate, it isn't considered a sweet or snack. Eventually, we end up "editing" our plates with more nutritious food, and leave those snack/sweet foods for the weekend.

All I can say is: Thank you Reinhard!!

Hippy Dippy

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:47 pm
by Tessytwinkle
You're back hooray!! Your 'Vacation' sounds hmmmmm interesting, a bit scary and very funny :lol: good to have you back posting. You are such fun and always get me thinking and laughing and not taking myself too seriously :) working on your hunger is a good idea. It's so hard to know what it is and also for me not to be scared of being hungry. You're right those diets have messed us up good and proper. Have a good green day tomorrow and enjoy every mouthful you have!!

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:53 pm
by jw
glad to see you back, Hippy Dippy -- I missed your posts. They are so fun and encouraging, and I love your "humor instead of guilt" philosophy!

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:15 pm
by oolala53
Welcome back! I went for a short jaunt to Minneapolis. It was overcast except for the last day which was glorious. I think fall is a good time to be just about anywhere!

My S days there were even better than here because I was at a workshop where beverages were the only "snacks" offered. It was great! So sane.