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misplacedpeg's daily check-in

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:56 pm
by misplacedpeg
so day one..

woke up feeling yucky from last night s bingeing..swore to go on NoS. here i am...had a small brown bread, an orange and some brazil nuts for breakfast..lunch was porridge with one prune and 2 more brown breads...oh yeah and the brazil nuts(2)...if i have loads of broccoli for dinner, have I donne well for the day? (even if i had ALL the carb!snif!)

ps. Am half a litre of water away from my 1.5L daily personal goal!!

beijos to all!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:19 am
by misplacedpeg
so yesterday was a success!!(yeeha!)...even though it was the first day it feels like a small personal victory!!
this morning had a rather small breakfast (was on the go) consisting of a slice of rye n some prunes , followed by an orange...

n effect, right now , i cant wait for lunch (soup n bread, yum!!)...

also i keep forgetting that unless you eat fruit on its own you should not eat it last in a need to make mental note to self for next time...fruit first or no fruit at all!!!!!
.......all you people on day21 n above, you are superheroes in my eyes!!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 1:24 pm
by carolejo
also i keep forgetting that unless you eat fruit on its own you should not eat it last in a need to make mental note to self for next time...fruit first or no fruit at all!!!!!
I too have seen quite a lot written about this current 'best theory' that because the fruit transits your gut fastest, you should eat it first so that it is not impeded and will not cause so many digestive problems / wind / acidity etc.

Whilst I have to admit it sounds logical, I decided myself that I wasn't going to worry too much about it. Afterall, people have survived for thousands of years without worrying about the order in which they ate stuff, so it's unlikely to cause much damage to me now. Also, surely eating the fruit afterwards (as part of your plateful of course) is much better than not eating the fruit at all...?!

Good luck anyway. Looks like you're off to a good start so far!

Other diet stuff

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:22 pm
by Samurai
Congrats on your first day's success. All things start with that first step, and yours was a success. Remember that when you're tempted later!

I agree with Carolejo, I tended to lose focus and not enjoy eating when I was concerned about any rules other than the few simple ones of No S. I know there are some NoSsers here who are vegans and low-carbers, but those plans were too strict for me. I like to eat, and I like variety! Maybe it would be easier to pile up the successes if you weren't worried about eating fruit at the wrong time or having too much bread? Just a thought!

May continuous success be yours!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:06 pm
by misplacedpeg
thanxxxx guys!
sometimes i guess i get abit obsessive!!another good example of that is that I too (like apparently others here) am vegan!!
but dont get me wrong...i LOVE my food!!!i love it so much I have to make rules about how to include it in my life (unless I want it controlling my life)..

but yeah you are both totally right..the most important thing is to ENJOY what you eat without constantly stressing !!!(I guess being vegan I sort of subliminally became a control freak over what goes into my mouth in order to make sure it was animal free)..

THANK YOU SO MUCH for reminding me this!!I ll keep on checking your journals!!
luv xxxxx

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:28 pm
by gratefuldeb67

Hi Misplaced Peg...
Good luck with NoS!
Don't worry about carbs... You are doing great and as long as you aren't eating refined sugar by the liter in sodas or candies then you will do fine!
Prunes and broccolli are tutto bene!!!

Pace and Amore!
8) Deb

Io studiato Italiano venti anni fa! No ricordo niente!!! LOL...

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:35 am
by misplacedpeg
ciao Deb!!!
sei molto brava!!!a volte possiamo parlare in italiano?cosi diventiamo anche le due piu brave!!!
i know i got to stop worrying about carbs!!but right now every meal seems to be just so carb based...(to cure the sugar deprivation) :oops:

YESTERDAY was a success!!! even though i had dinner really early, (it was either that or snacking!)..din din consisted of tons of faro (its like buckwheat) with spicy artichokes n half an avocado (an enormous half i might add..). This did great at keeping the hunger at bay for 4hrs, but then right before i went to bed i had three spoonfulls of raw oats and yet another yeah, slight snacking there, but at least i didnt reach for that bar of chocolate thats been staring at me ever so persistently for the last three days!!!

hope today goes better---cant wait for Sat!!!!
loads of luv!!

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:06 pm
by gratefuldeb67
That dinner sounds Molto delizioso!!! LOL...
What spices do you use on the artichokes?
Artichokes are one of my very favorite foods!

You are eating *Healthy Carbs*!!!
So don't worry about them!
Focus on cutting out soda, candy and cookies during the week and you will do fantastico!

Enjoy them on the weekend...
Ciao amica!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

ps.. I understood some of what you wrote me in Italian... I would love to live in Italy for a few months one day! I bet I'd learn the language pretty quickly then!
Where do you live?


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:37 pm
by misplacedpeg
hey Deb!!
thanx for the feedback once again!..
I ve just got few more mins at work n then I think I might even go to the gym!!!! :shock: (havent had any form of regular exercise for some time now).

For the artichokes I use chilli, or sweet paprika, some chilantro and drizzle with loads of lemon!!yum yum...can have so much of that!!! I I m hungrier I also add some chooped tomate n leek with toasted sesame seeds for 'volume'!(heeh)

As for Italia...I live in a tiny little village 40mins away from Venice.I used to live in London before(for 7 years), but work brought me to this small piece of heaven! Consider you have a friend here which you can some n visit whenever you wanna try some really good NoS pesto!

Ok gotta has been a success so far, n AM DETERMINED NOT TO LET ANYTHING RUIN IT! (at least for today.. :wink: )

loads of luv n mushy artichokes!!!

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:46 pm
by misplacedpeg
YEY!Yestarday I worked out! yup. went to the gym, did my 20mins of the stationary bicycle, 10mins of fast paced walk + incline, 10min abs n some more machines for another 10mins or so!Hoping today I can match this again!

So far today, B'FAST: banana n orange (stuffed from last night s din din)
LUNCH: chick pea couscous w slice of wholemeal n some prunes

Leaving for London next Tues., for a week, (yumyum vegan foodie here i come) , and I wanna try to feel (n look)my best! I ve got this colleague form our london offices whos ALWAYS commenting on everyones weight (we call him the human scales)...n im hoping that this time round he wont be nasty with me!

Must admit though that after just 4 days on NoS I can allready feel a difference in my jeans..feels great!!!!!The only downside is that ever since I ve stopped snacking n eating sugar on a daily basis,I ve had to double the portions of my lunch n dinner to feel satisfied.. in effect I become always very very drowsy-sleepy at the end of lunch n dinner...DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SIMILAR EXPERIENCES OR TIPS ON THIS?It might just be something my body will eventually get used to i guess...

Day four is looking like is gonna be another success!!(its just 1500 o' clock here) :lol: :lol:

big kissz n enjoy SSSSSaturday!!!( SOY ICE CREAM YEAH!!)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:22 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Leaving for London next Tues., for a week, (yumyum vegan foodie here i come) , and I wanna try to feel (n look)my best! I ve got this colleague form our london offices whos ALWAYS commenting on everyones weight (we call him the human scales)...n im hoping that this time round he wont be nasty with me!
Don't give him any of your personal power!
Why would you care about the approval of someone who is mean rude and nasty?
Reserve your concern for people who matter to you, and you first and foremost!
When people make mean comments to others it's ALWAYS because they feel badly about themselves...
It's a projection of his reality, not yours!
Congrats on your exercise!

Thanks for the artichoke recipe and the invite! I really hope one day I can actually take you up on the offer! Sounds great, and I love pesto! :)
Enjoy London!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Artichokes, yum

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 1:08 pm
by pangelsue
Congratulations on your success so far. You are doing great. I think all of us need to take larger portions in the beginning because there is that fear that there won't be more eating for X number of hours. It gets easier. Although appetite is a constantly changing thing. Some days, I am amazed that I am not hungry at all between meals and some days I get light headed and almost faint waiting for supper. I think I have been making my meals a little too small lately because I have been much hungrier between meals. It all works out in the end.

The artichoke recipe sounds very good. We love them too. Do you have a favorite vegan cookbook? I have tried vegan meals a number of times because we are vegetable lovers but I find that I always am hungry and hour later. What is the secret to feeling full?

Keep up the good work and charge on to Monday.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:26 am
by misplacedpeg
first off, thanx for the support n comments DEb n panglesue!!! Deb your advice gave me new perspective on that someone which makes me feel much more confident!!!i owe you one for that!!

also panglesue, yeah i find it hard to 'fill up' sometimes...some things that iwork for me are :
1. have couscous with main meal(whatever that may be) or finish off any meal with two spoonfulls of raw oats (no small falke ready style)..oats are great stomach fillers!I swear by them!

2. grill oyster mushrooms ..yummy can do this in a pan too, place the mushroom in the heated pan and drizzle with generous portion of mixed balsamic vinegar, mustard (wholegrain), ground cumin or garam masala and TINY bit of olive oil,cook, remove excess liquid (you can save this for your next batch), sprinkle with spring onions sesame seeds and grill some more..drizzle with lemon....=hunger filler 100%

3.have some tomato juice with lemon n peper along with my meal

4.cook with red onion(i know sounds bit wierd, but it increases the 'heaviness' of each meal -avoid for dinner- so you feel full for longer! PLUS IT TASTES YUM!!)

my fav vegan cookbook is 'The Chicago Diner Cookbook'
by Kaucher, Jo A. and 'How It All Vegan!: Irresistible Recipes for an Animal-Free Diet'
by Kramer, Sarah

ok so am back from a very gross weekend!!!This is my first weekend after srtarting NoS, and to be honest you I thought I would do better...but nope...had sooooooo much food, am hoping to use the feeling of disgust to never pig out like that again!! I loved my last week on NoS, so the weekend was such a horrid contrast to that...a lesson to learn I guess!!
Am determined to make everyday of this week a SUCCESS!!!(even in London)

big hugs n luv to all!!!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 2:26 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Sorry about the gross weekend! I had a very excessive one as well...
I ate no normal food and *only* snacks and junk! LOL...
But it was fun!
Anyway... Back on the wagon for us both this week!
Good luck!
ps.. Your recipes make me drool!!!!!

Have a nice time in London!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

The weekend of excess

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 3:05 am
by pangelsue
It must have been that kind of weekend. I too went overboard. On to new successes. We must forgive our weaknesses and move on. Best of luck.