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Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:04 pm
by Octavia’s a tough subject, this getting older business, and I’ve felt it quite strongly recently. I’m 54 now, and my ability to disguise myself as a 39 year old is being challenged, despite a plethora of cosmetic talents including making my own hair extensions!!! :lol: During lockdown there seems to be no incentive to be anything other than my natural self, and I really don’t like that natural self, even though I should! Cue existential crisis! It shouldn’t matter, but those moments of slight sadness/disappointment when looking in the mirror (followed by the mental wrangling about whether one should care or not) do add up. Dr Joe Luciani (whose books I mentioned before) has a very good term, ‘mental friction’ - anything which causes mental friction will tire our minds and can contribute to those nasties, anxiety and depression. I’m certainly more aware of the amount of mental friction going on in my head and how damaging it is. Even seemingly superficial stuff like the reflection in the mirror. Anyway, today I’m going to stop trying to feel OK as I am, because it’s not working. I think I might go off to do some vain stuff! 8) This inner conflict over self-acceptance and wanting to change...I wish some wise woman would write a book on it.

Wow, aboriginal eating habits...that book you mentioned sounds amazing! Not an easy read, I imagine, with the sad history, as you say.

Yes, isn’t it great, Dr Helen McCarthy’s definition of willpower- having mental energy when you need it. :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:42 pm
by automatedeating
I love you all - thanks for the outpouring of support and also the kindred spirit-sharing!

Jen - I seem to have a very limited ability to socialize comfortably, lol.
Pinkie - I do think I'm going to ask my dentist about if there's anything he can do to cover up those broken enamel spots. I'm not sure why this is something I feel like I really need to fix, whereas my gray hair I'm determined to forge ahead with.....
Octavia - Let me know when you finish writing that book on aging. :-)
anything which causes mental friction will tire our minds and can contribute to those nasties, anxiety and depression.
You have nailed what is going on with me!!! I guess I should look up Dr. Luciani's book! Update - not only did I find one, but "Unlearning" just came out in April and is FREE on Kindle Unlimited! :-) I just downloaded it. Also, I noticed he has a book called "Thin from Within" (catchy title...)

Friday, July 3

124.4 pounds

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: chicken in bone broth, cheese, avocado
dessert: ice cream bar

Last night I lay awake for over an hour having some negative thoughts. Some of them were fear-related (will something happen at work that causes me to be pilloried or publically shamed; did I leave the fan too directly on the dog's kennel); some were anger/disgust (why don't I cook more for my family; why am I not making more content for my website; why have I been so lazy this week). Overall, not good.

One thing that I need to get back to is my self-imposed media isolation. I am convinced that much of modern humanity's ills are due to hearing about problems that are completely outside of our locus of control. It's not natural for me to remain ignorant on a topic that a lot of other people know many details about, but it is in the best interest of my mental health. I generally have been pretty good about staying away from news and politics, but recent events have pulled even me into reading news articles. I'm taking the time to document here that I am NOT going to look up articles anymore.

My school is making a 15% cut, and many people are losing their jobs. At the same time, many people are getting promoted or moved around. And some new positions even added. Each of these decisions leaves room for wondering about the motives of the decision-makers. I would like to stay out of the conversations with co-workers about the ins and outs of these changes. On the other hand, I would like to make a card for a longtime co-worker that has lost her job. In that respect, I can behave morally and due something within my locus of control, but avoid the pointless discussions of why certain people were let go, etc.

This is my goal, and I hope that by writing it here I can make progress toward keeping my vision on the actual people in my life, my own neighborhood, and those that I encounter in my day-to-day life.

I want to remind myself of what really matters to me in this short life on this earth:
*my family
*feeding my family
*caring for my home and pets
*walking/hiking, gardening, being outside
*reading, studying
*teaching, caring for my students

That's really my whole list of top things in life. As I look at it, I see that I am a very .... quietly-living person. Perhaps a little boring by some people's standards. But in the routine of daily living I find a simple joy. I'd like to focus on these simple things of day to day living this summer.

Oh, and an update on yogurt-making. Every yogurt batch I've made so far has been perfect.....until yesterday's! What I did (as an experiment) was stir and then allocate out the yogurt into containers BEFORE it had been cooled (after incubating). I had read to never do this, but of course I had to test it. Well, sure enough, this batch is lumpy! A bad texture! Whereas if I let the large container cool and gel in the fridge, then stir and allocate, the yogurt is perfectly smooth and creamy. Guess I like to learn the hard way.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:31 pm
by alene1
Auto, I enjoyed reading your thoughtful post on how you want to be living your life. I agree that social media and news does very little to nothing to enhance our lives. I don't see anything wrong with checking into your options on your teeth. Caring about our appearance is natural. I think being fixated on it is where the problems lie.

I hope you have a great day today. Sorry about the yogurt! :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 2:23 pm
by automatedeating
Thanks, Alene! I meant to call the dentist yesterday but never got around to it. I think maybe I'm self-conscious to even talk about it over the phone with the receptionist!

Saturday, July 4th!

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: burger w/cheese, onion, tomato, pickles, avocado, too many chips
dessert: ice cream bar
an extra chicken drumstick from a neighbor

So, I officially found out yesterday that my sabbatical has been preserved, despite massive budget cutting at my school. I'm feeling extremely grateful! This means I won't be teaching again until April of 2021. Unbelievable. Of course, knowing me, my head is now in high gear planning out everything I want to get done. Sexy keeps reminding me that my sabbatical doesn't start until Fall Quarter and I don't need to work on the project yet. :lol: Fingers crossed my kids get to go to school at least part time next year, so I get some time alone. My husband will be working from home fall quarter, so that's not ideal.... but I'm not complaining!!!!

I am reading "Unlearning Anxiety & Depression" by Joe Luciani (Octavia suggested him). Great book!

Maybe this is the year I should try to finally conquer that ridiculous cleaning method - Flylady. :roll:

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 2:33 pm
by Jen1974
Auto: I’m so happy for you about the sabbatical!!

Me too on socializing takes a lot out of me :lol: I have social anxiety & worry so much about what I said/did after seeing people but crave friends & want to connect :lol:

And also me too on the “am I a good enough mom, I should be cooking more/connecting more/more preset. The middle of the night can be terrible with the negative thought parade running through my mind.

I’m looking up that book that Octiva suggested too!! It sounds like something that would be good for me!!

Octiva I loved your response on here too!!!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:39 pm
by pinkhippie
Yay auto this is the best news! I am so happy for you about your sabbatical!

I also have taken a break from the news lately.

I just downloaded Fly lady's book onto my kindle. I have done it one time before and my house looked amazing! I feel like now is the perfect time being at home all the time, but yet I never get around to it.

Congratulations again on getting your sabbatical !

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:39 pm
by lpearlmom
Yay! Congratulations about your sabbatical! Hoping we both get some alone time this fall! My kids school has already been delayed by 2 weeks but it will start virtually.

I used to struggle with whether or not to do things just for the sake of vanity, but now I don’t really care. If it’s something I want to do to make myself feel better and isn’t too dangerous, expensive or time consuming, I just go for it. For me that includes dysport injections, eyelash extensions, waxing, manicures, Bleaching my hair, blow outs, makeup, skin care and I was looking into teeth bonding to hide a gap I have. Most of that had been put on pause since the pandemic & I’m fine waiting although I do really miss my dysport shots. If I could just do something non-invasive for my neck, that’d be awesome. Anyway, it’s all a very personal choice and nobody should feel badly for choosing too do things that improve one’s appearance or for just ignoring it all together. Just my opinion though. Do what feels right but no guilt allowed.

Happy 4th! 🎉

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:30 pm
by alene1
Oh wow, so exciting about your sabbatical! I'm sure it's mind boggling to think about not having to teach again for so long. Yes, do enjoy the summer and think about your project till you need to. :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 3:24 pm
by automatedeating
Thank you everyone for celebrating with me about my sabbatical. :-)

Jen - I had a long period free from the middle of the night wake-ups. I think drinking wine again has brought those nighttime visitations of anxiety back!! Yesterday I very studiously avoided wine and slept quite soundly last night.

Pinkie - I was looking around yesterday and found "Clean Mama", another inspiring website/book about cleaning.

Linda - I think you hit the nail on the head - each person should be able to follow their own instincts/gut to find that comfortable spot about taking care of our looks. I like how you said no guilt either way. I'd like to find my peace on this issue, although it may be a moving target as new old things on me crop up every year. :roll: :wink:

Alene - My body seems to be taking a mental break, whether I think it should be or not. :-) I'll ride out the mental rest period and let my motivation naturally bubble back. Hey, I've got time for that! :-)

Sunday, July 5


B: coffee w/cream
L: skipped because I was so engaged in my garage clean-out! ;-)
D: steak, potatoes, copious amounts of chips w/onion dip
wine, ice cream bar

So yesterday I woke up with so much joy! The waves of gratitude for my sabbatical surged over me every so often. And then I woke up this morning and it happened all over again. :-)

I've really been thinking about making my "priority" list as short as possible in order to not try to take on too much each day. If I were to make progress in each of these categories each day, I would really accomplish an amazing amount for my family as well as self-care.

*cleaning - this needs to be first thing, with a podcast/audible, to a set timer.
*meal-planning and preparing dinner - I am good about making the menu, but lazy about starting dinner when I should
*walking w/dogs
*working on my YouTube Channel/website - this has been funny the past week.... I'll dream about it and lay in bed excited for a topic, then lose my motivation when I get up. I think I just need a little more time decompressing from the quarter before I get back to being productive in the academic area.

I think it's very realistic that I can also get a couple projects done in the next few months, such as painting several rooms in the house and staining the fence. I also am making great progress (nearly done) on the yard and just have a few more things I'd like to finish before the end of the summer.

We are having friends over this afternoon and I am so excited! This is rare for me!!! I guess COVID eventually cracked my hermit-mentality. :-)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:02 pm
by lpearlmom
Yay so excited for you about your sabbatical! Definitely a good idea not to plan too much.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:02 pm
by pinkhippie
I have run across clean mama before, let me know if it works for you!

Hah hah! I would be excited about friends over too! I now get excited when we talk to a neighbor or someone on on a bike trail, where it used to drain my energy. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:17 pm
by automatedeating
Monday, July 6th

Today is my parent's 57th wedding anniversary. Wow, right!?


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: breaded fish, pesto pizza, too much wine, way too many potato chips :roll: Help!

off the rails, people!!! I'm off the rails!!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:36 pm
by Jen1974
I notice that too with having drinks messing with my sleep Auto!! And making me more anxious. It always feels nice to take a break but I do enjoy having them so it’s a little tug of war over what is more worth it :lol:

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:36 am
by Larkspur
Gratz on your sabbatical!

I can so relate to fear-of-being-thought-wrong-blamed-or-shamed as the main thing I don't like about working, worse than getting up at 5 and, you know, having to work. I did have one class go really south on me when I was teaching and in some ways that was painfully therapeutic, as in, it was really bad but I was still standing. I have a tendency to be overly conciliatory which coworkers/students can read as my being insecure, which is probably true. They sometimes also read it as my being weak or less than competent, which is not true. I work with elementary kids now as a school nurse so my warm gentle mom persona is not so out of place-- it was definitely not as good in a nursing prof. I plan to work another 5 years or so and I view it as my central task (apart from doing good work) to get more of a handle on that. I was listening to the Ted talk today from the dude who deliberately sought out rejection over and over ("Can I get a burger refill?") to learn to deal with his fear of it.

I'm so glad this well earned sabbatical is still happening!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:05 pm
by automatedeating
Larkspur - thank you SO much for this post/sharing! I am off to find this crazy guy on TedTalk! :-) Update - Found it! I loved it! It made me laugh out loud, too, which was nice....

Jen - I am pretty fed up with my poorer sleep with alcohol. Before I quit drinking for a year, I knew it could disturb my sleep, but now, using my fitbit, I see my deep sleep reduced even when I don't even feel buzzed.

Yesterday ended up in flames! I went totally off the rails. Eek! Of course we all know I do this sometimes, but I DO NOT WANT TO RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! Sometimes it almost feels therapeutic to let go of all my rules, boundaries, parameters for a few days (or weeks, as the case may sometimes end up.....) but right now it just feels like self-sabatoge.

I'm reading "Atomic Habits" - good book and I'm a little surprised I'm just getting to it now.

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: salmon burger w/avocado, cheese, pickles, onions; broccoli w/cheese

Yes - got over 15K

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:43 pm
by pinkhippie
I definitely went off the rails this holiday and you are right sometimes it feels really good to loosen those boundaries. I am sorry it didn't feel good this time though.

Atomic Habits is on my want to read, haven't gotten around to reading it yet list. :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:17 pm
by alene1
That sounds like a very interesting Ted talk! What is the name of it? I'm sorry you had a rough day. I know you feel so good when you're making really purposeful choices about what you put in your body. It looks like yesterday was a good one for you.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:27 pm
by automatedeating
Atomic Habits is very good! But be prepared to take notes and need to listen in small chunks. It's a book that is full of practical ideas and systematic approaches to habit change. I love it!

Alene - Here's the link for the TedTalk. ... anguage=en

Wednesday, July 8

128.0 pounds

B: coffee w/cream, collagen proteins
L: (will be) yogurt w/berries
D: (will be) chicken in bone broth, cheese, avocado; broccoli

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:17 pm
by Octavia
Hi Auto - really glad you like Joe Luciani! I think he’s quite original, and I’ve learned some useful life skills from him. I got his diet book, but it didn’t particularly sink in...must read again.

Wonderful news about your sabbatical! So well deserved. I hope you have a wonderful time, doing all the simple things you described that make you happy. I think finding joy in everyday life is a real gift.

I’m starting to be more and more wary of social media myself. People just seem to want attention...only following others so they’ll be followed’s insane. It’s terrible for our mental health. Just glancing at Twitter or Facebook creates ‘mental friction’! I look at them less and less. In fact, I now quite often miss personal messages sent to me on these platforms!
It’s like having around eight different letter boxes... :roll:

Take care x

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:03 pm
by alene1
Atomic Habits has been on my radar too. Some day! I have so many darn books I've bought on my Kindle that I haven't read yet. Another goal for this summer! Thanks for the link.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:09 pm
by automatedeating
Octavia, I am halfway through "Unlearning Anxiety...." - he is about to start describing the steps of his program and I think I'm avoiding getting down to the actual "work" part..... As Atomic Habits would say, "I'm in Motion, not Action". :roll: :wink:

Alene, you will like it, I think. It's just a very practical book with ideas to immediately implement. More ideas than I can master, actually, so trying to not be overwhelmed by the potential for change is important while reading this book!

I'm really working on my routines. Atomic Habits recommends that new habits always be linked with established habits, so he has you write out everything you typically do every day without trying (the stuff that you really never skip, even like going to the bathroom as soon as you get up). I'm linking three new habits into my morning routine: 1) after leaving my bedroom, do something in the laundry room (start, switch, fold) before going downstairs with the dogs; 2) when I check my phone first thing, start up my podcast, start a timer, and clean for 15 minutes, and 3) after I start the coffee machine (and while I wait), do bodyweight exercises. For now, those 3 new habits are making me happy. They are small, but they reflect what I care about and have listed here - taking better care of my home and my body.

I am so much better about doing the things I care about in the morning. The afternoons are my lower productivity time.

I think I'm going to have to stop drinking again. Now that I see the results on my fitbit sleep tracker, it's undeniable that drinking decreases my sleep - and sleep is another of my top priorities. Also, I seem to have rolled right back into daily drinking. Not good. Coming to terms with this.

Thursday, July 9


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: pan-seared pork loin chops and cheesy broccoli

I walked over 13K with Flowerpup and look forward to another shorter one this evening

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:42 pm
by pinkhippie
The routines sound very interesting and doable. Kind of reminds me of fly lady actually. In terms of self care and getting house work done.

I have noticed for myself that alcohol messes with my sleep too. I am not sure why. For me even though I fall asleep quickly because I am relaxed I tend to wake up after only a short amount of sleep and then not be able to go back to sleep.

That cheesy broccoli sounds good! I think I might change things up this evening and add some cheese to our broccoli.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 10:54 pm
by automatedeating
Pinkie - I think years ago FlyLady got me on the kick of getting fully dressed as soon as waking. I do think it saves me time and it was the initial impetus for me to dress in my walking clothes every day (and then I bought cute walking outfits to even wear to work).

Cheesy broccoli is a staple for me. Recently I've been adding parmesan cheese instead of cheddar. Yum! And I saw Alene had that recently, too.

Friday, July 10


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: leftover pork loin and then Sexy came home with Costco pizza. :-( I ate 2 pieces.

Had a lovely walk w/ a friend today. We both brought our Aussies. :-) I'm over 17k for the day.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:00 am
by Soprano
Hi Auto, thanks for stopping by my thread. I'm pleased you have your sabbatical confirmed. Bet flowerpup is loving the long walks.

The habit book sounds great.

Like you I notice my sleep and also moods are worse after drinking. I'm trying to limit it to weekends. It has tended to creep up during lockdown and the good weather.

Have a great weekend.


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:30 pm
by alene1
Good morning! Just like you and PH, I fall asleep well after drinking, but then wake up in the night. It's good you have your Fitbit to see what's going on. I'm really enjoying having my Fitbit stats too. It's a good motivator! It's funny how much Flylady has influenced us in some significant ways. I think about that still, that I know I will feel better and be more productive in the morning if I get dressed and shoes on early.

Ooh, that's an interesting phrase from Atomic Habits. Can you explain it a little more? I get the general gist but would love more details.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:08 pm
by automatedeating
Hey Soprano! Your stability and kindness is great to have around right now. I feel buffetted by waves and feeling more fear about my body than I have in a long time. I appreciate your solid presence right now as I try to remember this will pass.

Alene - do you mean the quote about "in motion, but not action"? If that was the quote you were referring to, it's the concept that we can research (for example) new workout plans or ways of eating for months and months without actually exercising more or eating better. :-) Motion - research/planning; action - doing something different

I feel like a big elephant. It's so interesting that we can "feel" fat or thin and it not match reality. I am certainly bigger than 6 months ago, but I'm not overweight and I'm definitely thinner than a few years ago. I'm just struggling.

B: coffee w/cream
L: leftover pork chops, 2 eggs
D: 3 pieces of pesto pizza

Planning on taking Flowerpup hiking today - update did this. over 18k today

What I Care About Today:
1) meal-planning - yes!
2) reading - going to right now
3) hiking - yes!
4) trip to buy paint for Challenger's Room - yes! Also got fence stain and yellow for entry way
5) mow yard - yes! also some weeding and clean-up

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:06 pm
by pinkhippie
Hi auto! I am sorry that you are struggling. Have you read through your check-in to see if there is any insight or pattern that has come up before for you when you feel this way? As I was talking about in my check-in, it can be so helpful to spot patterns and insights re-reading stuff because you are a little more objective and can see things you can't when you are in the middle of things.

I also read a long time ago that when we feel fat it is because we feel uncomfortable in our body and there are some other emotions going on that we are burying under the uncomfortable body thoughts. I have found that to be true for myself. Anyway, I apologize for unsolicited advice. Please feel free to ignore, I have just felt the same way before and these are things that have helped me.

I hope you have a good hike and get the stuff done that you wanted to get done.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:36 pm
by Soprano
automatedeating wrote:
Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:08 pm
Hey Soprano! Your stability and kindness is great to have around right now. I feel buffetted by waves and feeling more fear about my body than I have in a long time. I appreciate your solid presence right now as I try to remember this will pass.
Hey Auto thank you so much for your kind words. All my posts are meant with kindness and to help but I'm conscious that they are not always taken that way. Posting on a forum it is so hard some times to convey what you are thinking.

Your current feelings will pass and it is hard to know whether to dwell on them and think them thorough or to let them pass.

We can always learn something from how we are feeling but sometimes too much introspection is unhelpful, only you can know. :D

Do you know what specifically you are struggling with?

Must admit your comment re feeling like a big elephant made me smile, I can't imagine you are anything like that much overweight but that isn't to mean your feelings are not valid. My normal weigh day is Friday and my weight went up a couple of weeks ago, I didn't weigh the Friday after as I had been off work for a week on holiday, we should have gone away but couldn't because of Covid so had a holiday at home. I have been feeling out of sorts for a couple of weeks and when I weighed this Friday had a lovely surprise as you saw on my thread and my mood noticeably lifted. I hadn't realised until then how much of an impact my small increase in weight had on me.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that when weight and eating problems have been with us for so long despite thinking you have it nailed you are still susceptible to being ruled by it.

Are your fears weight or health related?

You are a source of support and inspiration to many here, hopefully we will, be able to support you through this. :)


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:05 pm
by automatedeating
Thank you Pinkie for the encouragement. I think part of my discouragement is that I have been reading my journal and I've not found patterns that connect with my recent weight gain. I've been eating pretty much the same and exercising plenty. I've been getting good sleep, taking care of myself, etc.

However, just in the last 24 hours I may have found a pattern. I used to regularly eat my dinner in a "salad bowl" as I called it, and I got away from that for various reasons. Perhaps the fibrous vegetables were displacing and thus decreasing the amount of the denser foods more than I realized.

Regarding the uncomfortable feelings (under the bad body feeling), I'm sure that's right on. It's fascinating that the many different streams of wisdom I read from - whether from the Bible, last summer's "It's not always depression", this summer's "unlearning anxiety", or the current Eckhart Tolle materials (and many others) - there are some similarities, although the ways these universal ideas are explained varies (and might explain why we are drawn to different styles, etc). The universal idea is that we have to accept the current moment, whether that means accepting something negative that's happening to us from the outside (getting yelled at or losing a house or whatever), OR accepting something "negative" on the inside (fear, sadness, whatever). Everything starts from that point of acceptance. Therefore, all these streams of wisdom end up agreeing that NOT dealing with pain from past manifests in today (Eckhart Tolle calls it our "pain body"). But then they all agree that once we've acknowledged and recognized the moment, then we move on from it.

I'm particularly loving the discussion of "ego" by Eckhart. I've been looking for something like this for quite a while. A long-time challenge for me that I have been cognizant of is my desire to be the "best" teacher. I see it in myself and I don't like it. However, I'm thinking that Eckhart may be giving me some tools to just stop identifying with that desire to be the best. It is still in there, but I'm not giving it the stage it wants.

Soprano - you are so so right about too much introspection not being helpful. I feel a flutter inside me at the concept of channeling my (not insignificant) amount of life energy into existing in the moment, rather than existing in the aisles of bookcases and memories in my head.....

I'm not actually sure what I'm struggling with! Honestly, perhaps it's just vanity as I watch the scale go up. Because, for the most part I'm taking really good care of myself physically, emotionally, etc. I do think I'm picking up on negative things in our culture; it's impossible to wall myself off from the angry pain-bodies that are reacting all over my country. But the cure is in relationship - yesterday I was in the paint store and the employees there were so kind. I felt their kindess, even though I couldn't see their faces. Strange, but we humans are resilient. The answers lie in how I treat each individual I encounter.

Sunday, July 12


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries (new batch was lumpy, too - now I'm thinking it's the starter brand I used)
D: tuna salad bowl and popcorn

No formal plans, today. I'm going to take both boys back to the paint store for a few more things and then we will be painting and staining for the upcoming week!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 5:12 pm
by Soprano
"Strange, but we humans are resilient. The answers lie in how I treat each individual I encounter."

Love that auto.

Do you think your weight increase might be age related. Peri menopause is a funny time. Apologies if you are too young for this yet!

We are living in stressful times that can also affect your weight.


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:56 pm
by pinkhippie
Auto I am a huge fan of Eckhart Tolle! I have been thinking that I need to re read the New Earth right about now, because it absolutely helps to try to remain present and focus on my breathing. Ego is definitely trying to take over in my life as well. And yeah pain bodies all around the world are freaking out right now.
We discovered his books in about 2011. My husband and I even gave ourselves buzz cuts as a way to try to let go of our identities , and ego and remind ourselves to stay present. We were REALLY into his ideas. I totally agree with you that these universal ideas are presented in different ways by different people. I find that fascinating. I also find it super helpful to be more observant when my brain or ego is going crazy and just be like "oh wow, those are some interesting thoughts." Realizing that we are not our thoughts is so immensely helpful to me. And of course, by focusing only on the present, anxiety can't exist because anxiety is focusing on either the past or on what is to come. Anyway, I am glad that you are finding a helpful tool in Tolle.

I am sorry you haven't been able to find a pattern. That is frustrating. Might be worth going back to eating dinner in the same bowl, it's amazing how much these small changes can make a difference over time.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:52 pm
by alene1
I had the same experience shopping recently too. It wasn't the employees but some of the people there smiled at me and it gave me a big boost. I did the same for others and I think it lifted their spirits too. I think we are all missing the connection we used to have and take for granted. All those little things really matter.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:19 pm
by automatedeating
Pinkie! Last September I basically buzzed off my hair (as a way to usher in my gray hair) - ha! And basically it has ushered in a mid-life crisis where I am looking for my identity. So this is a good time for me to read The Power of Now and The New Earth.

Soprano - I do think my weight issues could be hormonal. I'm only 43, which seems quite early for this to start, and feeds into my fear that I am aging faster than everyone around me. Talk about something not worth worrying about. I need to let go of this and just live with joy the days that I do have. Working on staying present. I also think that stress hormones have plagued me for most of 2020, even before COVID. Not good for the metabolism. :roll:

Alene - I'm headed back to that paint store this morning and the friendly people there. :-)

Monday, July 13


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: date night train wreck. :roll: We went to "outback Steakhouse" and I order a freaking Blooimin' Onion. Yep. And then a burger with fries. The burger was bad (I'm spoiled with excellent homemade ones, I guess) so I didn't eat it, but I devoured the fries.

Here's the thing - I ended up sleeping like a baby. No indigestion, no sleep issues. Over 2 hours deep sleep! For my other sleep score buddies out there, we know how awesome that is for "women of our age". :-)
I didn't check my blood sugar but otherwise felt great. LOL.

Again, just another day of fence staining and maybe painting inside. Definitely active but nothing formal.

Yesterday I painted the entry way bright blue!!! We all love it!!! Next will be bright yellow for 2 living room walls. Challenger picked RED for his bedroom. LOL, first he wanted RED and BLACK!!!! I told him the dark colors might seep into his soul. :lol: :lol: Eventually he settled just on red. And he wants all 4 walls red, not just an accent. LOL. Good thing we have no plans on trying to sell. Creator picked a dark blue. They both want these LED lights hanging everywhere. And Creator claims he is finally ready to pack up some things he has been hoarding and clear out more space in his room.

This morning I did my routines, then worked on my next video. Now off to the paint store again before the 30% off sale ends. :-)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:32 pm
by Soprano
I believe peri menopause can start mud to late 40s so not really unusually early at 43. It can play havoc with all sorts of things, go with the flow and it will settle.


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:14 pm
by pinkhippie
I definitely think I am in perimenopause. (44). I look forward to things settling down eventually.

That is awesome that you buzzed your hair! I understand about it ushering in a new identity crisis. Are you growing it out?

Our entryway is bright blue too! I am so glad you are enjoying the colors that you wanted to paint your house. I love your boys' color choices and that you are going with it!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:04 pm
by automatedeating
Soprano - I am entering the flow. :-)

Pinkie - yes, I'm growing it out again. It is fun to change hair length. Mine is short, and then long, and then short and then long. Right now I love the current length. I have curly hair and when it is short like this it has a ton of fun body - curls in all the right spots. ;-) Once it gets shoulder length and beyond I have to start coaxing curls in particular places (which of course I'm too lazy to do, so it doesn't look as good).

Tuesday, July 14

127.8 (flow, baby, flow... settle, baby, settle, swim, baby, swim)

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: chicken breasts and french fries

Couple of long walks (one with friend) planned

I have to say - I just wrote a paragraph about a friend (and my need for some space from her) and when I finished it, I felt that I shouldn't publish it here. But nevertheless, I enjoyed typing furiously about the situation. LOL. Like when we write a letter to someone but then don't intend to send it, it was still quite useful to write things out.

I think I will take a break from painting today. My day is mostly filled anyway. Maybe this afternoon I'll finish staining the fence. I have taken my time and really, REALLY enjoyed myself. I feel like when I look at this fence I now will feel at one with it. Haha.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:07 pm
by Soprano
Whoop great news you sound more positive :)


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:51 pm
by pinkhippie
I love curly hair. I have wavy hair that CAN be curly but only in the exact right conditions. Growing out from a buzz cut as I remember was pretty rough for me. I looked like a fuzzy q tip for a while! Sounds like its much smoother for you.

I am glad that typing about your friend was helpful. My Google doc is full of letters to people I will never send. It's so helpful and therapeutic!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:04 pm
by automatedeating
Wednesday, July 15


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: (will be) pork loin chops w/cheesy broccoli

Over 16K already today. Arms pleasantly (mildly) sore from chin-ups a couple days a go

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:06 pm
by automatedeating
Thursday, July 16

Weight: 127.2 lbs
Waist measurement at belly button: 30.5inches (W:H ration - .49)

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: leftover pork loin w/salad and broccoli

Good walk planned

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 1:53 am
by liveitup
I similarly was ranting about a long time friend that I needed a break from recently. There's some guilt there because while it's just venting, I know how much I value our friendship and I don't want venting to impact it. On the other hand, we need outlets.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 3:26 pm
by automatedeating
Friday, July 17


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: big salad and leftover pork

Nice hike planned with a friend today

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:36 pm
by pinkhippie
A hike sounds wonderful!

I hope you have a good one and enjoy your Friday!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 3:18 pm
by automatedeating
Pinkie - I had such a great day yesterday. I LOVED my hike (and so did Flowerpup of course), and I loved the audiobook I listened to (The Untethered Soul) and I loved working on some of my creative note-productions (heart anatomy). I loved watching an episode of "Alone" (we are in Season 2 near the end of it) with Sexy. I loved reading a chapter of Harry Potter (#6) to Creator before bed. I loved the gentle warm air of a mild summer night, the sound of my fan, the feel of the sheets, watching HappyHerder get all cuddled up on the floor next to me. A good day.

Saturday, July 18


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: burger w/cheese, avocado, onion, tomato, pickles
ice cream bar for dessert

Today Sexy is going to run 13 miles along the river. I'll bring Flowerpup and walk/jog part of it. I'm looking forward to pushing the distance a bit more than normal and see how much of the route I can finish on my own.
Update - I got 20K steps today. :-) I only joined Sexy for his last couple miles as he passed me. SUCH a lovely day.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 3:57 pm
by Jen1974
I love happy days like that (: Where my brain focuses on all of the good & everything seems to feel right :D

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:46 pm
by Soprano
What an uplifting post to read auto, sounds like you are well in the flow :)


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:24 pm
by alene1
It sounds like you had such a wonderful day! That makes me happy too. :) I read the Untethered Soul quite a few years ago. I'd like to re-read that at some point. It was very interesting and eye-opening. I hope your Saturday is a great one too!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:19 pm
by pinkhippie
That sounds like such a wonderful day! I am glad you enjoyed it so much! I love the feeling of the sheets and the fan in the summer too.

Good luck on your walk/jog! Have fun pushing yourself! Is 13 miles a lot for your husband or does he typically run that many miles?

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:04 pm
by automatedeating
Good morning all! Pinkie - Sexy has been running more recently, but this was one of his longer ones. He did great! Flowerpup and I went at a more leisurely pace, enjoying ourselves immensely. :-)

Sunday, July 19


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries, a hard cider on the kayak trip!
D: leftover pork chop, salad, a little bit of fried chicken
dessert - will be ice cream bar

Going kayaking with friends today!

Still reading "nourishing diets" - I'm on Chapter 5 - Africa: The Land of Fermented Foods
Apparently almost all traditional Sudanese tribal diets are fermented foods - they have over 80 fermented foods, and several were believed to increase resistance to malaria.
That reminds me - I need to get some more sauerkraut going. :-)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:44 pm
by pinkhippie
Thats awesome that he did great on his run! 13 miles is a lot. I am glad you and Flowerpup enjoyed yourselves too.

The hard cider sounds good! I think I mentioned I am not much of a drinker but I love hard ciders. :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:05 am
by automatedeating
Monday, July 20

Today I climbed a Mt. with a friend! It was so awesome and the views were breathtaking. I left Flowerpup at home, though, because the ridges were steep drop-offs, there was a lot of rock-scrambling, and even a ladder to climb at one point.

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: Caesar salad, grilled steak and corn on the cob!

I climbed a MOUNTAIN

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:33 am
by clarinetgal
That is awesome that you climbed a mountain! Way to go!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:57 am
by Soprano
Well done on your climb!


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:00 am
by Octavia
Wow - what a fantastic achievement, auto! :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:50 pm
by automatedeating
Well ladies, my calves are a bit sore today! :lol:

Tuesday, July 21


B: coffee w/cream
L: ice cream from Creator and from Sexy at the famous ice cream stand. :-)
D: a couple pizza snacks, microwave popcorn, 2 brownies, some leftover fried chicken. Sheesh. Big S evening

Today we're taking the kids out to a tidal island. We have to time it with low tide. It's a fairly short, flat hike with a great swimming hole at the end. On the way back we'll surprise the kids with a stop at a famous ice cream roadside stand. And. I might just have some!

There's been something on my mind that I haven't mentioned here yet. I was approached with an offer to make educational science videos for a company that is developing a website - they saw my youtube channel/website and apparently think I'm potentially a good fit. But, they want to see if I can make the kind of videos they want. Currently, I do all my work/drawings by hand. They want everything digital art, which I've never done before. I ordered a tablet to try this out, but it is taking forever to arrive. In the meantime, I'm struggling a bit with the voices in my head and fighting some "potential rejection" fear if my work doesn't meet their standards. I think this is quite possible since I've never done digital art or video editing before. My set-up has been quite simple (I record my videos with my phone on a ringstand!). I'm experiencing similar concerns about the content itself - it seems they want more medical-school level content, and I have always focused on pre-nursing, which is simpler. Anyway, to sum up I am eager to have this opportunity - it pushes me to transition to digital art (which I've been sort of thinking at some point I would do, anyway), and it gives me a content challenge, and many other potential skill-learning opportunities. But the voice in my head - she is a real downer lady in there. :wink: :lol:

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:01 pm
by Soprano

Blow the voice in your head, go for it, worse case they don't like it but you will learn so much doing it. Nothing to lose except a bit of time.


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:04 pm
by pinkhippie
That is so awesome that you climed a mountain!

That is a great opportunity! I definitely understand the fear of rejection and worrying that you won't be able to do it. But you won't know unless you try, and I bet that you will be able to. We do things all the time that we feel like we can't do, and yet we accomplish them. I feel kind of similar about my internship opportunity, like no way will I be able to redesign their website and that I have no idea what I am doing. But I am going to try, because I have discovered that I can do all kinds of things I never thought I would be able to do, and I bet you will make that discovery too.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 10:24 pm
by Octavia
This is scary and exciting, auto. Might the company give you a bit of support in doing your videos in the style they want? They obviously like your work. I’ve never done video editing either, but hey, teenagers do it! :lol: It must be fairly easy once you get started...there’ll be a good app out there. As for digital art, if you mean freehand drawing, I do know a good app - it’s called Art Set. Here’s a link to a slightly annoying guy doing a review:

It is very easy to use and has a lovely interface. It’s not technical though - if you need to draw graphs with straight lines it might not be so good. But for freehand stuff it’s great! It’s about £6.99 here in the UK and worth every penny. I use it on my iPad. But you mentioned you were getting a tablet - maybe it will have everything you need. I think this could be great fun and very creative. Good luck anyway!
PS hope your calves calm down soon!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 3:12 pm
by alene1
Oh, that sounds exciting!!! Yes, new things are scary, but you are very smart and competent and you can figure it out. I feel sure. Feel the fear and do it anyway! :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:58 pm
by automatedeating
Thanks everyone for the well wishes, pep talks, and courage power messages! :-)

You all so right - I have already learned so much in the past week as I've explored these options. I've ended up going (mostly) top of the line. An iPad Pro is (hopefully) arriving tomorrow, with a keyboard, apple pencil, and something called "paper-like" that helps make the screen easier to draw on. I've decided to use an app called "procreate" for the art and live lessons. I'll use an app called "luma fusion" for video-editing. The only reason I didn't say "all top of the line" is because I don't have a computer to do any of this on - it will ALL have to be on the iPad Pro for the time being. Believe it or not, I've been happily PC-free for about 3 years, relying exclusively on my $200 chromebook! So this is a massive $$$$$$ investment for me, and I cringe at having to buy a mac computer or even a PC in addition. So hopefully I can do everything on the iPad Pro. It still ends up being ~$1500 investment.

Wednesday, July 23

B: coffee w/cream
L: leftover steak & salad
D: yogurt w/berries, grilled corn

I'm looking forward to a long and alone walk this afternoon. It seems that for the past week I've been very busy outdoors with other people and I crave some alone walking (well, alone with a dog haha)
Update - Sexy wanted to walk with me and so we ended up taking both dogs and went for a couple hours. It was nice.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 4:20 pm
by alene1
It sounds like you're well set for your new adventure!! My husband uses Luma Fusion too. I'm excited to hear about how that's going. Having a new tablet is fun too! I'm glad you still enjoyed your walk even though you were looking forward to some alone time. Walking and talking together can be a time for some great conversations and connection time.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:37 pm
by automatedeating
Thursday, July 23

Spent the day with some relatives a few hours drive away. Got about 18k steps

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: tortilla chips, carne asada

Friday, July 24

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: salad, veggies, cheese

Got 17K steps

Saturday, July 25

B: coffee w/cream
L: granola
D: grilled zucchini and sirloin steak strips

Lazy Movement Day!! Worked all day on my new ipad pro/video editing/drawing app/whiteboarding app..... learning curve!!!!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:22 pm
by Jen1974
I enjoy alone time when I walk too!! I seem to be someone who needs time to myself to recharge. I do love walks with the husband too though!! We have our best talks that way :D

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:48 pm
by automatedeating
I do love walking with others, and I love walking by myself. I guess I just love walking. :-)

Sunday, July 26

Fasting Blood Glucose: 89

Want to make a note that my FBG is now consistently lower, after bringing back moderate wine drinking. Without wine it is consistently 5 - 10 mg/dL higher each morning.

Postprandial glucose levels do not seem to be affected by wine drinking like the fasting value is.

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: date night! I got 2 chicken street tacos, then ate a few onion rings off Sexy's plate

Got to go on a walk with one of these dogs! I have been working on my new digital video lessons all day Friday and Saturday and it's hard to force myself away. But I'm going right now.
Ended up with about 17k yesterday! Went on an unexpected second longer walk.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:34 pm
by automatedeating
Monday!! July 27

FBG: 86mg/dL :mrgreen:

B: coffee w/cream
L: some veggies, granola
D: pork with sesame seeds and hot mustard
desserts to celebrate finishing my first digital video!!!!! I wonder if this is how someone feels when they finish a novel and send it off to the publisher. :-)
2 ice cream bars over the course of the afternoon and evening. :-)

barely moved! I was laser-focused on finishing my video. Tomorrow I want to make sure to enforce a nice long walk mid-afternoon.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:08 pm
by automatedeating
Tuesday, July 28


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries, 1 ice cream bar (fail)
D: 1 piece of topping-laden pizza, some broccoli and squash

Good walk planned this afternoon - yes, got in about 10k steps. Not as much as normal. I'm pretty motivated to work on some projects so it's hard to tear away from the computer. I'm sure this will pass, haha.

Oh! An EXCITING thing in my household is that Creator and I will finish Harry Potter #6 (half-blood prince) this morning! Then we'll watch the movie tonight. I haven't got to see #6 since I finished reading that one to Challenger, probably 5 years ago. So..... tonight will be an S evening for sure.

Also, the team I was sort of "auditioning" for loved my video! They are going to offer me a contract to make about 10 videos/month for the next year! But remember my earlier post about fearing rejection? I have to say I was so stinkin' proud of my work when I finished that I would have been able to handle if they hadn't thought my style fit with them. I was/am prepared to just take these awesome digital tools to the next level on my youtube channel and website and in the classroom.

I woke up at 4am with a million ideas for my next projects.... finally got up and just got started. I think I'll maybe take a siesta this afternoon if I get tired.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:53 pm
by Soprano
So pleased for you auto 🙌


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:16 pm
by pinkhippie
Wow auto that is great news! Congratulations! Yay! I am so glad they loved it. And its awesome that you are on fire with new ideas!

Enjoy Harry Potter 6! That is great that you finally get to see it!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:30 pm
by alene1
That is so exciting! I am thrilled for you. Nicely done!!! :D

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:43 pm
by automatedeating
Thanks everyone! I'm in a nice groove of spending about 15 - 30 minutes in the morning cleaning (of course while listening to a podcast, followed by some bodyweight exercises while the coffee brews!, then check in here, although briefly of late, then work until I run out of gas, then go on a long walk before dinner.

Wednesday, July 29

B: coffee w/cream
L: granola, veggies
D: burger w/ cheese, avocado, onions, tomato
ice cream bar

So today I planned a long walk with HappyHerder, but then Challenger had already walked him, so I took Flowerpup instead. She pooped out on me after about 30 minutes because it was so hot. So I took her home and then went by myself for another 5000 steps. Finished the day with 12K.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:25 pm
by automatedeating
Thursday, July 30th


B: coffee w/cream, granola, some celery
L: 1 piece of pizza and a bag of chips
D: the last piece of pizza and more chips :oops:
ice cream bar

a kind of off-the-rails day

Another goal to get out the door in the afternoon. I get so completely lost in my work that the morning flies by and I have to tear myself away from the projects. Update - did get out for a decent walk but under 10k for the day.

We are now on Harry Potter #7, which gives the "last book treat" because there are two movies to accompany it. I seriously am amazed that Creator and I have made it this far. Challenger and I flew through these books; he could listen for hours a day. Creator has a harder time listening very long and historically, didn't retain a lot of what he listened to. I noticed a big step up in his listening maturity in this last book, though. I just think the whole storyline was more complex than he was ready for. He still loves to read picture books with me. And oh, by the way, one of our favorite children series is Dory Fantasmagory. There are 5 of them now. They are AMAZING. Buy them for your kids, practically regardless of age. :-)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:16 am
by Octavia
I found the Harry Potter books really complicated! :oops: :oops:
...but I got really into her other books, eg. The Casual Vacancy, and more recently the Cormoran Strike detective novels. I LOVE J.K!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:02 pm
by automatedeating
Octavia, I'll have to read Cormoran Strike. :-) I did read the Casual Vacancy but didn't even know about the detective series.

Friday, July 31


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: steak and some popcorn

need to get to Costco and the local grocery today.

Good walk with a friend planned today, so I should get at least 2 hours of walking in. Got lots of steps today.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:28 pm
by pinkhippie
Sounds like you are really getting into your work, so are you enjoying it?

I have actually not read any other JK Rowling books except for Harry Potter. I did see Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, the movie and I liked it but I didn't read the book it was based on. :oops:

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:42 am
by lpearlmom
I’m so thrilled for you about your new work opportunity. It seems like such a good fit for you. Congrats! 🎈

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:28 pm
by Jen1974
That’s so exciting on the videos!! I always love having work I’m passionate about!!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:56 pm
by automatedeating
Thanks Pinkie, Linda, and Jen!

Yes, Pinkie, I LOVE this work. I think it's fair to say that I like to try new things and have new challenges, and this work is exactly that. I'm having a ball learning digital art and video editing. Plus, I get to research many of the clinical pathophysiology of conditions that normally I don't get to spend time on in my regular teaching.

Saturday, August 1

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: steak and pesto pizza
ice cream bar for dessert

Not much! I was about to go on a walk and instead laid out in the backyard and listened to my book for about 45 minutes. I dozed off in the sun. It was remarkably peaceful and rejuvenating.

Sunday, August 2


B: coffee w/cream
L: cinnamon roll - holy hell my blood sugar went up to 175mg/dL. oops
D: yogurt w/berries

I know I should walk but I might just laze in the backyard again today. It feels right.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:01 pm
by alene1
It sounds like you've had a lovely couple of days, and I'm so very happy for you that you're loving what you're doing. So great!! Yes, enjoy some time in the back yard today. You deserve the relaxation time.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:43 pm
by Soprano
Lazing in the sun is something you can't have too much of. All that vitamin d :)


Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 3:16 pm
by automatedeating
Soprano - definitely! I've been loving our weather and enjoying the sun so much!

Alene - we are certainly gearing up around here for another online school year. Hope things are going well for your planning.

Monday, August 3


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: giant salad + Leftover steak + homemade pesto!!!!
—today I met a woman on my walk. She was gardening in her yard, next to her wheelchair. She lost one leg in an accident. She used to garden on acreage, but now lives here in the suburbs. Her yard was a peaceful, amazing haven. We chatted because Flowerpup was pooped and decided to try to lay down in her shade. Ha! Anyway, she showed me the backyard too and then sent me on my way with a package of pesto. I was pleased, I love pesto - but I have got to tell you - IT IS AMAZING. It has 4 kinds of cheese in it (is that normal?) - Parmesan, white cheese, cheddar cheese, and a sheep cheese.
As a return for her kindness, I ordered her a turtle statue for her yard. :-) I can’t wait to take it to her.

Good walk planned this afternoon

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:46 pm
by pinkhippie
That is so awesome that you have another facet of something you love! You get to combine your love of your subject and teaching it with a new medium. That is really awesome. Is the plan to do more of these videos on your sabbatical?

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:53 pm
by automatedeating
Yes, Pinkie - I will definitely be focusing on this research and video making during my sabbatical. :-)

Tuesday, August 4


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: picnic with friends - I ate fancy cheese, a variety of nuts, olives, some cashew dip, a piece of watermelon, and 2 cherries. I think I did pretty good, all things considered!

Good walk with HappyHerder today planned.
I'm also going on a short walk with some friends this evening. 18K steps for the day.

I'm looking to be quite strict with my eating for the next two weeks to see if I can shake off this weight gain.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:10 pm
by pinkhippie
That is pretty cool. Like your sabbatical was for sure approved, and then this opportunity to make videos came along. Seems like perfect timing. :)

Good luck with your strict eating!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:15 pm
by Octavia
That’s such a lovely story, about the gardening lady you helped! You are a kind soul. The turtle statue sounds very cute.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:17 pm
by automatedeating
Pinkie - I know! Sexy and I do think this is what we might call "providential". :-)

Octavia - I'm pretty chuffed (as you Brits would say, hopefully I'm using that word right) to give her the turtle. :-)

Wednesday, August 5

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: finished off the salad and threw on some leftover steak with PESTO!

It's so pretty outside today! I am going to take HappyHerder because Flowerpup can't deal with the heat! And seriously - it's only 78!!!!!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:00 pm
by pinkhippie
Yes it really does seem providential! Wow Flowerpup would be very unhappy here! Although, we have had a weird cold spell and only temps in the 70's and low eighties. I love it!

And now pesto with ground beef is sounding amazing... I have some pesto in the panty but I never really know how to use it.(besides pasta) How would you make it with ground beef? just mix it in?

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:43 pm
by alene1
What a wonderful story about meeting the gardening lady! I bet she's going to love her turtle. Your picnic sounds delicious!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:34 pm
by Jen1974
I love the story about the gardener lady!! I love that even after an accident she’s still doing what she loves!! And that pesto sounds amazing!!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:30 pm
by automatedeating
Thanks everybody! The turtle has arrived! :-)

Thursday, August 6


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries
D: giant salad w/cheese, pesto, and pumpkin seeds

My new thing is every hour I run around the block with a dog. :lol: It only takes about 5 minutes but it keeps me moving. And the dogs seem to love the short fun breaks.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:49 pm
by pinkhippie
Oh wow! Thats a lot of movement through the day! I bet the dog loves it! :)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:08 am
by lpearlmom
Oh boy, my dogs have to deal with triple digits which means only early morning or sunset walks. 🐕

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:12 pm
by automatedeating
Well Pinkie it's actually not that many overall steps for me compared to normal. But I seem to be in a funny lull space with my walk/jogs. I think all this creative work has reduced my need for a couple of hours away from the house with a podcast or book. :-) But I hate sitting for too long, and the dogs still need to get out.

Linda - it's only going to be 73 today. I really do live in such a temperate climate. August is our hottest month - haha!

Friday! August 7


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries (getting the next batch started this morning)
D: finish off the salad, pesto, cheese, pumpkin seeds

the every hour movement challenge has been fun, so I'll do that again today

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 11:05 pm
by Jen1974
I like the every hour moving challenge!! It seems like it would be a great energy/mood boost!! I also love work that I’m excited enough about to want to do it more!!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:09 am
by automatedeating
Jen - the every hour challenge actually makes a difference during COVID, doesn't it? It's shocking how little I might move if I don't go on one of my typical longer walk/jogs.

I guess it's Saturday! And apparently I forgot to log this morning like I usually do. Weird. I thought I had scrolled through everyone's entries, and usually I post for the day early in the morning. Oh well.

Saturday, August 8


B: coffee w/cream
L: mish-mash, because I was almost out of yogurt: yogurt w/berries, some broccoli, some leftover ground beef w/pesto
D: giant salad, blue cheese, pesto, and then threw on some leftover deli roast beef for protein

Lots of hourly jogs today. One loop I even took both dogs (I have a double leash). I was amazed how well Flowerpup did - 3 months ago this same activity was quite difficult!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:27 pm
by alene1
I like your every hour challenge. I'm so glad you can walk with both pups now. Just think how far you've come from those early, difficult days!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:21 pm
by pinkhippie
That's great that you were able to take both dogs!

I hope you are doing well!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:31 pm
by Octavia
...I like the move every hour idea, too! Earlier on in lockdown I did those Leslie Sansone mini-walks regularly throughout the day and they felt like little anti-depressants. Better than sitting down with a cup of tea and a cake! But now it’s too hot to exercise and I’ve lost the habit. Must get back to it!

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 2:16 pm
by alene1
Good morning. I bet you're busy working, working, working on your new project! So great that you are feeling so engaged in it. Have a great day.

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 2:53 pm
by automatedeating
Hello everyone! We were at the beach this week. And was it Sunday that the forum was down?! (I think Reinhard again forgot to renew the domain or whatever that is called but then fixed it! - I think this happened last year too).

Anyway, nice to be home. I continued with my very same eating and I've been on point with food choices and lots of exercise! In fact, on Tuesday I got over 30K steps! That's my most ever in one day. Nothing like walking to the beach 3X a day and then long walks along it.

My mom definitely has dementia. She'll repeat the same question 5X. She'll retell the same story right after she just finished it. My dad says he's "become a hermit" because of COVID and he seems to have stopped his many hobbies. :? :cry: I think all these lockdowns and rules have reduced their quality of life so much. Is living longer but living sadder/blander worth it? On the bright side, they both seem to be well physically.

It was also great to see my sister and her kids. My boys do really well with her kids. She has a 14 year old daughter that Challenger actually interacts with! It's great! His other female cousins he mostly ignores.

One other CRAZY story from our vacation - we were coming back from the beach after a night-walk (and the kids went in - crazy kids - our ocean is COLD and the evening weather was only in the 50's!!) when Flowerpup took off (this is not like her) and ran up to a ....... PORCUPINE. I was hysterical trying to call her off - I didn't know what to do - she completely ignored me (of course). BY THE GRACE OF GOD that dog was not quilled. That shy nature I've told y'all about saved her because she was barking and circling but too afraid to go up and sniff or touch it. HappyHerder would have been so screwed - he is brave and outgoing and would have been all over that porcupine. Anyway, in my hysteria I probably woke up the whole complex. Very embarrassing. Sexy and Creator followed the porcupine (after I finally, somehow, luckily was able to extricate Flowerpup) and took some pictures. Those animals sure are slow! Only the second time I've ever seen a porcupine, and I certainly wouldn't have expected to see one right in front of the hotel.

B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries (yes I brought it for the road!)
D: taco meat with so many different veggies and a piece of a taco shell for some crunch

Tuesday - 31K steps!
B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/berries (yes I brought it from home!)
D: small portion of spaghetti, plus lots and lots of veggies of various kinds. I tried to eat mostly the meat and sauce. OMG it was delicious - such a rare meal for me and I loved every bite.

Yesterday - 16k steps
B: coffee w/cream
L: fish tacos
D: deer meat and strawberries

Thursday, August 13


B: coffee w/cream
L: yogurt w/strawberries from my garden
D: leftover deer or elk meat (from my sister's husband, who hunts)
--oops then I had popcorn and a piece of pizza :roll:

To keep up the hourly movements for fun and then also to take HappyHerder on a long-ish walk this afternoon. He had to stay home from the beach (our neighbor took care of him and our cats) and so deserves a little more attention. :-)

Re: automated eating tracker

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 4:57 pm
by Octavia
OMG, little Flowerpup! :o Thank goodness she was OK! This puts a recent experience of mine into fresh perspective...our cat, code name Fluffy Bottom, started stalking a little hedgehog in the garden. I was in a total panic! The spines, the spines! But they are hardly porcupine quills. Your critters are definitely more scary than ours. :)

Great to hear you had some nice family time - but sorry to hear about your mother. 💐 X