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Back to make it stick!

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:04 pm
by veggirl1964
Well, apparently I've been trying this thing for about 5 years now, based on when I first joined. I've had successes, but eventually slide and then go over the deep end.

I've been guilty of a lot of all-or-nothing thinking. For example, I eat too much junk on No S, therefore, I need to try something else. Um, perhaps I could have kept to NoS and just had less junk? Well, anyway, I'm back and looking to make this stick once and for all. I have started reading The Beck Diet Solution and applying techniques I learn there to this. So far, so good (easy to say on Day 2 of NoS!).

Today my focus is on slowing down my eating. I found a handy little Android app that I can set to buzz at intervals to remind me to take a bite. Left on my own, I can finish off a 12" plate of food in about 60 seconds. This morning I set my app to remind me every 60 seconds to take a bit. Amazingly, I only finished 1/2 my plate and was full. Wow. I will have to keep working on this slowing it down thing. I wonder if I can change 49 years of inhaling my food into slow eating. We shall see...

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:55 pm
by automatedeating
Hi Veggiegirl! I think herbsgirl is using that same app! You should check out her thread about the bite thing.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:39 pm
by veggirl1964
Thanks, I will check that out. I am using Eat Slower. ... .eatslower[/url]

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:54 pm
by herbsgirl
Yes, that is the one I use too, only it is the paid version 99 cents. It really helps me not to binge and be more satisfied when my bites are around a minute apart

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:48 pm
by veggirl1964
I am also loving the app. I have learned in the past several days that I normally do not chew my food very well and that I usually take my next bite while the last one is still in my mouth. Amazing that I've never choked to death! I've also noticed that I now eat almost as slowly as my husband (who is naturally thin).

Monday was a success.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:03 pm
by veggirl1964
OMG - I'm actually leaving food on my plate! I find when I eat slowly that I get bored before I can finish all my food (most of the time, anyway). So strange, but I'll take it.

I've had some difficult times in the last couple of day between meals, but have pulled through.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:56 pm
by veggirl1964
I went out to Mexican food yesterday for lunch and was quite proud. I suck at virtual plating (too much room for fudging), so my new rule is that I cannot touch the chips and salsa until the meal comes. It almost killed me, but I did it. I then put a handful of chips on my plate to go with the meal. Surprisingly, I only ate one of them, because the meal was so much tastier than the chips.

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:53 pm
by veggirl1964
Yay! I made it through a whole week and back to an S Day! A co-worker left a couple of handfuls of miniature hershey's candy bars in my desk during the week. After a moment of panic, I put them all in a zip lock back, brought them home, and put them at the back of my pantry. I knew having them in my desk at work was a bad idea. So, it totally worked, and now that I've successfully made it to an S Day, I might just have a couple of them today.

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:14 pm
by Kittykat150
I have people giving me treats at work too. I always say thank you and tell them I am saving it to have after I eat my lunch or dinner. Most times I end up giving it away to someone else or forgetting I put it in my take home bag. Anything really good gets frozen for the weekend. Even then, I often forget about it. It is surprising when you stop to mentally add up all those extra bites you used to take mindlessly. Just avoiding a handful of chocolates each day, could really add up. Don't be surprised if you don't even remember them for the weekend or if they eventually are not good enough to treat yourself with. I find that I am getting really picky about my sweets.
Good job!
Kat :wink:

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:10 pm
by veggirl1964
Thanks for the support, Kat! Yes, it is amazing when I think about how many bites of food I would normally mindlessly eat during the day - at my desk, in the truck, standing in the open refrigerator.... It really solves the mystery of how I gained all this extra weight! :)