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TLMom's 2014 Check-in

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:38 am
by tobiasmom
Ya...I know it's not quite 2014...but it is pretty darn close. Since I truly want to commit to a full year of No-S ALoNE, I wanted to start a fresh check-in thread without all my false starts and craziness. Of course I can't promise no craziness this coming year, but the state of my health right now makes it imperative that I stick to SOmETHIng! This is the only one I know I can stay with for life! In the three years I have known about No-S I haven't actually stuck with it....but mostly cuz I get diet head and switch to something else. Yo-yo is my middle name!!

I currently am on two pills a day for high blood pressure. I am prediabetic. I have joint pain that docs believe is possibly lupus or some other autoimmune disease....but with my weight and prediabetes I cannot take any anti-inflammatory meds. I barely have enough energy to take care of my house, homeschool my 6-year-old, chase my 1-year-old....and everything else life brings! We are facing a move to California in four short months. Gotta love the military and constant moving! My awesome hubby is going to be doing some training which will make me pretty much a single mom. So I really really REALLY need to focus on sticking with this day after day after day like I know I can....and everything will work itself out!

I'm committed. I'm ready. I'm so ready that I'm starting this commitment a few days BEFORE Christmas! I mean, it's just another S day, right???

This morning my weight was 202.3. I've hovered there for quite some time now.

Let's see what December 20, 2014 brings! A lot can happen in a year!! I'm setting my goal at 3 pounds a month. That would be 36 pounds this coming year! But that's just a goal. I have much farther to go after that....and since I will be doing this for life...I have plenty of time to get there :)

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:24 am
by NoSnacker
Fresh starts are always a good place to begin. This is my third attempt..I was here in 2011 and 2012 for about 5 months then gave up....why because I started to focus on my failures too much and was upset with my S days being my new comment "Food Days Gone Wild"...I guess each trip around we learn something that was a lesson learned for the next time..which is now :)

Live Oolala said to me once...."You CAN face this down, Deb"...and that statement alone has a power impact on me.

You can do this.....

p.s. sorry you are feeling so terrible will get better!!

Saturday and Sunday

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:37 am
by tobiasmom
Very sane S day with three meals and 4-5 pieces of chocolate Christmas candy

Activity: 1 hour elliptical

A little wild with some cookies at church, quite a bit of soda at lunch, and some evening snacking while watching Arrow!

No activity (except laundry :)


Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:05 pm
by tobiasmom
I got pretty crazy yesterday and Christmas Eve.... but I am not going to worry about my S days at all right now. My first baby step is going to be focusing completely on N days. I'm actually not even going to worry about exercise either (at least not any strict set program). Step 1= three meals. No snacks, seconds, or SWEETS (my Achilles heel). I'm shooting for 21 days to start with... just cuz I know that ingrains the habit. I need to be strict about those N days. It gets a lot easier as time continues.

So here it goes.....

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:52 pm
by lpearlmom
I definitely agree. I've been doing this since august but only started incorporating exercise a few weeks ago. My S days have been pretty over the top but only just now starting to take a look at those.

I have been very strict on my N days which helped make the habit really stick. It was hard at first but now can't imagine eating any differently.

So you have the right idea. One thing at a time!

Good luck.


Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:30 pm
by automatedeating
3 plates a day. No sweets, no seconds, no snacks. I chant that to myself sometimes on tough days. Snacks are not an option, Sweets are best on weekends, Seconds are too much anyway. (I talk to myself a lot!)

Day 1

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:44 pm
by tobiasmom
B: two slices toast with peanut butter, 1/2 banana, black coffee
L: bowl of broccoli cheese soup, chunk of sourdough with butter
D: spicy peanut noodles, one glass of wine

Day 2

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:24 pm
by tobiasmom
B: English muffin with peanut butter, banana, black coffee
L: sliced cheese, wheat thins, grapes

Plan was going well until I got hungry and decided to make cookies. Darn it!!

S: chocolate chip cookies
D: Then I went and ordered Domino's instead of cooking my Irish stew I had planned. And of course I ordered soda with my pizza. Ugh....

So Day 2 was a fail. On to a sane S day, though!


Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:35 am
by tobiasmom
Here we are! It's the second day of the year and I completely blew it. I had a GREEN day yesterday.... but today was an all-out fail. The good part is that my stomach is killing me. I mean, it's not good, but it's good because I do NOT want to feel like this again. I'm so bloated and my stomach physically hurts. I had movie theater popcorn and a huge Icee and a cookie..... and then as if that wasn't enough we had fast food for lunch. Then I went and had a pina colada. Oh, my goodness. You'd think I was temporarily insane or something :). And this wasn't even an S day or anything.

You wanna know the honest truth? I went to a darn Weight Watchers meeting this morning! Ugh.... Why I keep barking up that same dead tree..I will never know! But I think leaving that meeting and the thought of counting everything just led me into a tailspin. So disappointing.

So my commitment to follow No-S the entire year without changing diets... that lasted a day. But I now have recorded how much that doesn't work for me... so I should have it out of my system.

Tomorrow is an N day without points and special simple start foods! Just three meals, period!!

BIG BREATH....................................................................

Oh.... by the way, I need to weigh-in for January. It's not pretty.

Jan 2, 2014: 209.2.

Oh, my goodness! Yes.... in November and December I GAINED a whopping 15 POUNDS. That is just sick. But I can honestly say I was not following No-S at all. So I know following it and exercising it will come back off. But that was a VERY sad realization.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:45 am
by automatedeating
I feel your pain, TL! When my oldest son was 4 and my youngest was 1 was my all-time low for being able to care for myself. I was chronically sleep-deprived, me-time deprived, patience deprived, etc. I promise, it will gradually get easier. Working hard now to establish NoS habits is probably the sanest and simplest thing a super-busy mom can possibly try to do. I believe the fatigue really makes us crave sugary/carby food to try and perk up.

You are a brave and determined woman at a unique time in your life. Hang in there!

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:52 pm
by Diligence
I hope things are going well for you. It's so good you're able to look at the gain from Nov-Dec in a more positive light--in that you're able to recognize the benefits you previously experienced with No S and have the assurance that you will be able to lose again with No S. Best wishes to you this new year! :D


Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:08 am
by tobiasmom
I had a mostly moderate weekend. We did go to a birthday party tonight and I overdid it a little.... but not too bad. My crazy workout is killing me. I'm back to my JW FitnessMap workout. It's awesome.... but my muscles are beyond sore :). Today was a rest day, thank goodness! I love how strong it makes me feel (afterwards, of course)!

Did I tell you guys we are set for another military move? I'm sure that hasn't helped my eating and stress level. Moving after you finally get comfortable and settled is rough. But I know God will provide more wonderful people where we are going. We should be getting our orders soon.... but the move is in April sometime. I really want to have my eating under better control by then so I don't go into a major depression and tailspin after the move. So this next few months are super important! Gotta be strict and follow that vanilla NO-S!


Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:56 pm
by tobiasmom
I'm finally stringing a few good days together. I've also been hitting the gym consistently. 205.2 this morning..... so my holiday weight gain is on its way down :)

Little man got yet another fever last night...103! But he seems ok today. I don't know if it's teething or what, but he has been getting a fever about once a week for a couple months now! I don't think I'll make it to bible study this morning just cuz he is supposed to be fever free for 24 hours. Kinda bummed!

Hubby threw out his back at the gym yesterday. This is a man who runs marathons and is generally very fit (in the military). It's really sad to see he can't even put on his shoes and can barely walk. I sure hope this works its way out quickly.

As for me....I feel like 2014 is going to be the year of slow but steady weight loss and health! That's the plan, at least :)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:49 pm
by automatedeating
Hi TL! Sorry to hear about your husband's back. Ouch!

My first son used to get fevers like that all the time, every time he had a little cold....up to 104 it would go! I finally stopped taking his temperature! Ha, ha. Because he would be acting otherwise mostly normal, so I knew it wasn't serious. Maybe your little Lincoln has a lot of other symptoms than just the fever, but I hope not! Then my second son rarely got fevers during infancy but had more colds.


Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:52 pm
by tobiasmom
So the baby has an ear infection. He has maybe had it for quite a while. He's had these fevers off and on for more than a month. Poor guy! He's on antibiotics but still super fussy and waking up in the night. As a result.... mom has been exhausted and comfort eating! Ugh....

207 this morning. Makes me sad. I was 194 end of October following No-S. But indecision and holiday gorging and "dieting" has gotten me here. Life happens! I can only move forward.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:16 pm
by automatedeating
Sorry about your little one! Hope he gets better soon and you start to catch up on your sleep.

When I look back on when my kids were that little (they are 8 and 4 now) I think most of my overeating was because I was so exhausted I would reach for anything as a pick-me-up. Lattes were my favorite, and now I am trying to break that expensive habit!

21 days

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:55 am
by tobiasmom
Going to start off with 21 days to try to ingrain this habit!

Day 1 (1.15): SUCCESS
B: 1/2 bagel with pb, blueberries, banana, black coffee
L: turkey and cheese on French bread, Pringles, kiwi
D: 1.5 slices house pizza, a few olives, some Greek salad, one bread knot with garlic, unsweetened tea.
Workout: 25 minutes elliptical

I REALLY wanted to have some tiramisu at the Italian restaurant, but it wasn't an S day so I didn't have any.... and you know what? I survived!! Not even close to the end of the world! I am really working on my mind right now. I don't even care what goes in my mouth right now. Three meals. No sweets or seconds. That's it. I will figure out the what on the plate after I get the N days down. I committed to this plan, alone, this year! NOTHING else. That's what has caused all this failing the past few months. Switching diets and binging.... ugh!!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:59 am
by automatedeating
Looks like you had a good day! Hope everyone is healthy in your house now!

day 2

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:41 am
by tobiasmom
Day 2 (1/16): SUCCESS!
B: mushroom and cheese omelette, blueberries and bananas, black coffee
L: two slices leftover pizza, a few olives
D: chicken with orange salsa, roasted fingerling potatoes, broccoli
Workout: 45 minutes treadmill (actually jogged 10 minutes!)

I'm feeling like my head is finally back on straight. We are all healthy (knock on wood) and the holidays are a not-so-distant memory!

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:45 am
by automatedeating
Doesn't it feel great to write down three tidy meals? :) And jogging on the treadmill! Good job.


Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:46 am
by tobiasmom
Day 3 (1/17): SUCCESS

B: bagel with peanut butter, blueberries, coffee
L: grilled cheese sandwich, carrots with ranch dip, baked garlic wedges
D: French bread pizza with mushrooms, salad with Italian dressing, one glass of wine

No workout today

Busy busy day today. Found out my 6-year-old needs glasses. Got his eyes dilated so we didn't do school and tried to get some house chores done. I cannot believe how often I am offered sweets! I have turned them away this past three days, but it's crazy! No wonder I'm a sweetaholic! All my friends and hubby eat them constantly :)

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:37 am
by automatedeating
Hi TL!
Good job on turning down all those tempting treats this week!

I think my 8-yr old needs glasses, but I haven't gotten around to getting him tested yet. Good job for you to be proactive about that. :)

day 4

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:11 am
by tobiasmom
Day 4: 1.18: S DAY

B: 1/2 bagel with peanut butter, cereal, coffee
L: 2 bean and cheese tacos, 1/2 taquito, 1.5 sodas
D: balsamic steak, 1/2 twice-baked potato, asparagus and tomato salad
S: apple pie a la mode

Workout: 1 hour body pump

Feeling good. Pretty good S day....although the pie has me stuffed tonight! I felt like snacking this afternoon just cuz I knew it was an S day, but it's amazing how my body is already used to three meals again. So I just waited so I could enjoy my dinner! And eating the dessert after dinner was obviously way too much food.... but absolutely delicious!

day 5

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:11 am
by tobiasmom
Day 5, (1/19) S DAY

B: sourdough pancakes with maple syrup and coconut oil, blueberries, black coffee
L: cheese quesadilla with guac, chips and salsa
D: 2 slices pizza, 2 Dr Peppers
S: birthday cake

No workout today.

Today felt a lot more salty and S-filled than yesterday. I had two cans of soda, which I had planned to try to stay away from, but they tasted good, and it IS an S day. I'm glad I enjoyed myself. Looking forward to a GREEN week of N days!

Mon, Tue, Wed

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:39 pm
by tobiasmom
I was getting on a roll..... and then I don't know what happened, but I've struggled Monday, Tuesday, AND today! Ugh.. My weight is up. My mind travels to WW-land or any other diet land. So tired. I'm just tired of this struggle. I'm tired of TRYING yet again and failing. I'm tired of knowing I am shortening my life with my food decisions. My kids need a healthy mom. My husband needs a happy wife. My God wants me to care for the body He created. I WANT to be healthy.

There. I said it. Now hopefully I can just move on and treat my very next meal like an N day. I know this is the key to my freedom with food. My head just keeps messing me up!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:15 am
by eschano
I completely know how you feel! But you know what: we're committed! That means no cheating on NoS with other diets and no chickening out when it's "struggling-time". We can do it!!


Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:25 pm
by tobiasmom
B: strawberry Greek yogurt with homemade granola and blueberries, banana
L: turkey and cheese sandwich, Pringles, apple
D: coconut curry chicken with homemade pitas

Workout: Jillian video 30 minutes


Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:20 am
by tobiasmom
B: overnight oats with chia seeds, one egg, black coffee
L: big chef salad with Green Goddess dressing
D: autumn penne pasta with sauteed brussel sprouts, garlic bread

Workout: Jillian Body Revolution 30 minutes

I have to do the videos at home for a while. Kids have been sick.... again! I think Lincoln has RSV. Headed to the doc tomorrow. He has been sick for a few months now off and on. Gotta find out what's going on!

I had a really good day today. First good day in a while. I'll take it :)

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:37 pm
by eschano
Oh dear, poor Lincoln, I know how he feels. I hope he will feel better soon!

However, in the midst of this storm you have a good day? Double congrats!


Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:52 am
by tobiasmom
B: Greek yogurt with homemade granola and blueberries, black coffee
L: two slices chicken, artichoke, kalamata, pesto pizza
D: leftover autumn penne with sauteed Brussels sprouts, slice of French bread with butter

Workout: Jillian's Body Revolution Cardio 1, 30 minutes

I am so hungry tonight..... but I made it with my three meals again today and I really want to be strict with this habit. I know my stomach is just a bit stretched out from all the huge amounts of food I've been eating the past few months. I'm heading to bed soon anyway :)

Linc does NOT have RSV, thank goodness! He just has a nasty virus causing the fever, red sore throat, congestion, diarrhea. So doc said it should go away in about 3 days. Oh, man, sick kids..... my full-time job!!! That's just how it is here in Texas with the horrible Cedar Fever we have here right now.

Anyway, very happy to have a couple days under my belt. I feel good about this. Just taking it one day at a time instead of focusing so much on way too far in the future.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:27 pm
by automatedeating
Good job!

And sorry that Lincoln has been sick so much the last few months. :(

Day 1....again!!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:48 pm
by tobiasmom
Enough! Sick and tired of feeing sick and tired! Saw some pics of myself taken this weekend.... yikes! The extra baby weight on top of the pre-pregnancy weight is not pretty. Gotta get my act together once and for all. My main problem all along has been jumping back and forth between diets and never sticking to one. I've written about that a lot here. Well, I still struggle with it. And it's gotten me nowhere!

I know with exercise and No-S my weight will go down. Just gotta be patient and most of all.... stick to it! It's hard for a plan to work if you don't actually DO IT!!!! Enough talking.


Day 1

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:33 am
by tobiasmom
B: slice of quiche, blueberry oat muffin with raspberry ricotta sauce, blueberries and cantaloupe, black coffee
L: beef stew, small slice of cheese pizza, a couple crackers
D: pork chops, mashed potatoes, broccoli

No exercise today. My little Lincoln had yet another fever today. This is just getting ridiculous. I feel like it's been like six months of fevers! But every time I take him in they say he has a little virus or allergies or teething. Ugh..... It messes up my gym time for sure! And I just feel bad for my poor baby boy! 103.4 today.

BUT I stuck to my guns. Three meals. Going to have a cup of tea tonight and relax.....[/u]

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 1:33 am
by ZippaDee
So happy to see you back!! :D Let's do this!! My mom, sister, brother and sister-in-law are all doing weight watchers. I was very tempted, but did NOT go there again and I will not!! It's all about behavior. HABIT, HABIT, HABIT!

So sorry your little guy is not feeling well. Hope he is on the mend quickly!

ONWARD :arrow:


Day 2

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:10 am
by tobiasmom
B: small slice of quiche, blueberry oat muffin w raspberry ricotta sauce, cantaloupe, blueberries, black coffee
L: nacho fries at Wing Daddy's, unsweetened iced tea
D: chicken black bean and corn tortilla bake with sour cream

Workout: 1 hour elliptical :)

Feeling good. I went to bible study and just stayed out of the kitchen where the snacks were.... and just had a cup of Earl Grey!!! Getting my No-S mojo back slowly but surely!!

S Day

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:16 am
by tobiasmom
B: bowl of honeycomb with milk, black coffee
S: potato chips
L: grilled cheese, sweet potato tortilla chips
S: 70 percent dark chocolate
D: grilled steak, mashed potatoes

Stopped by a place called Teavana on our date last night. Got a couple loose leaf teas and hubby bought me six months of tea of the month club! This is my new plan for the evenings. Tea in the evening while watching our shows instead of sweets or chips like I've been struggling with.

Tonight I'm having a totally awesome one! Delish! It's a Chinese white jasmine tea. Smells amazing.

Even though it looks like I had a few snacks.... this is an extremely tame S day for me!! I'm REALLY working on my mindset.

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:28 am
by osoniye
Hi tobiasmom- Looks like a tame S day to me, too! Glad you feel like you're getting your No-S mojo back.
Tea sounds like a great way to occupy yourself instead of snacking, etc. in the evenings. Substitutions are always better than just trying to stop something, and thus creating a vacuum!

New Challenge

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:14 pm
by tobiasmom
I'm on vacation visiting family. Really gonna try to get some green down before returning home to craziness :)

3/22: S DAY
3/23: GREEN
3/24: GREEN
3/25: GREEN
3/26: GREEN
3/27: S DAY
3/28: GREEN
3/29: GREEN
3/30: S DAY
3/31: GREEN
4/1: GREEN
4/2: GREEN
4/3: GREEN
4/4: S DAY
4/5: S DAY
4/6: GREEN
4/7: RED
4/8: GREEN
4/9: GREEN
4/10: GREEN
4/11: S DAY
4/12: S DAY
4/13: RED
4/14: RED
4/15: GREEN
4/16: GREEN
4/17: GREEN
4/18: RED
4/19: S DAY
4/20: S DAY

Came back early..... so I'm tracking on the monthly challenge check-in!

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:15 am
by eschano
I always have the same result after fending for myself ;) Have a wonderful time in Los Angeles!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:21 am
by automatedeating
Hi there, TLMom! Good luck with your 39-day challenge! How's little Lincoln's respiratory health these days? Hope he's breathing easier now that winter is almost over?


Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:37 am
by tobiasmom
So even though my birthday isn't until tomorrow.... we did my annual Cheesecake Factory b'day meal today. So I took today as an S day cuz of course I needed to have my cheesecake :). So tomorrow I'm fine with doing my three normal meals. I had PLENTY of sugar today.

Automated: Linc has actually been healthy for a couple weeks now FINALLY! He hasn't had a fever for two weeks... knock on wood! We head out on a plane the day after tomorrow.... so I'm happy to have a healthy baby!

Eschano: Thanks. I will have a good time.... although I'm gonna miss my hubby!

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:18 pm
by eschano
As you're celebrating today: Happy Birthday!!


Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:50 pm
by tobiasmom
So....I didn't start my challenge yet...ugh!! I had my birthday and then flew to Los Angeles yesterday. The little boy isn't sleeping! I'm exhausted and eating cruddy...which is making me more tired!! So three meals starting NOW!


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:31 pm
by tobiasmom
Oh, boy....I feel like a broken record. Ive known about No-S for about three years now. Imagine if I would have just stuck with it this whole time instead of being enticed by other plans I just can't stick to??? well, can't beat myself up about it. my birthday came and went and I'm ready to make this year a good one. Ive gotta deny all the sweet treats here while visiting family during the weekdays and retrain my body for no snacking. It gets a lot easier after I get a few weeks under my belt. Just have to be strict right now and get those good habits under my belt.

All of you out there are encouraging me so much. You guys have hung in there and are experiencing the freedom I crave!!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:58 pm
by eschano
Oh, I remember you so well from the boards and you were and are an inspiration, whether or not you took a short break!

You'll get right back in there and if there are a few fails while with your family - don't beat yourself up, just Nos until the next meal.


Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:31 pm
by tobiasmom

B: two slices banana bread, black coffee
L: sloppy joe, mashed potatoes, peaches
D: goulash, sourdough w butter, broccoli

Activity: day 12 squat challenge (squat rest, 12 push-ups, 80 leg lifts), walked a few miles


Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:54 pm
by tobiasmom

B: one slice banana bread, one slice pumpkin bread, black coffee
L: mini bacon and avocado breakfast quesadilla, fruit
D: chicken enchilada w sour cream, mixed veggies, French bread w butter, a slice of pumpkin bread

Activity: squat challenge day 13 (130 squats, 85 leg lifts, 13 push-ups)


Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:40 pm
by tobiasmom

B: two slices sourdough w butter and strawberry jam, 1/2 banana, black coffee
L: salad w 1000 island, 1/4 tuna melt (disgusting or I would have ate more) w fries, apple
D: chicken enchilada w sour cream, French bread w butter, 1/2 slice banana bread
Activity: 135 squats, push-up rest day, 90 leg lifts

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:25 am
by eschano
sounds yummy!


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:33 pm
by tobiasmom

B: one slice banana bread, one slice pumpkin bread, black coffee
L: veggie tacos, fries, a few nachos, unsweetened passion tea
D: ham, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, garlic toast

Activity: 140 squats, 95 leg lifts, 13 push-ups

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:35 pm
by automatedeating
You are on a roll! And my goodness, that is a LOT of squats! :)


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:33 pm
by tobiasmom

B: oats with peanut butter and apple, skinny latte
L: broccoli cheddar soup in a sourdough bread bowl
S: dole whip
D: chips and salsa, nachoritos, one Roy Rogers
S: English toffee

Activity: 8 hours of walking at Disneyland

Took a NWS day for Disneyland. Enjoyable tiring day!!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:38 pm
by eschano
And it should be an NWS Day! I love Disneyland :)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:40 pm
by automatedeating
8 hours of walking Disneyland, that is too funny! Hope little Lincoln stayed in his stroller, and the bigger one didn't take off into the crowds too often! :)


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:39 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices sourdough w peanut butter, 1/2 apple, black coffee
L: 1/2 turkey sandwich, sweet potato fries, unsweetened iced tea
D: mushroom ravioli, 2 breadsticks, a few bites minestrone, unsweetened iced tea

No workout today. Ate out twice today but feeling good about my choices overall.

Automated: Linc stayed on my back in the Ergo all day. He loves it! And big T was a Space Mountain riding fool :)


Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:09 am
by tobiasmom

B: 2 slices sourdough w butter and strawberry preserves, black coffee
L: veggie patty sub, sour cream and onion chips, vitamin water
D: chicken, rice, broccoli, apple juice
Walked in the neighborhood!

Feeling good.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:56 am
by automatedeating
Space Mountain is my favorite! And both of my boys LIVED in my Ergo for their first 2 (or 3!) years. I got extremely good at "flipping" them around to fit onto my back and then pull the backpack up and over them. :) It is the one baby item I can't seem to part with, way too much sentimental attachment to that carrier.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:01 am
by tobiasmom

B: bacon and potato breakfast burrito, coffee
S: one beer
L: chicken quesadilla, one taquito, a few nachos, chips and salsa, coke x 1.5
D: slice of cherry cheesecake

Walked around Long Beach swap meet for 3 hours!!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:27 am
by Strawberry Roan
Stopping by to say hi! to tobiasmom, remember you well and have always enjoyed posting with you.


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:45 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices banana bread, black coffee
L: turkey, apple, and Brie on croissant, fries, unsweetened raspberry iced tea
D: golden curry chicken with rice, roasted asparagus, apple juice

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:00 am
by eschano
Aehm, yummy!?! wow, sounds amazing, both lunch and dinner. Will certainly copy them soon.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:24 am
by automatedeating
TLMom, good luck with April Challenge! No matter what, keep reporting this month, even if there are more reds than you like! THAT will be a great accomplishment! :)


Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:24 am
by tobiasmom

B: one slice banana bread, 1/2 slice pumpkin bread, black coffee
L: a few chips, salsa, nachoritos w guacamole (half the plate), unsweetened iced tea
D: leftover nachoritos from lunch, a couple tortilla chips

Sticking in there...but I stepped on a darn scale and it wasn't good. I don't know if the scale was accurate or not (I hope not), but the mental game just kills me! I'm just gonna keep on keeping on!!

Re: hey

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:23 am
by osoniye
tobiasmom wrote:Ive known about No-S for about three years now. Imagine if I would have just stuck with it this whole time instead of being enticed by other plans I just can't stick to??? birthday came and went and I'm ready to make this year a good one. ... It gets a lot easier after I get a few weeks under my belt. Just have to be strict right now and get those good habits under my belt.
That's great resolve there... stick to that and ignore the stupid old scales. Habit is what's important now and you can always tweak things later. Stay strong!

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:08 am
by eschano
Hey, what happened with not stepping on the scale in April? Think you should stick to that ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:08 pm
by automatedeating
Good catch, eschano! :) Yeah, TLMom, no scale!


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:26 am
by tobiasmom

B: one slice banana bread, one slice pumpkin bread, black coffee
L: leftover chicken curry over rice, roasted asparagus, small piece of sourdough w butter
D: avocado Swiss veggie burger w sweet potato fries (that veggie patty was absolutely delicious!!!), unsweetened iced tea

Activity: 20 squats, 1 minute burpees, 30 second wall sit (days 1 and 2 of my new booty challenge)

I'm in this for the long haul. I'm absolutely enjoying myself these days!

Automated and Eschano: you got me!!! No more scale!!! I promise :)


Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:39 am
by tobiasmom

B: one large slice sourdough toast with peanut butter, banana, black coffee
L: snack plate (apple slices w some maple peanut butter, carrots and crunch master crackers with red pepper hummus, a few kale and chia tortilla chips, a couple white cheddar bunnies), tea
D: homemade vegetable pizza w watermelon

Activity: day 3 booty challenge, 30 day shred 20 min

Tomorrow and Saturday are my planned S days this week. Family dinner tomorrow night at a favorite restaurant that is going out of business :(. Gonna have their spumoni one last time.....


Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:26 am
by tobiasmom

I had breakfast out at Knott's Berry Farm restaurant with my in-laws. I had one plate (an egg, hashbrowns, bacon, biscuit). I had a little over a serving of yogurt covered raisins for a morning snack, along with about five saltwater taffy. Lunch was a snack plate again (fruit, veggies, hummus, pb, etc) Then I had some more yogurt covered raisins in the afternoon with a couple leftover biscuits from breakfast (this snack was highly unnecessary). Dinner was spaghetti with salad and garlic bread and 1.5 Pepsis. When I got home I had two warm chocolate chip cookies my sister just baked. That is officially all for today. I feel stuffed... ugh!! but I know I could have eaten much much more today so I will take it! I am loving learning more about my body and training it to eat less overall, yet still enjoy myself!!


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:28 am
by tobiasmom

B: oat and peanut flour pancakes with sliced bananas, coconut oil, honey, and chocolate drizzle, coffee
S: yogurt covered raisins
L: snack plate (strawberries, tbsp maple peanut butter, kale and chia tortilla chips, crunch master crackers, a couple tbsp red pepper hummus, French bread with tuna mixed w Greek yogurt), three cookies
S: pistachio nut ice cream w chocolate drizzle
D: four turkey meatballs with balsamic glaze, brown rice, roasted asparagus
S: four cookies

Walked to the park w the kids

Feeling like I had quite a bit of food my two S days, but I enjoyed myself and I felt a sense of control this weekend. No crazy binging\gulping huge amounts of chips and soda. One day at a time I am working this journey! I am slowly learning to love my body and listen to what IT wants!


Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 2:14 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices whole wheat toast w maple peanut butter, half a banana, black coffee
L: Taco Bell veggie burrito w a few tortilla chips, diet coke
D: three chicken soft tacos w a few tortilla chips


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:31 am
by tobiasmom

B: one slice banana bread, one slice pumpkin bread, apple slices, black coffee
L: mini bacon and avocado quesadilla, melon, unsweetened iced tea, two bites of T's pudding dessert
S: four little Curious George fruit snacks
D: ham, rice, veggies
S: cranberry sponge roll w fat free vanilla frozen yogurt

I had a fail today...but it was rather sane. It started w me accidentally taking a few bites of pudding at lunch. Then I got really hungry before dinner and ate the rest of Linc's fruit snacks (note to self: not filling at all). By that point I had a fail firmly established and went ahead and had a small dessert :(

It's all fine. Moving on to another green tomorrow ;)


Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:13 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices sourdough w peanut butter, 1/2 banana, sugar-free vanilla iced coffee from McD's
L: brown rice, turkey taco meat, corn, black beans, cheese, small handful tortilla chips
D: taco soup topped w a few Fritos, cheese, dollop sour cream
Activity: 25 squats, 45 seconds burpees, 35 seconds wall sit

I am feeling pretty good. I went to Target today and bought some new clothes. It was soooo refreshing! I have thought for YEARS I would buy new clothes when I get to goal.... Nonsense!! I've decided to love the body I have NOW! Dress nicely instead of frumpy. Put on some jewelry. LOVE my body. If I treat it that way my feelings about food and weight loss and all of it will be transformed! I just know it. Today in Target in a new summer dress I felt pretty! I felt like more than a diaper changing, milk producing, sleepless MOM. I felt like a lady ;). I plan to honor this body God gave me NOW and the future!

Re: Tuesday

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 8:44 am
by eschano
tobiasmom wrote: I have thought for YEARS I would buy new clothes when I get to goal.... Nonsense!! I've decided to love the body I have NOW! Dress nicely instead of frumpy. Put on some jewelry. LOVE my body. If I treat it that way my feelings about food and weight loss and all of it will be transformed! I just know it. Today in Target in a new summer dress I felt pretty! I felt like more than a diaper changing, milk producing, sleepless MOM. I felt like a lady ;). I plan to honor this body God gave me NOW and the future!
Very inspiring Tobiasmom! I am sure you look stunning and am delighted you're choosing happiness and beauty NOW.

Re: Tuesday

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:44 pm
by MerryKat
tobiasmom wrote: I am feeling pretty good. I went to Target today and bought some new clothes. It was soooo refreshing! I have thought for YEARS I would buy new clothes when I get to goal.... Nonsense!! I've decided to love the body I have NOW! Dress nicely instead of frumpy. Put on some jewelry. LOVE my body. If I treat it that way my feelings about food and weight loss and all of it will be transformed! I just know it. Today in Target in a new summer dress I felt pretty! I felt like more than a diaper changing, milk producing, sleepless MOM. I felt like a lady ;). I plan to honor this body God gave me NOW and the future!
I love this!!! So true - we have to love where we are now and look after all of ourselves and that makes resisting all the temptations!!

Reading through your mails since December 2013 - you are doing so well. Yes you have fallen but most importantly you have gotten back up, dusted yourself off and moved on! Well Done!!!

Re: Tuesday

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:50 pm
by NoelFigart
tobiasmom wrote:GREEN

I am feeling pretty good. I went to Target today and bought some new clothes. It was soooo refreshing! I have thought for YEARS I would buy new clothes when I get to goal.... Nonsense!! I've decided to love the body I have NOW! Dress nicely instead of frumpy. Put on some jewelry. LOVE my body. If I treat it that way my feelings about food and weight loss and all of it will be transformed! I just know it. Today in Target in a new summer dress I felt pretty! I felt like more than a diaper changing, milk producing, sleepless MOM. I felt like a lady ;). I plan to honor this body God gave me NOW and the future!

I am glad to see you doing this. So many people put off wearing clothing that makes them feel good until they think they have the body that "deserves" it.

And let's be real. No-S is a slow enough weight loss it's not like you're buying a new wardrobe for the dramatic loss all that often. You might as well feel good and look good in the process.

Re: Tuesday

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:53 pm
by Strawberry Roan
eschano wrote:
tobiasmom wrote: I have thought for YEARS I would buy new clothes when I get to goal.... Nonsense!! I've decided to love the body I have NOW! Dress nicely instead of frumpy. Put on some jewelry. LOVE my body. If I treat it that way my feelings about food and weight loss and all of it will be transformed! I just know it. Today in Target in a new summer dress I felt pretty! I felt like more than a diaper changing, milk producing, sleepless MOM. I felt like a lady ;). I plan to honor this body God gave me NOW and the future!
Very inspiring Tobiasmom! I am sure you look stunning and am delighted you're choosing happiness and beauty NOW.

I could not have said it better. I am sure the happy endorphins you received from feeling so pretty carried over into every other aspect of your life.

And you ARE a lady :wink:


Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:30 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices banana bread, black coffee
L: turkey sloppy joe, cheetohs, peaches
D: crab and shrimp melt w avocado, sweet potato fries, unsweetened passion tea

Thanks, Eschano, Noel, MerryKat, and Strawberry!! One day at a time ;)

I really wanted some dessert at our dinner out tonight...but the truth is I was stuffed (and it's an N day). It's amazing how much bigger a "plate" of food is at a restaurant! My tummy is definitely getting used to smaller portions!


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:54 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices banana bread, 1/2 banana, black coffee
L: 1.5 veggie tacos, fries, unsweet passion tea
Sugar-free vanilla iced coffee in the afternoon
D: goulash, French bread w butter

What a day!! Found out today we are moving! Stress! My husband has to report in 3 weeks!!! It's craziness! Long story short....we were supposed to move to Cali and then it got cancelled so I came out to Cali for the past five weeks to visit my family in Cali so they could spend time w the kids. Now the military put him back in the training spot in Monterey! Yikes! I have to go home and get the house packed up and rented!!! With two crazy kids!!! But guess what? I didn't relieve my stress w food today!!! Yay! God will work out all the details!

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:35 am
by automatedeating
Oh my goodness, that sounds like a lot will be on your plate for the next few months! Overall, are you OK with this move? It's closer to your family, then, right? That's good. Anyway, good luck with all that. NoS has been stability for me when I'm an emotional wreck, so hopefully it will actually help you through the changes ahead, rather than be an additional challenge.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:13 am
by eschano
Well done tobiasmom for not giving into the emotional eating! This is where your habits are tested but also gain real muscle.

Good luck with the move! Those can be very stressful but also a great time to downsize unnecessary things. I always feel relieved after a move-induced purge of things I never use. And with ebay you can even make some money nowadays.


Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:30 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices banana bread, black coffee
L: BBQ chicken, brown rice, peas, French bread w butter
S: handful of yogurt raisins, spoon of Biscoff, handful kale and chia tortilla chips (spread throughout the afternoon)
D: chicken mini cheeseburger, roasted potatoes, spinach strawberry salad
S: chocolate cake w ice cream


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:02 am
by tobiasmom

B: pumpkin banana oat breakfast cake, strawberries, black coffee
S: Doritos
L: mini turkey cheeseburger, broccoli, apple slices, spoon of Biscoff, Doritos
S: bowl of ice cream with fudge sauce
D: veggie tacos, fries, unsweetened passion tea
S: Easter candy

Workout: I did a crazy 30 minute workout my sister constructed that included a circuit of running, burpees, leg lifts, kettlebell swings, pushups.... ugh! It kinda made me hungry the rest of the day! She killed me:). But it felt good.

My eating was a little overboard today. I feel really stuffed and not a huge fan of that. But I will be glad to be back to N days tomorrow. Taking Friday and Saturday S days while out here on vacation has been great. SO happy to be sticking with it despite my craziness in life right now!! It's great for SOMETHING in life to be steady :)


Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:42 pm
by tobiasmom

B: two slices wheat toast w maple peanut butter, 1/2 banana, black coffee
L: 1/2 personal cheese pizza, two breadsticks, Sobe LifeWater
S: bowl of cookies n cream w hot fudge, handful Doritos (ugh)
D: chicken soft tacos
S: German chocolate cake w ff frozen yogurt

So....I did ok until after lunch. All that bread at lunch left me starving this afternoon. what did I crave?? sugar. Did ice cream and chips fill me up?? Big fat negative. Gotta watch and make sure I get enough protein in my meals and not so many simple carbs, but for vacation I have been doing pretty darn good. Heading home in four days to pack up......


Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:13 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices banana bread, black coffee
L: 1/2 pot roast melt w sweet potato fries, unsweetened passion tea
D: spaghetti, garlic bread
S: slice of German chocolate cake

I'm calling this a fail, but it was kind of planned. My 84-year-old grandma made me my favorite German chocolate cake...and I'm flying out Thursday to go get the house packed I need to eat some. I want to eat some. It's a memory and grandma meant well. I cannot just let it sit there. I had ONE slice w my dinner meal. It was yummy! But my body is not needing the extra food now so tomorrow will be GREEN!

The craziness starts Thursday! Not looking forward to getting back on a plane with Linc! He cried the entire time on the way here! Oh, well....

You wanna know what? I have NO idea what I weigh! And I feel awesome! It is so much easier to stick w No/S when I stay off the scale. When I get home the movers will be packing up my scale. Maybe I should never unpack it ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:37 pm
by osoniye
Sounds like a very fail worthy piece of cake, tobiasmom! Congratulations on making an excellent call!


Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:30 am
by tobiasmom

B: two slices sourdough toast w peanut butter, apple slices, black coffee
L: portobello burger w a handful shoestring fries and some Mac n cheese, unsweetened watermelon iced tea
D: two slices veggie pizza, breadstick

My plates were HUGE today, but I stuck w my three plates and no cake :). I'm eating out A LOT these days cuz I'm getting ready to fly out and everyone wants to take us out. It's going to be a lot of that when I get home before we move and after we move and wait for our household goods. So another month or so of major eating out. I notice I'm eating fries too much! So I'm gonna try to make some other choices and fries only sometimes. And I need to be realistic about what kind of loss I can expect this month w all the eating out. Of course with No-S I'm able to eat whatever I want so that really really takes the stress off!!!


Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:53 am
by tobiasmom

B: vegetable breakfast bowl topped w one egg, 1/2 slice sourdough toast, black coffee
L: spaghetti w meat sauce, French bread w butter
D: Swiss and avocado veggie burger, fries, unsweetened iced tea

Walked to the park

A few things that are working: eating vegetarian meals when I eat out, getting unsweetened tea instead of my usual sugary soda. I like Truvia/Stevia.

I'm just really loving No-S and the freedom from the scale and points! I feel like I'm living! Seriously! I know I'm down in weight cuz of my clothes....but not focusing on that for now. I feel great!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:18 pm
by automatedeating
Glad you're really grooving with NoS right now. :)


Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:31 am
by tobiasmom

B: 1.5 pancakes, 2 slices bacon, one egg, black coffee
L: cheese quesadilla, some fries, unsweet tea
D: bean and cheese burrito, chips and salsa

Flew home today! Lots of crappy eating at the airport and out. But I stuck to my guns and didn't grab a snickers like I wanted to! My baby ran through the entire airport like a crazy guy!! I guess that was my exercise!!

But we are home safe and ready to start our new adventure soon!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:39 am
by automatedeating
Sounds like a hard-fought green day! Way to go, TL!

fri, sat, sun

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:19 pm
by tobiasmom


Well. I got home Thursday night and had a crazy weekend of Easter candy and celebration. I got some groceries and am ready for some green days this week! I'm puffy and bloated. My body enjoys three normal meals. I'm also gonna eat at home this week :). Also need to get some walking in!


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:29 am
by tobiasmom

BUT I had a really big day at the doctor's office today and am VERY encouraged! I got my yearly blood results back! NO MORE prediabetes! My total cholesterol was 154! ALL of my labs were normal. Soooooo excited! So despite having some fails in there and my weight still sitting about 206, I AM making progress. Great progress! Soooo encouraged!

My fail today was because of a going-away party thrown by my mom's group. They had desserts and I could have not had any, but I did! I'm just doing my best right now with all the craziness.

But I AM due for a green day. SO tomorrow it is :)

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:00 am
by eschano
Well done Tobiasmom! I am so delighted for you! It's about your health in the end, not the scale :)

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:09 pm
by automatedeating
This is just wonderful news about your bloodwork. In general, I believe that regular mealtimes and spacing of meals is helpful for pancreatic and liver function, and so it doesn't surprise me that NoS has caused your cells to start listening to insulin better. :) I'm so happy for you, fantastic news!!!

I just had stopped by to encourage you to finish out your April Challenge. I saw you are almost there for this month! That will be another triumph for you this month.


Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:53 pm
by tobiasmom

I fell apart once again. Ugh...

We got everything moved, though, and are now officially living in California! We just got all our stuff yesterday finally and have Internet access now too! It's been a super busy few months.... me visiting family and then heading to Texas to pack up. The military life can be crazy! Hubby starts his training tomorrow... so I will be pretty much a single mom the next 18 months!! Yikes...

Because of that, I need to get my act back together and take care of ME. No-S is so good for my mind... and my body follows when I stay off the darn scale! I rejoined Weight Watchers last weekend with a friend who convinced me. 213.6! The highest I've been NOT pregnant in many many years! In fact, I weighed less than that when I was 6 months pregnant!! Shows you how much I stress eat and how eating out daily for two months catches up with ya! So I've attempted to count points this week. I just HATE it. I somehow convince myself that's the only thing that will really work... but I never stick with it. Truth be told, I never stick with No-S either... but at least it's not insanity!

All this to say I am back at it. I'm in my new base house with my household goods, and I can now cook and eat REAL food. I also need to start just walking because the weather here is AMAZING!!!! I miss my friends in Texas already, but I will NEVER miss that weather :)

Here I am, Everybody! I promise that one day I will be that No-S success story that says after 20 or so tries and 7 or so years I FINALLY figured it out :). No matter what I will get there. Somehow.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 9:47 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Well, you have had a lot to deal with - out of your control - so now you can seize some control and take care of YOU.

Moving is so stressful.

Best wishes for your new life in your new home and I cannot express my gratitude enough to your husband for his service and to you for supporting his choices.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 5:59 am
by clarinetgal
Moving is hard, and I can imagine it would be especially hard having to move on a regular basis. I tried WW once, and I HATED it. I still count calories, for now, but I want to eventually get to where I just do No S. Now that you are getting settled in, I'm sure it will be a lot easier to stick with No S.


Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:04 am
by tobiasmom
So I've been loosely sticking with it. I definitely would like better compliance, but I've been eating better and less and working out some. I feel like I'm headed in the right direction. I continue to look at "OTHER" diets and just keep thinking to myself that there's NO way I can or will stick with them for longer than a week or two. It's very disheartening. And then I think to myself, "Why am I even worrying about this? No-S will take care of it slowly but surely!". I've just gotta trust the process and keep moving forward.

My weight is definitely down... but I've let some snacking back in. So definitely focusing on three meals this month.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:08 am
by idontknow
Hi - I think I understand how you are feeling. I've been NoSing on and off for years too and am currently heavier than I've ever been. I stress eat, like you. I think about WW, but know I can't bear to give them one more penny of my money!

We need to focus on the habits as a lifelong way of eating and the weight loss will come. Don't give up - we need to be those success stories :D