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Emma's daily check in

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:52 am
by Elw9022
Hi everyone,

Starting today. My main aims of this are to get a grip on my unhealthy eating behaviours (bingeing) and my preoccupation with food. I spent the summer in France and realised how similar no s was and I felt great on it. I also love the idea of no exhaustive lists of foods you aren't allowed... And that this is a diet that works on the mind.

Looking forward to my first couple of N days

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:56 pm
by lpearlmom
Welcome and nos will definitely help with binging and food occupation. It's hard at first but definitely gets easier.

Good luck!


Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 2:48 pm
by jw
Welcome, Emma -- No S gives us a great structure in which to enjoy food moderately. It sounds like you are starting with all the right reasons! Good luck to you!

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 2:55 pm
by automatedeating
Hi Emma! Welcome to learning the habits of moderate eating!

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 3:13 pm
by NoSnacker
Welcome! No S is truly a new way of looking at food...I love not counting calories, points, etc.

This is a great place to learn from some of the seasoned No Srs'

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:26 pm
by Elw9022
Thank you everyone!

I've had a great first day.... I did snack a little bit but not on snack foods, just on some of my food that i couldn't quite finish at meal time and a small bit of apple between lunch and dinner.....

It's not been 100% perfect but the difference I feel compared to before is massive and compared to my usual snacking/grazing habits this is good. Also I didn't binge or get anywhere near something like a binge which is always a sure sign of success for me :)

Looking forward to checking in regularly

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:04 pm
by Elw9022
So I'd basically had a really good day yesterday and last night not long after I posted that update, I went into the kitchen and had some sweet snacks! It wasn't that bad (psychologically it felt like a binge but in terms of the amount of food i consumed it really wasn't) I had like 6 malteasers, a tiny bit of ice cream, and some bits of pizza that were left over. It was like the destructive side of me wasn't gonna give up so easily to my new resolve, in the form of no s. I realised that no s has helped somewhat as the whole way through it having it in the back of my mind stopped Me from the full on binge and actually I don't ever often have a taste and get the strength to stop midway through or limit the amount of sweet things. Initially i was really disappointed-it was basically bedtime, I could have just gone to sleep. It would have been so easy, but I stayed up and started looking for something more, something to satisfy that part of my brain. It was a weird experience because it's the first time I've felt conscious when I'm doing it, as a lot of you will know, I often just feel possessed and in a trance and that's why it's so easy to consume so much, so I was much more aware of the battle going on in my head and now I feel that to approach no s with success I have to see it like an active battle, I have to fight that side of me that wants to snacks and eat bad food and I have to be aware and ready and almost see it like a challenge that I have to bed strong against. This makes me feel competitive, motivated and determined that what i truly want and who I truly am will win the battle and not the sugar monster!!
Any words of wisdom or if you felt the same at the beginning of no s would be really helpful :)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:13 pm
by lpearlmom
It's okay, you might stumbled a few times before you get it right. It's about progress, not perfection and clearly you've already made some progress in your awareness so that's great.

Just a couple of things that helped me in the beginning. Make sure you're really eating enough at each meal. Pile on those plates if you need to. Also, make sure they're full of yummy food you really like. This is not the time to worry about healthy eating. No sweets like cookie or candy but a fruit yogurt or a blueberry muffin or something on the sweet side on your plate can help.

Also, you can have drinks between meals. Milk is a great one but even juice or coffee w cream & sugar are fine right now. I even drink mochas sometimes. The important thing right now is to focus on building the habit. In the beginning it's very important not to eat even a little nibble between meals. Once your habit becomes solid and second nature, you can focus on the what part of your plate. My portions have become extremely reasonable all on their own but that was after a few months of very strict compliance.

Oh btw, are you using the habital calendar? It really helped me to be able to mark a green on the days I stuck to nos. Something strangely satisfying about that so you might want to check it out.

Anyway persistence will pay off so just hang in there. You can do this!