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2014 Journal CMThib82

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:12 pm
by CMThib82
Weight: 142.5

Breakfast: Iced coffee/turkey bacon sandwich

Lunch: Iced coffee/Burger/Small Fries

Dinner: Meatloaf/Mashed Potatoes/Veggie

Well my first day is a red because I drank 2 coffees. I try to stay at 1 since they are lightly sweetened. I am really just trying to get the snacking out again - so this isn't a big deal - just not a green for me.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:02 am
by Diligence
Best wishes for you this new year! Aim for green tomorrow, right? :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:44 pm
by CMThib82
Yes - aiming for green. I also made a decision that the two - 110 calorie iced coffees were ok for me - it also has enough caffeine for around a mug of coffee - and since I have decided this will be my lifestyle and not my diet - well I am ok with so allowances.

So yesterday was a green - and today will be too.

I honestly didn't think I would fall asleep yesterday -- I was SOOO hungry!!!

I did - and I woke up happier for this first time in over a year. It feels good to commit to something I really want.

Weigh in today: 141.8

Breakfast was a protein bar/half a egg sandwich/iced coffee

Lunch was chicken sausage/green beans/sweet potato/iced coffee

Dinner may be meatloaf - not sure yet.

Just happy to be back at it.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:56 pm
by jw
Glad you are allowing yourself the coffees, CMT -- why set yourself up? Happy New Year!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:33 pm
by NoSnacker
I too allow myself homemade lattes..I have sugar free flavors.....I don't mind using the sugar free stuff as I like splenda better than sugar..

Yes, I too am glad you did not mark that as a fail.


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:02 pm
by Diligence
Good for you about the iced coffee decision! :)

I was originally going to suggest you not consider it a failure, especially with as little sugar you mentioned them containing. But, I know some people are very specific with their goals, and I didn't want to offend if it was very important to you to limit and might derail your efforts if you started making allowances.

I hope it's still going well for you and that the upcoming week is full of successes!

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:01 pm
by CMThib82

Last week was all reds - I haven't been on a diet in nearly a year so I am finding this crazy hard! It isn't the sweets - I am just plain hungry!!

I did lose - 140.2 - so not a total loss. I am just going to keep pushing until I get the hang of it.

BTW was going through some of my million different diet books on my Cloud Reader - I honestly started having a panic attack - I use to be so diet obsessed - I can't imagine trying one of those again.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:36 pm
by automatedeating
If you're truly hungry, you are probably not eating enough at your three meals. Really load up those three plates! :)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:49 pm
by CMThib82
automatedeating wrote:If you're truly hungry, you are probably not eating enough at your three meals. Really load up those three plates! :)
I think you are right! Thanks for the advice. It seems counterintuitive to load up when you are trying to lose weight - but I have seen it help others - and I have fell on the NO-S wagon too many times to not try it!

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:50 pm
by CMThib82
Well my S Days were both mild - a few snacks yesterday and one sweet today.

I work Saturday and Sunday some weeks - so I stayed busy.

Looking forward to a green week!!

140.4 this morning.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:47 am
by automatedeating
Hey, we have pretty much the same "stats": height and weight! :)
Nice to have a "mirror" weight-loss buddy, although as I'm sure we've both learned, NoS is so much more than weight loss.

Glad you had a good weekend.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:41 pm
by CMThib82
automatedeating wrote:Hey, we have pretty much the same "stats": height and weight! :)
Nice to have a "mirror" weight-loss buddy, although as I'm sure we've both learned, NoS is so much more than weight loss.

Glad you had a good weekend.
It is more than weight loss. It is a sense of control. I wasn't really gaining weight - but I felt like if I didn't have any order I would gain more than I had - I was actually in the 140-145 for the past year, but before that when I was on a diet I was around 120-125. I know I can get back there with No-S.

Good luck!!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:45 pm
by CMThib82
140.2 this morning. GREEN!!! Yay

It was an S Day yesterday - but I only had 1 treat. I was still feeling guilty from the week of reds - not wild reds - but not greens.

I went to bed hungry yesterday - which I use to be terrified of - but I am starting to get use to the feeling again.

I am also adding 10,000 steps a day on N days - I work from home on the computer so I have to make myself get up.

Hopefully I can start back to strength training soon - my body was really beat up last year so for the first time in 10 years I decided to take time off - I was a heavy lifter and I started getting sick and had one scary run in with rhabdo where my elbows and legs swelled - thanks to pushing too hard in Crossfit - so I haven't worked out in 5 months - time to get back to it.

Breakfast: iced coffee/2 fried eggs/guacamole

Lunch: new York steak/bacon/green beans/potatoes/iced coffee

Dinner: Cheeseburger

Kettlebell swings/push ups/hand stands[/color]

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:49 pm
by automatedeating
Are you going to work out at home or go to a gym or Crossfit center?

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:30 pm
by CMThib82
automatedeating wrote:Are you going to work out at home or go to a gym or Crossfit center?
From home - crossfit is too intense for me after beating up my body for so many years!

We are actually working on building a home gym with a squat rack and everything - I am home with my kids a lot and the nearest gym is a city away - convenience and money wise it is the smartest thing to do.

How about you? Are you working out?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:02 am
by automatedeating
I only walk and do a tiny bit of planks, jumping jacks, etc.

I have kind of a bad history of doing intense exercise and then giving up, so I'm trying to be very gentle and sustain the exercise long-term.... so far so good.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:03 am
by automatedeating
BTW, thanks for the Dave Ramsey budget tip! I was just looking around for a free way to keep track. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:13 am
by CMThib82
automatedeating wrote:I only walk and do a tiny bit of planks, jumping jacks, etc.

I have kind of a bad history of doing intense exercise and then giving up, so I'm trying to be very gentle and sustain the exercise long-term.... so far so good.
I think that is the best. I am trying that - did some exercises around the house.

I am huge fan of Dave Ramsey - he has a free podcast too.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:44 pm
by CMThib82
138.8 this morning! Woo hoo!!

It feels great to lose after eating a Sonic cheeseburger for dinner last night.

Super sore from working out.

B: Protein Bar/Iced Coffee

L: Pork Chops/Potatoes/Green Beans/Iced Coffee

D: Jr Cheesburger/Small Fries

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:31 pm
by automatedeating

In like a week you have lost what it took me three months to lose! Ha, ah well, as I mentioned on Chani's thread, I'm not usually very interested in restricting more than the absolute minimum that would be considered overeating. :)

Good job! You're inspiring.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:20 pm
by CMThib82
I will be honest - I have a big girls beach trip I am putting together at my mom's cabin for Labor Day Weekend which is about 7 months away - and I want to try to be back down to the 120 area that I maintained for 10 years before I said screw diets. It is keeping my eye on the prize - otherwise I don't even know if I would have started.

I am planning on doing it every year just to keep me straight - what a reason to plan a girls trip huh?!?!

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:57 pm
by CMThib82

Breakfast: 1/2 small Wendy's chili, 2 fried eggs, 2 bacon, iced coffee



Woke up at 4 am - I always tend to sleep crappy when I start a diet.

I don't think I will get my steps in today - it is really cold outside and my 5 year old with autism is in a clingy mood today - so no treadmill.

Hoping to sleep tonight!!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:14 pm
by CMThib82
Yesterday was a red!! I was starving before bed so I had to hubs grab me a 50 cent brownie from the store! It helped big time!! I felt like I was really filling my plates - I think the problem is I ate supper at 5:30 instead of 7:00. I will correct that today.

The scale reflected the mess up - 139.4 - but to be honest I go up and down a pound even when I am not dieting - I was anywhere from 141 to 142 for almost a year. So -- no worries.

I think we figured out why my son has been so whiney the last few days - he is on a special autism diet to help calm him and we let him have French fries 2 days in a row - I paid for it!!! We usually only do it once a week - so we will have to reign in back in.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:20 pm
by automatedeating
You seem to have the NoS attitude toward your red day: Mark it and Move on! good job!

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:45 pm
by CMThib82
automatedeating wrote:You seem to have the NoS attitude toward your red day: Mark it and Move on! good job!
Thanks Auto! It's been fun. I am not binging - and actually have some green days - that is better than I have done in 2 years. lol

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:52 pm
by CMThib82

Going to try to put off my meals a bit to keep from getting hungry before bed so I can eat my last meal around 7 or so

So far so good

9am - 2 fried eggs/3 bacon/iced coffee

2pm - Steak/potatoes/broccoli/bacon/iced coffee


Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:43 pm
by automatedeating
We eat dinner pretty early around my house, and i've been fortunate to not have a history of eating evening snacks, BUT, I always remind myself I'll have a milky decaf coffee or just a cup of milk if I am hungry after dinner. I can't remember more than a couple of times I have done this.

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:27 pm
by CMThib82
I was a very large eater. I ate 3 full meals and snacks and sweets. I expect to be hungry since it is a drastic cut in calories but I just have a hard time falling asleep when my stomach is rumbling!! lol.. hopefully I will become more accustom.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:48 am
by automatedeating
Maybe some yummy beverage in the evening to quell the tummy growls? That usually works for me.

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:51 pm
by CMThib82
I may try that! Thanks Auto!

139.4 - It is that time of the month which accounts for the scale jumping up a bit.

I am feeling a bit of guilt - wasn't going to take S Days this weekend because I had two S events this week - but I am going to try to just move on.

B: Protein Bar/Iced Coffee

L: Jr. Burger/Small Fries/2 Chicken Nuggets

D: A ton of tortilla chips - two small slices of pizza

Not too bad for an S Day - I am ready for the week to begin - I want to prove to myself I can make it through a whole week without cheating!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:20 pm
by eschano
I'm glad that you had your S days. They are such a fundamental part of why this works in the longterm for so many of us. And as far as S days go - seems pretty tame to me.

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:53 am
by CMThib82
Well Saturday went well - but Sunday was a doozy.

Back on track - green all day

B: Protein bar/iced coffee

L: Roast and Veggies/iced coffee

D: Sandwich and Chips

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:00 pm
by CMThib82
Going to be another green day - I can feel it.

Weight: 138.6

Breakfast: Protein Bar/Iced Coffee

Today is workout day - I do everything from home and I just ordered a 50lb Kettle bell for squats and deadlifts - I am going to order a rack and bumper plates and the whole shebang but it isn't in the budget right this second.


3 sets of 25 kettle bell swings with 20lb

3 sets of Max Pushups

3 sets of 20 handstands

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:55 pm
by automatedeating
You probably already know WalkerLori does kettlebells, right? She is working on "ranks"! Kettlebells sound cool!

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:05 pm
by CMThib82
No I didn't know. I will have to take a look at her journal. My real love is a barbell - but it will be a little while before that is in the budget.

Yesterday was a green - 2 in a row is the most I have done so far in 2014 so I am going to break the record today with a third.

Weight: 138.2

Did half of my workout yesterday. I got really caught up in house work that needed to be done and just forgot - going to do the other half after work today.

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:46 am
by CMThib82
It ended up being a crazy stressful day - I didn't really cheat - but I didn't really sit down for a third meal - I was so rushed I grabbed here and grabbed there - so I can't really count it as a green more a yellow.

Not too shabby - looking forward to a straight green!

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:04 am
by automatedeating
sounds like you "virtual plated" for dinner. That is technically legal, but considered an "advanced maneuver". LOL

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:30 pm
by CMThib82
Lol - def advanced - did it yesterday too - probably ate a bit much. I have been all over the place - but I am still eating less than before I started - so I am not stressing.

138.2 again today - weight shows the too much. Sticking to the plan today.

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:00 pm
by CMThib82
I can't say I have had a perfectly green day in a while - but the scale is still going down - hoping to be green today.


B: Sandwich Chips Iced Coffee

L: Steak Potatoes Iced Coffee

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:22 pm
by CMThib82

Feel like crap today. Want to crawl in bed and go to sleep.

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:26 pm
by automatedeating
Ugh, sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you get a chance to crawl in bed....

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:57 pm
by CMThib82
Thanks Auto! That's very sweet.

I am much better today.

137.8 again. Things are much slower now, but I am not starving all the time so I will take it. I really want to get to 125 by Labor Day Weekend (girls beach trip) - will have to evaluate things if they don't move quicker.