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Rebuilding Habits

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:42 pm
by Jibaholic
Days on Habit: 0

So I'm back on No S again. I was on a great groove from September until Thanksgiving, and then I blew up for the month of December. I've done better in January but I'm still snacking and having a lot of disordered eating. The worst of it is that it is pure temptation. Case in point, a vendor catered lunch at work yesterday - Panera. There were leftover sandwiches and cookies and even though I wasn't hungry, how do you say no to free food?

The other thing is that I pulled my hamstring and had to stop exercising. Like many people, good habits seem to go hand in hand. So now that I can exercise again, I'm back to running, lifting weights, and playing squash. I need to get my diet back on track to.

I'm doing vanilla No S Diet except for one mod. I do 24 hour fasts zero to two times per week, like Eat Stop Eat. I find the "F days" very easy. I sometimes get hungry at around 10:30 but mostly fasting makes me realize how much eating is about something to do rather than a need to fill your belly.

Here are my No S Diet clarifications
* Diet soda is an S food
* Coffee or tea with sugar is an S food
* I do allow myself an afternoon coffee with cream only, as well as unlimited unsweetened tea since it is non-caloric.

Weight: 166, give or take a couple pounds.

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:14 pm
by automatedeating
Welcome Back!

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:40 pm
by Jibaholic
Thanks Automatedeating!

Wednesday = Success
Days on Habit: 1

I did great today. I even survived eating out and did not grab a french fry from my wife or kids' plate.

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:31 pm
by Jibaholic
Thursday: Success
Days on Habit: 2

Thursday was a weird day. I started it with a 24 hour fast (I didn't eat breakfast or lunch). My wife and I are adopting from foster care wand we have a 10 week class. They have sodas and cookies and other treats so I turn those days into special occasions. I've got 7 more classes to go so it won't be permanent.

3 mile run at about 10 minute mile pace.