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Hello Ironchef!!

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:44 am
by jellybeans01
I was wondering if you were going to visit again. Your successful no s story was the most encouraging!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:42 am
by ironchef
Aww, shucks, thanks jellybeans. It's nice to be remembered.

I stopped dropping in here when we went through a really tough patch with baby sleep and I was barely hanging by a thread. Then I started working again part time and stuff got really busy.

Things are a bit quieter now, and I realized I needed to get back to basics when I had a few months of out-of-routine stuff and lost track of my No-S habits. So what happened - well, all good things: my sister got married (and I did a lot of organizing / being matron of honor), I changed jobs after 6 years and went up to 3 days a week, and then the Christmas whirl was upon us before I knew it. As much fun as it all was, my eating and exercise habits went by the wayside! Just goes to show that even after a year, you can lose the thread if enough things come together even if they are all positive things. I remembered how brilliant the boards here were for support, suggestions and inspiration (just read Vicki's 5 year testimonial!).

Luckily for me enough of the No-S stuck that I've only gained 3 pounds or so. But it isn't really about weight so much, it's wanting to avoid that yucky sugar headache feeling, wanting that light, clear, satisfied feeling that I had before when I was strict about No-S. Plus I really want to model sensible eating for my son.

Anyway, that was a typical me, super-wordy reply! I know I've got a daily check in thread around here somewhere so I should revive that. Really looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing :)