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Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:46 pm
by YeagerMeister
I've been doing paleo for quite a while but find it tough to stick to. I'm hearing a lot about No S, and thinking about trying it out for a while.

Those who tried both, which do you like better, and for what reasons? With paleo I really can feel a difference in my energy levels and general well being but it's just so darn hard to stick to.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:10 pm
by Shuggernaut
I've done paleo on-and-off for years. It works, but like you said, it's hard to stick with it, due to the forced elimination of so many delicious foods from the diet. I think moderation is key. If strict paleo is miserable for you over the long-term (as it has proven to be for me), but you want to enjoy some measure of the benefits of that style of eating, just find the balance that's right for you. Instead of never eating grains or sugar, make an effort to eat less of them, and replace them with vegetables, fruit, etc. Overall, I've found No-S to be a more sane, sustainable, habit-based way of eating. Some days, my three plates will be more paleo than others, but the overall results are good no matter what I eat, due to the natural caloric restriction that comes with eliminating snacks, a'la No-S.