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Just need to vent before I kill someone

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:36 pm
by lmt2pt
I've worked in the medical field since I was 16. I understand a doctor's office is busy even when patients aren't there. However, when the nurse calls me to say they got the test results back and but the MD wants me to get another test and will give me a script tomorrow, I tend to believe them. Tomorrow is 8 working hours plus an hour and a half lunch. When I call that same nurse back and leave voice mail before the office is even open to ask about those test results and to ask to be called when the script is signed so I can make an appointment to have those tests done I expect to be called BEFORE THE OFFICE CLOSES FOR THE WEEKEND. I have to take time off work to pick up this script as well as for the tests themselves. I need to know when to take off before my own patients start to schedule with me. More importantly


I'm getting a little impatient with the whole not knowing what is happening in my body thing. I'd have a drink and not worry about it but I don't know if I'm pregnant. Bastards.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:23 pm
by Blithe Morning
Can you buy a pee stick? A weekend is a long time to wait. Although, I can completely understand why you might want two more days of not knowing for sure. Sometimes, it's just nice to delay reality a little bit.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:24 pm
by fkwan
I work in the medical field.

Have you told your doctor about this, i.e., has it happened before?

If yes, and it's still happening, you should seriously consider looking for a new doctor. :(

In other words, office staffs usually suck this much, but if you tell your doctor and he/she doesn't communicate with you directly afterward, something is wrong with relationship between you and your doctor.

You don't need this kind of crap, pregnant or not.

Good luck and hugs,


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:17 pm
by kccc
I am so sorry. That really is unacceptable, and you SHOULD speak to your doctor about it.

In the meantime, I'm sorry you're going through this. All of it, not just this weekend.

While a drink may not be the best idea, it is an S-day... try to find something wonderful to eat. And do something else for your spirit. Flowers? A walk in the park? A movie?

Sending good thoughts your way.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:21 pm
by lmt2pt
I went to the office first thing Monday morning. Found out the patient liason who called me and told me she would call me on Friday had Friday off. Won't go into my irriation with that. She also wasn't there when I appeared in the office. The receptionist was really sweet and understanding and took a message from me and told me if I didn't hear back by 11:45 to call and speak with her and she would put me through to the office manager because it just was not how they treat their patients in that office. I got the call at 11:30.

I am pregnant. However, my hormone levels are high for the stage of pregnancy so I have to go for the ultrasound to make sure it's not a molar pregnancy or twins. After they do the ultrasound I will go back to the doctor and have a due day, but right now I'm estimated for December 26.

My ultrasound is set up for Thursday (for insurance reasons got to go out of office). Hopefully the tech will let me know what she sees so I don't have to wait a week for the results to get back to my doctor.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:54 pm
by NoelFigart
So, if so, are you hoping for a Christmas Day baby?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:49 pm
by kccc
Sending good thoughts for a healthy pregnancy your way. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:30 pm
by lmt2pt
Very few have a birthday by themselves in my family, so we are hoping for one of a few days.

12/21 - mine and my uncle's birthday
12/22 - my best friend's birthday (like a sister, so she is family)
12/23 - my cousin and my late great grandmother's birthday
12/27 - another cousin's birthday
12/30 - another best friend's birthday
or if the estimated timing is really off . . .
1/7 - yet another cousin's birthday

I think given the saturation of birthdays there is a better chance that we will hit one of them than not.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:38 am
by Blithe Morning

Have you done No S during your pregnancy before? I was sick as a dog during the first three months - lost weight even - but made up for it later. I don't know how I would have done letting myself get as hungry as I do now. Admittedly, most of the time I feel a pang, look up and I'm about an hour away from the next meal. Then I just feel, not so much hungry as I do empty until I eat.

Anyway, at least you have the nutrition thing down. Yesterday I was proctoring a group of high school girls for a conference. Two of them were pregnant and nibbled the worst kind of junk. :(

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:37 pm
by FarmerHal
Ugh. I feel you. Did you get the results yet?
Hope it's twins and not a molar pregnancy. It is so hard waiting for the results, I know! When I had my pregnancy w/my son, the hcg levels were not doubling as they should, the OB said "blighted ovum" and wanted to do a d&c right on the spot. Needless to say I refused and my blighted ovum is now 4 :)

But I've had issues with the dr's office lately and spent 2 days getting jerked around. Ended up calling the office crying and completely frustrated and they got me in for today. Ugh.

Squeaky wheel, soemtimes!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 10:13 pm
by lmt2pt
The ultrasound showed . . . nothing. The tech tried and tried to find something on the monitor, and reminded me the radiologist and my doctor still have to look at it, but neither of us could squint enough to find anything. Being a grandmother and doing one every half hour 5 days a week she asked me questions and after my answers said "Dr. S is a man isn't he?"
"Yes," I answered, "Why?"
"Only a man would send you for an ultrasound when it is obviously too soon to show anything. If he'd ever had to have a painfully full bladder so someone could smear gel on his belly and rub a wand around the belly and places only your husband should know you'd bet he'd be more selective in when he sends patients for these tests. I bet I'll be seeing you again in about a month. In the mean time I bet you'll be sent for more blood work. Of course, this is not medical advice and you have to talk to your doctor. Wink wink."

Seriously, I just want to be declared a normal, low risk pregancy so I can switch to a midwife in a birthing center and be done with all the extraneous medical tests. I know I'm pregnant and all this nonsense brings about the moodswings to prove it!

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 12:00 am
by Blithe Morning
Ugh. I remember those moodswings.

We miscarried our first and I got pregnant within two months. NOT planned. And when I started spotting with the second, I was an absolute basket case.

Today, that "baby" will be 21 in October, is a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps and is currently on shore leave in Australia serving aboard the USS Tarawa, an amphibious assault ship.

Healthy pregnancies after miscarriages do happen. No guarantee about him or her growing up to be a Marine though.