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Other uses for Habitcal

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:01 am
by CharlieAngel
Who says you have to use HabitCal for just everydaysystems tracking?

I've built a few more things for myself:
1) Home Cooking: To keep track of days where I only eat foods I cook. I'm trying to eliminate processed foods as much as possible to go along with the S-Diet, and this is one more thing I can look at.
2) No driving days: If I take the bus, I get an automatic 2 miles of walking. If I walk home from work, that's 6 miles (plus the morning 1). I also save money on gas.
3) No spending days: An idea I got from the simple living forums. If I limit my purchases to the weekends (or a specific day), I can spend more time thinking about what it is I'm purchasing and why. I'm an impulse buyer, so this helps immensely.

I also added a tracker. I have a goal to do 100 pushups in one session and hopefully in 6 weeks. I may also create one for my eventual transition to jogging with the couch-to-5k plan (c25k, google it).

Granted, there is always the danger that if you spend too much tracking, it starts to get tedious.

I definitely need to add a Weekend Luddite option, but I'll wait and see how I do with these. Not to mention tracking my weight with Bleh.