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Protein Shake

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:34 am
by wingedboss3
I'm guessing that this would go in the off topic section. I haven't gotten on the Shoveglove routine yet, but I plan on it very soon since I've heard how great it is. My question is how often should I drink a protein shake? I have the protein powder that you mix with water. One of my friends drinks it about 3 times a day even when he doest work out. If anyone can tell me how often I should take this (in the way of getting muscle mass) I would greatly appreciate it.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:14 pm
by reinhard
I'd say "never."

Those concoctions sound awful -- and from what I understand, the science behind them is dubious at best: snake oil in powdered form.

Anyway, best of luck whatever you wind up doing!
