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Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 11:05 am
by Graham
Last week I posted on the "winning the mind game" thread about an Indian man who claims to have not eaten for 70 years - and no-one commented on it at all.

I don't know if no-one saw it or whether it was deemed off-topic - but I thought it was So Amazing - it is surely the ultimate answer to diet/food/world food shortages and perhaps much more - and no-one said a word.

I know it doesn't lead to any obvious game plan - apart from possibly becoming a Jain or learning to meditate or moving to India - but it does put things in a different light.

For myself I'm thinking on one level my motivations about dieting are pretty shallow - just vanity and too much time on my hands - then there's fear of disease and death - but it's still pretty small-minded - and here's this guy maybe demonstrating some greater perspective might be applicable, and I'm talking to myself, apparently. Or no-one saw it.

It wasn't just a wacky story, the man's being studied rigorously in a hospital, and yes, it is an Indian hospital. There may be cultural differences in acceptance of such an extraordinary claim, yet, they do have plenty of hard-headed people wanting to know if it is for real - the Indian Army for example - so the investigators aren't a bunch of credulous dummies.

OK, enough said.

Regards to all,


(here's one of many links to the story: ... years.html

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:41 am
by Girl Next Door
I rarely wander over here (to this part of the forum), but just happened to see this post and thought I would comment.

If you hunt around you'll find reports of holy men and women in many traditions that don't eat much, or enough to maintain their weight. I don't think this man's abilities are common. It appears to be a side-effect of their spiritual lives . . . or so I think.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:26 pm
by wosnes
I also don't wander over here very much.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:34 pm
by oolala53
Given that 24,000 people a day die of starvation eating more than this man has supposed to have, there must be something very special about his powers.

Let's not jump the gun here. Let's get N days down first. Then S days. Then maybe we can think about becoming breatharians!


Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:05 pm
by tobiasmom
This IS a very interesting story. I had not heard about it. I am very interested to see how it turns out....

I've heard of people going without food for long periods of time....but never water! Hmm....

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:25 am
by oolala53
With all due respect, such extreme measures are not in keeping with No S. No S is first and foremost about what conditions make it likely to permanently change the habit of overeating. It is more likely to maintain the change if the goal is the habit of eating moderately, which is within reach of most people, not just spiritual adepts. When I find myself getting caught up with claims on the net about fast weight loss or being too concerned with fat loss and even considering doing some freaky program, I remind myself what has happened in the past when I did those kinds of things. Sure, I could lose faster and get more cut with less food spread out over the day and killer workouts, but will I live like that? No. So I remind myself that I am working on a way to LIVE. I know I'm not down to the final routine, but I am definitely closer than I was a year ago!

Actually, I am a breatharian- 22 hours and 20 minutes a day...

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:30 am
by Graham
oolala53 wrote:With all due respect, such extreme measures are not in keeping with No S.
And, with all due respect, that is why I posted this item in the Off Topic section.. No. S police have no authority here! 8)


Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:56 pm
by oolala53
OOps! Sorry. I'm not even sure why I got an message alert about this line of comments because I don't usually look at the off-topic section, so I didn't notice that. Yes, do carry on!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:28 am
by Over43
I didn't see the original post. I'm not sure what this gentleman calls himself, but the term "Breatharian" comes to mind. Some people believe they can sustain themselves with water and air.

People also starve themselves to death attempting to be breatharians.

But, if it works for him, hey! 8)