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Incandescent Light bulbs banned by 2014 :(

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:16 pm
by gratefuldeb67
I just heard about the Congresses bill which is going to be signed into law, which will ban incandescent bulbs in favour of CFL and Halogen bulbs, starting next year.. by 2014 there will be no more production of incandescent light bulbs. I am very upset about this and plan on hoarding them this year. What a stupid plan. Why not try to become less dependent on oil in the Middle East?.. Now we will have dumps filled with billions of mercury containing CFL lights, and be poisoning our environment even more, and taking away the right to consumer choice.
This is gonna suck big time :(

Re: Incandescent Light bulbs banned by 2014 :(

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:21 pm
by NoelFigart
gratefuldeb67 wrote:I just heard about the Congresses bill which is going to be signed into law, which will ban incandescent bulbs in favour of CFL and Halogen bulbs, starting next year.. by 2014 there will be no more production of incandescent light bulbs. I am very upset about this and plan on hoarding them this year. What a stupid plan. Why not try to become less dependent on oil in the Middle East?.. Now we will have dumps filled with billions of mercury containing CFL lights, and be poisoning our environment even more, and taking away the right to consumer choice.
This is gonna suck big time :(
FWIW, there has been another type of bulb invented that uses LED light and doesn't use mercury. (My son does FIRST robotics, and they sell these things to raise money for them). I think they use like 6-7 watts of energy and are supposed to last 10,000 hours.

I agree that consumer choice is very desirable.

Re: Incandescent Light bulbs banned by 2014 :(

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:12 am
by Kevin
The worst CFL bulbs now contain about 4 mg of mercury - the best contain less that 1 mg of mercury per bulb. Almost all of them will end up in the 1 mg range because the industry is improving its standards . All but about 10 or 15 percent of the mercury becomes bound to the inside of the glass over the life of the bulb. So, when it eventually breaks, a CFL allows about .1 to .4 mg of mercury into the environment (air or water).

Over its life, same bulb prevents more that 4 mg of mercury - from burning coal or oil - from entering the environment, based on its decreased use of energy.

Anyway, that's from

We'll be using LEDs soon anyway. They last tens of thousands of hours (can be thought of as permanent) and contain no mercury.

LEDs are already price competitive over three years if you consider the savings. Soon, they'll be even cheaper.

gratefuldeb67 wrote:I just heard about the Congresses bill which is going to be signed into law, which will ban incandescent bulbs in favour of CFL and Halogen bulbs, starting next year.. by 2014 there will be no more production of incandescent light bulbs. I am very upset about this and plan on hoarding them this year. What a stupid plan. Why not try to become less dependent on oil in the Middle East?.. Now we will have dumps filled with billions of mercury containing CFL lights, and be poisoning our environment even more, and taking away the right to consumer choice.
This is gonna suck big time :(

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:11 am
by Too solid flesh
There has been a big push on low energy light bulbs in the UK, and you get used to the different quality of the light fairly quickly. We have recycling facilities for the bulbs locally.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:43 am
by Who Me?
Incandescents won't be banned. But there will be minimum standards for energy use. The NY Times had an article about that, a few weeks back. Anyone paying for access?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:09 pm
by Dandelion
We put them throughout our house when they first came out, hoping they'd last longer. This has not been the case at all. They've been very disappointing. All that and, if one breaks, mercury, too.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:03 am
by HubbsV
It’s also safe to say that LED light bulbs will become the norm. They have had huge technological advances in the last few years making them brighter and more efficient. Plus no mercury!

It's not a matter of freedom to use incandescent; it's a matter of intelligent societal advancement. :)

However, I'm also pleased that we're going eco-friendly... but there are pro's and con's to the new bulbs and I'm not sure they should be phased out entirely. Banning of light bulb is very controversial to the point that they should have to remodel the Easy baked oven. As this, the last non-specialty lights will be sold by 2014. The Easy Bake Oven has been completely re-designed because of these modifications. The iconic toy will not use an incandescent light bulb, but instead a heating element.

Here’s a link for you to read: Easy-Bake oven redesigned without light bulbs. Check this out!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:33 pm
by Who Me?