Anonymous: I look like one of those "P90X" guys

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Anonymous: I look like one of those "P90X" guys

Post by reinhard » Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:01 pm

I got the following email yesterday and received permission to post an anonymized version here. I'll be sending him this url, so rest assured he'll be reading any comments and congratulations you care to post.

I'll start: thank you, Anonymous, for letting me post this impressive and thoughtful "testimonial!" Coming from someone with your track record of self-discipline, it's high praise indeed. The point of no-s isn't to get "ripped," but it's sure nice to see (in conjunction with exercise) that one can (and sustainably!).

Another thing that just jumped out at me: you lost this weight not only in a short time (< 3 months) but at not exactly the easiest time of year for this kind of thing. Very impressive!

I am one month short of my 58th birthday and have been an avid exercise enthusiast my entire life. Having said this, I had inadvertently lowered my training standards over the years and as a result I began to carry an unnecessary layer of fat.

On November 21, 2011, I put a stake in the ground to really get back into shape - like the good old days - and on a whim I decided to do a Google search on diets... I can't remember the specific search terms, but suffice it to say I stumbled on your "No S Diet." I was intrigued. It made the most sense of anything that I have ever read - and reinforced two things that I have always known: 1) to lose weight, caloric output must exceed input and 2) much of my eating was gratuitous.

When I ran marathons back in the early 90's, I used to put myself on a diet that a face value sounds similar to your diet. I called it the "No meats, no sweets, no junk" diet and it worked, but I was also was running 8-16 miles/day, so I suppose just about anything that I tried would have worked. In retrospect, what my diet lacked was moderation and it consisted of a long list of restricted foods. I worked out like a fiend - and loaded up on foods that weren't in one of my prohibited groups - but my diet never addressed a sustainable, lifelong eating "habit."

On November 21st, I committed to the "No S Diet" and it has absolutely worked! (Now I must also tell you that I committed to riding my bicycle in the basement using a stationary trainer and I continued to lift free-weights.)

I have gone from 164 bs and a 34 3/4" waist to 150 lbs and a 32 3/4" waist. I look like one of those guys on the "P90X" commercials except that I didn't have to shell out $$$ to make it happen or eat eat special foods. And I have absolutely no doubt that my approach to eating has changed forever.

I know that what I am about to write is not a revelation to you, but take it as a testimonial - a reinforcement - to what you already know.

The "No S Diet" works because it does not consist of a long list of "Do's" and "Don'ts."
It works because of its simplicity.
It works because it makes sense: We just eat too much and too often.
It is not a diet, but a change in thinking.
It is about forming one good, life-long, life-changing habit.
There is no fear of "stopping" a diet, because the "No S" really isn't one. In fact that is my only beef with the program... it is not really a diet... it is really just re-thinking the approach to eating.

I have not changed what I eat. I have stuck to the "No snacks", "No seconds" portion and I have lost my desire for sweets - even on "S" days.

Thank you for your website and for your wisdom.


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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:40 pm

Congratulations, Anonymous! That is really impressive, and I particularly enjoyed your list of reasons why NoS works.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:41 am

I love hearing that a man my age looks like one of the P90X guys, and I envy your lack of desire for sweets. Plus, free is very good!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:26 pm

fantastic news!!! congratulations!!!
and may i say, after one hits 40... boy is it harder to lose weight... it takes me 10 times the amount of effort to lose weight that it did years ago, now that i'm in my mid forties..
so great job!!
keep it up and perhaps you will join our forum some day to continue to inspire and be inspired :wink:
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:47 am

No S-er since December 2009
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Post by vmsurbat » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:06 pm

Congratulations! It is amazing what commitment+moderation can accomplish!
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Re: Anonymous: I look like one of those "P90X" guy

Post by Sweetness » Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:32 am

The "No S Diet" works because it does not consist of a long list of "Do's" and "Don'ts."
It works because of its simplicity.
It works because it makes sense: We just eat too much and too often.
It is not a diet, but a change in thinking.
It is about forming one good, life-long, life-changing habit.
There is no fear of "stopping" a diet, because the "No S" really isn't one. In fact that is my only beef with the program... it is not really a diet... it is really just re-thinking the approach to eating.
I like this! thanks for posting! 8)

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