Yoga Journey....

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Yoga Journey....

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:08 pm

Hi folks! I hope this is cool with you Reinhard, because I'd like to start a Yoga blog here.... I haven't been SG'ing much these days, not because I don't like it... you know I love it, but I've just been really into the Yoga.
It has become an everday system for me... It does, after all, solve certain problems, and I'm hoping and very optimistic that this practice will reverse them...
Problems: Sloth/Depression/Fatigue/Lonliness/Low self esteem (and all those rotten things)
So let me know if this is too off topic for this site, and unless you say otherwise, I will be blogging as I go along... I already had some phenomenal expreriences I'd like to share.
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:56 am

It's cool with me, blog away. Sorry I didn't see this post until now. Hope my silence didn't disuade you and that you'll take it up again when you get better soon (read you were sick on your nosdiet checkin).

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:10 pm

Thank you Reinhard :wink:
Yeah, I'm still home feeling sick... I'm not Yoga-ing, SG'ing, or any other activity, except sleeping and posting...
Have a Peace filled day!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:09 pm

Sorry to hear your not feeling well, Deb. Hope it is a short-lived bug.

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Post by Marsha » Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:07 pm

Hi Deb. I haven't checked in for awhile and funny I pulled out my yoga tapes a few weeks ago. I really enjoy them and don't know why I didn't stick to them. It seems to force me to relax.

I am joining you.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:35 pm

Alright Marsha Lee!!!!
Yoga, means "Union"
Body + Mind.....
Your mind is not racing in ten different directions when you are trying to concentrate hard on breathing and holding a pose.... It's amazing :)
I also, am at a time in my life where I just enjoy a more "paced" activity... I look at my son Richie, and remember the days when I used to be a hyperactive child! LOL... not no more! LOL...
I prefer mindful movement, focusing on strength, form and endurance....
Then add into it the fact that Yoga brings me directly in touch with very deep feelings, and reconnects, and reestablishes a dialog with my Spirit and Soul... That, to me is the best thing one could achieve.... Being with yourself in your purest form....

I actually had a beautiful vision last week, during our few minutes of relaxation at the end of class, and unbelievably vivid, and even in color... Other than when I am dreaming, I have never had anything like this happen to me....
I saw myself being floated/swept along a river, while being cradled, like a baby, in a large water lilly, or lotus like flower..... It lasted a few seconds, and the feeling and interpretation I give to it is that the lilly was in fact, God's loving hands, and I was being cradled and protected even while rushing down a raging river, with all it's crashing and dangers....
I was not trying to have a vision or force anything... I was just being open to the moment and very relaxed, and that's what came to me...
Pretty neat eh? :D
Love and Peace,
8) Deb

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Post by ClickBeetle » Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:19 am

Deb, that's really, really cool.

Once when my friend (just a friend) gave me a really good hour-long massage, I was so blissed out near the end that I actually saw different colors. My eyes were closed, and the colors just appeared momentarily and then went away. It was like a vibrant pattern of changing hue.

I didn't know that could happen from a massage! It was really great.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 16, 2005 2:47 am

Hi Clickey! Did you know I am a massage therapist?
You were probably seeing your third eye opening... But that's just a guess...
When I am relaxed, with my eyes closed, but not sleeping, I often see it glow with color... Red, green, blue... I think it is somehow affected by the blood pulsing too...
Thanks for writing :)
See you later.
Peace and Love,

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Post by ClickBeetle » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:59 pm

That's neat that you are a massage therapist, Deb!

Massage is a wonderful thing ... so's yoga! I like yoga cause I have never been "athletic" or "good at sports" .... but when I took up yoga it quickly became apparent that I am "bendable."

It meant a lot to this out-of-shape non-athlete felt when the instructor in my class starting calling me "Bendy Wendy" !!
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Post by jools » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:32 pm

HI Guys,

8) That is so cool about the colors, i have experienced that also during massage, i didnt know what it was, other than maybe euphoria. Reminded me of being on an Acid trip LOL :oops: 70's flashback

Deb, i have interpreted dreams for friends and you hit that ride on the head. I believe we do have to get quiet before God for us to be able to hear what He has to say to us ! and Yoga encourages that it seems. I have never practiced it before, but have been curious about it.

Love and cucus Jools

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Any good Yoga audio aides out there?

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:14 am

Hi Folks... I have missed my Yoga so much in the past few days...
I did go earlier this week, but even if I have only a couple of missed classes, I feel I'm really lacking something... My teacher had to leave for the weekend and so Sat class was cancelled... He's a massage therapist as well, so he's off massaging a bunch of Yoga practitioners at an ashram in Pennsylvania...
Come back soon teacher! LOL...
Anyway, it occurred to me to try out doing Yoga on my own a while back, just to practice... I just couldn't get into a rhythm and felt I just need someone leading me through the poses... I don't want to stare at a TV while exercising, but an audio tape/cd would be really great to have for inbetween days if I want to do it at home when my teacher is away...
Anyone know of anything out there like this?
Well only one more day to go and Larry comes back on Monday!!!!!!!!!!
Love and Peace!

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Yoga tapes

Post by Marsha » Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:01 pm

Hi Deb. I have a set ot tapes I got at BJ's Wholesale a few years back. The are by Rodney Yee-AM Yoga, Yoga For Abs and PM Yoga. It is a beginning series and not too long so I don't have trouble fitting it in. I do one a day. I find that it was easy to get familiar with the moves so I don't have to watch when it is on. Since you are going to class that would probably be your situation. It may be too easy for you but I really like it. You can get them online I think through Yoga Journal in vhs or dvd. He has other classes also.

Works for me. I am getting addicted to them. It helps me relax.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jun 26, 2005 8:47 pm

Thanks Lee!!!!! (now I'm not used to saying Marsha! So there :lol: )
I think those are available at my library... I could put it on and just listen..
Good suggestion!
Funny, I've been sneaking in some of the standing poses just in my everyday situations, like when I'm waiting on line, instead of just standing, I practice "Mountain" pose... Yes it's just standing, but with a totally different feeling.. I'm connected to the heavans and earth, standing tall like a mountain... (Not just irritated by the lady in front of me who is counting her pennies in her change purse while keeping everyone waiting on the check out line! LOL....)
Going back tomorrow Wed and Thursday to class.

Hope you are well.. It must be crazy hot in Florida!

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Post by Marsha » Mon Jun 27, 2005 12:15 am

Was that you behind me when I was counting my pennies?

We have had alot of rain this month and strangely that has kept the temperature alot of the days a bit lower than usual. The rain has eased up a bit. It just rained a little today. I am going to Massachuesettes the end of the week to visit my DH's family. I checked the weather and it was 90 and no one up there has A/C. We are addicted to A/C down here. It looked like there might be a 10 degree break starting tomorrow. I hope it lasts this weekend.

Don't worry, I will answer to Lee.

Take care.

Marsha Lee

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:22 am

Had a slightly upsetting day today and was pretty down when I went into Yoga... But I felt it helped me to relax and I worked very hard to focus on my form and my feelings...
I was happy that I went and did something good for myself...
Larry, my teacher, I'm sure noticed how much I seemed sad (I was tearing up by the end...)and so he instructed us to "put your right hand on your left shoulder, and your left on the right shoulder, and just give yourself a big hug..."
I'm lucky that I found someone who is there for me and helping me to get through some rough times..
That is real love...
Up till this class, my main support network has been, mainly Richard and of course YOU all!
Richie just gave me a big hug now too, so I'm very very lucky!
Good news is that I am feeling much much stronger and more comfortable with many of the poses, especially those involving balance..
My shoulder stand is getting easier whereas when I first tried that, I was almost feeling like my heart was going to explode into my throat...
And now I can really do "The Wheel" and stay up for a long time before my arms start to buckle!
Here's a photo of the Wheel...
Love and Peace,
8) Yoga Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:16 pm

Hi guys! I'm putting this on my Yoga thread because it was a link from the website for Yoga Journal...
Every day I get a short, well written, and worthwhile newsletter to read...
If you haven't already seen it I recommend it for daily inspirations...
Todays topic is "Self Respect"...
Hope this link works...
Namaste :D
8) Deb

I appreciate NoS greatly because it fosters self esteem, but first and foremost, self-respect...
:D !!!

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Practice at home...

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:38 pm

My teacher went to California till the 13th to visit his two daughters and granddaughter...
I don't want to fall back and lose my good work by not practicing...
I practiced just now in my backyard... It's very different to try this alone, and I also need to buy a rubber mat, since a towel is wayyyy too unstable... Once or twice I slipped and realized that I could easily sprain my ankle or worse, hurt the ligaments in my knee if I am not grounded into my feet and slip out from under....
I put on some some great music by my Australian friend Simon 7, who plays didjeridoo and a whole lot of other instruments... Guitar, sitar, percussion stufff... and listened to it through my bedroom window...
I guess, going by the songs, since I didn't look to see when I started, including meditation and relaxation, plus a little chanting, all together I was practicing for about 50 minutes...
I am happy because the last time I tried to practice on my own, I could only muster up about 15 minutes of poses with about 20 minutes of post relaxation meditation.... Maintaining focus and just trying to do whatever poses, in whatever order, feels like progress to me!
PS... The Wheel is getting downright easy!!!
I'd say the only really tough thing I'm dealing with in my Yoga are some of the inverted poses, specifically, shoulder stand, simply because my belly is just hovering over my face, and frankly, besides being very uncomfortable having that extra pressure from it, I get really sad looking at it.... I feel like I want to disown it :cry: .... No wonder so many people want to get liposuction and tummy tucks... It's just hard to own the things we don't like about our bodies.... But I have faith that this shall change... Meanwhile I'm just trying to feel the emotion, and then let it pass.
Otherwise, I am really feeling proud of myself for doing something good for me!!!
It was also really great to do Triangle pose and look up at my hand, outstretched towards a clear blue sky :D
Thanks for listening friends!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
Incase you feel like checking out Simon's very cool and very unusual didgeridoo music, his website is:

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:47 am

Hey Friends! :D
Well, I've practiced Yoga, on my own, about every other day now, for between 20-50 minute sessions...
I feel like I am seeking out the time to do it, and although it's really different than being in class, I'm still enjoying it and feeling good from it...
Some stuff is really beginning to feel much more effortless... It's kind of like practicing anything, an instrument perhaps.. the more you do it, the more automatic it becomes. People are starting to make comments about how I am looking "better", and I am noticing some nice body changes which are making me very happy! My arms, for one, are finally losing their granny flab bags.. These are the cellulite filled, previously sausage shaped areas which flaccidly hung under my triceps...
I almost thought that would never happen! Even when I was SG'ing often, I really wasn't noticing a change in the shape... Yes, the size of my arms went down....actually, quite a bit... I lost more than two inches from my arms between SG and NOS... But now I'm getting an elongated look there when I hold my hands up and over my head... It's awesome! I am really thrilled by this... So many poses I hold are involving the arms.
Well, I'm just happy I haven't stopped this practice, and happier still, that my Guru Larry is coming back on Thursday! He is so inspirational to me and so positive... He just emanates light and love and truly loves teaching... Having him back will help counter the negative vibes I've been exposed to recently at work, which are just sapping my life force straight out of my body... (toxic new manager jerk...)
Have a nice evening yalls...
Peace Love, and Asanas!
8) Deb

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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:57 am

That is terrific, Deb! I tried a yoga class last summer and I loved it. Turns out, I may not be strong or athletic, but I am stretchy! Finally, a physical activity I could do ...

I hate it that your new manager is such a weenie. How unpleasant for you. I know too well how a bad boss can suck the life force out of you!

Here's hoping you will survive this gal's tenure with panache and that she soon will get re-assigned somewhere where her "gulag management" skills will be put to better use ...
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:20 pm

Belated thanks Bendy Betsy!
I resumed classes today since Larry is back from California...
He is definitely an answer to my Soul's calling... Just his voice is almost enough to bring me totally into a good place... Then add to that the messages of Love and self acceptance, and I can't help but *always* feel nice when I'm there...
Practice today felt very good.. 90 minutes... I feel very alive and lighter now...
Had another great inner voice message pop out during quiet lying down meditation... In all honesty, it was pretty cathartic... I was feeling a welling up of very strong feelings... Extreme joy, and intense sadness simultaneously.... Something I'm used to experiencing for many years now, but it doesn't scare me anymore.. it can be a little confusing... I guess it's that "Tears of Joy" thing...
Well the "message" I felt was "Stop trying to seek me... I am already here..."I'll leave you all to interpret it.. But I think that's about as profound as it gets!
At the end of relaxation, Larry usually reads us a passage on some nice topic related to Yoga...
Today was the second time he read us something that mentioned habit...
It was, what I took as a "cosmic nod" to EDS and NoS! :wink:

I wish I could have had the exact passage and I will see if he can lend it to me sometime to share.. Basically, he said that our negative self image is largely a negative habit, and that we get used to thinking that way... But with practice, we can form a positive habit of always thinking positively about ourselves.. Loving ourselves, with non-judgemental kindness and compassion... Acceptance...
So here's to forming new positive loving images and ideas about who we really are...
Divine and beautiful in every way.

Let's all make self acceptance and self love a daily habit :wink:
Peace and Love,
8) Debbie

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Post by Ariel King » Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:32 pm

Sounds like a great experience Deb!! I'm so glad your guru is back :D Self-acceptance is definitely a good habit to have, and it is unfortunately rare! It's certainly a struggle for me.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:25 pm

Today I returned to my Yoga practice after about a month of not going...... I have been avoiding being at the club since the new manager is around.. Seriously, had to distance myself for my mental and physical health.. I mean my eating is all wacked out these days... and my tummy was upset for about two weeks...
Not good... Very not good... :evil:
Well the break didn't ruin any good work I have done before, infact I think this is just the way it was supposed to go down for me... :D
It is also wonderful that I was just greeted with a loving smile from my Guruji Larry... No judgement, no "Where have you been Deb?"...
He knows better because he is wise and kind!

I felt really nice and relaxed and haven't lost hardly any of my strength, though my legs were fairly tighter than before in some spots...

It was really great!!! I even felt, at the end, during seated relaxation and meditation, a calm and contentment, which seemed to replace some of the feelings I had before of sadness.... And I am sure my head was just emanating light like crazy, since I felt, what could almost be described as a "light helmet" Like on a space suit, all around my head and also around my neck... I felt like I was in a bubble of warm and caring love!
Then the scene shifted to me "seeing" myself seated, as the Buddha, on a high plateau, with a clear and beautiful vista in front of me.. I felt on top of the world and totally at one with the universe...
Maybe I needed to be on that "eating" plateau for a while... I am now detoxing in many ways, including eating, and my thinking patterns...
Not to mention I was sweating nice juicy sweat the whole time... (actually have to watch that because the mat gets slippery...)

Thank God for Yoga.. Nothing gives me a sense of Love and Peace as it does... Thank God for Larry, my Guru, and thank you all for sharing my stories!
Om Shanti!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:29 am

I have been really enjoying my practice these days...
I was out at the beach on Saturday, but felt the drive to practice....
It's like my body is telling me "this is what you need"....
So I practiced for about, oh, maybe 40 minutes.... Some kids came up to me when I was done and said they thought it was cool and that they do pilates...
I had a nice practice today with Larry! It's just feeling very very centered and my arms are getting much stronger and my ability to incorporate my breath into each move is becoming more powerful each time I come back..
The change in weather is helping considerably as well...

Todays lesson was this: (paraphrased)

There are two days of the week you don't need to worry about....
The first is yesterday.....the other is tomorrow....

Let's be here now!!!!!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:57 pm

I just got back home from Yoga a little while ago...
First time I went in several weeks...
It was a wonderful session... Good thing I love Larry so much and his voice is so pleasant, because the new stereo there was out of order, so we practiced without music..
It was actually really nice... No distraction and just the sound of us being together, breathing in unison (and sometimes wheezing, coughing, sighing, groaning! LOL...)
So, check this out....
One of the reasons I haven't gone much, is because of the negative vibe the manager has created over there, you know this already..
I've only kept my one day a week schedule over there because Larry is the Yoga teacher...
You have to understand that this guy is a very rare and special person, unlike any teacher I have had before... We all love him dearly...

He said that the manager threatened to fire him, because some people complained that he sometimes starts class a bit late...
I instantly knew she was lying when he said this... Yes, he sometimes starts class ten minutes late or sometimes even fifteen, but we all love him so much and are used to him... He goes into the steam room for a few minutes to limber up before class...
When I heard that, I immediately thought "Well she just can't recognize a good thing when she has it" and we both were in agreement that if he leaves, we wil just go to another club which is scheduled to open this December... A big one, actually it's going to be the Flagship location for the company... A gym called "Equinox"...
We'll see where this goes...
The funny thing was, as soon as he told me about this evil woman, my fight or flight mechanism just got all stirred up again, and he looks at me and says... with a Buddha grin,,,
"Don't get angry!!! Don't get angry!!! *I'm* not angry :)"
What a guy!
I love him!
I feel great today

Peace and Love and Yoga for one and all!!!
8) Deb

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Post by ClickBeetle » Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:14 am

Don't get angry, but just thrash that manager's sorry a** at some point!

Oops, sorry sorry ... note to self: nonviolence, nonviolence! :roll:
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:17 am

Thanks Betsy!!!
Yeah, she should go suck a lemon!!!
Let's see how this all plays out...
Om Shanti!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:01 pm

Hey! I haven't posted here for a while... But my Yoga journey has been very good these days...
I am a bit nervous though because my guru Larry is going away on Monday, and he will be gone for two weeks of vacation...
I think the only thing which will work is to "schedule" my own class at home, as if I were going to his... I will do this four days a week, and if I can get in even a half an hour alone, I will be happy... But I just don't want to stop completely... I guess I could try to get one of the videos like Rodney Yee, from the library to listen to... It's just not Larry!!!!!

Wish me luck!
I'll be reporting on the days I practice... No matter how short my practice is... In the spirit of Shovelglove, and EDS, I'll make sure that it's no less than 14 minutes!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:39 pm

Ahhh!!!!! Just had a great practice on my own at home...
The other day I tried to practice, but somehow, without Larry and the classmates, I really felt lonely and unmotivated..
I'm so used to having his company for Yoga and needed some extra inspiration... He's gone to California till the new year..
Well, I found a very good Larry substitute for the week,,,,,,,

Jerry Garcia!!! LOL..

So, today I made it to 45 minutes of practice at home! A very decent session indeed...
For the most part it felt pretty flowing...
I'm still waiting for my period to arrive and it's late!!! So I am a bit sluggish, but I still managed to get up and do a shoulder stand and practiced Wheel... I have a special corner in my room, which is dedicated to my ongoing headstand practice... Doing it in the corner allows me to get into good allignment and have the support of the wall... The corner prevents side to side slumping... then once I'm "up" I can move my toes and heels a bit away from the corner and do a freestanding headstand!
I'm still only able to hold it for about a whole 2 seconds, but that will improve with time, and before you know it, I won't even need the corner at all.. Boy does that get the blood flowing!!!
I also spent the last few minutes of seated meditation by chanting the mantras which are associated with the seven chakras...
Vibrational healing! It's all about good vibes!
I am proud of myself!
Have a great day all :)
Om Shanti!
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:02 am

Hey Deb!

That's great! I'm so glad you had a good solo practice. I think it's probably no bad thing to do this sometimes anyway, as your Yoga should be greater than the sum of its parts and that means you'll need to be able to sustain it, even if Larry isn't there to guide you.

You go, girl! :D


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:09 pm

Thank you girl!!!
I am happy too, as when I put that Grateful Dead on, I felt all the companionship I needed to feel good being alone..
Does that make any sense???? LOL... I actually had my SG song in there too! LOL... It was weird practicing Yoga while it was on... I wish I could get myself to start SG again... I fell off the SG wagon!
Time to get back on...
Finally got my period, so no headstand or shoulder stand for me today!
Inversions are contraindicated when you have your period...
I think that next week, I'll get a camera and see if I can get Richard to take a picture of me doing my headstand and Wheel... Then you guys can really go
Wow!!! LOL...

But I'll definitely do some today.. Probably some floor stretches...
Richie is home again, still sick.. he had a relapse and his glands are swollen! I've been drinking my therapeutic lemonade (but my fast effort lasted for one day yesterday and then I ate a hamburger! LOL..)to keep well! It's working...
I'm feeling totally healthy!
Thank God!

Have a cool day CJ!!!
8) Deb

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Post by carolejo » Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:25 pm

Hey, that 'inversions' thing... Is that an actual Yoga "rule" or just a Deborah rule? :wink:

I must be the girl from the tampax ads - I never let it stop me from doing anything 8)

Have a great Christmas. I'm off to start stuffing my face now with all those goodies in my cupboards. :twisted: :P

love C. xxx

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:05 pm

No, it's not healthy.. I didn't make it up :lol: ...
You want the blood to leave your body, not return to it...
No inversions in the beginning of a womans menstrual cycle is a real Yoga contraindication... There are also ones for pregnant women... Certain poses are potentially harmful... But I don't have to worry about that thank goodness..


I'll be back to them soon though...


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:06 pm

Hey all.. :D
I'm not feeling too hot today, but I practiced this morning at home, for 45 minutes.. Was only able to do 31 minutes of poses, then the rest was relaxation and meditation...
I've got to get a mat for practice at home as the carpeting and towels aren't good because they are either slippery or scratchy..

Thanks Dru for "Light on Yoga" as I have been referring to it quite often to check the correctness of my asanas..
I love that book, just for the photos! Do you know that BKS Iyengar is now like 80 years old and still practicing!

I just took out Paramhansa Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi" and am enjoying reading it immensely!

Have a Peaceful day!
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:16 pm

I started the year with Yoga!!!!
This week I was sick but today I felt up to practicing..
It was wonderful... I had some very interesting and healing thoughts during my practice...
I'll write more on my NoS thread later!
I practiced, with a few breaks here and there, for bathroom and a little
"chasing my tail" for, definitely, more than an hour, including opening meditation and ending relaxation in corpse pose...

I had my mat at home this time and it really helped.. I wasn't using a mat last few times and I slipped around too much and felt ungrounded..
Especially need that for the standing poses, like Warrior series, and Headstand and Shoulder stand...

I am hoping to take some photos of these poses within a few months, so you can all see the Debji in action! LOL...

I love Yoga!
A very lovely Spiritual start for this year!!!! :D

Peace and Love,
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Post by mstevens » Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:22 pm

What's Yoga like? Is it hard to learn? Can I do it in the comfort of my own home?

I'm looking for some form of relatively low-impact sanity inducing exercise. If it cooperates well with RSI that's even better.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:43 pm

Hi M...
I didn't see this post till today for some reason.. so sorry for the late reply..

Yoga is a combination of strengthening poses and stretching poses which are all tied together with our breathing... It calms our minds and makes us more flexible and strong... There are many different ways to approach Yoga, but I would suggest that you start with a teacher in a class somewhere.. Find a place where you can try a few different teachers as they are not all the same... This is also a Spritual practice and we strive to practice compassion and non violence, starting with ourselves..
It's about honoring your body and it's limits and then, with care, and non forcefullness, moving into those limited and painful areas till they are more flexible and stronger...

I have looked at several home videos and they all were really really boring and lacked the guidance you can get from a seasoned yogi giving you feedback on your poses... Good allignment and proper breathing are very important and a tape can't give feedback...
But yes, you can practice it in the comfort of your home but I encourage you to first learn the basics with an instructor and then take that home with you...

Really the main goal of Yoga is to still the mind and create a sense of well being and peacefulness... This is something I lack in my day to day life, and I have found that when I practice Yoga, it truly brings me a state of calm and peace, plus a great feeling just from the physical stuff, like endorphins.. When I don't go, I have trouble sleeping, and often feel on edge and panicky throughout the day..
I've never felt a stronger connection to the Universe than the one I have found during practicing Yoga.. Oh, of course my teacher is very gifted at tuning us all into that too... I didn't have a great first Yoga teacher and it made all the difference when I found my Guruji Larry! :)

I can't remember what RSI is? Is that Repetitive Strain Injury? And if so, where is your problem spot?
In general, Yoga can be done with pretty much most conditions and helps to increase flexibility and reduce spasticity and strains... Progressive and continuous stretching practice helps muscular problems...
Certain poses are contraindicated for certain conditons though..
If you have high or low blood pressure, or are pregnant, there are some "Inverted" poses which you would avoid, like Shoulder Stand and Headstand...

Not trying to be a downer about practicing at home, because any exercise at home is good and I totally understand your need and want to do that...But Yoga isn't just stretching, and form and allignment are very important... Once you get the feeling of doing the asanas correctly, then, sure, practice at home as much as possible!

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Post by mstevens » Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:50 pm

I am a bit dubious about doing things at home - I'm good at screwing things up, I figure an expert to tell me what I'm doing wrong is going to be required.

I have seen a few "learn yoga at home!" type videos for sale though.

RSI is repetitive strain injury. I think I've got it, my doctor disagrees. But I get numbness in my hand and pain in my shoulder if I do any exercise that uses them. And the whole arm seems to go a bit 'tight'.

I think I've whinged enough at my doctor he's going to refer me to a physio, maybe it'll help.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:21 am

Most doctors are blissfully unaware and undereducated about soft tissue conditions... Why not seek out a good, seasoned massage therapist....
Many neck issues will cause pain referral down the arm to the hand...
Could be nerve entrapment and trigger points in the muscles...

Good luck and feel free to email me if you ever have other symptoms which you are wondering about, at
I'm a licensed massage therapist and I love this kind of inquiry! :)

Hope you try out Yoga some day!
Peace and Love,
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Post by mstevens » Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:04 pm

I'm going to see what my doctor comes up with first.

If that doesn't work I think there some local RSI lists I can try for advice. Although sounds like the massage thing is something to think about.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:26 pm

I wish I knew how to crosspost this to my crunches page...
Not sure what is most relevant..

It seems that my crunches have improved my Yoga..
I've had a problem with one pose for a while... Plough pose...
This has been difficult for me in the past because once those legs go back down to the floor, my belly is usually really compressed and I have a hard time breathing and not feeling like I am getting high blood pressure...
I could lower them to a point and then I felt like my stomach was choking me... If I would lower one leg at a time and keep the other up (I usually go into plough from full shoulder stand) and then alternate to the other leg and raise the first again, I am usually okay in the breathing/pressurization dept., but with both.. nope...

Today I was able to smoothly descend into plough while holding in my abs..This was controlled and I didn't feel such pressure, plus I was able to touch the floor with both my feet!!!!
I feel like this is a big accomplishment!
I am sure that the crunches made the difference because this move requires that you control your abs, or you are just going to flop all over the place and hurt your spine...

I'm not feeling so hot today, and my throat is killing me.. my period's coming, probably tomorrow or Sat, so I wanted to make sure I got to do some of my wonderful inverted poses that I have grown to love doing so much, before it comes, since they are contraindicated during the beginning few days of the cycle... I also was able to get into headstand from an addition four inches or so away from the wall... Yes, I did touch the wall momentarilly with my toes once up, but I'm finally learning to get up into headstand without beginning with my torso directly in contact with the corner of the room!!!
Maybe I'll inch my way into the middle of the room by this Summer!!!
Woo hoo!

I didn't have class with Larry last Sunday because of the snowstorm here, but will be going this Sunday... I'm really happy that I can practice at home when I feel like it, and enjoy it finally!
But I am really looking forward to class too...
I love my guru and he has a healing presence which I need in my life!

Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:37 pm

I miss my Guru Larry...
I feel like I will die when I don't see him often enough...
Last weekend I couldn't attend class due to my first day of my period..
The week before there was the blizzard and class was cancelled...

The practice at home is very fulfilling in it's own way, but it's just impossible to put into words the magic that Larry brings to my practice and my being!!!
Yoga is a big time therapy and coping mechanism for me when I am stressed... I am scared when I don't go, about the outcome of my life... All the "What will be's?" start to take over...Yet when I go, I realize that, with mindfulness, every moment is a perfect moment... And I just tap into a strength and peace of mind which I never had before...
It has become apparent that I need to figure out how I can eventually join the gym Larry is at... I wonder if a gym membership could be gotten through some insurance plan? Probably not, but who knows...
Yoga is my therapy.. Larry is only available on Sundays, and even though I do look forward to expanding my practice one day to include classes with the Ashtanga teacher, who is hailed as "the real deal", one day a week with Larry is just not cutting it for me now.. I may sound melodramatic when I say I feel like "I will die" if I'm not with Larry, but I'm not being melodramatic in the least..
My Souls longing for Peace and personal meaning really was answered when I found Larry's class... At the moment, there just isn't any substituting that for me... Spiritually, I do feel like I am less alive, and definitely more alone and sad...
This is different than longing for a lover or a friend...
This is much more profound for me...
I am not the only person who feels that this is a very unique instructor..
He really has a following..
Truly a magnet for positive energy!
He only teaches one day a week at the Yoga place by my home, and that's not enough.. At the club he has five classes a week, so it's flexible enough for me to pick and choose days and I would probably go two to four times a week...
I've gotta make this happen...

Maybe if I get money back this year from my taxes I'll use it to join the gym.. I can't see myself trying to get a job there again.. I'm moving in a new direction altogether with my massage life and it's not going to be backwards... I am even considering taking some crap job for a few months, just to make that extra "luxury" money... I know I would go to the classes, so it wouldn't be a waste.. And it's more than a luxury to me..
I feel it's a deep necessity...

Please send out your good vibes to the Universe for the manifestation of this plan!!! It would cost a lot, but it's worth it!

Meanwhile, at home, I have managed to stretch out my neck and shoulder sufficiently the other day, and I am fine with getting back to more vigorous asanas like Wheel and Sihrasana (headstand)
I better start stretching my hips too.. They have been neglected for the past few weeks..

Have a lovely day friends!
Peace out and in :wink:
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:05 am

PS I practiced Yoga for about half hour after my crunches (today I made it to 125 and felt that was all I wanted to do...) I also did about 7 minutes of SG...

It all felt very good!!!
I envisioned myself in meditation as a being glowing with golden light..
It was groovy!!!

Have a nice evening friends!
Peace and Love,
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:57 pm

Okay folks enuff of that 30 minutes of relaxed meditation take it easy and slow home Yoga practice..
I just had the most intense Yoga class this morning!!!!

Ashtanga Yoga...
It must have been close to 2 hours long.. I am really feeling it and my arms have shrunk down an extra 3/4 of an inch...
It took me to my ultimate limit physically...

But that was my first time in that class and I am definitely going back next week.. I love this new teacher..
She is the perfect compliment to Larry...
A true Goddess... And what a great speaking voice!
It's almost as if God is channeling directly through her...

I wish you could all hear this woman...
She was very encouraging and had a great philosophy...
Basically her main focus was on keeping our breath strong and our spines fully engaged and her motto was "It's only a thought away..."

If you are weak, it's only a though away to transform to strength..
If you are tight, it's only a though away to become flexible and soft..

Wow she was great!!

I am beat though! :lol:
I learned some great way to use a small knotted rope as a prop today and it was something I really needed to learn, because my shoulder girdle and arms and chest are all very tight and restricted.. Massage tends to do this.. In poses where I try to clasp my hands around my legs or back, sometimes I can't make it.. the little rope is perfect for completing that stretch circuit, and allowing my arms and chest to benefit from the pose, instead of struggling to do it with terrible difficulty..

I took myself to my max.. Midway in the class I felt my whole body just shaking... LOL..
Also, in the end I had a great emotional release, which had to happen..
Yoga is my direct link to experiencing God... I am so happy I found it...

And hey! At the end of class, she told me I was a beautiful person!
That is always so nice when someone is so kind and lovely...
So now I have a male and female guru..
How awesome is that!???
Yin and Yang elements mixed to balance my life..

I'm really happy!
And tired!!!
Have a great night all!
Om Shanti,
8) Deb

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:02 pm

Hi everyone :wink:

I had my second Ashtanga Yoga class today... Turns out the class is actually a Level II class.. No wonder it kicked my butt to kingdom come last week!!!
I actually hurt myself last week...
The next day I was in major spasm... The pace was entirely different than what I was used to, and the poses were fairly challenging and different...

This week I made it a "no ifs ands or buts" point to just take breaks if I needed to.....
I didn't need too many, but there were some moments I just said... "Intermission" mentally, and then came back strong a minute or two later...

It went really really well!!!!!
The teacher, Kim, is a real Yoga master and totally psychic... She infuses the room with power and encourages all of us to think positive thoughts, use our breath, feel where we are now, and enjoy the feeling of being alive~

I'm very happy I didn't let last weeks injury (not really an injury per se, but I did overdo it and it was a minor low back strain...) let me get psyched out and down.... I had to talk myself into going, but I'm very glad I did.. I think the first time you do anything, you need to learn the moves and get really familiar with them, so that then, you can forget them...
Kim gave me a rope prop to take home with me.. I was honored that she took such interest in helping me... I feel blessed to now, not only have one but two great Gurus!

Peace and Love,
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Post by mstevens » Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:06 pm


I'm still interested in Yoga.

I've been seeing a physiotherapist who's given me some stretching exercises to do that are supposed to help with the RSI...

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:09 pm

Oh, I forgot to say a few more things...
On a w00t w00t note:

I was able to stqnd in full tree pose today... I used to only be able to keep my non standing foot on my lower calf for support.. Today I was able to center and calm myself, and my body was warmed up and elastic enough to be able to keep my non standing foot on my upper inner thigh..
This was huge for me! I felt great!
No doubt it must have showed, since a second later, Kim said "Looking good Debstar!"... (my Yogini name :wink: )

Yo that felt nice!
I also want to mention that I sweated so much that my clothes were totally drenched at the end.... This was a real heavy duty workout!
Definitely not for beginners!

It feels great to push myself to it's natural limit and hang out there for a while and just experience that... :D

I'm going back to Larry on Sunday and really look forward to that!!!
Life is good!

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Post by carolejo » Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:49 am

And just think... That really nasty woman at the club you used to work for did you a huge favour! If she'd not booted you out, you would have never gone looking for somewhere else to do Yoga and never met Kim.

If you ever bump into her again - be sure to thank her from the bottom of your heart. If nothing else, it will really freak her out that you mean it :lol:


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 12, 2006 4:12 am

Here's one of the new poses I have learned this month in Ashtanga...
I can't clasp my hands together yet, but with the help of a small nylon rope I can make the connection and hold the stretch..

And I practiced this too!

I have my beloved Larji tomorrow!
:wink: Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:13 pm

Class was great today!
Nice way to spend a rainy morning...
I haven't practiced much on my own this week, but that will change as I feel so much better when I stay on top of some of these stretches..
Larry sends healing love to all of us!
I encourage all who are reading this to take a moment everyday to send love to people who need it..
It comes back to you too!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:45 pm

First time back with Larry for about three or four weeks..
I appreciate the safe and nurturing enviornment he creates for me and the rest of the students and regardless of time away from the class, when I come back I always feel like I'm in the right place at the right time and totally at home :)

Class was ninety minutes and very nicely paced for me, though I did have to sit out for a few moments about twice during class to just rest my recuperating body...
I sweated a lot! I'm guessing that was because the heat was really up but mainly because of all the exertion involved..
When I felt like I was going into a place where I was pushing too hard, I'd just back off slightly, or slow down and focus on my breath and relaxing..

Great class..
If I had an extra 800 dollars now, I'd drop it down on a gym membership in about two seconds just so I could go to Larry's classes there an extra two days a week..
Maybe at tax refund time... :)

As usual, it was very lovely to start the day with Yoga and my special guruji Larry!

By next month I'm going to try and take some better photos of some Yoga asanas I love to do, and I'll try to get my own flickr account and put them on my thread here :)

Om Shanti,
8) Deb
There is no Wisdom greater than Kindness

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