
Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by Amy3010 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:51 am

I'm glad you're back - I missed reading your posts! Sorry about the troubles with the internet and the frustration you've been feeling...I get that too - why do we do stuff that we know is going to make us feel bad afterwards? Eating with people we are not used to being around is hard...that is one of the things I am concerned about for our vacation this summer - being in other people's homes or on the road where I don't have as much control over my food as I do at home. I keep telling myself I'll just have to do the best I can, but I'm sure there will be moments of frustration.

In any case, I hope you have a better week this week!

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Post by rungirl96 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:40 pm

Glad you're back and you're internet is fixed. I felt like you last night after your waffle. I came to the conclusion that Sunday evenings I eat just because I can. I wasn't really craving sweets, and I definitely wasn't hungry, but I ate them anyway because time was running out to eat whatever I wanted. I started feeling bad, but made myself stop. Feeling bad won't change my behavior.

I was re-reading the book Savor last night. I read it a few months ago and made a conscious effort to eat mindfully. I was surprised how well it worked. But then I somehow got back into my old habits of eating while on the internet/at my desk/watching TV. I'm just now starting to read Mindless Eating. I could probably write my own book on that subject with all the experience I have :D

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:35 am

TX, rungirl!

I had a good day of success. Unfortunately I'm awake late and am feeling some grumbling in the tummy. This almost never happens. I hope I fall asleep before it starts sounding like a good idea to have a nosh.

However, I don't think that will happen. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I'm feeling driven by body image issues tonight. I'm usually the one pushing for just using the desire to be free from food as the best motivation, but I saw a picture of myself tonight. I don't think I looked bad, but my thighs looked bigger than I thought. And I know I am thicker than I was when I weighed this amount years ago. It's not terrible, but I'm just conscious of how my body had logically reacted to my years of overeating. Even though I'm in my normal range, there's plenty of fat under the skin. I just don't want to trip the binge wire by starting to get too enthralled with eating very little and being TOO hungry too much of the time. Sometimes I'm not aware of how it's affecting me until the URGES get very strong and all the excuses to overeat start sounding really good.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by r.jean » Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:40 am

Add some walking and give your body time to firm up from the weight loss. It takes time at our age!
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:33 pm

Yes, I have yet to incorporate regular exercise. But I also know I had been getting a little lax with Vanilla. And there's my weekends.

No matter what new changes I make, I have to accept that they will take a long time to show up.

Okay, I'll admit, too, that it's been an issue because tomorrow is my official quarterly weigh-in date, but I weigh for about a week before and average the number for the official one. And I know now that I am going to come in a tiny bit above what I weighed at the last one. I keep saying I don't want this to be about the scale. The thinnest I've ever been in my adult life- even thinner than I was in high school- was when I didn't have access to a scale. (Nor do I have a photo of myself. Probably just as well, as I would want to hold that over my head. I was a traveller with no responsibilities, ate two meals a day because that's all I was really hungry for, and had all the time in the world to walk for hours every day. I don't anticipate ever recreating that lifestyle, so I don't pine for that body. And when I decided it was time to come home and figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life, I started chowing down. I don't feel I've figured out what to do with my life since so many things haven't worked out. But who knows? I might not have a sense of peace even if I had gotten the things I wanted.) I see that basically I'm holding steady even though I eat more than I'm hungry for on S days.

I keep saying to others that they have to be patient and I think most of the time I am, but maybe it's mostly mental gymnastics.

Okay, I do enough of this and not enough decluttering, so I'm off to clean the kitchen. Of course, if you told me I should clean the kitchen now, I'd probably declutter. Ornery, my mother used to say. But we all know ornery is a cover up for confusion and fear. But if you're going to be confused and fearful, you might as well also have a clean kitchen.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Jennifer24747 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:45 pm

I like your method of weighing yourself. I'm glad I saw your post, because I've been trying to figure out a good system for myself. Every day is too much for me, and even every month felt a little bit too much. I think I might try doing it quarterly, too. Seems pretty ingenious to me.
Discovered NoS April 25, 2012!
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:37 pm

TX, Jennifer. I just got the idea from thinking of aligning my weighing with the seasons and the averaging from an old diet book.

I meant to add that the issue is that I'm disappointed in myself because I'm not sticking with what I would consider the minimum efforts in eating and exercising. I keep saying I want to see where my body would get with those habits, but I have to live them to find out, just like I had to live food moderation to find out what that would be like. It's so clear to me that it has been worth it, but I was pretty sure it was going to be. Obviously, I'm not convinced the payoff will be as great for the sacrifice of effort- what a food therapist I read calls "the essential pain."

Gotta go.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:35 pm

Admittedly, I did a little eating for the scale yesterday. I knew I was weighing in. That just means I was careful not to add an extra spoonful of yogurt or another serving of bread or such as I looked at my plate before I served myself my meal. Honestly, it was enough food, but I do feel a little scared because I find myself wishing a little that it was more. It's annoying not to feel that I can be content just with what I need. But I"m going to keep going forward, keep enjoying what I do eat, and keep looking for other sources of satisfaction in my life.

So, this is my official quarterly weigh-in. I am holding steady at 154.13 lbs. I was actually hoping to have lost a bit more, even a pound, but since I haven't really changed that much consistently --just sporadic better S days and exercise, though a lot more of that recently-- it's about what I should realistically expect. I'm at the 28%ile, so I weigh less than 72% of women in my age/height category. Of course, it shouldn't be a competition. I'd be happy to be average at 50% if our country had a much lower obesity rate. But a part of me would like to get to the 20% which wouldn't actually mean that much more weight, and I would weigh about what I did in high school (when I was thicker than most of the girls and thought I was SO fat).

But in essence, I still consider myself at target weight in the sense that I'm at the weight that my present lifestyle sustains. Until I'm willing to live differently, I can't really say I want to lose more weight. But I toy with it. And I do know that I WANT to think I will become active more consistently. It's amazing that even not working I can let the days go by without much activity. But I"m not going to torture myself about it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Amy3010 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:03 am

oolala53 wrote: Until I'm willing to live differently, I can't really say I want to lose more weight.
What you said here struck me - because while we are all searching for the answer to our weight being higher than we would like, deep down we know that it simply comes down to the choices in our everyday lives. So if we are not making the choices that support a lower number on the scale, then on some level we don't really want it (or don't want to do what it takes to get it).

That said, kudos to you for being in the 28% - that is definitely something to feel really good about!

Have a good weekend!

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Post by NoSnacker » Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:54 am

I agree! You have done a lot of hard work and growth emotionally to get to where you are today.

Thanks for stopping by my page...I'm in the red zone, but hope to be free someday..not giving up!

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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:37 pm

Amy, thanks for pointing out that statement again. It also hits home about not being able to change until we are WILLING to live differently!

Sounds so simple, but we cannot change if we don't make changes. hahah.

(duh?) :oops:

Enjoy your weekend, oolala!

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:50 pm

I also feel okay saying it because my habits are actually quite good. I have mostly green N days and my slip-ups are slight now. I eat plenty of freggies and mostly high fiber starches. My sweet eating is obviously higher than what I need but not ridiculous anymore. I over eat rarely. I think I could live a long life this way feeling I had realistically done a lot of what I needed, even though I think I will still refine my eating and get more consistent with my movement. I do believe I'll be slimmer and more fit when I'm 60 in 15 months, though that doesn't mean as much as what I do on a daily basis.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by MJ7910 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:44 am

you are very inspiring. i would love to get to the point where i rarely overeat. it has felt so great today and yesterday to have not overeaten. i wish i could just remember how this feels in my body and mind so that way i don't overeat again. i have this feeling of being satisfied, and on an S day too! i had such a bad string of failures this week that i didn't feel like overdoing this S day. I just went with the flow and it turned out great today! i hope i can reach your point. i didn't feel a need to eat frantically today either. i know that stuff is there and i can't have it but i choose to not go crazy today. you are inspiring how you have carried on with this for so long and even though you might feel like you haven't lost the weight you want, look at the difference from where you started. most people yo yo around a lot. you are really committed to this and it is inspiring.
Current BMI: 22.9. Height: 5'4.5"
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Post by Amy3010 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:36 am

That's where I aspire to be, too, one day!

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:49 pm

Glad to be of service! MJ, it really took about a year for it to get clear deep down that I preferred not overeating, literally hundreds of experiences. It was worth the wait, IMHO. Yeah, I'm sure some people might say I'm kidding myself, that I should be willing to sacrifice all to weigh a certain amount, etc., to do it and get it over with, but I see too many of them for whom it is still a struggle, even after years of being at target. I believe they're kidding themselves!

Well, last night was the most successful I've been at that potluck I go to annually(this was its 5th year) ever. I left not feeling uncomfortably full and was hungry for breakfast at a reasonable hour today! Often it will take until 2 or 3 in the afternoon to feel even a twinge of hunger after an event like that. Yet I had what I felt was plenty of food and dessert. I've got plenty to do today that I think will keep me from picking and will likely have an early dinner because I have a karaoke date with friends. Or I'll wait and have appetizers with them.

I have a houseguest, the husband of a good friend for over 40 years. They lost everything- business and houses- in Florida and are moving back to California. He said yes to a job about 45 minutes from where I live so I said he could stay here while he checks out places to live. He is now gone for a long car drive to think because he wasn't so happy about the work situation he said yes to. I have some joint protections exercises and a dance class to go to, so I was glad he has a plan for today. I'm fine with helping them out but I've got stuff coming up whereby I can't drop things and spend a lot of time with any one person. I think they both know that.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:13 pm

My guest contacted a possible employer in NoCal and got the go-ahead to go up there for work, so he has already left to tell the employer here it isn't going to work for him. It was more the urban environment he was unhappy with and the other job is close to rural surroundings. I sure hope it works for them. I wondered what the new employer thought of the guy's having told someone else yes and then leaving after a day, but his other work history is solid. I do think he's trustworthy. In any case, he's gone and I got to do a good deed. And I got breakfast and a pizza dinner with leftovers!

I had a near-great S day yesterday. The only drawbacks were not much fiber at restaurant breakfast (I didn't want the fiber offerings as they are rarely very high quality anyway) and no veggies at the pizza dinner, but I think it's good for me sometimes to just go with what's easy. I cut the second pizza slice in half because I was getting too full. Later, I went to karaoke and on the way home stopped at a supermarket for something chocolate. I walked around knowing I wasn't hungry and it would be a lot better just to skip it. I thought about cherries I had at home, so just bought eggplant and vegetable bouillon, both on sale, and even skipped the cherries at home. I felt it was a small victory not to eat because I could, esp. when I hadn't actually eaten much the whole day. I just wasn't hungry.I'm not sick so lack of appetite is not a sign of something wrong. I was glad to stay in cooperation with it. I think it had to do with my feeling that some of my time was absorbed with a guest, so a feeling of company was filled. Eventually I hope not to depend on that, either.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:28 pm

Wow that is a victory of avoiding eating when you know you could!!
I can't say I'm at that point.
Great work on also listening to your fullness/hunger.
I can do that up until after dinner. When a treat, regardless of hunger just is so enticing.

Yesterday I started getting caught up in the calorie counting mind-game again. Where I'm eating my meals, trying to justify that chocolate at the end of the night. :oops:
Thing is: it's fine. But not sustainable.

What IS sustainable is plates. Simple and not a draw on my mental energies that are needed for other things.

So, I was rehearsing in my brain your tag-line: I count plates. Not calories.
Repeat 4000 times. And DO!

Take care.

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Post by NoSnacker » Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:58 am

Hi there, thanks for stopping by...

Surely hoping for a better month!!!

Congrats as well as maintaining your weight...that is an awesome awesome thing to see, lets me know at my age it is not a lost cause.

Have a great July!

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:53 pm

Went to a potluck yesterday. Wasn't not starved when I got there. I didn't sample a lot of foods that were there, trying to stick to just what I really wanted. And I knew there was cake! It was a kind I REALLY like and I had a big piece. Enjoyed it! Did not leave stuffed.

Looking forward to a good day eating.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:26 pm

Have had a decent week, though I'm plagued with lack of hunger again. Yesterday I had no hunger in the morning but finally decided to have vegetable soup for breakfast. I thought that would crack the trend. I did get hungry for a nice lunch, but hunger vanished again, even after Jazzercise. Soup with different veggies for dinner. Woke up- no hunger. Miso soup with beets, cabbage, green beans, onion. I'm just trying to cooperate without completely skipping meals. I have no other problems besides some sleep issues which have been ongoing.

A little bit down because I am not using my time this summer to do the things I said I would. Gosh, I love lolling.

Only tentative plans to spend any time with people today. No one is insisting, so I'm not, either.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:22 pm

Hi oolala! Happy 4th July to you and yours ! :) :)

Just read your post. Sorry you're feeling a bit down, hon. I too have been feeling this way recently. Can't really put my finger on why exactly. Guess I've been letting work get to me a bit and stuff like that.

Anyway - I noticed that you mention that you weren't hungry for food yesterday. Just curious - are you only eating now when you actually feel hungry on N Days? I know you mentioned this mod for S Days but not as far as I knew on your N Days. Is this something you have been trying out recently or where you just referring to yesterday in particular? So many questions. Since you are an inspiration to me, I guess I am just curious and interested to hear more about how you successfully handle your No S Plan.
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:37 pm

It's recent. I noticed that I was often not hungry for breakfast and I would sometimes have an especially milky mocha instead. But even that was bugging me. But I was usually hungry for lunch and dinner. Then I started noticing I wasn't for one or the other. I tried to eat smaller meals, but geesh, it was starting to be a drag. I felt like I had to give myself such small servings of the foods I wanted. I decided it's actually easier to forego the protein and carbs than to eat just a few bites of each, esp, when I'm not that hungry. All I can say is that I assume my body is pulling out some of its reserves. I don't feel bad in any other way. I hope I'm not wasting away on the inside, but I don't know how else to gauge what to eat! I'm not willing to just eat when I'm hungry because that would likely have me eating meals at all kinds of weird hours and I'll be going back to work in a few weeks. I want the option of social eating.

I don't know how long I'll keep it up for. And S days are a bit of a crap shoot these days, though I keep thinking I'm overeating less as time goes on.

I'm actually considering giving up a lot of the thinking and writing (and certainly reading) about all this for one year starting on my birthday on Sept. 26. I still spend so much time on it and yet it's not really an issue most days of the week. I'll still read books on willpower or habit change. But I will be spending more time trying to expand other areas of my life. It doesn't come easy. I have the time now, but I'm not doing it. Hmm. Much like overeating used to be. Used to read the diet books while I ate a bowl of brownie batter.

So if you have any diet books besides No S you want to recommend, better tell me now! And I'll keep up with a few threads here (like yours) and on Spark. But I often spend time actually looking for more on each site and that I'm going to stop.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by snapdragon » Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:45 pm

You will be missed, but I can hardly blame you. Gosh if we aren't thinking about food, diets, or our weight what is there to think about!!!!!
I am a Catholic, and I always had a hard time with fasting, I couldn't really grasp the point of it since I learned it's not about twisting God's arm to do what I want. I think part of the point is to focus less on yourself and more on others, or God's will (not trying to impose anything here) I think perhaps your lack of hunger is an opportunity to focus on other things. On relationships and career and hobbies or whatever it is you have been wanting to spen time on. Hopefully, this will turn into a gift and you will find satisfaction and enjoyment in other things!!!!

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:01 pm

I admire you setting specific goals and setting time-lines for them! That's a great idea.
I do agree about the not thinking about food/diet/weight is a great idea and to not let it become another obsession. I feel so great right now. I'm eating 3 meals, enjoying treats in moderation (not everyday, but here and there), and just happy...but I'm with people most times I eat, we're eating out often, and there is not really an opportunity to go hog-wild on food. There is such a better life out there and most people aren't thinking about food at all.
But that's easier said than done. I might be overly stimulated with "goodness" now but worry for home at the end of the month. The real world. Maybe it's time to fill my free time (the little I have), or the "free mind" with other things!
Take care and keep up your inspiring posts for now!

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:21 pm

I did end up going to a potluck on the 4th so it was a NWS day. I did scarf about 6 shortbread cookies that I love, some pie and ice cream and two bread rolls later that I really didn't need, but hey. Hunger has been light and I've been eating in accordance with it.

Yesterday, I did get a hankering for cookie dough and was in Target, where they sell it again, and cheap. That was always one of my "triggers," which I just prefer to call stimuli. If I could get a deal on a binge food, I used to regard it as an omen, almost. Or at least that's what I convinced myself. I almost couldn't believe how far I let myself go yesterday, walking around and around until I found the packages and looking at them a long time. But I knew it would be setting off a cycle, not an impossible one, but a cycle of more struggle than I'd been experiencing, so I was able to walk away. I've never completely lost my taste for a lot of crappy binge food, though eating it to the extent I used to holds little cachet now. Honestly, a LITTLE part of me would like to be able to be stupid about food sometimes and if I didn't think it would set off a chain of irritating events, I might do it, but I'm not holding back a torrent of desire. I don't kid myself that it couldn't be a problem again, but it's not an albatross, as it is for some people. I certainly have my moments of resentment that it's an issue at all, but they are moments.

A male friend and I reconnected after several months and he offered to come over and sit with me while I got some paperwork filed. It was such a godsend. I know he has a little bit of a crush on me or I would ask him more often, but he seems to be inspired to help me and wants us to get back on this after I get back from dance camp. Fine with me! Maybe I'll get more done that I had come to accept.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by NoSRocks » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:40 pm

Agreed oolala - we really would miss you if you decided to bow out of the boards, even for a little while (but that would be entirely up to your good self, of course ).

Thanks for your nice words re. keeping up with my posts etc. I feel a tad guilty since I haven't been posting as much ! I can relate very much to your latest post where you talk about the thought of having 'binge or trigger' foods every now and again. Lately, because i have been 'super good' and my willpower stronger than usual, I too have been entertaining thoughts of having some of my favorite treats. 4th July I could have had those treats and although I chose not to in the end, I was sooooo tempted. I even baked up lots of treats but goodness knows when or if I will get around to having them. I am even thinking on ditching the diet classes (again!) because they are reinforcing my willpower and actually making me not want to eat the treats. BUT I have a big, empty feeling and not just in the pit of my stomach (lol) and feel rather sad at the prospect of never eating any of my favorite treats again! I know guys, go figure! Normally, I would pray for something like this to happen and now that it has, i don't feel comfortable with it. I miss the comfort eating! :roll:
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:03 pm

It really takes a lot longer to get over that. I felt that sense of grief and fear over not being able to binge into my SECOND YEAR of No S. It doesn't mean I don't think you shouldn't have your treat foods. I think you should have them, but I think you should choose the atmosphere that would be the least likely to let you binge on them. Then again, I did let myself go wild a lot and refused to get completely down about it, though I did whine a fair amount that it went on and on. And it is not as worn off as I would like it to be but it's only now that I'm willing to think about more purposeful mods. I'm mostly playing it by ear now, with a loose sense of mods which thankfully work out about 50% of the time. That's enough for me not to feel despairing.

But you have barely gotten out of the gate! A few weeks is no proof of anything. Do bask in whatever ease there is and weight results that you want but be cautious.

I couldn't imagine for the longest time accepting that if I stuck to No S, it would necessarily mean that I would probably be eating only a couple of sweets a week AT MOST, but it's now becoming a comfortable thought that I might have sweets only a few times a MONTH. I can see being content without them on some S days. And I still think I'm better off than those who decide to forego them forever. It can make some things easier, but it's not an easier I want, at this point.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:50 am

That's interesting what you say about the desire for treats getting less and less.
Tonight I ate dinner out with my parents, kids, sister. We all shared ONE dessert.
Driving home, I said to my sister, "I know we just had a few bites of a VERY wonderful caramel coffee cake, but I still want something."
My tummy says no, but sometimes I just simply want to eat.
I start to miss it.
Your description of walking around the grocery store looking for cookie dough is so familiar. The old binge foods.
Tonight I felt a familiar thing.
Not the binge, but a binge food leading me to old habits.
I came home, my mom keeps jars of candy on the counter including peanut M&M's.
I grabbed a handful and found myself grabbing a few more secretly.
What I did as a young(er) adult. Not wanting to be seen.
It's just this circuit in my brain where I go disappear in the house I grew up in and stuff my face.
I stopped after a few handfuls, but kinda was like, "WOAH, BABY!".
This stuff is hard-wired into the brain.
Anyways, not to usurp your board...
But to say we eat not out of hunger often due to habit.
There is all this chocolate in the kitchen this very minute and I almost miss over-doing it. It's an old pal.
But it never got me anywhere.
This is a SLLLOWWW process and it sounds like you have gotten to a moderate place 2 years later.
Good example to all of us.

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:56 pm

This reminds me of when I was about 11, I was in the house of a new friend and they had candy in a glass container on the kitchen counter. When she was out of the room, I took some. She came back and I know she could tell what I had done. So embarrassed! And now looking at it, I see how driven I was. I think 11 is a little old to just "be a kid" about it. If it were an S day, I'd probably still wish I could have some, if I just saw them there! But it's just memories. And the habit =neurochemical pattern. It's what is saying, "Oh, this is so harmless. Why shouldn't I be able to just have a handful?" But even if I have them, it can be positive as long as I don't let it lead to more.

Yes, those feelings of "I just need something crunchy" etc., are probably an illusion for bingers, or mostly ex-bingers, at least for a few years. I know the intuitive eating people say you have to trust yourself, but it just seems like too much trouble! Trying to read every little twinge or thought. That's why I think so few people are successful at it, though truthfully, so few people are successful at eating moderately in the first place. There are plenty who drop out of No S. I wish there was a way to know who went on to anything successful. But what difference would it make? There aren't that many options.

S day for me!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:26 pm

Hi oolala! Yeah, that's a pretty good point you made!!

I just got into the mode of eating a bit less and I'm sure its the diet classes that are reinforcing this and now all of a sudden, I want to change it all up again! :roll: It IS indeed a mind game and sometimes the mind wants to do crazy things - lol! This time, I am optimistic - albeit early days - that I am just going to ignore the negative thoughts (because no matter how you dress it up, that's what they are!) No S has taught me that I can indeed have treats on occasions (emphasis on occasions). Now this being a weekend and what would normally i.e. for the past 3 yrs or so have been one of my S Days, knowing that I am getting weighed in in a few days' time at the club, Ive made the decision not to have any S Day treats. I could - even following the diet club guidelines to the letter - have a daily treat if I want to, but TBPH I haven't felt real solid cravings for any of these foods. I had some cravings on 4th July when I decided to make the treats and I had a little nibble (literally) on a corner of one of the brownies I made...but that was it. Like yourself oolala, I'm not feeling like eating just for the sake of it or because I can anymore and again, I know it is early days so this could change but something this time feels different and I definitely feel my willpower stronger. Actually, I wouldn't even define it as willpower, I just have lost the desire to go have something. I haven't and don't know if I ever will - got to the stage where I would skip any of my 3 daily meals. Maybe that will come eventually. Like you suggest, its gradual and I won't push it. I think the sadness and emptiness stems back from when food was a big part of my life (aka bingeing heavily on a daily basis) and whilst for the most part I got over the bingeing (thank you No S), I still have a very sweet tooth and certainly looked forward to the S Days. My problem is/was I had problems with eating properly on S Days; no real structure; eating cakes instead of meals etc. etc. Then again, my S Days were getting slowly better but just not seeing any shift in weight. At 5'7" and almost 50 yrs old with a thyroid problem, I guess 170 lbs isn't so bad and if I knew I were going to remain there for the rest of my life, maybe I could come to terms with it, but there's just this niggling little "What if?" in the back of my mind: "What IF I really, really tried this time, would I lose any weight? Am I physically capable of losing weight anymore??"
Right now, my will is strong and I feel focussed I have to say. Whether that will last or the lure (sentimentality?) of wanting treats again will make me change my mind again, remains to be seen right now. :wink:
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:37 pm

Well, it all started with the thought, "But I deserve these cookies" on Wednesday night after what turned out to be a stressful time at dance camp (intermixed with a lot of fun, too). Since then, I've pretty much eaten every binge food to excess except containers of frosting. I did not feel frantic through it all, but I didn't use the boards to combat it, either. My house is a mess, too, but I am not completely down over it, though I am procrastinating this morning.

One more week until I start a new school year. Not happy about that. Have also been feeling sorry for myself over financial losses that kept me from being able to retire early. I am trying to move on and often do try to shift my thoughts. I saw a financial planner, but am not ready to make a decision to spend the money for his further advice or change anything yet. He was honest enough to say that none of my investments looked like bad bets. I have a job. No one can tell the future.

Last night, I saw the movie The Most Exotic Marigold Hotel about retired Brits moving to India. It sure made me nostalgic for the days I traveled there before I had taken on the obligations of adulthood for the long haul. I could live on so little there, but had no real connection to the life around me, and I didn't really want to live overseas forever. But I feel I have to work hard to make a life for myself here, too. It's all an inside job.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by TexArk » Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:23 pm

Ah, it does always start with a thought doesn't it? I operate on default when I am faced with some of life circumstances you mentioned. Knowing school is starting up again soon is a big one!

But, where we are different, changed for the better, is that we recognize what happened, and stop it. One day is not going to crash the car even though it infuriates us. I have finally accepted that I will never be CURED, but I can get back on track quickly and the episodes are far and few between now.

Last weekend I went over the top with nuts and seeds and fresh cherries. Darn that Whole Foods one day sale on cherries. Now those were very healthy foods, but i still binged! I can look and see I was really dealing with sadness and a little depression. And how have I done that all my life...it is very ingrained to turn to food for soothing.

I hope you have a less stressful school year this time around. I taught in public school 14 years before moving to community college and university. I am not sure I could have lasted in public school until retirement. BTW my retirement stinks also because I changed states!
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Post by BrightAngel » Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:34 pm

oolala53 wrote:Well, it all started with the thought, "But I deserve these...
At times, it happens to us all ... including me. Image
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:28 pm

Thanks, gals! The nibbling and even overeating has continued, but I'm still not freaking. It's not whole pizzas or the like. And it's settling down. I just can't let myself get too upset over it. Or anything, really.

Have been trying to get back on a better sleeping schedule. Got up yesterday around 6:30 a.m. and aimed to today, too. I know I woke up around 6, but lolled and when I finally got up, it was 8:30 a.m.! Gads. I had no idea I'd actually gone back to sleep. I went to bed before 10, but didn't fall asleep for quite awhile. I'm not even overtly worrying at the time. I try doing progressive relaxation or meditation as I know it, but it's easy for the mind to wander. Ah, aging. All I can do is keep trying.

Going to take library books back today. I have way too many to actually read. I wish I thought I was going to get a lot of other things done, too, but there is no guarantee.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:53 pm

Didn't get to the library and can't find some books that are due. this drives me crazy! I try to keep books in the same place in the house but obviously don't succeed.

I'm sticking to No S today but it is really hard. I am in a funk over the class I got assigned to teach-- so far. My schedule is actually still up in the air, but the one class assigned was one I really didn't want. I've been fighting moping all day, but only partly making it. However, I haven't eaten over it.

Trying to stay in the moment. A friend who had been helping me with clutter has been under the weather and that hasn't helped. I thought I'd get more done before I go back to work on Monday. Not much mojo right now.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sun Jul 22, 2012 1:48 am

Living in the moment helps so much in these more trying times, no?
But it can be SO difficult.

Good for you for feeling everything instead of eating it.

Hate when I lose library books! Love that term "mojo", too, btw! :D

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Post by kccc » Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:34 pm

Just sending best wishes.

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Post by mimi » Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:11 am

Oh, oolala...I totally hear you! As TexArk pointed out, at least we have reached the point where we recognize what went wrong and why, and then we acknowledge it and get back on track. It certainly does take a while to reach that point, though, doesn't it?
Both ending a school year and beginning a new one are huge triggers to throw me off track...simply the sheer stress and the change.
I am not happy with my assignment this year either, but glad to still have a job. Fortunately, we don't start back until August 13 which will be coming up soon enough...sigh.
Sending good vibes your way!

Mimi :D
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
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Post by TexArk » Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:07 pm

Thinking about you today and hoping the routine of work will turn out to be a good thing. You have all the information you need in your head to make right choices, but isn't it amazing that information is not usually enough. It is the day to day practice that you have been DOING for several years that will get you through.

That was one of the things that frustrated me in school teaching. The public at large seemed to think that education could solve social problems. For instance, the kids already KNEW way more than I did about drugs, and I can't say that our drug education programs did very much. Maybe and I just couldn't see it.

Anyway, I am with you as I pick myself up and keep practicing.

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:35 am

Thanks, all!

As it turned out, the principal told me she had just needed to put that class somewhere in the schedule, so I didn't have to teach it! Yeah! In fact, as things stand now, I have a pretty good schedule. I will be working in a new subject area and with a different teacher than I have before, but it looks very doable from here. I might even have a life outside of work!

I had a red day yesterday but it was all extra fruit after dinner. I don't want to keep that up, though.

Someone on the main board brought up an author who wrote and helped conduct workshops for alcholics. The author (Jack Trimpey) turned the principles he taught to eating issues as well. I read his book about a year ago and was reminded of one of his metaphors. He called the voice in our heads that tells us to eat inappropriately the "feast beast." That idea has helped me not snack a couple of times today. "Oh, that's just my feast beast talking."

I also put on an extra bracelet that I am going to use as my reminder about what my goals are in my eating behavior. When I look at it, I think, "This is worth it, and I can do it." The bracelet has a bunch of hearts on it and that reminds me that this comes from a tender place, not a place of punishment or criticism.

I forgot that the principal provided lunch for us today, so the lunch I packed is now ready to be dinner, with some fruit added. That's about an hour away and I will be ready!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:20 pm

Great to read your posts as always, oolala, so happy to see that you are still doing so well.

Love the bracelet idea. I wear a stainless steel expansion bracelet with little 14k gold circles with tiny tiny diamonds in each one next to my watch each day - I might start looking at it differently now.


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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:54 pm

Had a good week, though not completely green, but since I had been bingeing on sweets every day for awhile, I was just glad not to be doing that.

I'm trying not to be annoyed because a neighbor I like is playing a radio outside that is too loud for me. This time of year always brings up this issue. I think I should be able to open my windows and get some cool air without hearing what other people want to listen to. They want to work outside and listen to stuff. Sometimes I garden with my radio on just to have a noise balance. It may sound paradoxical because I live in a flight path and have that sound (landing planes), but that is intermittent. It is noise pollution, too, but not one individual. The other problem is that this guy is very nice and has been helpful to me with some plumbing problems lately. The music is his early teen daughter's and she has some social issues, so this might be a way to keep her calm. Oh, well, I guess I have to be a grownup.

I'm feeling pretty lazy even though I have time to get stuff done. But the pale pink bougainvillea, the orange tree with its tiny green fruits, and the potted caladium look like they need observing.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:51 am


Just had a chance to read back some of your posts. As you know I learned early on that this eating plan was not something for me as I don't like the concept of treating my body well for five days and then mistreating it for two. So I just eat as well as I can, have a dessert now and then if I choose to, or not. I do love the friends I have made here, you among them.

What keeps me honest is the desire to live a long healthy life and look my very best. Vanity plays into it for me in a big way. I like wearing a certain size clothes and looking good in them.

Should you choose to not post here, I hope you will do as I do and stop by now and then to say hi and let us know how you are doing.


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Post by oolala53 » Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:32 pm

I've been wavering lately and went to a bookstore last night to see if I could find some books to bolster me. It did help. How? It just made me more determined because I am so sure that most of the diet books are bad juju. I know a lot of us rant about this so it's not new but it's just unbelievable how much money and intellect is invested in regimented diets. It's like reading about how not to sail off the edge of the earth. Even ones that are not calorie-based. One of them talked about detoxing first from sugar by abstaining forever. Then processed carbs. Then fats! I didn't look to see which fats. Admittedly, that one was for "food addicts." Poor dears. Life in this culture must feel like a minefield to them, especially with people telling them they can't possibly learn to control eating the foods that are everywhere.

Funny stuff last night: I went to a Chinese buffet that charged by the pound for takeout. I balked at paying $5 a lb. for strawberries and melon when I knew I had some at home. I was very hungry and actually chose to eat in the car. I don't disallow that, as I often eat quite slowly in the car. When I got home, I had some fruit and yogurt. I could have easily fit it in a little bowl I would have put on my plate with the other food, so I'm calling it a win.

I feel good about the weekend after looking at those diet books. I can be reasonable and moderate in my S's or even skip them, if I like. It's time to show what can happen when I'm really moderate consistently. I rejoice at not thinking I have to count everything up.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by ZippaDee » Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:17 am

Gonna give that a big AMEN!!! The rejoicing in the not counting part! So, I had my cholesterol checked this week. Haven't had it done since 05. It is actually lower than it was then, but still a bit high. Over the last few days I have been researching what I can do to lower it. I'm feeling the same doom and gloom about this as I do about weight loss diets. Eat this, don't eat this. ugh. I have "almost" decided to just continue with my same mind set...vanilla No S...add exercise and see where my cholesterol is in six months time. They called me with the results and told me to "take all saturated fat" out of your diet and check again in 3 to 4 months. That feels like going down the same road I have been down for year....reading labels, etc. We'll see. Gonna think about it a few more days.

I guess we've been kind of in the same place the past few days. Reading diet material and feeling sick about it....BLECH!! Poor dears, indeed!
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

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Post by ZippaDee » Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:56 am

Thanks for your concern for me Oolala! My cholesterol ratio is actually good...in the low risk category. My overall and LDL is slightly elevated and my HDL is good. Doc would like my LDL to go down. I will attempt to make some changes in what I am eating and add some exercise on a more regular basis. My exercise has been sporadic. In my early years my weight loss efforts were mainly for vanity reasons, but the past several years my efforts have not been for vanity reasons. It's about my health and how I feel....looking better is an extra! My cholesterol is down since 05, so continue what I am doing with some tweaks will hopefully continue the downward trend.
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day." ~Winnie the Pooh ~

A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms!

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Post by nosnos » Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:52 pm

Thoght I'd stop by your thread and just offer a quick hello. You know that no s is the sanest plan out there. (However it doesn't sound like you are doing too bad despite the fact you want to tighten up.)
Good luck to you :) nosnos

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:07 am

Hi, nosnos. Yes, I feel pretty married to No S, though we have our spats. All my doing.

A good day despite more plumbing problems. Cost me 65 bucks to have someone snake my drain over 25 feet and it didn't even work. but he made the house call after hours and spent about an hour. Wonder what it will cost me tomorrow for the guy with a longer snake? or whatever he has. This is when I don't like being a grown up.

Success today with food and 14 minutes.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Amy3010 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:21 pm

I feel for you - plumbing problems are a major stress! Hope the second guy can sort things out!

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:51 pm

Thanks, Amy. Yes, today's plumber got the job done- in about 25 minutes for $150. He also found out that the previous guy needs to come back and fix the flapper he put in in the toilet tank. I'm not paying for that, goll durn it.

Had eggs for breakfast since I went in late. Light lunch because I burned the tortilla I was heating on my panini grill at work, and I didn't have time to eat the melon I brought. Not really hungry but it's so hot, the thought of the melon keeps coming up. No Choice! Fence aroudn the law. I can drink something cold.

Also got a 35 minute walk in before the plumber arrived. Had left sunglasses in a friend's car the other day and I went over to pick them up. Not counting that towards my 14 minutes; that will be resistance work.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by Amy3010 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:46 pm

Hooray for the second plumber! And great that the whole thing didn't seem to "throw a wrench" in your good habits :wink:

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:20 am

Yeah, it's great when someone knows what to do.

I had a good weekend, almost the best in a long while. And a perfect Monday. Yay me. Got about 6 weeks until weigh in. I had wanted to be down but the way things are going, I may have to be happy with maintenance.

Weather has been very hot and sleep patterns off enough that did not fit in exercise today. WAsn't awake with time when it was cool enough,
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by tobiasmom » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:21 am

Its just great to see you here plugging away day after day! This is a journey...and I'm happy to be on it with ya!

lbb (Liz)
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:31 pm

Hi oolala!
Looks like you're doing well. Congrats on the good weekend and perfect Monday.
I love how you pledge your "marriage" to No-S. It's a great comparison!
Has school/teaching already started up for you?
Take care.

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:11 pm

I've been doing okay, in my opinion, even though I've had small fails most nights. I feel okay because I still have so many afternoons at school on which the thought will come to go buy binge food and suck it down. It's pretty easy to ignore it now, but it still comes. So an extra piece of bread or some yogurt after dinner seems manageable and I have faith I'll bring it around.

Heat is terrible and my sleep patterns are such that I don't get a workout in when it's cool in the morning. Have walked a couple of evenings at sunset.

Will go to a Jazzercise class this a.m. and tough out the sweating. I bought a groupon and still have some classes left, but I quit going after I used a lot of the classes to get ready for dance camp. That's the problem with that kind of goal. When you reach it, your motivation disappears. It has to be no matter what. I'm hopeful that I'll have enough of a habit next year that I won't let the heat get in the way.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:14 pm

3 of my main 'tricks' lately to avoid overeating ... fruits, fills you up, hardly any calories. I always have an apple close by for emergencies. I like apples because you can keep them for a long time, even a few days, at room temp., no problem ... 2nd trick, chocolate soy milk ... what I do is I put approx. 200ml of soy chocolate milk in the biggest mug I have (and it's huge !) then I fill it up to the top with water so the entire mug doesn't have a lot of calories, it's 80% water, I put it in the microwave, 5 minutes ... I add half a 'sugar twin' and a tablespoon of cocoa powder ... good chocolate---y drink ... fills you up, hardly any calories and it takes 20 minutes to sip it since it's burning hot. 3rd trick, hard candy ... even the ones with sugar only have 15 calories and they take 15 minutes to finish, enough to make the big cravings go away and of course distract yourself from food ...
let me know your thoughts ...hope this helps you as well.
Marc ;-)

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:22 pm

I'm rarely inclined to want to overeat on N days. Latte or mocha in between meals is always available or enough for true hunger or the extant need for "fun," such as on days like now, a vacation day when a nice coffee in the afternoon at a little cafe, though I'm not hungry, feels reasonable and sane.

On S days, it can be tricky for me to try to use ANY food (besides the above) to satisfy fake hunger. Most of the time, just waiting it out is the best option. This took a couple of years to get, and I still need convincing at times. Or more accurately, remembering.

I'm getting more and more clear that food is not my problem. Life is my problem! I need to keep honing my skills on life in between my meals; for me, food-healthy or not- has been the coverup, and I need to face it. Not really any more fun than facing down food has been, but what's the option? I'm 59 now. If not now, when?
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Post by heatherhikes » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:29 pm

oolala53 wrote:... food is not my problem. Life is my problem! I need to keep honing my skills on life in between my meals; for me, food-healthy or not- has been the coverup, and I need to face it. Not really any more fun than facing down food has been, but what's the option? I'm 59 now. If not now, when?
oolala, your staying-power, patience with yourself and insightfulness have been/are such an encouragement to me.
I am also 59 years old, US American and have a HARD time making sense here in Europe...making a life for myself (I don't intend to offend anybody; please excuse me).

Your sticking to your guns helps me to do the same.
:D Heddi

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Post by NoSRocks » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:17 pm

Again, oolala, I can only echo what heddi so eloquently and accurately said. You are truly the Mother Figure of the No S Board. (Meant in the nicest possible way, of course ! :) :) :)
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Post by TunaFishKid » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:34 pm

oolala53 wrote: I'm getting more and more clear that food is not my problem. Life is my problem! I need to keep honing my skills on life in between my meals; for me, food-healthy or not- has been the coverup, and I need to face it. Not really any more fun than facing down food has been, but what's the option? I'm 59 now. If not now, when?
You're so right. I'm 55 and just recently realized (although I've kind of known it for a long time) that I use dieting as my coverup. When life gets tough, I get online and waste the whole day (week, year, life) planning another diet.
~ Laura ~

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Post by heatherhikes » Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:20 pm

oolala53 wrote:...I'm getting more and more clear that food is not my problem. Life is my problem! I need to keep honing my skills on life in between my meals; for me, food-healthy or not- has been the coverup, and I need to face it...
oolala, To give you a more focused response than my earlier post...
I appreciate your honesty; though this is your thread, it's open for all to read.

I'm dealing with similar issues. Personally, my faith and helpful materials are helping me here and implementing what I learn (most important).
Plus, through the NoS structure I find myself less and less thinking about non-compliant eating and why. As the 3-mealing habit becomes stronger I seem to reach out more to LIFE, aim for balance, explore new things.
However, the other side of the NoS coin is that, as I tend to not cover myself with excess food any more, some underlying unresolved issues seem to reach the surface, staring me in the face. Then I have the choice to begin to deal with them or not. This reminds me of the wise prayer...strength to change the things I can and let go of the things I can't and to know the difference.
I'm not saying this is what you do, but I've wasted much time i.t.past looking for and trying to always understand the reasons for the overeating habit.

Happy weekend No-essing
BTW, planning for outside fun and maybe some exploring, feeling like a kid, has helped me, (not only) on weekends not to go ballistic with food. I'm not perfect, by any means. :wink:

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Post by heatherhikes » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:57 pm

oolala, forgive me if I sounded patronizing to you, on your own thread. You have been at this a lot longer than me,
It's interesting, though, although we are living in different continents, we're dealing with similar food <--> life issues; at least on the surface so it seems.

I have been practicing NoS for a fairly short time but have some experience helping people; your post touched me, if I may say so.

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Post by sarahkay » Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:42 pm

I love reading your posts too. I take away so much wisdom from them.

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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:42 pm

oolala - I did not realize till now I had missed your birthday ;:oops: :oops:

A very Happy Belated Birthday from me! :D :D
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Post by NoSnacker » Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:07 pm

Ditto, happy belated birthday!!!!!! I hope to dust off my kindle and try to read and be inspired some more.

Life is what it is...at 190, I feel horrible, uncomfortable, etc. but have been here before...

have a great evening..

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Post by heatherhikes » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:14 pm

Happy belated birthday, oolala; wishing you a wonderful year!
:) Heddi

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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:06 am

Hi oolala! :)

Thanks very much for the pm :)

Just sent you a message in reply. Hope you get it okay!

Roxy xx
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:29 pm

Got it, Roxy. Tx.
I made a little set of cards ala Beck. Some are what she calls "advantages" and some are "response" cards, responses to reasons our minds come up with to overeat.

Some of them for me today are "The less I eat randomly when I'm not hungry, i.e., snacks, the happier am." And "Random eating rarely gives me pleasure for more than a few minutes. It usually ruins my appetite for more desirable meals later." "I feel more light and vital when I don't graze."

I will be going to a gathering at which there'll be snacks at 3:45. I'll be having lunch around 1 p.m. I usually like to nibble at the snacks as they are crunchy Indian noshes that I don't usually have, shared with others, but I'm going to forego them. Sometimes there are very good dessert items; if there are today, I will have the equivalent volume of my fist of dessert, even if I'm not particularly hungry because of the social factor. I have not eaten with others this whole week, and I'd rather not end up getting a dessert on my own later. I will consider not having dinner if I have dessert only because I know from experience that I have not been hungry after a similar regime on Saturdays and I often eat dinner anyway. I don't usually feel my best when I do that. I would like to go to bed feeling more light. I'd also like to wake up feeling a little hungry. Of course, if I do get legitimately hungry for dinner, I will have a meal.
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:00 am

I didn't get through my event without eating, even though there was no great sweet. However, I ate much less than I usually do and didn't feel full at all. I still stuck to my plan to eat dinner only if I got hungry. I didn't. It's now 9:52 p.m. so I guess I'm going to bed without my supper... but I'm not hungry, so it isn't a punishment. I know some thin people sometimes forget meals and don't eat. I assume they aren't hungry and that's why they forget. Can't say I ever forget. Maybe if I keep up this habit on S days, I'll forget meals. Would be interesting.
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:26 pm

Interesting idea, oolala! :) Good for you for making it through okay.

Perhaps that could be another mod for me to try further on down the road if I find my weight changing/stalling in future.
I had tried this once or twice before i.e. not eating until hungry on weekends (my S Days) but unfortunately, I crumbled before I even got to mid day ! :(

I wonder if I might fare better this time around, now that I am in the frame of mind and habit of eating less at weekends?
hmmm... certainly something worth thinking about and I might give it a go one of these days. :)
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Oct 10, 2012 2:41 pm

Roxy, I don't think you should change a thing! Your eating sounds good. If you're getting some consistent movement in, too, you're golden, no matter what the scale says.

Yesterday was a success. I forgot we are having a dept. lunch and packed a lunch for today. I'll take it just in case there's not enough freggies.

A woman on Spark claimed she tried eating only when she was hungry and ate very little, but didn't lose weight She started eating more and lost. (This was in response to my recommending jettisoning the scale IF IT MADE OR RUINED YOUR DAY.) Moral of the story to me? Still get rid of the scale and eat the way that fits into your life and makes you feel vital.
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Post by NoSRocks » Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:59 am

I know, you're right, oolala - why fix what ain't broke and so far, so good, whatever I seem to be doing, seems to be working out very well.

I still feel very comfortable with the woe eating now and not at all deprived. That is the main thing, isn't it? :)
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:04 am

In my opinion, yes.
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:13 am

Yay for moderate eating.
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:54 pm

This morning I was lying in bed thinking, "What sweet would be worth it to eat for breakfast?" Can you believe that today it actually makes me slightly sad to realize that none would? Or at least not at this moment. I used to start S days with waffles and syrup, but I did a lot of later eating-because-I-can and would feel like crap the whole weekend. This or something similar went on for the most part for a couple of years and occasionally in the subsequent 6 months. (I'm repeating myself, I know.) I used to love cheese danish or raspberry danish, though I didn't have them often. I thought if either one of them would really be a better total experience than some fabulous whole wheat bread from Costco with flax almond butter and banana, and the inner answer was, "No." Many days realizing that would feel like a gain, but today it feels a little sad. That intense sense of fun and pleasure doesn't feel available, and I miss the thought of it a little. Oh, I know in a few minutes I'm going to have a mocha and I'm going to revel in that, but not really much had come up to replace what food used to do. It's rather weird to feel two seemingly mutually exclusive things at the same time, but I do: life is, and isn't, better since consistent overeating is a thing of the past. I'm really glad I don't do it, but nothing fantastic had replaced it, and I still wonder what to rally my life around. I don't feel much connection to the things that sustain most people.

I'm very aware that this is a temporary set of thoughts and feelings.

I did eat an extra chunk of bread with my coffee. Oh, well. I wish I didn't have to get ready to leave soon but I can't both loll around all day (as I'd like to) and be involved with my spiritual group (as I'd also like to.) I wish they met on Sundays or weren't an hour's drive away, but here we are. I'm not breaking rocks in a Chinese prison, so let's keep things in perspective.
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Post by milliem » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:12 pm

Funny how much pleasure food can bring isn't it? I was pondering the other day whether I will ever be in a place where I don't miss eating sweet, salty, fatty foods and be able to go days or weeks without considering them. Who knows! Sorry to hear you're feeling a little sad about things *hugs*.

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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:36 am

I'm with you on this, oolala! Having (had) a relentessly sweet tooth for most of my life, I too longed for the weekends and looked forward to what I was going to treat myself to... often as not, though I too got mildly disappointed on S Day mornings when a: I couldn't quite make my mind up what I really fancied to eat b: I didn't have the time to savor my chosen treat properly or c: couldn't really 'justify' having such and such just because it was an S Day because sometimes, tbh, I just didn't feel like (having the particular treat) at the time. I'm not going to say that now I've included my new mods, I'm 100% never ever going to think about and/or be tempted by the goodies (in my case, usually baked goods of some description) but I can definitely attest that it is a temporary state of mind. I for one could not imagine a few months ago, ever getting out of my S Day 'eat it just because I can' way of thinking, but at the risk of blowing my own trumpet, I am really amazed at the progress I have made over the past few months by doing just that. I agree, it definitely does take time - in my case a LONG time to reach this particular stage of No S; I am glad however that I did stick with it because if I had thrown in the towel or changed to yet another 'diet plan', I know for a fact I would still be struggling with eating anxieties and unwanted pounds i.e. not made any progress whatsoever. Sorry - this post seems to be running on a bit. I guess i feel very emotive about this subject. :)

Have a nice weekend, guys!
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Post by lbb (Liz) » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:15 pm

I understand what it feels like to kinda mourn the loss of excitement over food...when it doesn't "DO" anything for you and there's this empty gap waiting to be filled.
I mean, you enjoy food, but it's not as exciting. That's what we all want, of course, but there's something maybe in our lives that we want to have replace it!
Great insight. Hope you're doing well!

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Post by oolala53 » Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:01 pm

My, my, I have gone a long time not posting here. I'm not exactly where I wanted to be by this time this year. I was hoping I was on the three-year schedule and not the five-year one. (The maintenance timelines show that the relapse likelihood goes down anywhere from 2-5 years, but 5 years is the gold standard- even though the relapse rate is still 25% then.) I regard myself as being on maintenance from the time I started No S, not when I reached a normal BMI, which was last March, over two years into it. I was hoping by now that S days would be very close to N days with just an occasional desire for an S, but they still loom over me. Nothing like they did for the first two years or even a few months ago, so I do feel like I've made progress! Some pants feel slightly loser, too. Official weigh in isn't until the winter solstice.

Speaking of relapse, I'm on another board on which a woman lost 100 lbs. in her 20's and kept if off for 25 years, but then regained a lot of it. (She didn't say how much.) I wonder if she counted calories for those 25 years? I'll still take being less than lithe over that.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by milliem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:58 pm

Yikes, counting calories for all that time sounds like hard work!!

I love how balanced you are about things, you've made such a lot of progress you should definitely give yourself credit for it even if your S days aren't how you hoped they would be!

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:52 am

TX, milliem. I actually do give myself credit because I am in such a much better place than I was three years or even one year ago. Then again, I'm approaching 60 so it seems I ought to be acquiring some damn wisdom along with the crepey skin, for Pete's sake.

Had a scrumptious lunch which was-- God help me-- from the 99cent store, and irony of ironies: it was a PORK kebab wrapped in pita with onions and a few tomato bits. I added a bit of protein powder, salad, and grapes. I say irony because the package said it was offering Middle Eastern food for those who appreciate it. I was wondering how many Middle Easterners eat pork. I'm sure it is the minority. I certainly never saw a pork kebab in my years in Iran. Not even in the Christian neighborhoods. I would say that maybe that was the reason it was in the 99cent store, but there was a chicken version, too. I was going to leave those for the Muslim shoppers, but my lunch was so good (and easy), I think I'm going to go back and stock up.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
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Post by heatherhikes » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:21 pm

Oolala, just saying hello. (turned 60 last month and don't like it)
Pork kebab in pita with tomato and onions, salad and grapes. Sounds scrumptious. NoS is so freeing in that we can eat anything our little hearts desire.
Have a good week
:) Heddi

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Post by oolala53 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:31 am

Heddi, I did stock up (actually there were only 4 packages left) and had the same lunch except for a half an apple instead of grapes. Still scrumptious.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
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Post by snapdragon » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:37 am

Pork kebabs sound fishy to me too wink wink. Was it a frozen meal?

I can't fathom counting calories for life! With all the running around, and inconveniencing others. I remember going to a nice Christmas dinner at a friends house and a guest insisted the hostess not put any butter on the green beans! She had started weight watchers and was making a big deal out of everything. It was awkward for all of us. I recall sitting in WW meetings and the leader encouraging that kind of thing.

I think I can write a comedy act of women in a weight watchers meeting salivating and getting excited about making a fat free pizza with an English muffin, tomato sauce and ff cottage cheese!
No thank you!!!!
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:46 am

Oh, yeah, it was frozen. Not a purist here.

A woman on another board took her own little entree to her MIL's for a dinner at which the woman had made an English beef dish. She gets all kinds of kudos from the other people forthings like that. She is terrified of gaining weight even after seven years of maintaining. The woman's whole life revolves around what she eats and what slight negative affect it has one her. Now it's wheat and yet she's also convinced a pork chop made her bloated. She's not as thin as someone with anorexia nervosa, but her fear of being fat is just as profound. I'm not willing to live like that.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
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Post by snapdragon » Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:29 pm

I know who you are describing. It's off putting to read. I felt so discouraged when I first started reading her blog because I thought perhaps that's what I would have to do to lose the weight and keep it off.
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:07 am

Had a pretty perfect food day. Was pleasantly and contentedly hungry for dinner for a few hours. This after being extremely upset and overwhelmed with the near-impossibility of my job. I had fantasies of shoving huge chunks of fudge into my mouth. One little piece wouldn't have been enough. It would have had to be way too much. It was gratifying how easy it was to sweep aside the thought.

But binged on resentment, disgust, and guilt. Interesting. It's much easier to not eat than to not think.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
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Post by NoSRocks » Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:15 pm

Hi my dear oolala!

Sorry to hear that you are unhappy with your job - it sounds easy to say, but I completely understand and empathize with you. If you are unhappy at work, it can get all encompassing no matter how many times loved ones and well meaning friends try to assure you otherwise!

We just have to tell ourselves that whatever it is that is bothering us, it is not forever even though it may seem like the most difficult obstacle in the world. Trust this doesn't come over as condescending hun, I know its hard on the 'net to convey certain emotions as they were intended.

Sending lots of big ((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) over your way and a very big THANK YOU also for continuing to be the voice of wisdom and understanding in my No S Journey! Haven't been posting as much, but I continue to read and digest all of your very insightful, encouraging posts!

Have a great weekend!! You didn't mess up anyway since you were at a restaurant and eating honest to goodness food from a plate! :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Post by oolala53 » Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:30 am

I'm fine with my eating, despite the fact that I didn't keep my mod yesterday. I was surprised by how good it felt to eat the sweets I did. I felt funnier about eating dinner later, as I wasn't hungry, but a few old stimuli came together and I ate.

Ate dinner out and had even less than usual. Felt good. Got tomorrow's lunch. Not the least desire for dessert.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:24 am

Success with eating yesterday and today.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by oolala53 » Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:01 pm

Quad-yearly weigh in done. Weighed for 8 days and averaged the total. 150.75, so 151. Have shaved off 3 lbs. since the fall equinox. I know most of it has been recently, as I've been experimenting with adjusting downward because I was not getting hungry for my meals even though I wasn't eating more. Being conjuring my inner French femme.

I sometimes wish I could go away for three months traveling. But what would I do when I came home and wasn't able to walk for hours a day and fill up on taking in the sights and relaxing? I've got to eat for real life, stress and dull times and all. But I don't mean to sound like the eating part is a burden. It's actually more that activity part. Moving consistently takes more effort than NOT eating. I know I have time in my day if I make it. I just let NO be more powerful than YES.

But I did rebound last night for 10 minutes.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by oolala53 » Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:51 pm

Uh-oh. I had a fail yesterday afternoon. I know it's because I'm trying to have more meat-free meals and am having some trouble with finding variety. I made a lunch that was just too light, and then with so many sweets at work, I caved. Oh, well. And just after a low weigh-in. Classic rookie mistake. But I'm not a rookie!

It's surprising how chicken with different sauces can seem different but beans with different sauces don't. And I've been so affected by the anti-dairy crowd that I probably have less than I could. I am surely not dairy free, and don't intend to be, as I have milk, plain yogurt, and cottage cheese in the fridge, but I spread out their use. but if I skip flesh I have to get my calories from somewhere, and beans and grain at every meal...

I'm in a danger zone now because I have the crudite-and-dip tray ready to bring to a potluck and I can't find the address or host's phone number. I was expecting to be able to eat there, including desserts in company. Feeling very frustrated and cheated. Plus I missed a meeting at a Zen center I wanted to go to because I got a call from a friend about rental problems in another city and haven't been able to get in touch with the property manager. I feel thwarted at every turn.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by NoSRocks » Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:09 am

Noooo! You'll be okay ((((hugs))))))) :) :wink: :wink:

Just wanted to pop in and say very many congratulations on your weigh in results. 4 lbs down is awesome! You're on the right track, hon, as they say.

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:02 pm

For the most part, I'm feeling darn good about my eating. Had such good exerineces on Xmas EVe and Day. I enjoyed the savory food but saved pleanty of room for sweets. Gawd, how I still love fudge! And my grown niece makes these candy balls that are cream cheese and Oreo cookie crumbs blended and then covered in milk chocolate. They might beat out fudge in the future because they are so smooth.

Okay, when am I going to stop thinking and writing about all of this and take care of paperwork and clutter in my life?
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
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Post by Sweetness » Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:10 pm

Yes congrats on the fall weight loss, glad you could enjoy some treats! That's the beauty of No S, yes? 8)

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Post by oolala53 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:51 pm

I wrote this on the thread of a member who decided happily to use calorie counting to help her determine her meals as she was not losing weight. It involves a lot of my thoughts (not necessarily new) at this time. I'm about 90% satisfied with how I eat now, but there's still that 10%: am I still eating more than I need? Could I consistently eat less without tripping what I call the refeeding wire, that point at which the body puts up a big fight and urges you to eat more because you've gone too far?

I'm curious to know how the new portions feel when you eat them and whether beforehand you were experiencing real hunger for your meals on N days. I cannot bring myself to look at calorie issues. I know that for most of the time on No S when I eat so that I'm just comfortably full after a meal and eat little enough that I am hungry for the next meal, I am probably eating about 1500 calories give or take a few hundred calories a day. (I'm 5'6".) And I've lost on that. What's ironic is that if someone had told me a few years ago that I needed to stick to a 1500-calorie a day limit, it would have given me the willies. It would have sounded like too little food. Nowadays, even what I eat is starting to feel like too much, as I don't get as hungry as I used to, but I almost don't want to know that I would consistently be eating much less than that because it sounds like- a diet!

I guess what I'm asking is now that you are eating different portions, when you look back, do you realize that you were not paying attention at all to your hunger and satiety? and if you had been, might you have eaten less without the calorie counting? I am willing to eat less; I just can't face eating less because I am trying to keep to a calorie limit. I know others reach a point at which that doesn't seem like a sacrifice and in fact makes them feel like the calorie counting takes care of worrying about whether they're eating the right amount, but for me, I get such a sense of anxiety thinking about it! I don't even like thinking that I am "supposed" to weigh less. I'm just willing to weigh less if my body takes me there if I determine that it's going to take a lot less to start feeling more hunger again more often. Last year around this time, when I was on vacation and didn't have much I had to accomplish, I actually once went without eating for 36 hours because I did not feel one bit hungry. However, I think with my binge past, that is playing on the edge a bit. This year, I'm hoping to just get more in touch with how to eat little enough so that I still get hungry a few times a day. I may also have to accept that in order not to eat really tiny meals and yet still get hungry, I may end up eating only two a day.

Oh, I had a fail yesterday. I had not determined that I would make it an S day, but just started eating candy in the morning! I spent the day relatively full. I still don't feel bad about it, though. I wonder if I'm kidding myself, but I don't feel that it is a portent of things to come. I actually think it's part of a process of letting go of such days. But that may be habit fooling me. In any case, I'm letting hunger determine the eating today. It's now nearly 11 a.m. and I have zero hunger, so I haven't even had my morning mocha. Completely content.

Ah, I just hit on it! In my first two years, I had trouble on S days because though I was not often hungry, I overate, esp. sweets, because I was not CONTENT with eating less. I just couldn't make myself give up the overeating on S days. Now I don't feel the same sense of urgency and do eat less, but I also suspect that I could be content with even less food. Yet for some reason, it feels a little dangerous to eat less, as if I could awaken the dragon of discontent. Oh, my gosh, this food stuff just goes on and on!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
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Post by mimi » Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:23 pm

oolala53 wrote:I wrote this on the thread of a member who decided happily to use calorie counting to help her determine her meals as she was not losing weight.

But, remember, it was only for several weeks until I got a good grasp on what my meals and plates should look like in order to lose weight consistently each week!

It involves a lot of my thoughts (not necessarily new) at this time. I'm about 90% satisfied with how I eat now, but there's still that 10%: am I still eating more than I need? Could I consistently eat less without tripping what I call the refeeding wire, that point at which the body puts up a big fight and urges you to eat more because you've gone too far?

I have to be very careful to make sure I include foods in my meals that I really love and that bring me satisfaction...not foods that I "think" I should eat because they are low in calories, otherwise it would backfire on me and I would begin to feel deprived, overeat, or reach for foods not compliant with the No Sweets aspect of NoS!

I'm curious to know how the new portions feel when you eat them and whether beforehand you were experiencing real hunger for your meals on N days.

I think I was eating simply because it was time to eat, not that I was really hungry, at least not for every meal. I was also filling my plate because I knew I could fill my plate.

I cannot bring myself to look at calorie issues. I know that for most of the time on No S when I eat so that I'm just comfortably full after a meal and eat little enough that I am hungry for the next meal, I am probably eating about 1500 calories give or take a few hundred calories a day. (I'm 5'6".) And I've lost on that. What's ironic is that if someone had told me a few years ago that I needed to stick to a 1500-calorie a day limit, it would have given me the willies. It would have sounded like too little food. Nowadays, even what I eat is starting to feel like too much, as I don't get as hungry as I used to, but I almost don't want to know that I would consistently be eating much less than that because it sounds like- a diet!

I understand completely what you are saying. According to myfitnesspal i could eat 1,370 calories a day and be able to lose 1 1/2 pounds each week. The app on my iPad is very simple to use - and didn't send me into a tailspin or make me feel trapped in a diet. I guess I looked at the whole process as being on an information quest. It also gave me great insight into the percentage of fat I was including in my diet each day which was significant since I discovered my bad cholesterol and triglycerides were high.

I guess what I'm asking is now that you are eating different portions, when you look back, do you realize that you were not paying attention at all to your hunger and satiety? and if you had been, might you have eaten less without the calorie counting?

No, I can honestly say I wasn't...I might have eaten less, but then that starts sounding too much to me like intuitive eating which I have spent wa-a-a-y too much time and money on to find that it doesn't work for me. :/ I guess what I'm saying is that it is easier for me to eat less, but eat three meals each day than it is to wait until I'm hungry and then eat. I could never do that successfully. My head was forever telling my stomach and body that it was hungry!

I am willing to eat less; I just can't face eating less because I am trying to keep to a calorie limit. I know others reach a point at which that doesn't seem like a sacrifice and in fact makes them feel like the calorie counting takes care of worrying about whether they're eating the right amount, but for me, I get such a sense of anxiety thinking about it! I don't even like thinking that I am "supposed" to weigh less. I'm just willing to weigh less if my body takes me there if I determine that it's going to take a lot less to start feeling more hunger again more often.

I am probably eating a third less that I was eating at each meal, if I had to estimate - and it is enough of a difference so that I am hungry for meals now. Now I look at hunger as the signal that my body has used the fuel that I gave it at the last meal. I make an effort to take smaller portions which have become habit for me now...it takes less to satisfy me these days. I am also trying, as you are, to let my body take me to its desired weight. These days it makes me feel good to be hungry - not anxious like it used to feel...like the world would end if I didn't eat. I think you understand what I mean when I say that.

Last year around this time, when I was on vacation and didn't have much I had to accomplish, I actually once went without eating for 36 hours because I did not feel one bit hungry. However, I think with my binge past, that is playing on the edge a bit. This year, I'm hoping to just get more in touch with how to eat little enough so that I still get hungry a few times a day. I may also have to accept that in order not to eat really tiny meals and yet still get hungry, I may end up eating only two a day.

Usually my breakfast is the smallest meal of my day...just enough to get me going. Like a waffle with a little almond butter...or a homemade banana-oat muffin - and of course, my coffee. Coffee is my one indulgence - it's my "dessert" in the evening. I use a small amount of one of my favorite flavored creamers and savor every bit of it! That does it for me!
Lunches (I pack when I'm at school) are on the small side as well and are usually soup, or 1/2 sandwich, chips and fruit, or cottage cheese and vegetables. We only have about 20 minutes to eat and it doesn't sit too well if I eat a lot.
Evening meals are more substantial because I'm cooking for a husband too and he likes to have a "meal." Usually it's chicken or fish of some kind with a grain and vegetable, or a homemade soup and salad. Occasionally we might have a pasta dish. I use my cookbooks and crockpot for evening meals and we eat "real" foods!

Oh, I had a fail yesterday. I had not determined that I would make it an S day, but just started eating candy in the morning! I spent the day relatively full. I still don't feel bad about it, though. I wonder if I'm kidding myself, but I don't feel that it is a portent of things to come. I actually think it's part of a process of letting go of such days. But that may be habit fooling me. In any case, I'm letting hunger determine the eating today. It's now nearly 11 a.m. and I have zero hunger, so I haven't even had my morning mocha. Completely content.

Ah, I just hit on it! In my first two years, I had trouble on S days because though I was not often hungry, I overate, esp. sweets, because I was not CONTENT with eating less. I just couldn't make myself give up the overeating on S days. Now I don't feel the same sense of urgency and do eat less, but I also suspect that I could be content with even less food. Yet for some reason, it feels a little dangerous to eat less, as if I could awaken the dragon of discontent. Oh, my gosh, this food stuff just goes on and on!

I think you've made an important discovery above! I have discovered that I can eat less and be very happy with it, if the food makes me feel content. Also, the same key applies to S days. I keep my eating the same as N days, but then I choose or make a special dessert (and if I make it, I invite others over to help eat it so there is not a ton hanging around for the rest of the week). I usually pop popcorn on Friday and Saturday nights. Often times some of the grandkids are sleeping over and they love movie nights - a new DVD and popcorn!
I hope my responses have been helpful oolala. I do wish you continued success with your quest. We'll keep in touch!

Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
Restarted once again: July 14, 2011
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Post by oolala53 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:18 pm

Thanks, Mimi. What a great response! I didn't realize the calorie counting was temporary. In a way, it's similar to my life in that I figured out some wonderful meals that were very satisfying years ago on WW, so that's how I knew my approximate calorie intake over these years on N days. I had gone through a lot of getting out my ya-ya's regarding meals in previous years, so it has been only my S days (and some bouts of red days) that had been the "problem" up until the last few months.

I actually have always made sure to have what are to me non-diet foods at my meals, but I don't consider high fiber options and a couple of servings of veggies at lunch and dinner diet foods, as some people might. However, I will also have a biscuit with butter on occasion, or other things people think of a "unclean", or even fast food. I make sure I add a fat I like, like cheese, walnuts, olives, etc. But I am at the point at which if I am going to be hungry for my meals, I have to eat incredibly small portions of dense foods at a meal because I have been eating only half a cup of grain plus freggies,a tablespoon of fat or the equivalent, and about the equivalent of 20 grams of protein already. So less than that, from the outside at least, can sound like POW fare! And yet, it may be where I need to go if I want to respect my smaller appetite. It would probably not be far off from daily fare that early settlers or other communities lived with their whole lives with little disadvantages.

Thank you again and keep up the good work!
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by oolala53 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:07 am

success in eating but not in movement.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:29 am

Not sure if I should call today a fail. Went out to dinner after a dance class to Mexican fast food. Had a half a burrito there. If I had been home, I would have put it on a plate with some other items. I had some extra food when I came home but not all of it what I would have had, though it would have fit on a plate. Anyway, a little full.

Went for pretty long but slow walk with a friend before the dance class, so plenty of exercise.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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