automated eating tracker

Counting carbs/calories is a drag. Obsessive scale stepping is a recipe for despair. If you want to count something, "days on habit" is a much better metric. Checking off days on a calendar would do just fine, but if you do it here you get accountability and support. Here's how. Start a new topic in this forum called (say) "Your Name Daily Check In." Then every N day post a "reply" to that topic as to whether you stayed on habit. A simple "<font color="green">SUCCESS</font>" or "<font color="red">FAILURE</font>" (or your preferred euphemism if that's too harsh) is sufficient, but obviously you're welcome to write more if you want. On S-days just register that you're taking an S-day. You don't have to do this forever, just until you're confident you've built the habit. Feel free to check in weekly or monthly or sporadically instead of daily. Feel free also to track other habits besides No-s (I'm keeping this forum under No-s because that's what the vast majority are using it for). See also my <a href="/habitcal/">HabitCal</a> tool for another more formal (and perhaps complementary) way to track habits.

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Post by aspencer27 » Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:23 pm

Great plan on the workouts. I love weight lifting! I tend to focus more on shoulders versus traps:

1. lateral raises - ... eral-raise;
2. military or shoulder press (I use dumbbells instead of a barbell) - ... lder-press
3. Upright row - ... t-row.html

Kettlebells are also great with shoulders/traps. I like that I can do a much heavier weight because I use my legs and hips, but I definitely feel it in my traps/shoulders/upper body too!

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:45 pm

Oh, thanks for the suggestions, especially the thought to use a kettlebell. Lol, WalkerLori would love it if I took up kettlebells!!
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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:54 pm

Good job on the not weighing! Kettle bells are fun, and they're a great workout!

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Post by eschano » Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:44 am

Hi auto! How's it going?
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:59 pm

Saturday, 9/20
I've started really loving Saturday mornings in the recent weeks. Sticking to Vanilla during the week hasn't been exactly hard, but I love the freedom I feel on Saturday morning.

My weight has continued to climb. I weighed myself this week, can't remember when, and I was 137.4--and that's with no unreported red days. Yowzers. But, my regular schedule doesn't begin until Monday.

Linda--thanks for checking up on me. you too, eschano. :) I'm OK, just ended up taking a more extended vacation from my systems than I'd originally planned (yes, eschano, I remember you telling me that I might decide to do that!). I have kept strictly to NoS, though. I would say the worst excesses were in the budget dept. Oh MY. I had no idea I could waste money like that (eating out, we bought an Xbox, I bought a new yoga mat, i spent hundreds on homeschool stuff, and on and on.)

Next summer i am just going to embrace that we need to spend more in the summer, and I am going to budget accordingly.

Also next summer i am going to plan eating out/take-out more regularly, since obviously it was too hard for me to do my typical menu and only eat out once a month during the summer. That was so unrealistic.

Exercise during the summer needs a plan for next year, too. This summer was simply too sedentary.

Reading to kids just doesn't happen as much in the summer. They are outside playing until dark. Again, I need to scale back my expectations in the summer.

So in all areas, my expectations were too high this summer. Now I know.

If I had to peg one problem area that has made me gain weight--it's eating out. The density of those meals just is way more calories than this short little body needs.

So, Monday is my first day back to teaching. We have FIVE (count 'em) different people watching our kids this quarter. My family definitely shatters the stereotype of the sheltered and isolated homeschooler, LOL! They are with three different homeschooling families (which means playtime with other kids); or at our local public alternative school taking fun classes like Art, Baking, and Drumming.

Monday also starts StrategicSpending once again. No Spending Monday-Thursday. Weekends free for regular shopping and any online purchases.

So, have a good weekend everybody.
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Post by clarinetgal » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:04 pm

That's great that you have figured out your expectations were too high. Next year, you'll be able to plan accordingly. It sounds like your boys have a great child care and homeschool set up! The eating out is a challenge. It makes life easier, but the meals are high in calories. Since I'm also short, I need to watch it more, too.

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Post by worth it » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:53 pm


Great to see you back! Your updates always give me a lot to think about.

Your observations about the summer season were interesting and reasonable. I especially liked the observation about eating out too much. Too many times to mention, my husband and I chose the default "eat out" dinner because we were not well prepared with a meal plan or at least an at-home option that was an easy. I'm working on correcting this now and will see if this helps at all with my weight.

I have also been hearing a lot about homeschooling lately. I have some new co-workers that really believe in it and their children are doing remarkably well. It's a subject I'm very interested to follow and I'm sure things are going great with your boys too.

Have a great weekend!

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:41 am

Wb auto!

Reasonable expectations are so important. I'm glad you were able to do some good problem solving with all the great data you've collected. I'm also looking back on this last year and trying to figure out what I need to do differently.

I guess time will tell if I can actually lose any weight but I still stand by the my belief that NoS is a pretty great way to eat--with or without the weight loss.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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Post by automatedeating » Wed Sep 24, 2014 12:47 am

NoSEating: I'm happily getting back into my NoS groove. I'm so busy during the weekdays for the schoolyear that I have to eat a very basic-sized, simple lunch, and then I am hungry for dinner! This is a good thing, and one of the key components for me. Sad to say, but if I don't get hungry between meals, I'm eating more calories than I need. Well, maybe that's not so sad.

JustMoveIt:I've stuck to my new plan for 2 whole days, hahaha. I'm a bit nervous because it's a much smaller time commitment than last year's walking to work (90 minutes walking M-Th). On Mondays/Wednesdays I go on the elliptical or rowing machine for 20 minutes, then lift weights for 20-30 minutes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I signed up for a class at my schoo: yoga/pilates fusion

StrategicSpending: I'm back to work, so it is already easier to not spend money.....

KidsUnplugged: This quarter's plan: no electronics until 4pm. Electronics off at 7pm. Weekends more flexible.

RaisingReaders: I'm starting to read chapter books to my 5-yr-old. Our first one together: Mouse and the Motorcycle. I read that to my 8-yr-old when he was 5. The 8-yr old seems to always hang out with us while I'm reading it, although he says he's not interested! :) He and I are STILL trying to finish Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey. It is a good book, but super long, and we just weren't reading enough to get through it. We've got 2 chapters to go!

I'm thinking next up: Henry Higgins, or the whole Winnie-the-Pooh, or more of D'Aulaire's Greek Myths. We need some shorter stuff for a bit, so we feel like we're making more progress! In his history this year we're reading about the Middle Ages, so I think this will be a good year for King Arthur, Robin Hood, and (c'mon ladies, you always have good book suggestions for me!)

Note: haven't weighed myself since that disastrous 137. What's the point? I'm following NoS as much as this old girl's willpower allows right now! :) Having the scale tell me I weigh too much isn't going to magically instill more energy for change in me.
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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:09 am

I'm glad to see you back into your systems! I know what you mean about needing to be hungry for meals. I think my body is similar. I love Beverly Cleary's books! Unfortunately, I haven't read too many books about the Middle Ages, so I don't have any suggestions. I would think that as long as your clothes are fitting you, and they're not getting tight, then you shouldn't need to weigh yourself.

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Post by eschano » Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:03 am

automatedeating wrote: if I don't get hungry between meals, I'm eating more calories than I need.
You put something in words that I have experienced but didn't quite understand! This is completely accurate for me.

I'm so much happier since I don't weigh anymore (technically I'm allowed to weigh on Friday but I might give it a miss). Every day I'm tempted I'm thinking to myself: am I going to be happier if I weigh myself today? Am I going to be happier if I weigh less? Not really because then I want to weigh even less than whatever the number is. If I weigh more? Nope. So what's the point.

What I ask myself instead: How am I feeling today? Sluggish because I overdid it? Hungry - looking forward to my next meal? Perfectly balanced? And that makes me happy because there is something I can do about it that will make me feel better if I feel bad and something to enjoy if I feel well.

Thanks for the cat tips! And woohooo for your justmoveit plan. Intensity will be higher so it should be ok.

As for reading: if you consider comics at all, I vaguely remember having liked the Prince Valiant comics and film when I was young but no idea how good it is from an adult's perspective.
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:36 am

The decision to weigh or not is tough. If knowing isn't going to effect your behavior, I guess there's no point in stressing yourself out.

I can't really help with book ideas as we've been reading girl protagonist books lately. We just finished a couple of my childhood favorites Mandy by Julie Andrews & A bear's House by Marilyn Sachs. Both great but not sure if boys would enjoy them.

Great to see you getting back into a good grove!

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:28 am

Yes, Linda--I'm getting back into my groove! :) LOL, summer was awful on my systems!!!! Or shall I say "SYKEE" (get it, psyche???/systems) I don't know if that's even a joke, but for some reason it seemed funny to me. I fell apart during the summer! I still can't decide if a) it's terrible and I need structure in the summer to prevent LAZYLIZZARD syndrome; or b) it's normal, and my mind/body were so worn out from a school-year of homeschooling/working full-time/restraining my food impulses/restraining my spending impulses/restraining my KIDS' electronic impulses, etc... that I just needed to be a LAZYASSLIZZARD. But I think maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle. I needed some lazy time, but if external structure (i.e. work/school schedule) had begun sooner, I would have been ready to be disciplined again.

Whatever, the point is, I'm doing well right now. My 8yo is a rockstar at his schoolwork this year. I get home from work, and he has finished all his independent work (and done a good job!) and is ready to do his work with me (would you believe I LOVE diagramming sentences? Hehehehe).

My exercise is going well, but I have massive creeping doubts that it is not enough. Today, for example: I went 10 minutes, pretty much all out, on the elliptical, then heave-hoed some serious weights for 20 minutes, then was done. It feels weird to be done. But I didn't have time for more. Tomorrow will be yoga/pilates fusion class that is hard, but doesn't make me sweat.

NoS is just....NoS. It's always there, always pretty easy, always keeping me from massively gaining, but not helping me be svelte. Hmmmm, but also giving me total peace with my eating. I hardly think about it, except like right now when it's time to make the spaghetti for the fam.

Do you know I love boring lunches? I am pleased as punch with a PB&J, chips, and an apple? It takes me a long time to get sick of that and need to switch gears for awhile.

And work? Work is fabulous. I love my job, have I ever really just said that? I love it. And, to toot my own horn just a bit, I really feel like I've come up with some truly novel ways of combining technology with face-to-face learning to maximize the effectivenes of both. We'll have to chat about it over coffee sometime. :)

Starting in January, I will be taking on a slightly admin role, and only teaching one class a quarter. (My son has decided, after asking me many questions on this topic, that I will be a "little boss"). I'm excited about this--because--shhhh this is a secret--I consider myself ridiculously efficient and I think I will actually end up with a little extra time to rework some elements of my teaching.

Why am I in such a good mood tonight? Oolala, if you are reading this, is there a way to just BE in the moment and not wonder when the good feeling will end?
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Post by germanherman » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:33 am

automatedeating wrote: is there a way to just BE in the moment and not wonder when the good feeling will end?
The definition of being in the moment is: Not thinking about the past or the future. That's why it's such a bliss!
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Post by ironchef » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:12 am

"Smile, breath, you are alive!" ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Delightful post, really pleased you are in such a good place.

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Post by Tessytwinkle » Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:02 am

Dear Auto

How lovely to read your post - you are such a star. I am always in awe of all you do and delighted to see you making progress in your goals and feeling in such a good space with your teaching - truly a blessing. The way to be in the moment is I think 'mindfulness' you may want to check that out if you do not already know about it. I am exploring it at the moment to help me with chronic pain but also because I really feel I need to encourage more mellowness in my life. Just more looking at the world and noticing where I am and what is around me. So giving it a go. You might want to check this out. A friend of mine who teaches mindfulness and meditation thinks this is a really good starter book. I am about to read it and thought you might like it. Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world by Prof Mark Williams and Dr Danny Penman:-) No worries if it is not your thing - I am not even sure it is my thing yet :lol:
Enjoy your week


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Post by eschano » Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:49 am

Auto, absolutely love your post!

As for the exercise, it seems more than enough to me! And look how ripped Reinhard got with only 14 min :)

Enjoy the wave!
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Post by ironchef » Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:01 am

Sounds like a good book tessy. I'm a big fan of Thich Nhat Hanh (obviously), and my favourite book on the topic is "Peace is Every Step".

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:21 pm

hey, thanks all for the encouragement. Thanks also for the book suggestions, Tessy and ironchef.
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:37 pm

Today was a beautiful fall day, so I walk/jogged around the jogging trail at my work (instead of going on the elliptical). It's only about a mile, so not too vigorous, but I did at least sweat a little.

While walk/jogging, I began thinking of how I would be going next to lift weights for the remainder of my workout time. And I didn't want to do it! I really had to tell myself I would take it easy--I wouldn't push too hard, etc., etc. And that's what I did--a couple sets each of a variety of weights. Probably only spent 20 minutes weight-lifting and 15 minutes jogging.

I keep coming back to the exercise theme that sustained me ALL of last school-year: make it easy enough that I never dread it. It appears I really am a LAZYLIZZARD when it comes to exercise.....any suspicion of intensity and my mind rebels on me.
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Post by oolala53 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:16 am

35 minutes of exercise a bit more vigorous than "normal" is pretty good. If you can do that much consistently at least a few times a week, you are ahead of the game.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:39 am

Interesting. I'm more the opposite. I really enjoy lifting weights, especially in a class setting, like Body Pump. I do not like cardio, except for walking outdoors (and I keep my outdoor walks fairly moderate, because power walking gives me shin splints). My philosophy for exercise is to find something you enjoy, and stick with it. I spent a few years exercising strictly to tone up and lose weight, and I hated it.

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Post by eschano » Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:25 am

God, I barely like any exercise but when I do like it I am a massive fan. Flamenco has been so good for me and so is Yoga. I look forward to doing it. I absolutely hate the gym. The only time I ever did regular gym training was when I worked at a gym - I guess I was already there and had tons of personal trainers to encourage me (or notice when I didn't work out).

So I guess my point is: maybe it doesn't have to be easy but it certainly should be enjoyable (like your walks last year). That's also one of the corner stones of the habit-friendly-behaviours in Reinhard's podcasts.

I'm so sorry I've missed this but I have been confused for a while now: did you move or why can you no longer walk 90 minutes?
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:35 pm

Exercise definitely needs to be enjoyable! Could you just jog/walk a little longer on the days you don't feel like doing weights?
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Post by Tessytwinkle » Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:48 pm

I agree that exercise needs to be enjoyable, I have started swimming and now love it but would never have thought of myself as a regular swimmer. I think you love your walking auto, doing that is not lazy lizard in my book :-) intensity is no good if it puts you off :) regularity is more sustainable and we are more likely to be regular with something we value and enjoy I think :lol: maybe you should try some other exercise forms? Cycling? Enjoy your walks and jogs :)

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Post by automatedeating » Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:44 am

Hello! Saturday was my birthday, and we had ice cream cake left over--so I had to help my kids finish it off tonight! S-worthy event, for sure. :)

I've found some peace with lifting weights by doing them really fast and not worrying too much about proper set amounts, or doing the reps slowly. I can only keep this up if it's sustainable, and I just get bored to tears with the slow reps.

Today, I ran the school 1-mile jogging trail without stopping! That's a pretty big accomplishment for me.

Tomorrow is yoga/pilates.

Eschano, the reason I can't walk to/from work this year is because our schedules got significantly crazier. We need 5 different babysitters each week, and so I have to drive to pick up kids in the middle of the day.
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Post by eschano » Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:18 am

Happy Birthday!

That's a pity with the babysitters but now I get it. Enjoy yoga! I love that.
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Post by ironchef » Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:27 am

Happy Birthday! And nice work on the running :)

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Post by Kookie » Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:27 pm

Hi auto! Happy birthday to you.

Just swinging by to say hi as I'm back on the boards.

I totally agree with your approach to do the weights fast if that's what keeps you doing it! I love the clarity I get when I ask myself if I can see myself doing x,y or z for the next 40 years...if the answer is no, I bin it!! Or modify it..

I have to say it's so so so reassuring to see you still chugging on and growing here. It's so inspiring, really.

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:48 pm

Happy Birthday!! I hope you have an amazing year!!

Linda :D
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Post by clarinetgal » Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:58 am

Happy birthday! I agree with you on the weights. Having to count out every rep bores me to tears. Good job on the running!

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:27 pm

Sunday, November 16th, 2014

Weight: 135?

Well, not sure what brought me on here today. I guess I actually had some free time! :)

I have had a WILD month. On October 18th--ER visit in the middle night for massive flank pain. I told triage nurse I must have a kidney stone. ER doc didn't want to do CT scan or ultrasound (I asked him to at least do the ultrasound). He sent me home with a prescription for cefuroxime, and a diagnosis of a kidney infection (pyelonephritis). The whole thing was weird, because I insisted I had no UTI symptoms (and no fever) and then, when I looked up the antibiotic, it is never prescribed for pyelonephritis. weird, but stupid me, I started the antibiotics and let them pump them into my IV in the hospital.

Followup with primary care physician 4 days later: she said the culture came back "mixed flora, but mostly Group B strep". I was like, What?! People my age DO NOT normally get that for a kidney infection. Contamination? New cultures all came back clean. She heard a heart murmur, and I had developed a low grade fever. So she had an EKG, blood tests for heart stuff, and Echocardiogram done. Of course all fine. I mention that the antibiotic is giving me bad diarrhea. She says that's normal.

10 days later: back in ER, flank pain again. This time they do a CT scan, find a giant kidney stone (8mm), and tell me that the Group B strep they had given me antibioticss for was probably a contaminant. I mention I still have bad diarrhea, even 4 days after ending antibiotic. Doc says it's normal.

Urologist sees me, tells me I've probably passed two stones, and can treat me with lithotripsy. I tell him I'll wait until it causes me problems.

I call primary physician: what is up with this diarrhea? I bet I have C diff. I finally convince the nurse to test me for it. I start on mega doses of probiotics (including Saccharomyces boulardii). Sure enough, last Monday they call me with diagnosis. I have Clostridium difficile!!!!!! S*$t!!! For three more days I continued my heavy probiotic dosing. My symptoms were mild, but plateaued. I started taking metonidazole (Flagyl) Thursday night. I am still taking the probiotics

So this bug: C. diff is nasty. It is the most common hospital-associated infection in the U.S. It usually occurs in patients after antibiotics (in my case, the cefuroxime I was prescribed for a misdiagnosed kidney infection) because the antibiotic wipes out normal bacteria in the colon and allows C. diff to colonize. ~20% of patients don't even respond to the antibiotics. Luckily, I seem to be getting better. About 25% of patients will relapse. At least one clinical trial suggests that supplementation with probiotics during Flagyl treatment will decrease risk of relapse.

Here's the thing: I have a lot of medical knowledge. I know all about C. diff. I know all about kidney stones and kidney infections and endocarditis and Group B Strep. AND YET I WAS UNABLE TO PROTECT MYSELF FROM THE NEGATIVES OF OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. It's all quite depressing. I think I would rather stay home and die than go to the doctor again. If only I had stayed home that night and suffered through my kidney stone, I would have avoided all the troubles of the last month. Ugh. Going to the doctor is playing with fire.

Regarding my kidney stones: my brother has a history, so I probably have a genetic predisposition. But other than that, I was asking for it. I had been purposely letting/allowing myself to get ultra-dehydrated for the previous 8 weeks because I have been so busy I hate to have to run to the bathroom during the workday. Pathetic, isn't it? This is all a good wake-up call for me. So yes, to all of you that may read this--I'm drinking a gallon of water a day now, and avoiding dietary implicators (truth is, there ARE no strong dietary links for calcium stones. But I'm even being careful about the weak correlations like peanut butter, which any reader of my thread knows I eat (ate!) a lot of).

Alright, so that's my health update.

Exercise-wise I've gone back to walking. The weight-lifting fell by the wayside once I got sick. My neighbor walks with me 2-3 mornings a week (30 minutes fast), and then the other 2-3 days I walk along (45 minutes).

I am still doing Yoga twice/week. I've signed up for the class next quarter too. I'm taking Valerian root or 1/2 a Unisom at bedtime to try to get more sleep. I just ordered some Rhodiola for my anxiety. When I was at the urologist's office, my blood pressure was 169/99 (I was explaining all the things that had gone on in the past month and I was super emotional). It's not always that high! But still too high--135/80 is a common reading (I have a cuff at home).

I hired a housecleaner to come every Friday. She only charges $15/hour, so although it's still expensive, it's worth the help to save my health.

Does anyone else have some potential suggestions for how to manage stress while working full-time, homeschooling, and trying to handle virtually all domestic responsibilities? I'm slowly dying by spreading myself so thin I think I'm turning into a gas.

I'm NoS compliant, as usual. Hahaha. I did vary a bit this past week, because I was eating a cup of yogurt every 2 hours with my probiotic supplements, but sick days are S Days. I'm feeling much better now, so it's back to regular NoS tomorrow.

On track with budget. Having to cut back in some areas to keep the housecleaner, but otherwise we are on track for our CA trip in December. I still love my budgeting software (YNAB).

OK, I'm off to read up on y'all's threads.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:42 am

Auto, Wow, that is quite the story!! I'm glad it was finally figured out and that you are starting to feel better! I guess the best answer I can think of for managing stress is to keep walking, find some other ways to look after yourself, and to cut what you can. Take care.


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Post by eschano » Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:22 pm

Good god, Auto! I had a similar thing with the UK healthcare system two years ago when they missed a kidney infection until it was really bad. Also because they refused to do simple testing. So I feel for you - big time!

It's hard to protect yourself but unfortunately doctors don't take self-diagnosis very seriously. Sometime for good reason, sometimes to the detriment of the patient.

The walking, cleaner, and NoS compliance sounds great!

As for the stress: I think going away from perfection to good-enough is ok! And: outsource, outsource, outsource! Whether it's into the family (new chores for the boys?) or outside it doesn't always need to cost money: you can swap tasks for example. I love ironing and my friend loves cleaning - we swapped happily and do each others.

Cooking: cook once on Sunday for the week and freeze the rest. Obviously you'd have to have a massive freezer for a family but my boyfriend and I often cook 3 meals on Sundays, put them in individual portions for two packs and freeze. It's amazing how much easier the weeknights become if you only have to put things in the oven. And if you still don't love to cook: you know what? there are some healthier stores that have brilliant ready-made-meals. Just get them and stop feeling guilty.

Mainly: stop feeling guilty. If you only get 1/3 done one day then so be it. Especially, for the tasks that are not essential for your livelihood.

Sorry for the rant, just trying to help.
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:51 am

Oh boy it's so good to hear from you but sorry things are so stressful right now. It sounds like you are doing the best you can under the circumstances. Things will get easier when the boys are a little older and a little more independent. For now I'd say just remember to breathe, cut yourself some major slack and remember that all you can do is to try to do the best you can do to make things work.

So happy you got some help with the cleaning. You will come to love Fridays as much as I do & believe me they are worth every penny!

Sorry about the crappy ER experience. It's so hit or miss w those ER docs. Kinda scary. Just the other day DH was chewing someone out on the phone for sending someone home w antibiotics who didn't need them. He told me now they'd have to get tested for infectious diarrhea so I think that's what you're talking about. He says it's really common and upsetting. He guesses they're trying to cover themselves for lawsuits or something. Really sucks!

Big hugs & thanks for your awesome advice. I think we both try to do too much! Keep trying to find that balance.

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Post by ironchef » Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:27 am

Whoa, auto, so sorry to hear of your horrid experience with your health. That sucks.

On the how to handle the stress part, when you crack that one, let me know. Most of the advice I've seen about handling stress seems to give me more tasks (exercise, meditate, book a massage) instead of fewer tasks!

The biggest shift in my thinking was when I designated myself "not a hard-core mummy". I have friends who are great home-cooks, dedicated employees, wonderful parents, great runners, beautifully groomed and create themed birthday cakes and hand sewn Halloween costumes. But you know what? I can admire all that, but that's just not me. I get my husband to pick up Japanese take out, I stick a bandana on my kid and say "he's a pirate", I wear the same old shorts to the park every day, I walk my dog in the mornings and say "that's my exercise". And it's ok.

I think it is great that you hired a cleaner. I'm considering hiring one for a while when bub #2 arrives. I'm one who is guilty of not asking my husband for as much help as I should, and I'm also amazed at what kids, even little kids, can accomplish (obviously with supervision). We had quite a lot expected of us when we were growing up (cooking, washing, ironing, gardening), and I hope to do some of that with my son when he's a little older. Two is a little bit too young, although he does enjoy helping me wash up and helping water the garden.

Anyway, hope you are doing ok, and your health continues to improve.

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Post by LoriLifts » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:50 pm

Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.

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Post by automatedeating » Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:17 pm

Thank you, clarinetgal, eschano, linda and walkerlori! :) I appreciate the encouragement on my current simplification plan, and the empathy for my recent "crappy" health fiasco.

While on antibiotics for C.diff (the hospital and antibiotic associated diarrheal infection), and for the next (at least) 6 months, my supplementation is as follows:
*oatmeal or granola for weekday breakfasts (oats are a good source of soluble fiber which helps "fertilize" the good bacteria in your gut
*soluble fiber supplement (I am using Heather's tummy fiber, generally recommended for IBS sufferers)
*Culturelle Lactobacillus GG (two capsules daily)
*Florastor Saccharomyces boulardii (2 capsules daily)
*Nature's Bounty Advanced Probiotic 10 (2 capsules daily)
*Digestive Advantage (4 gummies/day)
I split the pills/gummies between morning and night
Of the above, soluber fiber and Saccharomyces boulardii have the greatest strength of evidence that they are effective at reestablishing normal gut flora.

I hope that some of the above may be helpful to other readers. Basically, although my supplementation is due to a specific disease (C.diff), this type of supplementation is found to be useful in a variety of GI problems.

On to other news.

WE ARE SENDING OUR KIDS TO SCHOOL IN JANUARY!!! We are not going to homeschool anymore. At first I grieved a bit, but now I am just tickled to have someone else getting them to do their schoolwork!!!!! :)
We found a tiny private school (about 10 kids/class) that is surprisingly affordable, is known for academic rigor, and is only 2 miles away! Probably more news to come about that, but for now I wanted y'all to know my Christmas present to myself is to stop homeschooling. I have loved it, but it was ruining my health (or my job was, or the two combined, or something). Get this: we will be paying LESS for the kids to go to this school than I was paying for all those babysitters so that I could homeschool!

I am walking every morning for 30-45 minutes. Most days my neighbor comes with me. I am doing yogal twice a week.

Housecleaner comes every Friday and I love it, just like Linda said! :)

I think my health is slowly improving. I am starting to feel more like myself, and less like a zombie walking around (and taking frequent trips to the loo).
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Post by lpearlmom » Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:43 am

Yay! I'm so happy that you've used your wonderful problem skills to find more harmony in your life. So awesome you found that terrific school. That must be such a relief for you & I'm certain your kids will continue to thrive esp after such a great start to their schooling.

Getting help with cleaning and getting your exercising back in place will also go a long way towards reducing stress. I'm certain the whole family will benefit from these changes and you can just start to enjoy each other more.

Anyway thanks for the update and so glad things are moving in a positive direction for you.

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:47 am

I'm glad things are looking up for you! :D that's great, about the school! I'll have to keep your probiotic recommendations in mind.

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Post by ironchef » Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:06 am

Great news about the school, and your cleaner :) Really pleased to read that things are improving.

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Post by Tessytwinkle » Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:20 pm

Hi Auto. Just catching up on your life. Blimey what a miserable time you've had. I'm so sorry and so glad you are starting to pick up now :) great news about the school, you won't know yourself when it changes. You have been such a brilliant brilliant mum giving such care to your kids education. I have always been very impressed. Now you can let someone else take the reins and you can sit back a bit and enjoy hearing all about their days when they get home. Just what you need :) take care. Tessy

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Post by minimizer » Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:27 am

My goodness, auto, you've been through so much. Glad to hear you're on the upswing!

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Dec 06, 2014 5:12 am

Oh, you gals are all so kind to support me through my hellish time. I am still feeling pretty good, but I have to keep up on the pro and prebiotics. On two mornings in the past 2 weeks, I went to work and forgot my supplements. I ended up having to leave work early BOTH TIMES due to massive GI upset. Just anecdotal,, but hey, it was enough to put the fear of God into me about forgetting these supplements that seem to be all that separates me from total disease again.

Just a little update, if you suffer from IBS or (dear God, I hope not) C.diff. Soluble fiber, soluble fiber, soluble fiber!!!! I recently read a hypothesis that it actually helps prevent pathogens from adhering to the mucosal intestinal lining. In the past, it was believe to only have a role in feeding good bacteria, but it appears it may have a more direct effect on inhibiting pathogens.

I have upped my daily supplements to 18 grams of soluble fiber daily, and I don't have any negative side effects. Indeed, the bad stuff happens if I go more than 12 hours without the fiber supplements and probiotics!

I'm really enjoying my morning walks, just like last year (although now I have to walk before I leave for work, rather than walking TO work). It's really convinced me that walking is the best thing for me these days. It is relaxing, and yet stimulating at the same time. Hmmmm, what other things can make both of those claims?

I'm getting a massage in the morning......greatly looking forward to it. Have a great weekend, everybody!
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Post by automatedeating » Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:51 am

I've starting using the MyFitnessPal app to keep track of my C.diff experiment (50 grams fiber daily, 40 of it soluble). I do like it, but I realize that it could replace my tracking on here, that I did so happily for about a year.

I also found another app I like, called Google Keep. It's a neat notes/list maker that I find user-friendly, unlike many "to-do" apps.

My husband's 40th BD is coming up in February, and I have two surprises for him (thanks to YNAB, my favorite budgeting software that has gifted us with savings!). 1. I have arranged for a sitter to stay with our kids for TWO nights. I'm going to take him to a casino resort, where we will blow $500 on slot machines, drink too much, and maybe I'll even talk him into Karoake.
2. I am going to buy new couches! We have had free, gross, stinky, and worst of all, TERRIBLY uncomfortable couches for years. Thanks to YNAB, I've been saving monthly since last April for new couches, and for my husband's birthday. Together, we will have enough to buy a reclining sofa and loveseat. He is going to flip out! :)

I weighed myself this morning: 132. Wow. I had crept up to 137? I think a few months back, and then stopped weighing and just stuck with NoS like always. And here I am, back at this very healthy weight. I HAVE been walking every day, and doing Yoga twice a week. Simple meals for breakfast and lunch are in order, too. I think someday I might just throw away that stupid scale. What it says doesn't dictate my eating, anyway.

This is finals week at my job. I have crazy meetings, 50 more projects to grade, one exam still to write (!) -- yikes!, and numerous other stressors. Then we leave for CA on Saturday for 2 weeks. So lots of packing, cleaning, pet-sitting prep this week, in addition to wrapping up the school quarter.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:58 am

Hi! It sounds like you're doing well. That's great that your budgeting software has allowed you to do those special things for your husband! Good job on sticking with No S, and with the weight loss. Yes, walking is great!

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Post by r.jean » Mon Dec 08, 2014 2:56 pm

I used the Fitness Pal app for 6 months to track certain nutritional items, and it taught me a lot about what I was eating. I am glad I did it, but I have weaned myself away from it recently. Tracking will never be a permanent part of my life. I am back to Vanilla No S, but I am more knowledgeable and more equipped to make good food choices for my plates. I am enjoying food more than ever and not being overly restrictive, just acting with increased knowledge.
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Post by eschano » Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:42 am

Happy New Year auto! I just managed to catch up with your thread and I'm so impressed with the positive changes you have made!

Are you kids in school yet? It sounds like a brilliant decision for you and I cannot believe that you are saving money.

Hope your health is better as well.

As for your weight - it seems to be very much about the walking and now yoga for you but I'm not surprised that it went back down.
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Post by eschano » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:37 am

I hope you're doing well auto! x
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:19 am

Hello! Eschano sweetly sent me a private message, so here I am, publicly checking in. :)

I am doing pretty well, although I weighed myself this morning: 137. Not sure what that means, though, since I hardly ever weigh myself now.

NoS is my life-style, for sure. I rarely have a fail day, and I can't say I ever really have a WTH fail day. I credit that to my upbringing that didn't put any weird rules on what we ate/didn't eat. So I didn't bring food or weight baggage into my adulthood. What a gift from my (in many other ways deeply flawed) family.

I'm walking every morning 30 minutes to an hour. Very solid. Some days my neighbor joins me. When she doesn't walk with me, I listen to books on my phone. I just finished The Haunting of Maddy Clare. It was a fun "listen"!

At work, I have more admin responsbilities and not quite as much teaching, so I have started taking a 15/20 minute walk mid-day when I am sick of sitting.

Without gushing TOO MUCH, let me say I LOVE MY KIDS' SCHOOL. AND MY KIDS LOVE THEIR SCHOOL! What a wonderful win-win. Their teachers amaze me--both have gone out of their way to help my kids.

My 5-yr old is so young for Kindergarten, and he sucks his fingers (and picks his nose!). The teacher is kind and creative with him, and even lets him chew gum in class if he can keep his hands out of his mouth (and nose!). He loves her, I think because he can sense how much she cares about him. And, big surprise, she says he's an off-the-chart reader. Wasn't expecting that out of my quiet little guy.

My 3rd grader loves all the social aspects of his class, and he is thriving with the competition. The teacher makes him redo all his sloppy writing (yay, go teacher!), and has moved him up to 4th grade math.

In summary, this little, teeny, tiny school is like a second-home already. My schedule is very simple now: I take the kids to school at 8:20, and get to my office at 8:30. Then I leave work at 2:50 and pick them at 3. Very normal.

Here's one funny thing--you'd think I'd be all rested now that I have scaled back. But I am still tired, and crashing for about 9 hours every night. Not sure what's up with that.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:35 am

That's great about your kids' school, Auto! Is it a private school? I'm glad you're so well established with your habits!

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Post by eschano » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:07 pm

Great to read your thread auto!

I'm not at all surprised that your little one is such a great reader. All your reading will have made a difference. I remember only getting interested in reading because of my granddad's stories.

I'm delighted for both of them!

As for your NoS journey - I think you are doing amazingly. Your habits are solid and if the scale is at 137 so be it. That might be your happy-weight. At this time of the year and season. Sounds, well, HAPPY to me.
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Post by automatedeating » Tue May 19, 2015 11:28 pm

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

Ahh, yeah, not so good. I stopped following NoS about a month ago, and wow! I had already been gaining weight, I think from stress of becoming an administrator at my job. I've been stress-eating and knowing it, but not stopping. I guess my mind/body didn't have any better solutions, so it looked for the quick-fix.

So time to put the breaks on the weight gain.
Step 1: Back to the Boards! Hello, so glad to have popped on today and see that so many of my friends are still faithfully logging. Thank you for inspiring me--you might have no idea how encouraging it was to see all the familiar names.
Step 2: Back on NoS. Not sure why I stopped; I wasn't even really tempted; it was more like depression/self-sabotage--like "why not?" or some weird psychological reasons like that.
Example of self-sabotage: I weighed myself, then immediately grabbed a handful of Reese's Pieces and opened a can of pineapple and drank a bunch of that sugar juice. Like what is wrong with me?
Step 3: Intensify the morning walks and lengthen them slightly
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Post by lpearlmom » Wed May 20, 2015 5:33 am

Auto!!! Boy I've missed you and SO glad to see you back here. I've often wanted to msg you but figured you were staying away for a reason. Anyway sorry about the weight gain but looks like you caught it before it got really out of hand so I'm sure you'll be back to where you want to soon enough.

Sounds like your current job is pretty stressful? Are your kids still thriving at their school?

Hope everything else is well & looking forward to hearing how you're doing.

Linda 😀
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Post by Imogen Morley » Wed May 20, 2015 7:02 am

Hello, Auto! Sorry to hear you've been having such stressful time... it's something I can totally relate to. Workload + stress are powerful overeating triggers for so many of us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your success. There's a bunch of us here restarting right now.

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Post by eschano » Wed May 20, 2015 9:37 am

Hey auto! Delighted you are back :) Missed your insights and thoughts and systems!

I took a little break too and find self-sabotage is definitely there as I'm getting back into the groove but every day I manage makes me feel better.
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Post by Sinnie » Wed May 20, 2015 12:10 pm

Just wanted to chime in and say welcome back. Like Imogen said, there are a few of us here ready to get back on the wagon and nothing like doing it with old friends! Let's cheer each other on. I am hoping this time it's for life.

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Post by automatedeating » Wed May 20, 2015 9:14 pm

Thank you all for the warm welcome back! Much appreciated.

I'm already feeling a bit more calm. I was just in the office copy room and saw chocolate, and grapes, and cheeses--and just said to myself, "No, grazing doesn't work for me."

Monday was RED
Tuesday was RED
Wednesday will be GREEN -- :)

Yes, btw Linda, I'm still loving the kids' school; and they are still lovin' it, too!
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Post by ironchef » Fri May 22, 2015 12:47 am

Hi auto :) Lovely to "see" you around and posting, I've always enjoyed reading your thoughts on this process.

After about 3 months "off the wagon about 18 months ago, I was surprised how quickly it all came back. Habit memories are strong!

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Post by automatedeating » Fri May 22, 2015 12:59 am

Oh, no! Wednesday was RED. I ate a bowl of Reese's Pieces while watching the Survivor Finale.

Thursday: Green so far

Ah, shoot. Guess I have to change my signature to show how much weight I've gained.
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Post by ironchef » Fri May 22, 2015 5:24 am

Doh! Hang in there - Thursday can be the start of your green streak.

Can I ask what are Reese's pieces? You've mentioned them a few times - are they snacks like crisps? or sweets? Either way, I'd suggest getting them out of the house while you're getting restarted - out of sight, out of mind and all that.

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Post by automatedeating » Mon May 25, 2015 4:33 pm

Monday, May 25th

Well, Thursday ended up RED--I can't even remember why, now. Maybe it was the last of the Reese's Pieces! (They are a little like an M&M, ironchef, except with Peanut butter inside).

Ironchef, the candy is now gone from the house! :)

The last few days have been "S" Days--Friday was my 16th wedding anniversary, then the weekend.

So today, although a holiday in the States, is an N Day for me.

In January, I started eating breakfast every day (granola with a banana). I did this to help heal my colon after having C.dif. Well, unfortunately, that's also when I started gaining weight (despite technically following NoS). So, back to no solids in the morning. I like just having coffee with cream (which has plenty of joyful calories), and then having lunch at noon. Breakfasts are for lazy S days. :) To each her own, and all that, but skipping breakfast worked for me for a year and a half. And I like it.

Maybe I'll just have the granola and banana (soluble fiber is what I'm trying to eat for my colon health) for lunch!

Lesson learned (for the 4th or 5th time): if I don't experience mild hunger on a regular basis, I gain weight.
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Post by ironchef » Mon May 25, 2015 9:48 pm

Congratulations - 16 years is an amazing milestone :)

Wow, an M&M with peanut butter. Those would be like kryptonite for me, I'm kind of glad you don't get them here!

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Post by lpearlmom » Tue May 26, 2015 6:00 am

Sounds like you're doing your usual good problem-solving to get back on track. Now I'm craving granola!:)
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Post by eschano » Tue May 26, 2015 1:01 pm

Oh, what a treat your posts are auto! I have learnt that lesson too so today I'm getting back to mild hunger between meals and hopefully green N days :)

And congratulations - 16 years is lovely!
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Post by automatedeating » Wed May 27, 2015 3:56 am

Monday and Tuesday-green days! Yay, feels great. Although I must admit, getting my body trained for no snacks hasn't been comfortable.

Usual insights: once I decided that snacking wasn't an option, I wasn't really craving food anymore until the next meal. And, I found that I didn't need a huge meal to fill me up even though I'd been looking forward to eating so much.


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Post by eschano » Wed May 27, 2015 9:29 am

Well done! Good insights too, I hope that works for me.
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Post by automatedeating » Thu May 28, 2015 12:40 am

Wednesday is shaping up to be green! And my hunger pangs were way way less today. My body is adjusting to normal food intake rather than over-eating.

I'm wondering how much my alcohol intake has affected my weight gain in recent months, too--I never track that, LOL, and I have been drinking quite a lot since I began more administrative work.

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Post by lpearlmom » Thu May 28, 2015 6:05 am

Yay--you're doing great auto! It really doesn't take that long for you're body to re-adjust does it?

As for the alcohol, well extra calories are extra calories. I still gotta have my wine but I try to keep amounts down on N days. The old wine spritzer trick is a good one. Also, there was someone on here (nbh) that recently dropped weight super quickly which she said was mostly due to giving up her nightly drinks. Like everything else though, I think moderation is key!

Hope the rest of the week goes well!

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu May 28, 2015 8:01 am

I agree with everyone else! Great insights! Also, happy anniversary!

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Post by automatedeating » Fri May 29, 2015 12:13 am

Thursday, Green so far

I need to borrow a can opener so that we can open our tuna fish for dinner. It's pretty bad when I avoid real cooking--and then can't even use my can opener.

Weather is so gorgeous--I am going to go sit outside. I'm looking forward to this weekend, when I'm going to buy some wine and diet sprite and make me some spritzers.

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Post by lpearlmom » Fri May 29, 2015 7:00 am

Yay for green! You are cracking me up about your cooking. Hope your summer break starts soon. Sounds like you could use a vacation!
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Post by automatedeating » Sun May 31, 2015 7:00 pm


Friday was RED, but barely (by one bowl of evening chips). I told myself maybe I'd start making Friday nights S nights, but I was just trying to justify. I was good without having an extra S night for 20 months, and there's no reason to change that.

The weekend has been reasonable.

Weight: 142 (down 1 pound in 2 weeks). Not bad, considering I've had a choppy start. 135 is a good place for me, so I have 7 pounds to go. I guess I've officially become a yo-yo dieter, because I was at that weight before with NoS. I have some shame about this, but I refuse to let shame sabotage me.

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Post by eschano » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:05 pm

Soooo glad you're back auto!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by Lovedby2 » Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:42 pm

Hi Automatedeating! I loved reading your posts before you left so I am glad to see you are back, even though the reason is not a happy one. I pretty much have accepted that the weight battle is for life, at least for me. My grandmother fought weight all her life until about 85 when she became really thin for the first time in her life. That is just not fair. :roll:
Always learning.

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Post by clarinetgal » Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:38 am

Sorry you're feeling some shame. Losing weight is hard! You're definitely getting back on track, so I'm sure you'll eventually get back to 135.

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Post by automatedeating » Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:46 am

hi everybody, thanks for the support. I had a pretty good week so far; all green days. I'll weigh in on Saturday.

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Post by minimizer » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:44 pm

I'm back after being gone for awhile. We're about the same height and size I think. My weight is around 140 now.
We are back and we will do this and we will be OK!

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:26 pm

Shoot! I forgot to weigh in this morning. But, I had a green habit week, so I'm content with my weight, whatever it is.

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:54 am

Yay glad you're getting back on track. The rest will fall into place I'm sure!

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Post by eschano » Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:16 pm

automatedeating wrote: I had a green habit week, so I'm content with my weight, whatever it is.
Love that!
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

July 2012- January 2016
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April 2, 2016

Post by automatedeating » Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:41 pm

I weighed in this morning: 139, so I continue to be the perpetual "not skinny not overweight" gal. Infuriating in its own way, but I also think my body is pretty dang strong and healthy. I simply am not convinced happiness lies in the way of the smaller size, and I'm not willing to make eating (or not) such a priority. Indeed, "automatedeating" is my user name because my original goal in joining so long ago was to NOT have to overthink eating.


1. KIDS: My boys are now 10 and 6. We enrolled them in a small school over a year ago, and both of them are absolutely thriving. I feel giddy with gratefulness that this school is working out so well.

2. JOB: I took on an administrative role at the college I work at. For the past year I have allowed work to slowly creep past the boundaries I traditionally had erected around my family life. BAD automatedeating! Wink So I have reestablished some requirements--mostly, no checking work email at home.

3. EXERCISE: For the 2013-2014 schoolyear, I walked to and from work almost every day. Great Stuff. Great Year. For 2014-2015, I walked for 30 minutes before leaving for work. Not as consistent as the walking to work. For 2015-2016, I basically did NOTHING for exercise Sept-Dec.

Time to reevaulate the exercise (again). I bought a used commuter bicycle, and so my 6-year old and I are riding to his school (2.4 miles away), and then I ride to work. The 10-year old is all pre-teeny on me, so he prefers to walk by himself rather than join us with the bike-riding!!!!

Systems -- mostly the same as always, some tweaks

NoSEating: Back to Basics. No Sweets, No Snacks, No Seconds--EXCEPT on S Days.

NoSpending: No Spending M-F. Shop on the weekends. Pay bills on the weekends. Anything I want on Amazon I can put in the cart but have to wait for Saturday to purchase.

NoSloth: walk/bike to/from work MWF. T/Th morning 10 minutes of Tabata.

RaisingReaders: Read to boys 30 minutes/day, M-F. Working on Redwall right now. Oh, and I highly recommend Dory Fantasmagory. Kids and I loved it!

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Post by osoniye » Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:23 pm

Thanks for stopping by! It's good to see you here again.
I'm glad that school worked out so well for your kids.
No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, Except (Sometimes) on days that start with "S".

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Post by oolala53 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 4:54 pm

Great update. I'm backwards to you on exercise. I have a roll around cart for work or I might park farther from school and walk. Still can't seem to get it in though I have time and mostly fab weather. Human.

I had a health concern come up in Jan. and elected to make some changes to my plates and meal gaps. Not intending weight loss but it happened. But I don't think I could have made myself do these things before this. In fact, I tried for weight loss' sake and it backfired. But I see now that it doesn't need to. Yet, I appreciate so much NOT making weight the focus. It's still not, but eating less still is.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

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Post by lpearlmom » Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:21 am

So good to see your post here! I've really missed your presence around here but glad to hear you're doing well.

I'm esp happy that your boys are thriving and you've found that awesome school. I remember when you were trying to juggle that crazy schedule so your boys could still be homeschooled. Sounds like you've found an amazing solution. We had to go through a couple of school options till we found a good fit too so I get it.

Funny that you feel in the "not skinny not overweight" category because that's kind of where I'm at even though I've got a good 20 lbs on you I'm sure. I'm trying to lose a bit more because well it'd be nice but certainly not anything of any urgency.

Anyway thanks for letting us know where you're at with things. I really hate when people just disappear off the face of the earth never to be seen again.

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Post by ironchef » Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:34 am

hey auto, so great to "see" you here. I'm back for a "tune up" myself at the moment. Also nice to hear that you and your boys are doing well.

I really look forward to reading your next chapter, it's always so inspirational to me.

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Post by RAWCOOKIE » Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:07 am

"NoSpending: No Spending M-F. Shop on the weekends. Pay bills on the weekends. Anything I want on Amazon I can put in the cart but have to wait for Saturday to purchase."

This No Spending thing caught my eye - is it something you've been doing for a while? Does it help? I am forever having to 'check' my budget! I'm on a pretty low income which doesn't make it easy - but does make it very important!
I love Everyday Systems :3

13.6.15 124.25lbs
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:57 pm

April 5th, 2016:

Hi all, nice to hear from some old friends and some new ones (Rawcookie hahaha).

I used NoSpending for a year, and then moved away from it because our crazy schedule required me to make a lot of exceptions. Those always undermine my best intentions! But our schedule is calmer now. At some point I changed the name to something more friendly-sounding (StrategicSpending) and all of a sudden I started to lose my focus for this habit. Honestly, say it like it is: NOSPENDING! That works for me. ;)
It is also is helpful with the kids, who kind of "get" this habit now. Provides practice for delayed gratification for the whole family.

Oh, and RawCookie--I am the hugest fan of YNAB (you need a It is so fun. It turns your budget into a hobby! I have used it for 2 years and can't imagine doing my finances without it.

NoSEating: Green Monday and Green so far today. Cheerios, tacos, fish sticks; cheerios, soup, chicken strips

NoSpending: Greenie Greenie Greenies

NoSloth: Rode bike to work and back Monday and Tuesday (kids are on spring break, so I was able to ride on a Tuesday after all).

RaisingReaders: Green -- Choose Your Own Adventure: Under the Sea; and the Lost Jewels of Nabooti. :)
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by automatedeating » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:17 pm

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

NoSEating: cheerios, beef stew, and ....

NoSpending: Oh, I am loving the return to this financial sanity. Green wads.

NoSloth: Sheesh, I have to bike up this awful hill on the way home. If you see someone huffing and puffing and having to take "curb breaks", it's probably me.

RaisingReaders: Red Yesterday, hoping to do better tonight.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
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Post by lpearlmom » Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:24 pm

Auto: I have to thank you for turning me on to ynab! It has been life changing for us. We're not perfect but now I know exactly how much I have to spend on everything. No more guessing and we even have a nice cushion in there now. It's been amazing and yep I sleep better.
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Post by automatedeating » Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:48 pm

Thursday, April 7th

NoSEating: Green yesterday and green so far today. Cheerios, mac and beef, and probably a microwaveable dinner of some kind.

NoSpending: Greenie.

NoSloth: Rode bike to and from work today.

RaisingReaders: Red again yesterday! The kids are on spring break, the weather has been gorgeous, and by the time they come in I'm exhausted. I gotta get this system back in gear. It's one of my highest priorities as a priority.

FYI, I have a new goal. I want to stick faithfully with NoS from here until my 3rd NoS anniversary (August 25th, I think). If I lose a couple pounds along the way, find. But I'm motivated to keep the habit and be able to update my testimonial without feeling too embarrassed of my failures! :roll: :oops:
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by lpearlmom » Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:09 am

Sorry about the reading but there's something to be said for enjoying good weather. Btw, my 10 year old is in a book club and she loves it. Honestly they play more than they discuss the book but it motivates them to read. Positive peer pressure!
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Post by clarinetgal » Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:06 am

Hi! So nice to see you again! I'm glad things are going well for you!

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Post by automatedeating » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:28 pm

Friday, April 8th

NoSEating: Green: toast, tai noodles, and pizza

NoSpending: S Day for Family Outing. Took kids and a friend of theirs roller-skating last night.

NoSloth: Rode bike to and from work.

RaisingReaders: RED. AGAIN. I throw my hands up. Spring break. :wink: :lol: 8) :arrow:
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
6/20-22.5; 7/20-23.0; 9/20-23.6
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Post by automatedeating » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:31 pm

Saturday, April 9th

S Day!

Weight: 137.1

Had donuts and coffee for breakfast, paid some bills, played on my budget, and checked in with my other hobby--NoS forum! :D

Looking forward to a beautiful day today--the weather's been amazing (Clarinetgal can vouch for me on this). Also looking forward to watching some golf (the Master's is on this weekend).

Enjoy your S Days, everyone!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by oolala53 » Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:31 pm

Great to read your updates. Please remind me where you and clarinetgal hail from. SoCal is enjoying some welcome wetness. At least I welcome it.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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Post by automatedeating » Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:39 pm

Western Washington!
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by lpearlmom » Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:52 am

Sounds like a great weekend! I thought I was the only one who liked watching golf! &#128522;
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Post by automatedeating » Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:48 am

Monday, April 11, 2016

Wow, Linda--that was quite a back 9 of golf yesterday!

NoSEating: cheerios, noodles, tortilla with cheese and beans

NoSpending: Green (I had to think about it, I forgot all about that rule today!)

NoSloth: rode bike: to kids' school; to work; back to kids' school (to volunteer for an hour); back to work; to Taekwondo studio to pick up 6-year old; then the arduous trek up the monster hill with the 6-year old on the bike rack!

RaisingReaders: Read 30 minutes from Sasquatch Escape, and a few minutes for one Choose Your Own Adventure. After all that, my younger son claimed he didn't remember anything about the story. I was so mad! Time for a glass of wine.

FYI, my older son's table manners gross me out. He's 10, and I'm listening to him slurp up his bedtime "second dinner" of top ramen. Gross.
1/16-26.9; 9/16-25.6
8/17-25.8; 11/17-26.9
3/18-25.6; 8/18-24.5; 10/18-23.8;
3/19-22.1; 10/19-21.8
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:15 am

Hey, I have an old friend, a guy, who lives alone and I swear, he slurps his coffee soooo loudly, I think he's trying to make sound effects for a cartoon! But he doesn't seem to realize it. He's an adult! But he does chew with his mouth closed. I had a female roommate once who made this kind of sucking/slurping sound when she ate. I could hear it from another room. I HOPE someone would tell me if I were doing something similar.

But 10 is 10.
Count plates, not calories. 11 years "during"
Age 69
BMI Jan/10-30.8
1/12-26.8 3/13-24.9 +/- 8-lb. 3 yrs
9/17 22.8 (flux) 3/18 22.2
2 yrs flux 6/20 22

There is no S better than Vanilla No S (mods now as a senior citizen)

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